Jessamine County KyArchives Biographies.....Jackman, Samuel Dickerson 1825 - 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher August 6, 2007, 11:29 pm Author: Bennett H. Young Gen. Samuel Dickerson Jackman. Gen. Samuel Dickerson Jackman was a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army of Missouri. He was born in Nicholasville in the brick house on the left hand side of the road leading to Sulphur Well, and opposite the present house of Thos. B. Crutcher, Sept. 18, 1825. He was a courageous soldier, vigorous and active in the field, and was extremely successfuly in his raids on the Federal lines in Missouri during the war. His mother was the daughter of David Dickerson, and he served in the War of 1812. His father, Dr. John Jackman, left Jessamine county and settled in Missouri in 1831. General Jackman removed from Missouri at the close of the war, to Texas, where he died in 1893. He amassed a large fortune and died childless. Additional Comments: Extracted from: A HISTORY OF JESSAMINE COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FROM ITS EARLIEST SETTLEMENT TO 1898. By BENNETT H. YOUNG, PRESIDENT POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY; MEMBER FILSON CLUB; MEMBER CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1890; AUTHOR HISTORY OF THE CONSTITUTIONS OF KENTUCKY, OF "BATTLE OF BLUE LICKS, ETC, ETC. S. M. DUNCAN, ASSOCIATE AUTHOR. Every brave and good life out of the past is a treasure which cannot be measured in money, and should be preserved with faithfullest care. LOUISVILLE, KY.: COURIER-JOURNAL JOB PRINTING CO., 1898. File at: This file has been created by a form at