ky-footsteps Saturday, 28 March 1998 Volume 01 : Number 402 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Smith, Elizabeth" Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 08:57:36 -0500 Subject: KY-F: WILL: Moody, 1893 - Jefferson Co This is the will of Haley J. Moody. He was the son of William Moody and Keziah Buckner of VA and later Jefferson Co. Haley married Sarah Harris, dau. of Chas. W. Harris (and Elizabeth Howard?) in 1838. Elizabeth Smith Jefferson Co., KY Will Book 18, pg. 462-464 Will of Haley J. Moody April 8" 1891 Jeffersontown, Jefferson County Kentucky In the presence of Almighty God, Amen. I Haley J. Moody being in sound mind and disposing memory with a full knowledge and realization of the uncertainity of life and the certainty of death do make this my last will and testament revoking each and all other wills that I may have made heretofore. First, I do will and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Margaret Moody a tract or parcel of land beginning at a point where Judge W. B. Hokes line crosses the branch east of my house in which I now live running East to a Sycamore tree in the branch four sycamore trees running north to a pear tree nearest to the house in a straight line to a point in the orchard marked as a corner by a stone thence following the fence on the east side of said fence to John Patts decd. line running North --?-- thence following John Patts decd. and Whm B. Hokes line running West to Wm. B. Hokes corner near the house he bought of Mrs. Henderman from thence South with Judge Wm. B. Hokes line to the beginning, number of acres not designated, She my daughter Elizabeth M. Moody to have and hold the land and all and singular the appertnances houses, barn and any & all other building thereon during her natural life. In the event Elizabeth M. Moody should die without bodily heirs the whole above named with whatever may be added. It is my will and bequest it shall all go to my son C. Thomas Moody to hold & be his ni [?] fee simple first all my lawful & just debts with my funeral expenses are to be paid before any division or allotment is made of my estate to any one. Farther I ordain and appoint my son C. Thomas Moody my executor to this my last will & testament without security or or bound. To which I have this the Eighth day of April Eighteen hundred and ninety-one subscribed my name and affixed my seal in the presence of Allmighty God and these witnesses. Haley J. Moody William Harris } } Witnesses Samuel W. Marshall } State of Kentucky. At a County Court held for Jefferson County at the Court-house in the City of Louisville on the 25" day of Sept. 1893, the foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Haley J. Moody, deceased, late of this County, was produced in Court and proven by the oath of William Harris one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, who also proved the attestation of Samuel W. Marshall the other subscribing witness thereto; whereupon the same was established by the Court to be the last will and testament of said testator and ordered to be recorded, and is recorded, in my office as Clerk of said Court. Attest Geo. H. Webb, Clerk ------------------------------ From: "Smith, Elizabeth" Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 10:34:22 -0500 Subject: KY-F: WILL: Proctor, 1813 - Shelby Co Following is the will of William Proctor. He lived in Jessamine and later Shelby Co., KY. WILL OF WILLIAM PROCTOR Shelby Co., KY Book 3, p. 81 In the Name of god Amen the 19th day of July eighteen Hundred and thirteen I William Proctor of the County of Shelby and State of Kentucky being in --?-- health of body but of Sound Mind and Memory and Knowing that it is Appointed for all men Once to die do make this my last Will and Testament first I give and bequeath recommend my Soul unto the hands of the almighty who gave it me as for my body as for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried at the dicretion of my Executors at the Same time I utterly revoke all other wills made by me --?-- this to be mymy last will and Testament as to my wordly Estate I will and Positively Order that all my Just debts Be paid first I Give to my Son Catlet Proctor the Sum of One dollar to my Son Isaiah Prockter the Sum of One dollar to my Son Lunnenburg Procter the Sum of One Dollar to my Daughter Charlotte Harris one dollar to my Daughter Malindah Harris One dollar to be lined? out of my Estate after the decease of my wife I give to my Dear and loving Wife for term of life all my Stock Towit Horses Couz -?- with their increase together with all my household furniture of every Discreption farming tools and all else I Posses and after the decease of my wife Elizabeth Proctor I Desire that all of my estate Towit Horses Cows Household furniture and all that belongs to the Estate to be equally Devided between my three children Greenville Proctor Delilah Proctor and William Proctor with the exception of those small legacys above mentioned at the same time I do appoint my Son Greenville Proctor and my wife Elizabeth Proctor my Esecutors of my last will and Testament to which I have here unto Set my hand & Seal the day and Year above written his William x Proctor mark Signed sealed & --?