KY-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest 25 Feb 2000 Volume 00 : Issue 103 ______________________________X-Message: #1 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 16:12:51 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: REV. WAR PENSION APPLICATION: Lee, 1856, Madison/Pulaski Cos. Revolutionary War Pension Applications James Lee Boone County, IN FHC #0971542 State of Indiana County of Boone In Open Court On this 27th day of October 1856 before the Court of __________ ___________ held in & for the County of Boone in the State of Indiana personally appeared Drury Lee aged 42 years a resident of Lunsville (?) Boone County in said State who being duly sworn in open Court doth on his oath make the following declaration (?) in order to obtain the benefits of the provisions of the Act of February 7, 1838 & of such other acts by Congress as may have been passed in their power: That his father James Lee was a D_________ ____ a private Soldier in the Virginia Line and was placed on the Pension Roll in Pulaski County Kentucky on the 14th day of December 1819 & drew $96 per year till his death which took place in Pulaski County aforesaid on the 25th day of December 1836: that at the time of his death he left him surviving his widow, who was the mother ___ _______ & the several children hereinafter named by him Said James Lee & that his said mother named was before marriage Kezier Mobley: that he cannot give any further particulars of his mothers ____ ___ state in whose company he served He further state that said James Lee was married to Kezier Mobley in Madison County Kentucky with year 1790 or 1791 and not later than that year that he does not know by whom they were married: that after the death _____ James Lee said Kezier Lee lived in said Pulaski County Kentucky unmarried and a widow until her death which happened on the 12th day of April 1844: that during all the time after her marriage as above stated at his death she _______ cohabited with said James Lee as his wife and was during all that time treated & accepted in good society as the wife of said James Lee that said Kezier Lee the mother of Deponent & the other children hereinafter named never drew a Pension as such widow and never applied for one: that while they so cohabited together they had born to them the following named children who were born at the times mentioned and are aged as follows: William Lee born March 17, 1792 alive Lewis Lee born 1794 Dead Elizabeth Smith Lee born July 11, 1796 alive Willis Lee born 1799 Dead Benjamin Lee born 1804 Dead John Lee born June 15, 1806 alive Charles B. Lee born 26 March 1808 alive James B. Lee born 12 March 1810 Dead Mary Lee Godby (?) born 1812 alive Drury Lee born 14 June 1814 alive Anna Lee Godby (?) born 1816 alive That the forgoing is a true statement of the names & ages within a year for each one of all the children of James & Kezier Lee deceased: that Deponent knows of no Family Record of the marriage & birth of said children in _____ _____ death of said James or Kezier Lee He hereby appoints Wm Van Marten of Lyons NY his true & Certified (?) Attorney _______ of the others of his brothers & sisters heirs aforesaid to _____ for (?) him (?) & for them to obtain of the United States Government of any of the Departments of the U States Government all Pension money due them as heirs of said James & Kezier Lee & to do for their all other _____ things in the pre______ necessary to be done - Witness Drury X (his mark) Lee Sworn & subscribed before me the day & year above written And I certify that I knew said Drury Lee that I believe him to be the person he above describes himself to be & that he is of the ____ above state & that he is a person entitled to full credit as a witness & further that I am uninterested in this claim as attorney or otherwise Witness my hand and seal of said Court this 27day of October 1856 & now have affixed by order of this said Court William C Hise (?) Clerk Of Commors Pl____ Court It is hereby certified that satisfactory Evidence has been exhibited before the said Court _____ which said Evidence is hereto annexed (?): that James Lee was a Revolutionary Soldier & a Pensioner of the United States: that he died on the 25th day of December 1836 leaving heirs (?) surviving his widow Kezier Lee, who lived his widow and unmarried till the time of her death which happened on the 12th day of April 1844 in the County of Pulaski & state of Kentucky: also that said James Lee was married to said Kezier Mobly in said County of Madison in the year 1790 or 1791 & that said James Lee & said Kezier had _______ _________ while in ________ _______ as above stated Eleven children at the times & in the years stated by said Drury Lee in his Declaration hereto annexed: and it appears to the Court _______ _______ that said several persons are the lawful children of said James Lee and wife Kezier & that they were all born after their said parents were lawfully married And it is also certified that his Court is in no way interested in the claim of said children _______ Pension ________ where of I have caused to be affixed the seal of the _______ Court at ______ this (not copied) ______________________________X-Message: #2 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 16:29:23 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: WILL: Lee, 1816, Mason Co Will of Edward Lee Mason County, KY Will Book D Pages 57-59 FHC #0281823 In the name of God, Amen. I, Edward Lee of Mason, Kentucky being of sound and disposing mind have on the second day of March in the year eighteen hundred and sixteen, made and do hereby make this my last will and testament. Item. I give and bequeath unto my nephew Peter Lashbroke the farm or tract of land on which I reside with all its appurtenances Item. I give and bequeath to my said Nephew Peter Lashbrook, and to my nephew Edward L. Lee (son of my brother Stephen Lee) my negro woman Phoebe and her children to be equally divided between them. Item. I give and bequeath unto my nephew William Lashbrooke Seven hundred dollars for the payment of which sum I have his note which I desire may be given up to him at my decease. Item. I give and bequeath unto my nephew