ky-footsteps Wednesday, 6 August 1997 Volume 01 : Number 179 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Edie Suttle Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 09:10:04 -0700 Subject: KY-F: CD, Harrison Co: Page 2, Part 6 R.L. JAMESON R. L. Jameson is the saddle and harness man of Cynthiana. His well known stand, on the corner of Pike and Walnut steet, is a Mecca for horsemen in distress. Dick can fit 'em out with everything needed in the horse-fitting line. For a number of years, although still a young man, he has been engaged in the business, and experience has taught him what the people want. In prices he is always at rock bottom. There is always such a pleasant surprise about the way he "knocks off" for cash that customers invariably buy. Dick keeps no shoddy material. Everything is fresh and new, strong enough to stand the wear and tear of an elephant. Repairing is made a specialty. None but the best workmen are employed and repairs are made while you wait. Remember the place, always, and patronize R. L. Jameson. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J.W. RENAKER, DRUGGIST Mr. John W. Renaker began the drug business in 1864, in the same store on Main street, opposite the court house, that he now occupies. For a number of years, and until last January, he was associated with his brother. Neal retired at that time, and the business is now in the hands of one person. Mr. Renaker is well known throughout the county. His drug store is headquarters for everything that is fresh and pure in his line. He handles no other kind of goods. Pure drugs, patent medicines, a large line of paints, varnishes, oils, all kinds of fancy goods, cigars and tobacco, school books, etc., comprise an immense stock. The store room has recently been beautified and brightened, and one of the handsomest soda water fountains in the state put in. During the summer season the soda fountain is liberally partonized and during all seasons the drug store is popular. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aeloian Hall remains, as of yore, the only place for public amusements. It has recently been put in to good order, and presents a handsome appearance from the exterior. Cynthiana needs a modern opera house, and will have it in the course of a few years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not because I raise myself above something, but because I raise myself to something, do I approve myself.---Jacobi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cynthiana Democrat, June 1896, Page 2 ------------------------------ From: Edie Suttle Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 09:23:54 -0700 Subject: KY-F: CD, Harrison Co: Page 2, Part 7 "Been to Washington?" "Yes" "See Grover?" "Yes." "Did he 'point you?" "Yes." "What to?" "Door." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We want fewer things to live in poverty with satisfaction than to live magnificently with riches.---St. Evermond ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Great memories, which retain all indifferently, are the mistresses of an inn, and not the mistresses of a house.---Mme. Necker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "So you went out driving with your new beau, Susie, and I expect he read your heart like a book." "Yes, mother, he read between the lines." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The DEMOCRAT is indebted to Mr. Hope Redmon for many favors shown in getting the pictures herein presented in good shape. Mr. Redmon stands without a peer in the photographic line. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cynthiana Democrat, June 1896, Page 2 ------------------------------ From: Edie Suttle Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 09:39:14 -0700 Subject: KY-F: CD, Harrison Co: Page 2, Part 8 THE HEDGES CO. This firm, doing business on the corner of Main and Pike streets, is the only one of its kind in the city, and may well be called the Ladies' Emporium as it handles ladies' goods exclusively, furnishing a great many handsome dresses, hats and bonnets for the ladies of our community. In fact, they keep a choice line of the cheapest as well as the best dress goods that can be had in the eastern markets. Mr. Hedges having been in the dry goods trade for some twenty-nine years and visited all the eastern markets, purchasing their dress stuffs from the manufacturers' agents from abroad, will certainly assure you that experience is money and you can have it by seeing their immense stock. Mrs. Hedges has had twenty years experience in the millinery business, ever being on the alert for the newest and most fashionable articles landed from the foreign markets, and one can safely say she is always up to the times