-- in the Presence of James Green William Gailey his William x Morgan mark Shelby County Sct Octr County Court 1813 The within will of William Proctor was this day produced in Court and proved by the Oaths of James Green and William Morgan Subscribing Witnesses and Ordered to be recorded Ato James Craig ------------------------------ From: "Smith, Elizabeth" Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 15:44:21 -0500 Subject: KY-F: PENSION APPL: Bishop, 1832 - Bullitt Co This is the Revolutionary War pension application of Lawrence Bishop. He married 1) --- Sousby (according to the 1966 DAR Patriot Index) 2) Mary Young (1798-Bullitt Co., KY) 3) Nancy Ann Stallings (1802-Bullitt Co., KY). He died after 1850, probably in Bullitt Co. For years, I used an abstracted version of this pension that I copied at the Filson Club. It gave Lawrence's father's name as Michael Bishop. However, in the original copy of the application, Lawrence clearly named his father as George Bishop. Elizabeth Smith PENSION APPLICATION OF LAWRENCE BISHOP S1166 State of Kentucky Bullitt County On the 17th day of September 1832 personally appeared in open Court before the Justices of Bullitt County now sitting, Lawrence Bishop a Resident of Bullitt County in the State of Kentucky aged Sixty nine years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his Oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832 That he entered the Service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herin stated. In the year 1780 Some of the militia of Bedford County State of Pennsylvania being called on to do military duty on the Frontiers of Pennsylvania to guard against the incurtions [sic] of the Indians a draft took place and he in May entered the Company Commanded by Captain Henry Rush (the Lieutenant and Ensign of Said Company not now recollected) as a substitute for his father George Bishop who had been drafted for a Tour of Two Months He marched to the Town of Bedford in Said County distant about thirty miles from his residence and he with three others of sd company were detained and stationed at that place as a Guard by order of Col. Woods of the Bedford County Militia. Capt Rush and the balance of the Company were stationed about nine miles from Bedford on the Head Waters of the Juanita River. After having Served the Tour of duty by guarding of aforesaid he was discharged by Capt Rush at Bedford aforesaid and returned home. There were no Regular Officers or Soldiers Stationed where he was. Capt. Rush gave him a discharge in writing which he has lost or destroyed. In the year 1781--the militia of said Bedford County were again called in to guard against the Indians on the Frontier and a Draft took place and the said Lawrence Bishop in May entered the Company Commanded by Captain Thomas Davy as a Substitute for Adam Smith who had been drafted for a Tour of Two months and in the month of May of said year he was marched to said Town of Bedford, a distance of about Thirty miles from his Residence. From Bedford he was marched about Twenty five miles to the frontiers and Stationed at Col. Thomas Pipers to Guard the Inhabitants and during said Tour he was marched across the Allegany Mountains and was Constantly engaged in guarding and Scouting. At the Expiration of the Tour he was discharged at said Pipers by Capt Thomas Davy and he returned home His discharge was in writing but he has lost or destroyed it. There were no regular officers or Soldiers where he served and he does not recollect who the Lieutenant and Ensign of the Company to which he belonged were as they were stationed at other places and he was under the Captain's Command. In the month of August in the year last mentioned to wit 1781 the militia of said County were again called on and a draft took place and in sd. month of August he entered the Service in the Company Commanded by captain George Inlow as a substitute for John Milburn who had been drafted for a Tour of duty for Two Months. he was marched to the said Town of Bedford and from there about Eight miles to Vice Carbers fort where he stayed but a short time. The Indians having broken in and Killed a family near Col. James Martins at the Crossing of Juanita River about fifteen miles from Vice Carbers fort, he and the Company were marched to and stationed for a while at sd. Col. James Martins from there he was marched to Abraham Cowalts further down the Juanita River where he stayed while his Tour Expired when he returned to Col. Martins and was discharged by Captain George Inlows and returned home. He received a discharge signed by Captain Inlows but has lost or destroyed it. I hereby relinquish any claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declare that my name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of any State and that I cannot prove my Service by any person except by Henry Sousby [Sousley?] and David Sliger? The affadavit of said Sousby [Sousley?] is hereto attached. Interagatories prepared by the Court as by the Court. Where and in what year were you born? Answer I was born in Bedford County State of Pennsylvania on the 12th day of May 1763. Have you any record of your age and if so where is it. Answer I had a record of my age but what has become of it I know not as I have been blind about Twelve years. Where were you living when called into service where have you