Court Records: February 1799 to April 1799 Jessamine County, Ky -------------------------------------------- Contributed for use in USGENWEB Archives by: Bryce Stevens Date: June 06, 2000 -------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ***************************************************************************** Transcribed by Bryce Stevens Court Orders Book Vol 1A 1799-1800 Page Six (Pages One through Five are missing) The line indicates the recorder's pen slash separating entries. Immediately below the line is the marginal precis of the order. February 26th 1799 To Daub[???] Pano on said Roads and that Gabriel Madison be appointed to allot the lands to work on the above precinct. _____ N. Drake Surveyor Ordered that Nathaniel Drake be appointed Surveyor of Curds Road from Paschetes on said Road to Melvin Loweries & that Archibald Logan be appointed to allot the hands to work on said Road within the above Precinct. _____ Melvin Lowery Surveyor Ordered that Melvin Lowery be appointed Surveyor of Curds Road from said Services on said Road to Mrs Curds fence and that John Hawkins be appointed to allot the hands to work on said Road within the above Precinct. _____ Ben Bradshaw Surveyor Ordered that Benjamin Bradshaw be appointed Surveyor of Curds Road from Mrs Curds fence on said Road to Midmay and that William Bradshaw be appointed to allot the hands to work on said Road within the above Precinct. _____ Daniel Mitchell & John Chiles Qualified Inspectors of Flour & Hemp Johnsons Warehouse Daniel Mitchell and John Chiles Gentlemen produced a Commission from James Girrard Esquire appointing them inspectors of Flour & Hemp at Johnsons Warehouse Whereupon after taking the Several Oaths prescribed by law they together with George Walker Security of the said Daniel and George Walker & Marston Clay Security of the aforesaid John Entered into & acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty of 100 with Condition as the law directs. _____ T Reynolds Surveyor Ordered that Thomas Reynolds be appointed Surveyor of the [Wat????n] Road to [C??suels] from said Road to the Crossing of Wm Jessamine and that George Page Seven February 26th 1799 George Walker James Hawkins and James Howard be appointed to allot the hands to work on said Road within Reynolds Precinct. _____ John Ellison Surveyor Ordered that John Ellison be appointed Surveyor of the east leading from the Hickman Road to Versails from the main crossing of Jessamine to the South fork of Clear Creek and that William Price Archibald Logan & Nathaniel Drake be appointed to allot the hands to work on said Road within the above Precinct. _____ [Fo?r??a] McGrath Surveyor Ordered that [Fe?r??a] McGrath be appointed Surveyor of the Road leading from the Hickman Road to Versails from the South fork of Clear Creek to the Woodford Line and that William Scott Thomas Scott and James Dougherty be appointed to allot the hands to work on said Road within McGraths Precincts. _____ Reubin Boston Surveyor Ordered that Reubin Boston be appointed Surveyor of the Road leading the the mouth of Shuwanas Run from the County [???] next to Lexington to Simon Frosts and that George Smith and William Scott be appointed to allot the hands to work on the said road within the above Precinct. _____ Sam Scott Surveyr Ordered that Samuel Scott be appointed Surveyor of the [???] Road leading from Lexington to the mouth of Shuwanas Run from Simon Frosts to the Woodford or County Line and that Joseph Wood & James Dougherty be appointed to allot the hands to work on the Said road within the above precinct. _____ Page 8 February 26th 1799 Augustin Gatewood Surveyor Ordered that Augustin Gatewood be appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Clays Mill to Lexington from said Mill to the County Line and that Robert Shanklin be appointed to allot the hands to work on said Road within the above Precinct. _____ Viewers apptd On the Petition of John Lewis Esquire, It is Ordered that Edw Bradley John Mathers and Peter Ellison be appointed Viewers of the road Proposed to run from Lewis's Mill to intersect the [Frank?d] Road near John Mathers's Sen. and that they being first duly sworn do view the Land through which said Road is proposed to run and make report