in millinery, as she spares no time or expense to get the latest and best of everything in that line. She also employs the best trimmers to be had. Their stock of kid gloves, hosiery, underwear and notions cannot be excelled. When you are in the city don't fall to give them a call. They will make the prices right, for they buy in large quantities, and will give you the advantage. The three story building occupied by the Hedge Co., shows well in the cut of Pike street. It stands on the north-east corner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cynthiana Democrat, June 1896, Page 2 ------------------------------ From: Edie Suttle Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 10:37:53 -0700 Subject: KY-F: CD, Harrison Co: Page 3, Part 1 THE DEMOCRAT J.M. ALLEN, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER WEEKLY EDITION PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE SPECIAL - EDITION THE ILLUSTRATED EDITION In presenting to the people of Cynthiana and vicinity the illustrated edition THE CYNTHIANA DEMOCRAT, the editor feels that some acknowledgment is due the patrons who have liberally backed the enterpirse financially, as well as those who have contributed to its columns. The work has proved more laborious, and has been confronted with more difficulties than could have been anticipated at its inception, and the promise of success has not always been the brightest. As the work progressed it expanded rapidly and many additional expenses became necessary. The editor never despaired of ultimate success, though at times the outlook darkened and many a stumbling block was thrown in the way. The edition is complete. The people shall judge of its merits or demerits. Upon their approbation depends the value of the work, and there should be no apprehension that Cynthiana will fail to appreciate an enterprise under taken soley for the city's benefit. Upon the sales of the paper depends largely the response to the question whether or not this city desires the continued presence of a medium which at all times has the best interests of Cynthiana in view. A few typographical errors, like misplaced letters, appear here and there in this edition, but taken as a whole the paper is remakably free from such mistakes. A competing line of railroad is demanded by the growing interests of Cyntiana. Times are hard now, and no material aid could be securerd; but when money becomes "easier," one may confidently expect a revival of this important question. As this edition will possibly be preserved we desire to keep standing the notice that Cynthianan mush have a complete system of sewerage before absolute cleanliness and protection from epidemics can be secrued. The matter is now being considered by the authorities. Politics has been eschewed in the Illustrated Edition. Where Cynthiana's interests are involved we know no party. Republicans, democrats and prohibitionists work shoulder to shoulder, and not any one party is more intimately connected with the general welfare than another. In a few instances where biographical sketches were written a little politics has necessarily cropped out. The regular weekly edition of THE CYNTHIANA DEMOCRAT appears on Saturdays. The last day of the week affords an opportunity to gather ALL the news, not only from the city, but from the entire county. By an admirable arrangement of the mails, the DEMOCRAT reaches even the remotest postoffices of the county on the day of publication, and presents to the people, as an appetizer for the breakfast Sunday morning, a perfect digest of local news. The DEMOCRAT continues to grow in favor, and, although the oldest newspaper in the county, is a frisky as a lamb on a bright spring morning. It is not proper that Harrison county's interest should be judged solely by what appears in this issue of the DEMOCRAT. The distillery business is probably the largest industry in the county. A large market is afforded for the farmers' corn. No picture of the distillery plants or general explanation of the plans upon which they are run, or the various noted brands are given, because that feature of the DEMOCRAT is advertising and various companies could not see it to their interest to advertise at this time.The same may be said of the stock breeding business. The company is dotted with farms of this kind, and a number of them reach great prominence. For the benefit of the readers who shall fish this issue from the old cedar chest one hundered years hence, as mentioned elswhere, the DEMOCRAT has presented as curiosities some of the jokes that were found in the catacombs of Egypt. The Boston Girl, the bicycle girl, the mother-in-law, the inquisitvie boy, the unhappy married man, the church festival oyster, the ice cream