Court Records:Nov 1799 to Mar 1800 Jessamine County, Ky Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bryce Stevens Date: June 6, 2000 **************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Copyright 2000 Bryce Stevens **************************************************************************** Transcribed by Bryce Stevens Court Orders Book Vol 1A 1799-1800 Page Sixty-four The line indicates the recorder's pen slash separating entries. Immediately below the line is the marginal precis of the order. [Pages Sixty through Sixty-three are missing] Page Sixty-four November Court 1799 The Court then sat a majority of the Justices of the Coutny being present as a Court of Claims. _____ Richard Hunby produced in Court an account [?re?ors] to and certified as directed by Law amounting to Eight Shillings for killing a wolf which animal was examined and allowed by the Court. _____ William Lewis and James Johnson Esquires produced their account amounting to three dollars each which was examined and allowed by the Court for their proseding as Judges of the last general election. _____ John Freeman Esquire produced an account amounting to [?hre] dollars for his services as Clerk of the last general Elections which was examined and Allowed. _____ John McKinney produced an account in court as Commissioner of the Taxable property within this County in the present years amounting to fifteen Pounds Eighteen Shillings which account was examined and allowed by the Court. Page Sixty-five November Court 1799 Samuel Hughes [Woodson's?] as Clerk of this [?????] produced in Court an account of forty [sh????] for his Ex officio services performed in his capacity during the present year which was examined and by this Court Ordered to be allowed. _____ Samuel H. Woodson produced an account in court amounting to twelve pounds twelve Shillings for Books produced by him for the use of the Office which was examined and ordered to be allowed. _____ Charles West High Sheriff of this County produced in Court an account amounting to forty dollars for Ex officio services performed by him in that capacity during the present year which was examined by the Court and allowed. _____ Frederick Zimmerman Surveyor of this County produced in court an account amounting to One hundred and forty Eight Dollars for services performed by him in running the dividing line between this and the County of Fayette and discovering the centre of Jessamine County, Which was examined and seventy five ther of allowed by the Court. Page Sixty-six November Court 1799 Thomas Butler produced an account in Court amounting to Thirteen Pounds ten Shillings for building a bridge near the mouth of Dicks river Certified by John Lewis Esquire and Benjamin Bradshaw persons appointed by the Court to superintend the building of said and to be the sum agreed to be given by them to said Butler for the erection thereof which acount was examined and allowed by the Court. _____ James McBride produced an account in Court amounting to 11 Dollars for making a [Tukate Bone ?] which was examined and allowed by the Court. _____ George Allison produced and account in court sworn to and certified as the law directs amounting to Fifty three shillings for Killing four old and Seven young Wolves which was examined and allowed by the Court. _____ Samuel H. Woodson produced in Court and account amounting to twenty nine Dollars and fifty cents as Fines received by him for the use of the commonwealth during the year Page Sixty-seven November Court 1799 year one Thousand seven Hundred and ninety nine which account after having been sworn to as directed is Ordered to be certified to the Auditor of Public accountg. _____ John Carrol produced his account amounting to [??] pounds nine Shillings for building Stray pen & Stocks certified by James Johnson and Thomas Caldwell as to the stray pen and by Patrick Gray and Joseph Prewit with respect to the stocks to be the sum agreed to be given by them to the said Carroll for building said Stray Pen and Stocks which was examined and allowed by the Court. _____ Ordered, that the account of the Sheriff of this County amounting to Eight Shillings & six Pence for hiring a Guard twenty four Hours on James Webb be allowed. _____ Ordered that there be allowed to Ben Blackford as Pr. his account produced in Court and examined Thirty Eight Shillings for his Keeping and providing for a poor person. Page Sixty-eight November Court 1799 The Court then proceeded to lay the County Levy. The County of Jessamine as pr. Accounts produced by persons as before stated To Two Hundred and twelve pounds seventeen Shillings: L212.17.0 To Nine Hundred and twelve dollars for Court house, Sheriffs, commission, etc. : 273.15.0 County Debts ... 486.12.0 Contra ... 0s By Sixteen Hundred and Twenty two Tithables at six Shillings Per Tithable. Credits. 