lived since the Revolutionary War and where do you now live? Answer I was living in Bethel Township, Bedford County, Pennsylvania when called into Service and I lived there until the 28th day of October 1793 when I left there for Kentucky and settled in Jefferson County where I lived some years and moved to Bullitt County where I now reside. How were you called into service were you drafted, Did you Volunteer or were you a Substitute and if a substitute for whom. Answer In my first Tour of Two months I served as a Substitute for my Father George Bishop. In the second Tour of Two months I served as a Substitute for Adam Smith and in the last Tour of Two months I served as a Substitute for John Milburn. State the names of Some of the Regular Officers who were with the Troops where you served Such Continental and Militia Regiments as you Can recollect and the general Circumstances of your Service. Answer There were no regular officers where I served. There were no Continental or Militia-Regiments. The militia were called out by Company and Stationed at the different forts on the frontier for the protection of the Inhabitants. My Service Consisted in guarding the frontier from the incursions and depredations of the Indians. Did you ever receive a discharge from the Service and if So by whom was it Signed and what has become of it. Answer For the first Tour of duty I received a Discharge in writing from my Capt Henry Rush. For the second Tour from Capt. Thomas Davy and for the Third from Capt George Inlows. I do not now know what has become of them- State the names of Persons to whom you are Known in your present neighborhood and who can testify as to your character for veracity and good behavior and your Services as a Soldier. Answer I am Known to Austin Hall, Joseph Saunders, Henry Sousby and Richard B. Simmons? - they can testify as to my character for veracity and good behavior and Henry Sousby as to my Service. Ther is no Clergyman residing in my neighborhood and I am not able to go where I could procure the Certificate of One. Subscribed and sworn to the day and year aforesaid Lawrence Bishop I Henry Sousby a Citizen of Bullitt County State of Kentucky do Certify that Lawrence Bishop who has swore to and Subscribe the foregoing Declaration did go out as a substitute the two first Tours as Stated in said Declaration and that he went out with the said Bishop on the third Tour and Served the time as therin Stated Henry Sousby ------------------------------ From: "Sue Pearson Carpenter" Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 01:24:18 -0600 Subject: KY-F: BIBLE: Pearson, Simpson Co Ky; Sumner Co Tn Information found in the Bible of Andrew Jackson Pearson, the first husband of Caroline "Carrie" Hollis. They were married in Sumner County, TN and lived there until the early 1870's Submitted by Sue Pearson Carpenter On the fly leaf of the Bible is entered at the top right corner: A. J. Pearson bought August 15, 1860 price $3.00 The Bible is large and about 9 by 12 inches. The cover was brown and has been restored recently. Some of the books of the Bible are missing and it is only about three inches thick. The Record Page is in the middle of the Bible and some entries are illegible. The page was laminated when the Bible was rebound and extra pages were put in. The Record Page has entries on both sides of the page. Some entries were made after the death of A. J. Pearson, probably by his second wife, Carrie Hollis Pearson. The Bible was handed down to the youngest son, William Nesbit Pearson, and after the death of William and his wife, Fannie, it was given to a grandson of the oldest son of Will and Fannie Pearson. THE HOLY BIBLE containing the Old and New Testaments Translated out of the original tongues, and With the former translations diligently compared and revised. The Text is the Standard of the American Bible Society Philadelphia Published by T. J. Collins, Jr. NO. 8 North Sixth Street ________ 1855 ________ Dates from the A. J. Pearson Bible A. J. Pearson and M.J. Pearson was married 22 September 1859 A. J. Pearson and Carrie Hollis was married 18 June 1868 W. N. Pearson and Fannie M. Logan Sept 16, 1892 J. A. Pearson and Mattie McLemore was married November 22, 1900 Carl Pearson and Hattie Ritchey married December 2, 1913 William Howard Pearson was born March 11, 1922 Harold Ritchey Pearson was born March 15, 1922 A. J. Pearson was bornd the 4th of September 1836 M. J. Pearson was born the 9th of November 1840 Carl Wayne Pearson was born August 7 , 1843 Dora A. Pearson was bornd the 7th of February 1861 Boy Pearson was bornd January the 25, 1863 Joseph L. Pearson was bornd September the 13, 1864 Mary Jackson Pearson was bornd Dec the 22, 1865 Thomas F. Pearson was born Nov 7, 1867 Hattie Frances Pearson was born January 21, 1919 Redding Pearson, the father of A. J. Pearson was bornd 1 December, 1815 This page is in bad condition and writing is on both sides of the page. All other pages were left blank. Submitted by Sue Pearson Carpenter, 5468 Smith Road, Floyd Knobs, IN 47119 ------------------------------ End of ky-footsteps V1 #402 *************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genelaogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. 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