of the Conveniences and inconveniences that will result as well to Individuals as to the Public of said Road be opined to the Next County Court. _____ Robert Bowls Surveyor Ordered Robert Bowls be appointed Surveyor of the Road leading from Davenports on the Hickman Road to John Lewis Esq's Mill on Jessamine in the [St???] of David Hagar and that Jonas Davenport and Charles West be appointed to allot the hands to Work on Said Road within Bowls's Precinct. _____ Phillip Webber Surveyor Ordered that Phillip Webber be appointed Surveyor of the Hukinson Road from the County Line next to Lexington, to the 10 Mile Tree on said Road and that William Anderson and Henry Brock be appointed to allot the hands to Work on said Road within the above Precinct. _____ Court adjd. Ordered that the Court adjourn until Tomorrow Morning 10 O clock William Lewis Page 9 February 27th 1799 At a Court Continued and held for the County of Jessamine at the House of Fisher Rice in Said County on Wednesday the 27th day of February 1799 Present. William Lewis Thomas Caldwell James Johnson & John Freeman Gentlemen Justices _____ P Gray Surveyor Ordered that Captain Patrick Gray be appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Lexington the the Mouth of Hickman from the 10 to the 14 Mile tree on said road and that Thos. Caldwell and Jonas Davenport be appointed to allot the hands to Work on said road within the above Precinct. _____ J. McKinney Surveyor Ordered that Captain John McKinney be appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Lexington to the Mouth of Hickman from the fourteen to the Eighteen Mile Tree on said road & that John Freeman Esquire and Jonas Davenport be appointed to allot the hands to Work on said road within McKinneys Precinct. _____ W. Wyets Surveyor Ordered that Walter Wyets be appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Lexington to the Mouth of Hickman from the Eighteen Mile tree on said road to the Mouth of Hickman & that he also be appointed Surveyor of the road leading to Johnsons ferry & that George Walker Esquire & James Hawkins be appointed to allot the hands to work on said roads within the above precincts. Page Ten February 27th 1799 J. Huckstep Surveyor Ordered that John Huckstep be appointed Surveyor of the Sugar Creek road from the Hickman Road to the Kentucky River & that Iley Metcalf & Saml. Johnson be appointed to allott the Hands to work on said Road within the above precinct. _____ David McKee Surveyor Sil Creek Ordered that David McKee be appointed Surveyor of the Silver Creek road from Johnsons Tavern on the Hickman Road to the Crossing of Hickman Creek above William Shreves Mill & that Jas. Johnson & William Anderson be appointed to allot the Hands to work on said Road within the above Precinct. _____ H. Hanley Surveyor Sil Creek Ordered that Henley Hanley be appointed Surveryor of the Silver Creek Road from the Crossing of Hickman Creek above William Shreves Mill to the Kentucky River at Goggins Ferry & that Will Shreves and Hugh Chrisman be appointed to allot hands to work on said Road within the above precinct. _____ Will Marshall Surveyor Ordered that Will Marshall be appointed Surveyor of Todds Road from its intersection with the Hickman Road to the County line near Vennables Tavern & that Richard Young & abner Young be appointed to allot hands to work on said Road within the above Precinct. Transcribed by Bryce Stevens Court Orders Book Vol 1A 1799-1800 The line indicates the recorder's pen slash separating entries. Immediately below the line is the marginal precis of the order. Page Eleven February 27th 1799 Absent Thomas Caldwell Gentleman Viewers appointed Ordered that John Freeman Martin Dickerson and Hugh Chrisman being first duly sworn be appointed to View the best and most Convenient way for a Road to run from or near Geo Walkers on the Hickman Road to the Hickman Creek at Will Shreves Mill and make report of the procedings and measurements that will result as well to Individuals as to the publick if said Road be Opened to the next County Court _____ Viewers appointed Ordered that William Shreves John Berry and Minor Young being first duly sworn be appointed to view the best and most Convenient way for a road to run from William Shreves