486.12.00 Ballance .. L..0.0.0 _____ Ordered that the Sheriff of this County Collect of each Tithable within this County the above levy. _____ Ordered that the two Orders of this Court for viewing roads from this to daughertys on Versails road & to Clays Mill be rescinded. Page Sixty-nine November Court 1799 Ordered that Joseph Prewitt, James Williams, [A??] [J????] and James Caruthers or any three of them being first duly sworn be appointed to view the ground through which a road is proposed to be conducted from the seat of Justice to Clays Mill and from thence in a direction to Caves Mill as far as the County Line and make report of the Conveniences and inconveniences that will result as well to Individuals as the public if said road be opened and make report to the next Court. _____ Ordered that Jas. Freeman, Walter Wyatte, Jasper Griffen, and Francis Miller, or any three of them being first duly sworn be appointed to view the ground through which a road is proposed to be conducted from the Cleft of Hickman to intersect the shugar creek road on the other side of Hickman so as to pass Metcalfs Mill and make report of the Conveniences and inconveniences that will result as well to individuals as to the public if said road be opened to the next Court. _____ Ordered that James Hemphill, Martin Dickerson, Hugh Chrisman, and John Moore or any three of them being first duly sworn be appointed to view the ground through which a road is proposed to be conducted from Mr. Woodgates on Hickman to the Widow Walkers and make report of the conveniences & Inconveniences that will result as well to individuals as the public if said road be opened to the next Court. _____ Ordered that the Court adjourn untill court in Course Thomas Caldwell Transcribed by Bryce Stevens Court Orders Book Vol 1A 1799-1800 Page Seventy The line indicates the recorder's pen slash separating entries. Immediately below the line is the marginal precis of the order. December Court 1799 At a Court Begun and Held for the County of Jessamine at the Courthouse thereof on monday the 23rd day of December 1799. Present William Lewis James Johnson John Lewis Gent Justices Woodson G. Wren produced in Court his Licence properly authenticated as the Law directs whereupon he after having taken the several oaths prescribed by the Laws and Constitution of the state and Consititution of the united states was admitted to practise as an attorney in this Court. _____ On the motion of Thomas Johnson It is ordered that a Licence be granted him to Keep a Tavern at his house in this County upon his giving Security whereupon he together with James Johnson his Security executed their Bond in the penalty of L50 Conditioned as the Law directs. _____ Elizabeth Bates vs. Edward [Bellews?]: upon an appeal from the Judgment of Thomas Caldwell Esqr. for the sum of [??] upon the motion of the appellant & for reasons appearing to the Court It is ordered that the appeal be continued untill the next Court at the appellants Costs. Page Seventy-one December Court 1799 John Berry vs. John Morehead: upon an appeal from the Judgment of James Johnson, Esquire for Costs of Suit By Consent of the appellant It is ordered that the above appeals be discontinued at the appellants Costs. _____ Present William Scott Gent Justice _____ Ordered that the Former order of this Court establishing a road from the seat of Justice to Downs Ferry be recinded. _____ On the motion of John Lewis Esquire and upon his producing Testimony to the sales of action of the Court of the enformity and mutility of the Following negroes towit: Mary, Isaac and Lew -- It Is considered by the Court that he be hereafter exempted from paying County Levy Tax on said slaves. _____ On the motion of John Walkers and upon his producing Testimony to the satisfaction of the Court of the informity & mutility of Winney a negroe Woman It is considered by the Court that he be hereafter exempted from paying County Levy Tax on said negroe Slave. Page Seventy-two December Court 1799 On the motion of Joseph Oliver and George Anderson who made oath according to Law certificate is granted them for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of Thomas Oliver deceased upon their giving Security whereupon they together with Gabriel Madison and William Pollard their Securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of Two Thousand pounds Conditioned as the Law directs. _____ Ordered that William Pollard Gabriel Madison Augustus Gatewood and Benjamin Bryan or any three of them being first duly sworn do appraise in Current money the personal estate and slaves (if any) of Thomas Oliver deceased and return that appraisement to the next Court. _____ On the motion of Benjamin Netherland It is ordered that he be permitted to Keep a Ferry on the Kentucky River in this County apposite Carvers Ferry upon his giving Security whereupon he together with [B??] Johnson his Security executed their Bond Conditioned as the Law