girl---all, all are here. They have made our fathers grin and our forefathers laugh. Perhaps they make our posteriors tired. Any how, the citizens of Cynthiana in 1996, will have an opportunity to keep tab on the editor of the DEMOCRAT of that year, and at the same time allow the editor of 1896 the use of a few valuable "fillers." When this edition of the DEMOCRAT shall be fished from the depths of some old cedar chest one hundred years from now, and new generations shall gaze upon the faces of people long since laid in peaceful slumber beneath earth's emerald robe, it would be interesting to hear the comments and listen to the speculations upon what an unfortunate people we were. All the pride and glory of our little city will have been swallowed in the advancement of the ages. All marvels of electricity will have be eclipsed, the systems of locomotion revolutionized, the art of photography metamorphosed, printing brought to a mere matter of pressing the button. We shall appear strange "old fogies", with queer costumes and querer habits, engulfed in inconveniences and difficulties that seem as though life were scarcely worth the living. For the benefit of future generations the DEMOCRAT desires to state that we people at the end of the nineteenth century believe ourselves "some pumpkins." If by any possiblity pumpkins may have become an extinct vegetable, it may be necessary to say that by considering ourselves "some pumpkins" we refer to the fact that we are "up to snuff." Now, snuff, a light, airy, ephemeral sort of stuff, may have been gathered upon the wings of the wind and wafted into oblivion; so that, in order to be perfectly explicity and make our meaning as clear as the noon day sun, allow us to explain that "there are no flies on us." Flies never die. Their power of suction shall never be lost so long as a bouquet of bald heads exists. We live in perfect comfort. We have all the necessaries and a great many luxuries of life, and, so far as temperence, morality and religion are concerned, the world has never seen our equals. When the time for departure from this existence shall arrive, the majority of us will be ready for the journey, and will, we hope, leave for the benefit of those that are to come the testimony of lives that have been well spent and work that shall live forever. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cynthiana Democrat, June 1896, Page 3 ------------------------------ From: "C. Richard Matthews" Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 09:38:17 -0500 Subject: KY-F: Pineville Cem - Bell Co, part 51 Surname Given Name Born Death Gibson Ben 03/21/1909 05/10/1990 Gibson Laura E. 12/23/1882 04/13/1970 Sharp Jewell Buster 10/15/1911 09/17/1966 Brock Pearl M. 11/09/1919 one date Brock Muriel Delouise 01/14/1924 12/14/1983 Hoskins Robert S. 04/20/1906 08/28/1979 Hoskins Cledith 10/02/1911 12/30/1989 Bingham Timothy L. 12/18/1962 03/13/1992 Bingham Edna Mae 06/20/1918 04/18/1966 Bingham Fred 09/01/1913 05/12/1996 Evans Cora A. 1878 1970 Hodge Ernest 11/09/1903 08/06/1963 Marshall Jess Bernard 11/20/1897 07/16/1975 Marshall Ada Duff 12/30/1901 09/01/1985 Carr Garrett S. 01/11/1911 07/26/1963 Philpot Vaul 11/27/1900 12/16/1962 Philpot Eddie 01/30/1904 07/26/1964 Bundy Letcher 09/01/1902 01/12/1961 Bundy Cecil 09/22/1906 03/02/1983 Price J.R. Jr. 01/01/1913 05/11/1965 Price Sallie Bundy 05/24/1884 12/21/1969 Price John R. 08/12/1886 06/05/1974 Price Mabel 05/15/1919 03/28/1957 Sherwin Bessie Messer 06/10/1908 11/04/1995 Fuson Melvina 09/12/1923 06/25/1968 Messer Maggie Ellen 12/25/1883 07/04/1967 Black John David 08/12/1925 02/01/1957 Lefler Julian Thomas 04/14/1909 12/22/1973 Lefler Hester Green 08/20/1908 one date Green Nancy Catherine 01/11/1882 03/26/1972 Green Homer W. 10/23/1911 06/27/1968 Green Hugh A. 08/03/1915 12/09/1986 Green Robert 08/26/1903 12/09/1974 Jones Ethel G. 08/07/1921 07/09/1986 Jones Boyd 07/28/1915 06/02/1990 Perry Edna Green 06/05/1907 04/11/1982 Perry Charles Henderson 09/03/1892 03/13/1957 McGaffee Estil M. 08/31/1913 04/05/1995 Grubbs Georgia Redmond 01/20/1912 12/29/1975 McGaffee Minnie B. 02/10/1887 09/18/1977 McGaffee John 02/27/1875 08/05/1970 Redmond Robert L. 07/12/1883 03/11/1955 Redmond Ella L. 12/05/1893 11/22/1970 Redmond Paul L. 02/14/1916 06/10/1970 Bentley George Reece 09/23/1896 09/09/1988 Bentley Margie Perkins 06/27/1901 one date Bentley George Reece III 07/24/1959 07/27/1959 Bentley Mary Charles Stacy 10/26/1936 one date Bentley George Reece Jr. 11/11/1931 10/12/1992 Winkler Jake S. 09/22/1888 07/02/1966 Winkler Bertie 10/25/1891 11/28/1954 Aslinger John C. 10/04/1904 01/05/1957 Aslinger Hannah 09/26/1900 06/17/1960 York I.T. 11/30/1871 01/04/1957 York Sallie Frances 04/15/1874 04/22/1956 Owens Sarah