Mill in a direction to Boons Station as far as the County Line extends and make report of the Conveniences and Inconveniences that will result as well to Individuals as to the Public if said road be opened to the April Court. _____ Court adjd. Ordered that the Court adjorn Untill to morrow Morning at 10 Oclock. Will Lewis _____ At a Court Continued and held for the County of Jessamine on Thursday the 28th day of February 1799. Present William Lewis Tho Caldwell Will Price Gab Madison Geo Walker James Johnson John Lewis Hugh Chrisman and John Freeman Gentlemen Page Twelve February 28th 1799 Leave to Keep a Tavern On the Motion of John Rice It is ordered that License be granted him to keep a Tavern at his house in this County he having previously entered into Bond with John Ivanson[?] his security in the penalty of fifty Pounds Conditions as the Law directs. _____ Counter Security demand On the Motion of James Dudgeon Security for Rebeccah the wife of James Bates as Administratrix of her late husband John Dickerson deceased It is Ordered that the said James and Rebeccah his Wife be summoned to appear at the next County Court to show cause if any they can why they should not give the said James Counter Security for his indemnity. _____ Ct. adjd. Ordered that the Court adjourn from this Time to Jonas Davenports untill Court in Course [next?] Will Lewis The Court begun and held for the County of Jessamine at the house of Jonas Davenport in said County on Monday the 22nd day of April 1799 Present Will Lewis Tho Caldwell Gab Madison Jas. Johnson Will Price Gentlemen [Sitting?] _____ Viewers Apptd made return The Persons appointed to View the ground through which a Road is proposed to be Conducted from William Shreves Mill in a direction towards Boons Station as far as the County line extends made their Report in the following words We William Shreves John Berry & Minor Young have Viewed the ground from William Shreves mill on Hickman Creek to the County line on a direction towards Boons Station agreable to an order of Last Court Page Thirteen Running through the lands of William Shreve Samuel [Ruby?] Bluford Craven Shepherd on the line Between Minor Young & John Berry and through the N.W. corner of John Broaddus and the S.E. Corner of John Price To strike the Tates Creek Road on the Top of a Hill about half way between the 11 and 12 Mile Trees on the last mentioned Road supposed to be about 3 1/2 Miles from said mill to the County Line and believe to be through Favourable Ground and will a useful Road be to the Neighbourhood and Publick in General and Know of no disadvantages it will be to any individual as we have heard of no objection in Consideration whereof it is the opinion of the Court that the same will be Convenient Wm Shreve Minor Young John Berry _____ Report of road The Persons appointed to View the ground through which a road is Proposed to be Conducted from or near Geo Walkers on the Hickman Road to the Hickman Creek at William Shreves Mill made their report in the following words Agreeable to an order of the County Court of Jessamine to us directed we John Freeman, Martin Dickerson, and Hugh Chrisman being first duly sworn have Viewed the ground through which a Road is proposed to run from or near Geo Walkers on the Hickman Road to William Shreves Mill on Hickman Creek Page Fourteen March 21st 1799 Beginning at George Walkers Running through his land also the lands of John Huckstep . . . Henderson Saml. Johnson thence on a line Between Frances Miller & John Freeman thence through Hezekiah Jacksons Geo. Walters Samuel Walters John Moores .. .. .. Houzer, David Jacksons thence on a line Between Hugh Chrisman & John Tredaway thence through Joshua Hudson Hugh Chrisman William Shreves to his Mill, we are of opinion that a road Cut out as above mentioned will be of advantage to the publick & but little disacvantages to Individuals objected by no person or persons as we know of on Consideration whereof it is the opinion of the Court that the same Will be Convenient Martin Dickerson John Freeman Hugh Chrisman _____ the 11 March report on Lewis Mill. The Persons appointed to View the ground through which a Road is proposed to be Conducted from Lewis's Mill to intersect the frankfort Road