directs. Page Seventy-three December Court 1799 Viewers of road appd. Ordered that Charles Saunders, Joseph Prewitt, William Pollard, Michael Price, William [Rob?????], Robert Shanklin, John Barkly, and David Oliver, being first duly sworn be appointed to view the ground through which a road is prone to be Conducted from the seat of Justice to Higbys mill and make report the the Conveniences and Inconveniences that will result as well to Individuals as to the public if said road be opened to the next Court. _____ The Persons appointed to view the ground thro which a road is proposed to be Conducted from the seat of Justice to Clays Mill and from thence in a direction to Woodson Court house have made the Following report (towit) "Agreeable to an order of the Court of Jessamine County to us directed being first duly sworn have proceeded to view the ground thro which a road is proposed to be Conducted from Nicholasville to Clays mill and on in a directions to Caves Mill and make the Following report" We find that a good and Convenient road can be made to run thro the following persons Lands (Towit) Thomas Caldwell, Benj Blackford, Fisher Rice, Joseph Prewitts on the line between Thomas and Gordon Shanklin, thence Striking thro a corner of Thomas Shanklins Land thro William Lewis's Land then on Line between Lewis and Clay, then Crossing at Clays mill and on the line Page Seventy-four December Court 1799 Line between Williams and Clay thro J. Williams Lands, thence through Chas. Pigmans Land, & John Pigmans Land, thence through Ira Combres Land, Reuben Youngs, Ahijah Woodson, Simeon Frosts, James Carathers, and James Daugherties Land, intersecting with the Frankfort Road. On Consideration whereof its thought convenient and it is ordered that the above mentioned proprietors of the land through which said road is proposed to Conducted be summoned to appear at our next County Court to shew cause, if any they can, why the same should not be extablished a Public road according to the above report. _____ Ordered that Hugh Chrisman, Joshua Hudson, Saml. Reed Sen. and Samuel Reed Jur. or any three of them being first duly sworn be appointed to view the ground between the road leading from Nicholasville to Shreves Mill, and Carvers ferry on the Kentucky river and make report of the Conveniences and Inconveniences that will result as well to Individuals as the public if said road be opened to the next Court. _____ Ordered that [Mr?] Benjamin Netherland be permitted to demand six pence for setting over a man & horse at his Ferry on the Kentucky river opposite Carvers ferry a man without a horse Four pence. Transcribed by Bryce Stevens Court Orders Book Vol 1A 1799-1800 Page Seventy-five The line indicates the recorder's pen slash separating entries. Immediately below the line is the marginal precis of the order, if given. December Court 1799 Ordered that William Robards, James Dunn, [????] Ramsey, and Menoah Singleton, Commissioners appointed by the Last County Court to divide the estate of James Williams, deceased among his Widow and legal representatives and report Specially to the next Court in what manner they have executed that order. _____ Ordered that the Court adjourn untill Court in Course William Scott. _____ At a Court begun and held for the County of Jessamine at the Court house thereof On Monday the 17th day of March 1800 Present William Lewis George Walker James Johnson & John Lewis Gent Justices _____ On the motion of James Young It is ordered that a Licence be granted him to Keep Tavern at his house in this County upon his giving Security whereupon he together with Reuben Young his Security executed their Bond in the Penalty of Fifty Pounds Conditioned as the Las directs. _____ An Inventory of the estate of Charles Webber Deceased was this day returned to Court & ordered to be recorded. Page Seventy-six March Court 1800 On the motion of Sarah Howard who under Oath according Law Certificates is granted her for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of Spencer Howard Deceased upon her giving Security whereupon she together with William Howard Henry King and George Watts, her Securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty of Five Thousand Dollars Conditioned as the Law directs. _____ Ordered that Gabriel Madison, John Keller, John Miller and Thomas Robards, or any three of them being First duly Sworn do appraise in Current money the Personal estate and Slaves, if any, of Spencer Howard Deceased and return the appraisement to the next Court. _____ Ordered that Sarah Howard be appointed Guardian to Ailey Howard, Fleet Howard, and Chichister Howard Infant Orphans of Spencer Howard Deceased upon her giving Security whereupon she together with William Howard, Henry King, and George Watts her Securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty of Three Thousand Dollars for Securing the said Orphans estate & indemnifying the Court. _____ Ordered that James Dudgeon, Jesse Polly, Samuel McDowell & James Johnson, or any three of them being First duly Sworn be appointed to mark the road Leading From this to Nicholas Mill as Far as the Corner of Col. Samueal McDowells Fence. Page Seventy-seven March Court 1800 Martin Stafford who was bound in recognizance to appear at this Court to show cause if any he could why he [sh???] give Security for the maintainance of a bastard child Sworn to him by Mary Coleman this day appeared in discharge of his recognizance It is therfore Ordered that he be discharged therfrom upon his entering into Bond in the penalty of One hundred and twenty pounds conditioned for the payment of Sixty pounds in ten annual payments to be appropriated to the Support of said Child Wherupon he together with James Bates and Nathan Baker his securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty and with condition as above directed. _____ Ordered that the Former Order of this Court appointing George Neal Surveyor of Curds road from the County Line to Pricketts pond be rescinded and Menoah Singleton be appointed in his room and to call on the hands who was Formerly allotted for that purpose. _____ Ordered that John Scott be appointed Guardian to Thornton, Patsey, and Mary Violet, Infants Orphans of Leory Violet Deceased upon his giving Security whereupon he together with John Stonehart and John Brumly his Securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty of Four Hundred Dollars For Securing the sd. Orphans estates and Indemnifying the Court. Page Seventy-eight March Court 1800 Deputy Sherriff Qualified On the motion of Charles West High Sherriff of this County Patrick Gray after having taken the oath of office and Oaths prescribed by the Constitution of the united States is permitted by the Court to act as Deputy Sherriff within this County. _____ Shaderick Pitcher against Thomas Kearns: upon an appeal from the Judgment of William Lewis Esquire for L2.6.9 This day Came the parties aforesaid by their Attorney and the Court having heard the evidence produced and Together with the arguments of their Counsel aforesaid It is Considered by them that the Judgment aforesaid be confirmed and that the appellee recover of the appellant the aforesaid Sum of of [sic] Two pounds Six and nine pence together with his Costs by him about his Suit in this behalf expended. _____ On the motion of Andrew McClure It is ordered that a Licence be granted him to Keep a Tavern at his Dwelling house in this County upon his giving Security whereupon he together with William Price and George Ramsey his Securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the Penalty of Fifty pounds Conditioned as the Law directs. Page Seventy-nine March Court 1800 Ordered that Samuel Johnson Thomas Miller, William Wyatt and John Freeman or any three of them being first duly Sworn be appointed to view the ground through which a road is proposed to be Conducted from the Hickman Road to intersect the Shugar Creek road at little hickman so as to pass Metcalfs Mill, and make report of the Conveniences and inconveniences that will result as well to Individuals as to the public if said road be opened & make report to the next Court. _____ Ordered that Nicholas Lewis be appointed Commissioner of the Taxable property in this County for the year eighteen hundred upon his giving Security whereupon he together with William Lewis his Security entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of Two Thousand Dollars Conditioned as the Law directs. _____ On the motion of Ben Hw Nicholson It is ordered that Archer Dickerson Peter Trisler and James Dunn be appointed commissioners pursuant to an act of Assembly in that case made and provided for the purpose of Joinging in conjunction with [???] Faris the widow of Isaac Farris decd [???] Bud[?] Page Eighty March Court 1800 and [???] his wife and the infant Heirs of the said Isaac Faris deceased in the conveyance of three Hundred acres of land lying in this County to the said Thomas Nicholson according to a Bond given by Isaac Faris in his life time which Bond as follows "Know all men by these presents that we Isaac Farris and Nathan Farris of lincoln County we our heirs and Assigns are held and firmly bound unto Thomas Nicholson of the same county or his Heirs or Assigns in the Just and full sum of Three hundred pounds in gold or silver as Witness our hands and Seals this fourth day of September one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty six. The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above Bound Isaac Farris and Nathan Farris do make or cause to be made a good and lawfull right and title to the above Bound Thomas Nicholson and soforth to a certain tract or parcel of Land containing three hundred Acres lying & being in the County of Fayette lying on Jessamine creek beginning at the said creek and