Aslinger 03/20/1884 03/06/1964 Jeffery Carolyn Irene 05/16/1936 08/11/1985 Aslinger Jack E. 1923 1982 Madon Theda C. 08/13/1916 02/04/1996 Madon James R. 12/06/1916 09/13/1966 Madon Nathan 06/01/1886 06/25/1965 Madon Mary Louise 02/09/1896 02/17/1966 Hamby J.T. 09/19/1918 one date Hamby Mildred 07/29/1929 05/23/1972 Campbell William Emerson 05/13/1889 05/04/1969 ------------------------------ From: "C. Richard Matthews" Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 10:18:06 -0500 Subject: KY-F: Pineville Cem - Bell Co, part 52 Surname Given Name Born Death Campbell Hilda McGregor 07/17/1891 03/28/1970 McGaffee Nina C. 04/26/1914 04/11/1968 Williams Alice 12/25/1910 one date Gamble Lloyd 07/20/1909 02/03/1981 Gamble Ada 01/08/1910 02/10/1972 Brooks Gillus H. 11/06/1903 08/06/1994 Brooks Abbie E. 05/27/1912 one date Newsome William Thomas Jr. 06/01/1923 09/06/1991 Epley T. Folly 05/06/1905 09/25/1971 Epley Alta 08/30/1909 01/29/1975 Newsome Darlene 06/22/1959 08/07/1971 Carpenter Fred 01/16/1893 11/27/1971 Miracle John H. 11/28/1898 01/30/1972 Miracle Sarah A. 09/04/1898 one date Martin Grace 04/20/1900 02/06/1972 Tye Truitt 1895 1969 Tye Clara 1898 1967 Hoskins Richard James Jr. 01/21/1942 09/07/1987 Goley James 07/28/1920 05/07/1967 Hoskins Bige O. 05/09/1952 01/14/1979 Hoskins Charles Edward 03/20/1967 12/12/1968 Miller Herman 08/16/1929 one date Shelton Amanda Jane 10/11/1901 09/16/1968 Hoskins Nannie 05/28/1911 11/09/1993 Hoskins Richard J. 07/29/1897 09/15/1968 Asher Mary 12/22/1871 08/15/1968 Brock Calvin 03/20/1889 02/20/1969 Ross Chauncey D. 07/30/1893 03/09/1965 Ross Laura 10/13/1903 11/30/1983 Bailey Mossie 06/07/1911 01/28/1973 Smith Warden 07/02/1897 08/13/1971 Smith Mary Ellen 09/28/1896 01/14/1965 Hurd Bonetta 04/24/1951 08/09/1967 Hurd Arthur 02/02/1929 03/12/1994 Hurd Hiram E. 10/11/1905 11/01/1987 Hurd Nadine B. 06/20/1916 11/06/1971 Watson Cordia 1905 1972 Watson William 10/07/1892 12/21/1967 Grubbs Mollie Sue 04/21/1941 04/22/1967 Sears Vinie 03/16/1898 09/11/1966 Sears Thomas N. 05/01/1896 05/07/1973 Brooks Mary Katherine 12/21/1979 12/21/1979 Drummond Wylene Corgn 11/17/1921 02/01/1988 Drummond Arch J. 06/01/1919 12/08/1995 Cornett Joni Renee 10/04/1979 10/04/1979 Mosley Tonia Sue 11/09/1972 02/01/1973 Thompson Lajuan 08/15/1972 08/15/1972 Smith Garrett 04/16/1915 03/13/1993 Smith Elsie 03/10/1937 one date Buchanan Forest C. 1923 1972 Hoskins Clo Buchanan 11/26/1921 07/02/1975 Bays Phoebe 06/10/1899 06/16/1966 Bays Billy 03/12/1891 05/08/1966 Buchanan Jim 07/06/1898 04/03/1976 Buchanan Pansy 05/23/1901 04/25/1985 Browning Cecil W. 05/01/1915 11/05/1983 Miracle Lee Otis 08/12/1903 08/06/1973 Miracle Minnie W. 07/02/1900 07/02/1975 Garland Vernon 1921 1996 Quackenbush Howard 1912 one date Quackenbush Mamie 1916 1965 Miracle J. Harvey 01/18/1882 01/17/1970 Miracle Mary Jane 08/31/1881 09/07/1969 Messer Charles E. 04/20/1927 03/18/1994 Cupp Martha 08/08/1903 12/31/1985 ------------------------------ From: Darrell Warner Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 09:51:15 -0500 Subject: KY-F: MARR: Greenup Co, 1804-1820 Alphabetised Marriages of Greenup County, Kentucky, 1804 - 1820 Compiled by: Darrell Warner Aills, Benjamin to Young, Polly 5-30-1814 Alexander, Asa to Gorman, Polly 10-11-1817 Alexander, Dorkas to Wimberly, Thomas 7-7-1813 Applegate, Hannah to Scott, John 7-19-1808 Applegate, Hannah to Leveree, John 2-28-1820 Arthur, Nancy to Mills, James 5-13-1820 Ashley, Elizabeth to Gilliam, William 12-21-1812 Auxen, Daniel to Virgin, Polly date not given Bacon, Benedict to Ward, Susanna 12-10-1810 Bacus, Joseph to Smith, Millie 12-27-1816 Bagby, Nancy to Scott, Gabriel 8-26-1810 Baly, Wiatte to Lowry, Sally 8-22-1812 Baker, Nancy to Duncan, Charley 11-15-1819 Barklow, Susanna to Hannah, John 3-5-1812 Barnett, Nancy to Savage, Edward 11-26-1819 Bartley, James to Nicholls, Cassandra 10-2-1819 Barton, Beaver Kimber to Fuqua, Polly 7-19-1813 Beckner, John to Parker, Polly 2-5-1815 Bell, Jefferson to Hord, Lucy N. T. 1-19-1820 Biggs, Susanna to Crank, William 3-4-1805 Blomer, Henry to Deflinia, Margaret 10-18-1817 Bloomer, Gilbert to Sutton, Margaret 9-2-1819 Bond, Anna to Mcguire, John 10-19-1820 Bond, Rebecca to Sprigs, Joseph 6-18-1817 Boone, Minerva to Warner, Wynekoop 7-2-1817 Botts, John to Cornelius, Judith 1-8-1805 Botts, Rowland to Terrill, Lucy M. 2-21-1807 Boyd, Rody to Davidson, William 12-25-1815 Bradshaw, Isaac to Osborn, Susanna 3-17-1817 Brag, A. C. to Morton, Susan 6-15-1812 Bragg, Blakemore to Crump, Lucinda 7-12-1817 Brandon, John to Pancake, Starean 11-13-1809 Brandon, Lucy to Pancake, Abraham 6-21-1810 Briant, John to Shope, Catherine 4-1-1805 Brown, George to Tomes, Nancy 12-23-1818 Brown, Nelson to Stratton, Jane 1-12-1810 Brown, Solomon