Jessamine-Jefferson-Mercer County KyArchives Biographies.....Young, Daniel P. 1833 - 1878 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher August 6, 2007, 9:39 pm Author: Bennett H. Young Daniel P. Young. Rev. Stuart Robinson, in speaking of Rev. D. P. Young, said: "Mr. Young was perhaps the most successful of all the ministers of the Presbyterian church in Kentucky in winning souls to Christ. His greatness consisted in his wonderful skill in engaging the attention, alike of the converted and unconverted, in the Gospel way of salvation, and his eminent ability in expounding the Scriptures, setting forth that way, and beseeching men in Christ's stead to be reconciled to God. The secret of his success was in large part that his heart was in his work; and he was a man who had a very large heart, filled with the love of Christ and the love of souls. Nobody who knew him ever doubted the earnestness of his piety and holy zeal in the service of his Master. The many people all over Kentucky, who these twenty years after his death, grasp the hands of his children with a warmer clasp when they know who they are, and who speak their affection for him with tears in their eyes, is the greatest evidence of the warm place he held in the hearts of those who came under his influence." Daniel P. Young was the oldest child of Robert and Josephine Henderson Young, and on the lot where Jessamine Female Institute now stands, was born on February 22d, 1833. Under his mother's influence he early consecrated his life to Christ and resolved in his boyhood to devote himself to the gospel ministry. After passing through the home schools he entered Hanover College, at Hanover, Indiana, and graduated in the class of 1852. After finishing his course there, he prepared to attend Transylvania University to pursue the study of law, but while on his way to Lexington he was induced by his conflicting emotions to change his mind and turned back to Danville, Ky., where he entered the Presbyterian Theological Seminary. His first charge was at Georgetown, Ky., where under his ministry the membership of the church was largely augmented and in an unusual degree he won the love and affection of his congregation. From there he removed to the renowned Providence church, in Mercer county, and from there he was induced by the insistence of friends to accept the charge of the Nicholasville church. In both success crowned his efforts and he was blessed in the upbuilding of these churches. In 1878, he was called to the charge of the Presbyterian church at Anchorage, and in conjunction with it the principalship of Bellewood Seminary and Kentucky Presbyterian Normal School. His eminent fitness for this position was recognized on every hand, but, within a few months after he removed to Anchorage, on June 30th, 1878, he ended the labors of his earnest, useful and faithful life. Additional Comments: Extracted from: A HISTORY OF JESSAMINE COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FROM ITS EARLIEST SETTLEMENT TO 1898. By BENNETT H. YOUNG, PRESIDENT POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY; MEMBER FILSON CLUB; MEMBER CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1890; AUTHOR HISTORY OF THE CONSTITUTIONS OF KENTUCKY, OF "BATTLE OF BLUE LICKS, ETC, ETC. S. M. DUNCAN, ASSOCIATE AUTHOR. Every brave and good life out of the past is a treasure which cannot be measured in money, and should be preserved with faithfullest care. LOUISVILLE, KY.: COURIER-JOURNAL JOB PRINTING CO., 1898. File at: This file has been created by a form at