running on Bowman and the said Farris dividing Line to the corner and thence the old line Joining Prickett Clay and Franklin therin to have this three hundred acres of Land laid off to the said Nicholson when required and also the Deed made to the above marked on or before the tenth day of October one Thousand Seven Page Eighty-one March Court 1800 Seven hundred and eighty Seven this the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force and [Virtues?] Signed sealed & Delivered in the presence of Isaac Farris (seal) Nathan Farris (seal) Teste John Farris James Farris is ordered to be recorded And it is further Ordered that they as Commissioners aforesaid Join with the parties before mentioned in Conveying Four hundred acres of Land lying in the County aforesaid according to a Bond given by the said Isaac Farris Decead. to John Franklin which Bond as Follows "Know all men by these presents that I Isaac Farris and James Farris of Lincoln County and State of Virginia am [l??ted] and Stand firmly bound unto John Franklin of the same County in the Just and full Sum of Four Hundred pounds of good and Lawfull mony of Virginia for the true performance of which we bind ourselves our heirs & Exrs. adm. and assigns firmly by these presents so and with our seals and dated this the Ninth of December one Thousand Seven hundred & eighty Four The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Isaac Farris James Farris Shall make or Cause to be made a good and Lawfull right or Title to a certain Tract of Land in Fayette County on Jessamine Creek Containing four hundred acres beginning on the lower line running upon Page Eighty-two March Court 1800 the said Creek dividing the Spring where the said Acres now lives thence up the said Creek for Quantity the said Land to be the other side the Creek opposite to the said Acres if obtained by the said Farris if not obtained the said Farris is to pay to the said John Franklin his heirs or assigns the sum of one hundred and Fifty pounds with Lawfull interest from the day [rece??d.] then the above obligation to be void and of none affect otherwise to remain in full force Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of Isaac Farris (seal) James Farris (seal) Teste Thomas Acres William Morrow thereon ordered Court with the Following Memorandum Memorandum that the said Franklin is to take back the said Property if not [m?] and with Lawfull interest in twelve months if the said Farris shall [?ome] the said Land John Franklin Teste William Morrow is also ordered to be rewarded. _____ Pursuant to an act of Assembly in that case made and provided Charles West high Sheriff of this county together with Francis Lowings Jno. Honestreat and James Johnson Esquire his Securities came unto court and entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of ten Thousand dollars conditioned as the Law directs for the collection of the Taxes XP. for the year One thousand Seven Hundred and ninety nine to be collected in the year One thousand Eight Hundred. Transcribed by Bryce Stevens Court Orders Book Vol 1A 1799-1800 Page Eighty-three The line indicates the recorder's pen slash separating entries. Immediately below the line is the marginal precis of the order, if given. March Court 1800 The Last will and Testament of George Walker Senr. Deceased was produced in Court by George Walker Junr. one of the Witnesses therein Named and proven by the oaths of George Walker Junior and Robert Spears two of the Subscribing Witnesses and ordered to be recorded. _____ Ordered that the Court Adjourn untill to morrow morning 10 OClock William Lewis _____ At a Court Continued and held for the County of Jessamine at the Court house thereof on Tuesday the 18th day of March 1800, Present William Lewis Thomas Caldwell James Johnson Gent Justices _____ Elizabeth Ball against Edward Bellew: upon an appeal from the Judgment of Thomas Caldwell Esquire for L4.. It is ordered that the appeal be discontinued at the appellants Costs. _____ Ordered that Patrick Gray & John McKinney be appointed Commissioners to Superintend the building of a Court house at the seat of Justice for the use of this County either by Private Contract with any individual or individuals or by letting the same to the Lowest bidder which by them may be deemed most proper. Page Eighty-four March Court 1800 Ordered that Benjamin Blackford be appointed Surveyor of the Hickman road from the 10 mile tree to the 14 mile tree in the room of Capt. Gray to call on the hands who was formerly allotted to Gray to work on the above precinct. _____ A Subpoena for the proprietors of the Land through which a road leading from the seat of Justice to pass Clays and then in a direction to Woodford Court house on which the Following report was made, Towit, "Agreeable to an order of the Court of Jessamine County to us directed being first duly sworn have proceeded to view the ground