near Peter Allison In Obedience to the worshipfull Court of Jessamine County we the Subscribers have Viewed the ground which the road is to go through to intersect the frankfort Road through Edward Bradleys John Loureys John Wethers and Peter Allisons and all with free Consent instruct it is the opinion of the Court that the same will Convenient Witness our hands this 11th Day of March 1799 John Walters Ser Edwd Bradley Peter Allison Wm Campbell Page Fifteen March 11th 1799 On Consideration whereof it is the opinion of the Court that the same will be Convenient. _____ Deputy Sheriff [?a??ed] On the Motion of Charles West High Sherriff of this County Tho B Scott after having taken the oath of office and oaths Prescribed by the Constitution of the united States is permitted by the Court to act as his Deputy Sherriff within this County _____ Propreitors of Ld Sumd. Ordered that the Different proprietors of the land through which the above roads are proposed to be Conducted be summoned to appear at the next Court to show Cause if any they Can why the above Roads should not be opened _____ Persent Hugh Chrisman Gent _____ J Huckstep Ster Crowder Surveyors Ordered that John Huckstep be appd surveyor of the Sugar Creek Road from the Hickman Road to the Crossing of little Hickman & that Sterling Crowder be appointed surveyor of [sa??] from the above Crossing to the Kentucky River _____ Persons to allot hands Ordered that Samuel Johnson James Howard James Hawkins & John Scott be appointed to allot the Hands to work on the Precincts of Robt Boules Thomas Reynolds Walter Wyatte John Huckstep and Sterling Crowder Transcribed by Bryce Stevens Court Orders Book Vol 1A 1799-1800 Page Sixteen The line indicates the recorder's pen slash separating entries. Immediately below the line is the marginal precis of the order. April 22 1799 Deed Ackd. An Indenture of Bargain & Sale Between James [L???] and Mary [J???] his wife of the one part & George Wharton of the other part was Acknowledged in Court by the said James & Mary a party thereto (she being first privily Examined Seperately and apart from her said Husband & [???ing] Voluntarily Relinquished her right of Dower thereto] to be this[?] act and Deed and ordered to be recorded. _____ Com Tax Prpty Appd. Ordered that Captain John McKinney be appointed Commissioner of the Taxable Property within this County during the year one Thousand seven Hundred and Ninety Nine. _____ Coms apptd to let Jail Ordered that William Shreves James Johnson Tho Caldwell Joseph Crockett & William Robards Gentlemen be appointed Commissioners to Contract & agree with any person or persons they may deem proper for erecting the publick Jail & Stray pen at the seat of Justice in Jessamine County. _____ Seat of Justice Establd. Present John Freeman John Lewis John Berry Gentleman Ordered that the seat of Justice for Jessamine County be perminantly fixed on the Lands of Tho Caldwell and Chafley Gates on the Hickman Road. _____ At adj. Ordered that the Court adjourn till to morrow morning ten Oclock. Will Lewis Page Seventeen Apr 23rd 1799 Court Contd. At a Court Continued and held for the County of Jessamine at the house of Jonas Davonport in said County on Tuesday the 23rd day of April 1799 Present William Lewis Thomas Caldwell James Johnson John Lewis & John Freeman Gentleman _____ Kerby Constable Ordered that Hawkins Kerby be appointed Constable for this County within the following District (Viz) Bounded on the East by the Hickman Road By this Road leading from Seth Thruston to Nat Drakes on the north, thence by the Road Leading to Lambs Mill Thence by the Woodford Line to the Kentucky River from Thence by the Kentucky River or County Line on the south to the Hickman Road & whereupon he took the several oaths Prescribed by law and together with John Walters his security executed their Bond in the penalty of Five hundred Dollars Conditioned as the Law directs. _____ Order [....] A Summons against James Bates and Rebeccah his wife being returned executed and they not appearing although [????ly] called On the Motion of James Dudgeon by Joshua Lewis his attorney It is ordered that he take into his Possession the goods Chattles and Credits the Property of John Dickinson deceased to indemnify