to Hood, Elizabeth 1-27-1811 Brubaker, Abraham to Poage, Elizabeth 4-25-1811 Bruce, William to Ferguson, Peggy 7-19-1808 Brumfield, James to Rice, Elizabeth 11-9-1818 Bryan, Zephaniah to Roman, Rachel 7-11-1807 Bryant, John to Leakins, Sally 1-21-1805 Bryson, Priscilla to Rice, George 5-6-1816 Burns, Nancy to Gitthens, John 12-20-1820 Bush, Jeremiah to Scroggins, Polly 6-4-1819 Bush, July to Richards, Thomas 9-25-1817 Butler, Clifford to Gorman, Sarah 8-28-1816 Butler, Elizabeth to Smith, William 4-18-1818 Cain, Margaret to Hood, Henry 9-17-1811 Canterbury, Benjamin to Huson, Susanna 1-6-1805 Canterbury, John to Lycan, Nancy 9-18-1809 Canterbury, Reuben to Lycan, Elizabeth 9-19-1808 Cain, John to Wells, Lucinda 6-2-1807 Cain, Mary to Hood, Andrew 10-19-1807 Cane, Ginny to Griffith, David 9-5-1812 Carter, Joseph to Crump, Emily 3-1-1820 Cartwright, Levi to Guilkey, Sally 3-12-1818 Cartwright, Sally to Stump, George 8-2-1817 Cartwright, Thomas to Everman, Babara 8-1-1810 Cary, Sarah to Horsley, Matthew 11-22-1818 Chadwick, Cynthia to Love, Daniel W. 1-3-1818 Chapman, Lucy to Littlejohn, John 11-17-1806 Chapman, Martin, to Ulen, Nancy 3-26-1817 Chapman, Reuben to Fuqua, Nancy 7-28-1809 Chinn, Bayman to Nicholls, Patsy 2-28-1808 Chitwood, John R. to Frame, Malvina 10-12-1819 Clancy, Nathan to Ham, Sally 9-5-1816 Clare, Cary to Hood, Peggy 9-18-1818 Clark, jane to Jones, Mons 11-5-1816 Clark, John to Duncan, Sally 11-27-1810 Clark, Richard to Johnson, Sally 3-25-1816 Clarke, Nancy to James, Edward 8-12-1818 Clarke, Richard to Davison, Nancy 6-7-1817 Crank, William to Biggs, Susanna 3-4-1805 Cobb, Jane to Cornelius, Austin 3-1-1808 Colegrove, Anna to Vonevey, John 10-16-1816 Colgin, William to Hatton, Nancy 3-10-1808 Collins, Mary to Rutherford, Thomas 3-17-1806 Cornelius, Austin to Cobb, Jane 3-1-1808 Cornelius, Eleanor to Ulen, Benjamin 4-27-1816 Cornelius, Jane to Darnell, Levi 7-16-1810 Cornelius, Judith to Botts, John 1-8-1805 Cornelius, Rowland to Howe, Eleanor 10-6-1804 Craycraft, Charles to Stevenson, Sarah 12-12-1809 Crehe, Thomas to Grayson, Elizabeth 10-24-1820 Crone, Drusilla to Holland, Wright 6-7-1808 Crump, Emily to Carter, Joseph 3-1-1820 Crump, Lucinda to Bragg, Blakemore 7-12-1817 Cummins, Walker to Everman, Ann 12-22-1806 Currant, Rebecca to Mahew, Myra 1-13-1805 Cutright, Elizabeth to Hush, John 3-26-1817 Daily, James to Harson, Elizabeth 4-15-1811 Darnell, Levi to Cornelius, Jane 7-16-1810 Darville, Edmund to Powers, Elizabeth 4-17-1820 Davidson, Joseph to Kouns, Elizabeth date not given Davidson, William to Boyd, Rody 12-25-1815 Davis, Betsey to Howe, John N. 10-30-1819 Davis, Margaret to Gorman, Robert 3-13-1819 Davison, Nancy to Clarke, Richard 6-7-1817 Davison, Peggy to Thomas, John C. 7-15-1811 Davison, Polly to Johnson, Harry 3-25-1816 Deatley, Elizabeth to Rucker, James 1-19-1810 Deatley, John to McKinney, Nancy 10-16-1804 Deatley, Polly to Rucker, Ephraim 8-4-1808 Deering, Robert to Stratton, Sally 7-15-1809 Deflinia, Margaret to Blomer, Henry 10-18-1817 Demint, Samuel to Harsin, Deborah 4-15-1811 Devore, Nancy to Van Bibber, Peter 5-4-1815 DeWitt, Bejamin to Stump, Elizabeth 3-8-1814 DeWitt, Benjamin C. to Stump, Betsy 4-16-1816 Douglas, Susanna to Lambert, Joseph 4-6-1819 Downs, Emsey to Osenton, Emanuel 8-25-1819 Dummit, George to Moore, Elizabeth 10-5-1820 Duncan, Charley to Baker, Nancy 11-15-1819 Duncan, Joseph to Williams, Jemima 10-23-1817 Duncan, Linda to George, Martin 12-25-1818 Duncan, Phebe to James, Edward 9-27-1819 Duncan, Sally to Clark, John 11-27-1810 Durbin, Betsy to Lowry, Thomas 8-19-1818 Dupuy, Moses to Stevenson, Pheba 10-27-1818 Eastham, Hartwell to McGuire, Libby 11-25-1820 Edwards, Lucy to Whorton, Samuel 12-20-1814 Elgeton, Lucinda to Stith, Thomas 6-12-1817 Ellington, Clarinda to Newsome, James 11-7-1806 Ellington, Elizabeth to Newman, William 9-7-1815 Ellington, Prudence to Wade, John 10-29-1806 Elliott, John to Offill, Sally 10-10-1818 Emmens, William to Ham, Elizabeth 9-19-1816 Everman, Ann to Cummins, Walker 12-22-1806 Everman, Barbara to Cartwright, Thomas 8-1-1810 Everman, Elizabeth to Seaton, John 10-19-1807 Everman, Katy to Frame, David 7-15-1808 Everman, Mary to Mclaughlin, William 9-28-1807 Everman, Moses to Virgin, Eleanor 8-20-1815 Faun, Nancy to Humphries, Samuel 9-8-1812 Ferguson, Peggy to Bruce, William 7-19-1808 Fisher, Elizabeth to Ford, James 5-17-1805 Forrester, Betsey to Warnock, Johnson 6-1-1813 Forrester, Margaret to Lowry, John 12-26-1814 Frame, David to Everman, Katy 7-15-1808 Frame, George to Tate, Amy 1-5-1807 Frame, Malvina to Chitwood, John R. 10-12-1819 Frasher, Polly to Webb, Samuel 5-29-1808 Frasier, Lewis to Ratcliff, Elizabeth 5-18-1805 Frazier, Stacy to Ratcliff, Daniel 5-12-1805 French, Samuel to James, Patsy 