Jessamine County KyArchives Biographies.....Lillard, E.T. January 23 1847 - unknown ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin September 16, 2004, 5:15 am Author: Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin E. T. LILLARD was born June 23, 1847, and is the third son of Stephen and Rosana (Hudgins) Lillard. Stephen Lillard was born in Anderson County, Ky., June 23, 1808, is still living, and is engaged in farming and stock raising. Mrs. Rosana Lillard was born in Anderson County, and is the daughter of Judge William Hudgins; her mother's maiden name was Blake, a niece of Lord Dudley Blake, of England. Mr. Lillard farmed in his native county of Mercer up to 1862. He then went out with Buford's cavalry, Company A, Fifth Kentucky, gotten up in Woodford County, with D. Howard Smith as colonel, but was transferred to Morgan. Mr. Lillard was in the noted battle of Perryville, Ky., Appomattox C. H., Va., London Cross Roads, Ky., where he was wounded in the left arm but did not go off duty, and was in every battle Morgan had while under Morgan's command. He was one among 2,000 who was captured and taken prisoners at Buffington Island in the summer of 1863; was sent to Camp Douglas, Ill., where he was detained about fourteen months, but was finally exchanged and went with Lee until April 10, 1865, when Lee surrendered. Although Mr. Lillard was a boy fifteen years old he always went to the front along with the old men. Among the most noted battles in which he took part was the nine days' fight at Stone River, Tenn., between Bragg and Rosecrans. At the close of the war he helped his father at farming until June 22, 1870, when he married Miss Bettie Nooe, of Jessamine County, daughter of Nimrod and Lucy P. (Garnett) Nooe. Mr. Lillard then engaged in farming and stock raising up to 1882, when he was elected to the Legislature by the Democratic party, and served one term. He then went into the implement business in Nicholasville; continued in the business until October 1, 1885, when he was appointed government storekeeper. Mr. Lillard and wife have been blessed with five children, three living: Lucie, Epha and Alvah. He owns 204 acres of good land in Lee District on the Lexington and Harrodsburg Turnpike, but resides in Nicholasville. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. Additional Comments: I have no connection and no further information. This file has been created by a form at