him against the Commission of Waste in the said estate for the due administration of which he is Security to the said Rebeccah. Page Eighteen Apr. 23d 1799 Jesse Stovall Constable Ordered that Jesse Stovall be appointed Constable for this County within the following Bounds (Viz) From the Hickman Road along the Frankfort Road to the East fork of Jessamine Creek & up said Creek to the Hickman Road Thence up said Road to Thomas Caldwells Smith shop Thence with the Line made between Jas Baxter & Charles McCabe to Hickman Creek & Down said Creek to Terrys Bottom thence a Straight line to John Scotts on the Hickman Road. Whereupon he took the several oaths Prescribed by Law and together with Jonas Davonport his security executed their Bond in the Penalty of Five Hundred Dollars Conditioned as the Law Directs. _____ P. Criers apptd. Ordered that Bartholomew Kindred and John [C???er] be appointed Public Cryers within this County. _____ Tavern rates Establed. Ordered that the following Rates be observed by the different Tavern Keepers within this County (Viz) [ ... ] Spirits Per half pint three Shillings Wine Per half Pint Two Shillings and Six Pence Brandy Per half Pint one Shilling and Six Pence Whiskey Per half Pint nine pence Lodging six Pence Breakfast one Shilling Dinner one Shilling and Six Pence Supper one Shilling Stablage & hay Per Night nine Pence barn and Oats Per Gallon nine Pence Pasturage for twenty four Hours nine Pence Page Nineteen April 23rd day 1799 Scott [ ... ] tavern On the Motion of John Scott it is Ordered that License be granted him to Keep a Tavern at his house in this County upon his giving Security Whereupon together with Benjamin [????] his Security Executed their Bond in the Penalty of fifty Pounds Conditioned as the Law directs. _____ [ ... ] Tavern On the motion of John Gates It is ordered that a License be granted him to Keep a Tavern at his house within the County upon his giving Security whereupon he together with Archer Dickerson and Chesly Gates [???] [???ritus] Executed their Bond in the penalty of fifty Pounds Conditioned as the Law Directs. _____ Commissioners Apptd. Ordered that Jonas Davonport John McKinny Wm. Campbell & James Curd or any three of them being first duly sworn be appointed to View the ground through which a Road is proposed to be conducted from Downs ferry on the Kentucky River to the seat of Justice & make Report of their Pro Conveniences and inconveniences as that will result as well to individuals as to the public if said Road be opened. _____ Commissioners apptd. Ordered that Roger Pallom James Guy James Johnson & Francis Lowens or any three of them being first duly sworn be appointed to View the ground through which a road is Proposed to be Conducted from the seat of Justice to the Page Twenty Apr. 23d 1799 mouth of Tates Creek and make Report of the Conveniences and Inconveniences that will result as well to Individuals as the Public if said Road be opened. _____ Viewers Apptd. Ordered that Archer Dickerson James Williams Ezekiel Haydon & Thomas Scott or any Three of them being first duly sworn be appointed to view the ground through which a Road Proposed to be Conducted from the seat of Justice to Clays Mill from thence as in [S???] Direction towards Woodford Court House as far as the County Line and make Report of the Conveniences and Inconveniences that will result as well to Individualls as the Public if said Road to be opened. _____ W Lewis & Jas Johnson Judges of Election J Freeman Clerk Ordered that William Lewis & James Johnson Esqrs. be appointed to preside as Judges of the approaching Election & John Freeman Esqr their Clerk. _____ Leave to Keep Tavern S. Thruston On the motion of Seth Thruston It is ordered that a License be granted him to Keep a Tavern at his house within This County upon his giving Security whereupon he by a [????] with Jno. Freeman his security executed their Bond in the Penalty of Fifty Pounds Conditioned as the Law Directs. _____ Absent Wm. Lewis & John Freeman Gent. _____ Court Adjd. Ordered that the Court adjourn from this Place to Thomas Cladwells shop (or the seat of Justice) till Court in Course. Tho Caldwell Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Bryce Stevens Copyright 2000 Bryce Stevens