11-8-1815 Friend, Jacob to Stratton, Ann 4-23-1808 Ford, James to Fisher, Elizabeth 5-17-1805 Foster, Nancy to White, William 4-2-1813 Foster, Sam to Throckmorton, Sarah 2-29-1816 Fuqua, John M. to Stevenson, Lydia 5-11-1813 Fuqua, Martha to Gammon, Samuel W. 3-23-1818 Fuqua, Nancy to Chapman, Reuben 7-28-1809 Fuqua, Polly to Barton, Beaver Kimber 7-19-1813 Gammon, Samuel W. to Fuqua, Martha 3-23-1818 George, Martin to Duncan, Linda 12-25-1818 Gethins, John to Mcguire, Susanna 6-22-1809 Gibbs, Mary to Truitt, Samuel 5-25-1818 Gilliam, Rhoda to Stambaugh, David 11-3-1807 Gilliam, William to Ashley, Elizabeth 12-21-1812 Gitthens, John to Burns, Nancy 12-20-1820 Goble, Sarah to Hartley, John 10-11-1811 Gorley, Samuel to Price, Polly 4-27-1820 Gorman, Polly to Alexander, Asa 10-11-1817 Gorman, Sarah to Michael (Last name missing) 11-26-1817 Gorman, Sarah to Butler, Clifford 8-28-1816 Gorman, Robert to Davis, Margaret 3-13-1819 Gray, John L. to Osborn, Elizabeth 9-18-1818 Gray, Margaret to Osborn, Morgan 9-5-1814 Grayson, Elizabeth to Crehe, Thomas 10-24-1820 Greenslate, Abagail to Osborn, James 12-25-1812 Greenslate, Mary to Meek, James 10-24-1817 Griffith, David to Cane, Ginny 9-5-1812 Gold, Ephraim to Virgin, Hannah 11-2-1807 Guilkey, Edward to Holden, Nancy 11-5-1814 Guilkey, Sally to Cartwright, Levi 3-12-1818 Ham, Elizabeth to Emmens, William 9-19-1816 Ham, Jacob M. to Stephenson, Sallie 9-10-1805 Ham, Sally to Clancy, Nathan 9-5-1816 Hammonds, Elizabeth to Landreth, John 12-8-1806 Hampton, Richard to Hanner, Elizabeth 12-31-1812 Hannah, Alley to McMahon, Joseph 10-27-1809 Hannah, John to Barklow, Susanna 3-5-1812 Hanner, Elizabeth to Hampton, Richard 12-31-1812 Hardwick, Sarah to Sheckels, Levi 4-14-1812 Harmon, Gabriel to Young, Jane 4-11-1812 Harson, Deborah to Demint, Samuel 4-15-1811 Harson, Elizabeth to Daily, James 4-15-1811 Harson, Garrett to Lowry, Mary 6-28-1814 Hartley, James to Richards, Mary date not given Hartley, John to Goble, Sarah 10-11-1811 Hastings, John to Ruggles, Mary Ann 8-20-1818 Hatton, Margaret to McVain, John 9-16-1806 Hatton, nancy to Colgin, William 3-10-1808 Hedge, Soloman to Rupell, Susanna 6-27-1805 Henderson, Esther, to Miller, William 8-28-1816 Hensley, George to Van Bibber, Ruth 5-20-1815 Hensley, Joseph to Miller, Hannah 1-14-1809 Hitchcock, Caleb to Furgus, Susanna 3-7-1808 Hoffman, Elizabeth to Willis, Joseph 7-15-1811 Holdon, Nancy to Guilkey, Edward 11-5-1814 Holland, Wright to Crone, Drusilla 6-7-1808 Hood, Andrew to Cain, Mary 10-19-1807 Hood, Elizabeth to Brown, Solomon 1-27-1811 Hood, Henry to Cain, Margaret 9-17-1811 Hood, Peggy to Clare, Cary 9-18-1818 Hood, Rachel to Howe, Joseph 12-10-1810 Hord, Lucy N. T. to Bell, Jefferson 1-19-1820 Horsley, James to Madden, Elizabeth 5-20-1815 Horsley, Matthew to Cary, Sarah 11-22-1818 Horsley, Nancy to Malone, Richard 7-13-1813 Horsley, William to Meadows, Nancy 3-5-1819 Howe, Eleanor to Cornelius, Rowland 10-6-1804 Howe, Joseph to Hood, Rachel 12-10-1810 Howe, John N. to Davis, Betsey 10-30-1819 Hulet, John to Lowe, Mary 7-30-1814 Humphries, Samuel to Faun, Nancy 9-8-1812 Hush, John to Cutright, Elizabeth 3-26-1816 Huson, Susanna to Canterbury, Benjamin 1-6-1805 James, Edward to Clarke, Nancy 8-12-1818 James, Edward to Duncan, Phebe 9-27-1819 James, John to Jones, May 6-4-1816 James, Patsy to French, Samuel 11-8-1815 Jeffrey, James to Tyre, Delilag 3-12-1810 Johnson, Harry to Davison, Polly 3-25-1816 Jones, John to Pettitt, Polly 12-18-1818 Jones, Mons to Clark, Jane 11-5-1816 Jones, Rebecca to James, George 6-15-1816 Kirk, Thornton to White, Susanna 4-2-1813 Kite, James to Rucker, Peggy 9-14-1808 Knox, George to Trimble, Nancy 3-7-1808 Koun, Hetty to Osborn, Squire 11-11-1816 Kouns, Elizabeth to Davidson, Joseph date not given Kouns, John C. to Smith, Elizabeth 11-21-1818 Kouns, Sally to Neal, Jacob 9-16-1804 Lacy, John to Mayhew, Betsey 6-23-1805 Laidley, John to Pettitt, Rachel 8-1-1808 Lambert, Joseph to Douglas, Susanna 4-6-1819 Lambert, Thomas to Thompson, Mary 12-14-1816 Landreth, John to Hammonds, Elizabeth 12-8-1806 Laramie, Hugh to Rigg, Nellie 9-27-1813 Leakins, Sally to Bryant, John 1-21-1805 Leveree, John to Applegate, Hannah 2-28-1820 Lewis, Adaline to Ward, Joseph R. 3-21-1820 Lewis, Elizabeth to Ward, James 7-19-1815 Linn, John to Pancake, Betsey 3-23-1810 Littlejohn, John to Chapman, Lucy 11-17-1806 Littleton, John to Skidmore, Nellie 4-6-1818 Litton, Thomas to Troth, Nancy 3-25-1807 Long, Henry to Stump, Catherine 10-15-1813 Long, Henry to Skidmore, Elizabeth 12-24-1813 Lowe, Mary to Hulet, John 7-30-1814 Lowry, Betsey to Willis, david 3-21-1820 Lowry, John to Forrester, Margaret 12-26-1814 Lowry, Mary to Harson, Garrett 6-28-1814 Lowry, Sally to Baly, Wiatte 8-22-1812 Lowry, Thomas