BIO: SMITH, John V., Jessamine Co., KY -------------------------------------------- Contributed for use in USGENWEB Archives by: Diana Flynn Date: October 09, 1997 -------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ***************************************************************************** BIO: SMITH, John V., s/o Peter & Margaret (Ford) Smith SMITH FORD COLLINS "HISTORY OF LAWRENCE, ORANGE & WASHINGTON COUNTIES INDIANA" BY GOODSPEED BROS. 1884. JOHN V. SMITH, a native of the township (Shawswick Township, Lawrence County, Indiana) in which he now resides and the owner and editor of the "Bedford Journal", was born November 6, 1831, the next to youngest in a family of three sons and six daughters, born to PETER and MARGARET (FORD) SMITH. The parents were natives of KENTUCKY and TENNESSEE respectively; were married in the former State, an when Indiana was yet in its infancy immigrated to Lawrence County, first settling in Indian Creek Township, subsequently removing to Shawswick Township where the father died in 1849, followed by the widow in 1867, at the home of our subject, who then lived in Daviess County, Indiana. John V. Smith was raised a farmer, receiving such educational advantages in youth as were common at that early day. After the death of his father he began doing for himself, and in July, 1851, was united in marriage with Miss SUSAN A. COLLINS, of Monroe County, Indiana. Until the war he followed farming, but in January, 1864, became a private in Company I, One hundred and Twentieth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, served the Atlanta campaign, but after the reduction of Atlanta was detached from Sherman's army and sent in pursuit of Hood. After the war Mr. Smith was retained in the service for provost duty in the South until January, 1866, when he received his discharge. He engaged in merchandising at Clarksburg, Indiana, continuing about ten years, the last five years of his stay being also editor and proprietor of the "Clarksburg Spy". In 1877 he returned to Lawrence County, and in June of that year established the "Brdford Journal", which he has since edited with ability and managed with financial success. Mr. Smith is a Republican and a member of the Masonic and G.A.R. fraternities. Both he and wife belong to the Christian Church, and are parents of eight children, all of whom are now dead. Mr. Smith has lately bought the "Mitchell Commercial". ======================================================================== E-MAIL IDENTIFICATION OF UNKNOWN COUNTY BIOGRAPHY - October, 30, 1998 ======================================================================== Submitted by: Lonnie Fink "" John V. Smith belongs with Jessamine Co, KY, The parents married there in 1814. hope this helps. lonnie