through which a road is proposed to be Conducted from Nicholasville to Clays Mill and on in a direction to Caves Mill and make the following report "We find that a good and Convenient road can be made to run through the following persons Land (towit) Thomas Caldwell, Benjamin Blackford, Fisher Rice, Joseph Prewitt on the line between Thomas & Gordon Shanklins thence Striking through a Corner of Thomas Shanklins land through William Lewis's Land then on the Line between Lewis and Clay then Crossing at Clays mill and on the line between Williams Page Eighty-five March Court 1800 And Clay then J. Williams Land thence through Charles Pigmans Land and Jesse Pigmans Land then through Asa Combres Land Reuben Youngs, Ahijah Woodson Simeon Frosts, James Carathers and James Daugherties Land intersecting with the Frankfort road, was this day returned Executed & whereupon the Proprietors of the above Lands being Solemnly called and no objection being made Wherefore It is Considered by the Court that the above road be established according to the above report. _____ Ordered that Joseph Prewit be appointed Surveyor of the road Leading from the seat of Justice to pass Clays Mill and on in a direction towards Caves Mill as far as Clays Mill and that Thomas Caldwell & Marston Clay be appointed to allot the hands to work on the above precinct. _____ Ordered that Captain James Williams be appointed Surveyor of the Road leading from the seat of Justice so as to pass Clays Mill and on in a direction towards Caves Mill, from Clay's Mill to Combs Mill and that Marston Clay & Captain James Dunn be appointed to allot the hands to work on the above precinct. Page Eighty-six March Court 1800 Ordered that James Carathers be appointed Surveyor of the road leading from the seat of Justice to pass Clays Mill and on in a direction to Caves Mill from Combres Mill to James Daugherties and that George Smith and Alferd [sic] Williams be appointed to allot hands to work on the above precinct. _____ Ordered that the order of yesterday appointing James Dudgeon and others to mark a road to Colo. McDowells fence be rescinded & that James Dudgeon, Jesse Polly, Caleb McDowell and Roger Patton be appointed to view the ground through which the road from the seat of Justice to the mouth of Colo. McDowells Lane is proposed to be conducted and make report of the Conveniences and inconveniences that will result as well to individuals as to the Public if said road be opened, to next Court. _____ Ordered that the Proprietors of the Land through which a road is proposed to be Conducted from Shreves Mill to seat of Justice also the road leading to Carvers ferry be summoned to shew cause if any they can why said road should not be opened according to the viewers report of its being Convenient. Page Eighty-seven March Court 1800 Ordered that Walter Wyatte and [Ilai?] Metcalf be appointed to Allot the hands ot work on the Precincts of the Shugar Creek road on which John Huckstep and Sterling Crowder are appointed Surveyors. _____ Ordered that Captain Hugh Chrisman and Robert Spears be appointed to allott the hands to work on the precincts of the road leading from the seat of Justice to Shreves Mill on which Chesley Gates and Joshua Hudson are appointed Surveyors. _____ Present William Price Gent Justice _____ Ordered that the County of Jessamine be divided into Pattrolle districts Two on the east and two on the west side of the Hickman road the boundary of the western districts are as Follows the road leading from the seat of Justice to Lambs Mill the Northern Boundary of the lower district and to be bounded on the other three Sides by the County Line, on the west & south and the said road, on the east the upper or the district next to Lexington bounded by the County Line on the west and North Lambs mill road on the south and Hickman Page Eighty-eight March Court 1800 road on the east The Eastern Districts Bounded as Follows the upper district Bounded on the south by the road leading to Shreves Mill from seat of Justice, on the east and North by County Line and by the Hickman road on the West the lower district Bounded by the County Line on south and east and by Hickman road on the west & the above mentioned road leading from Seat of Justice to Shreves Mill on the North. _____ Ordered that John Wharton be appointed Captain of the patrol Company to Consist of James Williams, Samuel Wells & Charles Pigman for the uper district on the west side of the hickman road to Patrol 36 hours in the first month of their appointment and 12 hours in the remaining 11 months of their appointment. _____ Ordered that Woodford Curd be appointed Captain of the Patrol Company to Consist of Lindsey Martin Stephen Lewis and John White for the lower district on the west side of the hickman road to patrol 36 hours in the first month of their appointment and 12 hours in the remaining 11 months during their appointment.