to Durbin, Betsy 8-19-1818 Love, Daniel W. to Chadwick, Cynthia 1-3-1818 Lycan, Elizabeth to Canterbury, Reuben 9-19-1808 Lycan, Nancy to Canterbury, John 9-18-1809 Mackoy, Judith to Morton, Nathaniel 12-26-1815 Madden, Elizabeth to Horsley, James 5-20-1815 Madden, Mary Ann to Sartin, James 7-14-1818 Mahew, Betsey to Lacy, John 6-23-1805 Mahew, Myra to Currant, Rebecca 1-13-1805 Malone, Richard to Horsley, Nancy 7-13-1813 May, Sophia to Rawlins, Thomas 2-1-1817 McCallister, James to Young, America 1-6-1810 McCord, Rachel to Walker, John 2-20-1804 McCoy, James to Morton, Judith 11-14-1820 McDaniel, Nancy to Thornton, Elijah 12-4-1819 McDowell, William to Skaggs, Susanna 2-25-1812 McGlone, Betsey to McLees, Thomas 11-13-1818 McGuire, Elizabeth to Stratton, James 5-2-1815 McGuire, John to Bond, Anna 10-19-1820 McGuire, Libby to Eastham, Hartwell 11-25-1820 McGuire, Susanna to Gethins, John 6-22-1809 McIntyre, John to White, Nancy 6-15-1813 McKinney, Mary to Stephenson, John 8-18-1815 McKinney, Nancy to Deatley, John 10-16-1804 McLaughlin, William to Everman, Mary 9-28-1807 McLees, Thomas to McGlone, Betsey 11-13-1818 McMahon, Joseph to Hannah, Alley 10-27-1809 McVain, John to Hatton, Margaret 9-16-1806 Meadows, Nancy to Horsley, William 3-5-1819 Meek, James to Greenslate, Mary 10-24-1817 Miller, Hannah to Hensley, Joseph 1-14-1809 Miller, Thomas to Oggill, Mahala 3-15-1819 Miller, William to Henderson, Esther 8-28-1816 Mills, James to Arthur, Nancy 5-13-1820 Moore, Elizabeth to Dummit, George 10-5-1820 Morton, Judith to McCoy, James 11-14-1820 Morton, Nathaniel to Mackoy, Judith 12-26-1815 Morton, Susan to Bragg, A. C. 6-15-1812 Murphy, John to Saken, Nancy 4-10-1819 Neal, Jacob to Kouns, Sally 9-16-1804 Newman, William to Ellington, Elizabeth 9-7-1815 Newsome, James to Ellington, Clarinda 11-7-1806 Nicholls, Cassandra to Bartley, James 10-2-1819 Nicholls, Patsy to Chinn, Bayman 2-28-1808 Norton, Sally to Rouse, James 4-9-1816 Offill, Mahala to Miller, Thomas 3-15-1819 Offill, Sally to Elliott, John 10-10-1818 Osborn, Elizabeth to Gray, John L. 9-18-1818 Osborn, James to Greenslate, Abagail 12-25-1812 Osborn, Morgan to Gray, Margaret 9-5-1814 Osborn, Sarah to White, david 9-22-1814 Osborn, Squire to Koun, Hetty 11-11-1816 Osborn, Susanna to Bradshaw, Isaac 3-17-1817 Osenton, Emanuel to Downs, Emsey 8-25-1819 Pancake, Abraham to Brandon, Lucy 6-21-1810 Pancake, Betsey to Linn, John 3-23-1810 Pancake, Starean to Brandon, John 11-13-1809 Parker, Polly to Beckner, John 2-5-1815 Pettitt, Rachel to Laidley, John 8-1-1808 Pettitt, Patsy to Throckmorton, William 5-11-1816 Pettitt, Polly to Jones, John 12-18-1818 Poage, Allen to Terrill, Peggy 6-2-1805 Poage, Elizabeth to Brubaker, Abraham 4-25-1811 Poage, Harriet to Powers, Richard D. 11-24-1819 Poage, James to Poage, Jane 10-20-1806 Poage, Jane to Poage, James 10-20-1806 Poage, Mary to Wilson, Thomas 12-20-1813 Poage, Thomas to Powers, Polly 6-14-1815 Porter, Delia to Porter, Thomas 1-19-1820 Porter, Thomas to Porter, Delia 1-19-1820 Powell, Benjamin to Young, Nancy 1-4-1817 Powell, Stephen to Williams, Margaret 12-8-1819 Powers, Elizabeth to Darville, Edmund 4-17-1820 Powers, Polly to Poage, Thomas 6-14-1815 Powers, Richard D. to Poage, Harriet 11-24-1819 Powers, Sarah to thomas, Elijah 8-10-1810 Pray, Stephen to Randols, Polly 1-30-1816 Price, Polly to Gorley, Samuel 4-27-1820 Ralston, Jean to Reeves, Benjamin 6-10-1811 Randols, John to Wingo, Polly 8-7-1813 Randols, Polly to Pray, Stephen 1-30-1816 Rankins, Lincy to Swearington, Bartley 1-4-1813 Rarden, Sally to Stewart, Paul 5-15-1815 Ratcliff, Elizabeth to Frasier, Lewis 5-18-1805 Ratcliff, Daniel to Frazier, Stacy 5-12-1805 Rawlins, Thomas to May, Sophia 2-1-1817 Reason, Lewis to Young, Aramanthia 2-14-1811 Reeves, Benjamin to Ralston, Jean 6-10-1811 Reid, Charles to Roby, Chloe 1-31-1807 Rice, Elizabeth to Brumfield, James 11-9-1818 Rice, George to Bryson, Priscilla, 5-6-1816 Richards, Mary to Hartley, James date not given Richards, Thomas to Bush, July 9-25-1817 Rigg, Nellie to Laramie, Hugh 9-27-1813 Roby, Chloe to Reid, Charles 1-31-1807 Rollins, Joshua to Van Bibber, Hannah 3-11-1815 Roman, Rachel to Bryan, Zephaniah 7-11-1807 Rouse, James to Norton, Sally 4-9-1816 Rucker, Ann to Willis, George 9-4-1808 Rucker, Ephraim to Deatley, Polly 8-4-1808 Rucker, James to Deatley, Elizabeth 1-19-1810 Rucker, Mary J. to Rucker, Reubin 10-18-1808 Rucker, Peggy to James, Kite 9-14-1808 Rucker, Reubin to Rucker, Mary J. 10-18-1808 Ruggles, Elizabeth to Shain, Thomas 4-8-1820 Ruggles, Mary Ann to Hastings, John 8-20-1818 Ruggles, Sally to Williams, James 11-20-1820 Rupell, Susanna to Hedge, Solomon 6-27-1805 Rutherford, Thomas to Collins, Mary 3-17-1806 Saken, Nancy to Murphy, John 4-10-1819 Sartin, James to Madden, Mary Ann 7-14-1818 Savage, Edward to Barnett, Nancy 11-26-1819 Savage, Jane to Smith, Woodrow 2-17-1819 Scott, Gabriel to Bagby, Nancy 8-26-1810 Scott, John to Applegate, Hannah 7-19-1808 Scroggins, Polly to Bush, Jeremiah 6-4-1819 Seaton, John to Everman, Elizabeth 10-19-1807 Shain, Thomas to Ruggles, Elizabeth 4-8-1820 Shannon, James to Wallace, Jane 4-27-1818 Sheckels, Levi to Hardwick, Sarah 4-14-1812 Shoap, Eleanor to Snedegar, John 10-13-1804 Shope, Catherine to Briant, John 4-1-1805 Skaggs, Susanna to McDowell, William 2-25-1812 Skidmore, Elizabeth to Long, Henry 12-24-1813 Skidmore, Nellie to Littleton, John 4-6-1818 Smith, Elizabeth to Kouns, John C. 11-21-1818 Smith, Millie to Bacus, Joseph 1-27-1816 Smith, Nancy M. to Ward, William 4-1-1820 Smith, Sally to Tinsley, Joseph 9-14-1820 Smith, William to Butler, Elizabeth 4-18-1818 Smith, Woodrow to Savage, Jane 2-17-1819 Snedegar, John to Shoap, Rosanna 10-13-1804 Sprigs, Joseph to Bond, Rebecca 6-18-1817 Stambaugh, David to Gilliam, Rhoda 11-3-1807 Stephenson, John to McKinney, Mary 8-18-1815 Stephenson, Sally to Ham, Jacab M. 9-10-1805 Stevenson, Lydia to Fuqua, John M. 5-11-1813 Stevenson, Sarah to Craycraft, Charles 12-12-1809 Stevenson, Pheba to Dupay, Moses 10-27-1818 Stewart, Paul to Rarden, Sally 5-15-1815 Stith, Thomas to Elegeton, Lucinda 6-12-1817 Stratton, Ann to Friend, Jacob 4-23-1808 Stratton, James to McGuire, Elizabeth 5-2-1815 Stratton, Jane to Brown, Nelson 1-12-1810 Stratton, Sally to Deering, Robert 7-15-1809 Stump, Betsey to DeWitt, Benjamin C. 4-16-1816 Stump, Elizabeth to DeWitt, Benjamin 3-8-1814 Stump, George to Cartwright, Sally 8-2-1817 Stump, Catherine to Long, Henry 10-15-1813 Sutton, Margaret to Bloomer, Gilbert 9-2-1819 Swearingin, Bartley to Rankins, Lincy 1-4-1813 Sweet, Charles to Ulen, Peggy 7-26-1815 Tate, Amy to Frame, George 1-5-1807 Terrill, Lucy M. to Botts, Rowland 2-21-1807 Terrill, Peggy to Poage, Allen 6-2-1805 Thomas, Elijah to Powers, Sarah 8-10-1810 Thomas, John C. to Davison, Peggy 7-15-1811 Thompson, Mary to Lambert, Thomas 12-14-1816 Thornton, Elijah to McDaniel, Nancy 12-4-1819 Throckmorton, Sarah to Foster, Sam 2-29-1816 Throckmorton, William to Pettitt, Patsy 5-11-1816 Tinsley, Joseph to Smith, Sally 9-14-1820 Tomes, Nancy to Brown, George 12-23-1818 Trimble, Nancy to Knox, George 3-7-1808 Troth, Nancy to Litton, Thomas 3-25-1807 Truitt, Samuel to Gibbs, Mary 5-25-1818 Tyre, Delilah to Jeffrey, James 3-12-1810 Ulen, Benjamin to Cornelius, Eleanor 4-27-1816 Ulen, Nancy to Chapman, Martin 3-26-1817 Ulen, Peggy to Sweet, Charles 7-26-1815 Van Bibber, Hannah to Rollins, Joshue 3-11-1815 Van Bibber, Peter to Devore, Nancy 5-4-1815 Van Bibber, Ruth to Hensley, George 5-20-1815 Virgin, Eleanor to Everman, Moses 8-20-1815 Virgin, Hannah to Gold, Ephraim 11-2-1807 Virgin, Rebecca to Wells, John 7-25-1806 Virgin, Polly to Auxen, Daniel date not given Vonevey, John to Colegrove, Anna 10-16-1816 Wade, John to Ellington, Prudence 10-29-1806 Walker, John to McCord, Rachael 2-20-1804 Wallace, Jane to Shannon, James 4-27-1818 Ward, James to Lewis, Elizabeth 7-19-1815 Ward, Joseph R. to Lewis, Adaline 3-21-1820 Ward, Susanna to Bacon, Benedict 12-10-1810 Ward, William to Smith, Nancy M. 4-1-1820 Waring, James to Waring, Lydia 2-4-1808 Waring, Lydia to Waring, James 2-4-1808 Warner, Wynekoop to Boone, Minerva 7-2-1817 Warnock, Johnson to Forrester, Betsey 6-1-1813 Webb, Samuel to Frasher, Polly 5-29-1809 Wells, Lucinda to Cain, John 6-2-1807 Wells, John to Virgin, Rebecca 7-25-1806 White, David to Osborn, Sarah 9-22-1814 White, Nancy to McIntyre, John 6-15-1813 White, Susanna to Kirk, Thornton 4-2-1813 White, William to Foster, Nancy 4-2-1813 Whorton, Samuel to Edwards, Lucy 12-20-1814 Williams, James to Ruggles, Sally 11-20-1820 Williams, Jemima to Duncan, Joseph 10-23-1817 Williams, Margaret to Powell, Stephen 12-8-1819 Willis, David to Lowry, Betsey 3-21-1820 Willis, George to Rucker, Anny 9-4-1808 Willis, Joseph to Hoffman, Elizabeth 7-15-1811 Wilson, Aaron to Sally Wilson 9-8-1815 Wilson, John to Wilson, Polly 2-1-1815 Wilson, Polly to Wilson, John 2-1-1815 Wilson, Sally to Wilson, Aaron 9-8-1815 Wilson, Thomas to Poage, Mary 12-20-1813 Wimberly, Thomas to Alexander, Dorkas 7-7-1813 Wingo, Polly to Randols, John 8-7-1813 Young, America to McCallister, James 1-6-1810 Young, Aramanthia to Reason, Lewis 2-14-1811 Young, Jane to Harmon, Gabriel 4-11-1812 Young, Nancy to Powell, Benjamin 1-4-1817 Young, Polly to Aills, Benjamin 5-30-1814 ------------------------------ End of ky-footsteps V1 #179 *************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genelaogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied 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