Willis D. Lee and Edward L. Lee, sons of my brother Stephen Lee, each the sum of Five hundred dollars to be paid out of the monies arising from a bond on Devald (?) _____ er to me for the payment of Fourteen hundred _____ fifty dollars with Interest. Item. I give and bequeath unto my sister Le_____ Lashbrooke the remainder and residue of the monies arising from the collection of the bond on Devald Cooper after paying the amount bequeathed in the last item. Item. I give and bequeath unto my nephews Daniel Lee, Stephen Lee and Richard Lee, sons of my deceased brother Lewis Lee all my stock of horses and Cattle (except one Sorrel horse) to be equally divided between them. Item. I give and bequeath unto my nephew Willis Lee son of my brother John Lee one sorrel horse excepted as above in the last Item. Item. I give and bequeath unto my sister Deborah Raney my flock of sheep, my farming utensils, and my household and kitchen furniture. Item. The following named negroes (to wit) Charles, Bill, Charlotte, Sibbey, Griffin and Alexander it is my will and desire shall _____ my decease pass to the surviving legatees of my father agreeable to the tenor of his last will. Item. I give and bequeath unto my sister Leary Lashbrooke all and every species of property of which I may die possessed not otherwise bequeathed in this my will and testament and do appoint my brother in law John Lashbooke, Executor of this my last will and testament requesting that he will as soon as practicable after my decease distribute and divide the property herein bequeathed. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year fist written Signed and acknowledged in presence of Edward Lee (seal) Rob. Taylor Jr. R Duke (?) Mason County, Sch April Court, 1816 Last will and testament of Edward Lee deceased was produced in Court and proved by the oath of Basil Duke and Robert Taylor _____ Witnesseth thereto and ordered to be recorded, Sworn to by John Lashbrooke the Executor thereun named, who together with Peter Lee his security entered into and acknowledged bond in the penalty of Twelve Thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs and on his motion a certificate is granted him for obtaining a probat thereof in due form. Attest Marshall Key Clerk ______________________________X-Message: #3 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 16:40:58 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: POWER OF ATTORNEY: Lee/Bell, 1805, Henderson Co Power of Attorney Elizabeth Lee Henderson County. KY Deed Book A Page 395 FHC #0572572 Know all men by these presents that we, James Bell, Thomas Bell, Elizabeth Lee, Adam Rankin and Ann his wife, Margaret Bell and Nathan L. Anderson and Mi1dred his wife all of the State of Kentucky do hereby _______ ordain and appoint our trusty friend Charles Bell the County of Orange and State of Virginia our true and lawful attorney in fact for us and in our behalf to sell and dispose of all the right, title and interest which we claim in and to a certain tract of land in the County of Lancaster and State of Virginia formerly the property of Charles Bell deceased and which was devised to us by the last will and testament of Thomas Bell dec'd hereby vesting our said Attorney with full and compleat powers to convey to the purchaser the said tract of land in fee simple as amply and fully as we ourselves could do were we personally present and to receive payment therefore and grant receipt against us for the same, And whereas there are Sundry Negroes belonging to the Estate of the said Charles Bell which will vest in us on the demise of his widow and relief and we being desirous to dispose of our interest in said Slaves do hereby authorise and empower our said attorney to sell and convey all our right and interest to the Slaves and _______ the personal estate of the same Charles Bell dec'd to which we may or may hereafter have any kind of claim hereby ratifying, approving and confirming all and every act and acts which our said attorney shall do in the foregoing promise as witness our hand _______ seals this 14th day of August 1805. Witness John Holloway as to Margaret Ann Rankin LS James Bell Bell, Ann Rankin, Mildred Anderson Thos Bell LS ____ ____ ____ d. Gun_____ same N L Anderson LS ____ ____ ____ ____ ______________________________X-Message: #4 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 16:42:54 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: WILL: Lee, 1823, Logan Co Will of Elizabeth Lee Logan County, KY Will Book C Pages 56 - 57 FHC #03 64609 In the name of God Amen. I Elizabeth Lee labouring under a disorder that may terminate my earthly career but of Sound and disposing mind do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all other will or wills by me made To Wit I give and bequeath unto my children John H. Lee, Mary W. Price, Sarah 0. Crittenden, Elizabeth L Wilkinson & Matilda A Wallace and Lucinda L Call the following property To wit, My Slaves by the following names to wit, Jonathan, Judy, Emily Celia and her child Aggy together with my carriage and horses And also all my Bank Stock in the Bank of Kentucky except so much of it as is herein after otherwise disposed of and it is my will and desire that all the property aforesaid be equally divided between my said children above named in such manner as may be right. I give and bequeath unto my Son in Law George W. Call my Negro Girl _______ to be disposed of by him in such manner as he may think proper. I give and bequeath to my Son Lewis W. Lee Six Shares of my Bank Stock in the Bank of Kentucky and also my two negro boys named _______ and Croghan. It is further my will and request that so much of my bank Stock aforesaid as will raise the sum of Two hundred dollars be Sold for that purpose, Said Sum of Two Hundred dollars I wish applied to my own use, the Balance of the Said Bank Stock being herein disposed of as before Stated. I also give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth F. Wilkinson my _____ bed Stead and furniture And I do hereby constitute and appoint Andrew F. Price and Samuel McDouell Wallace my only Executors of this my last will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name and affixed my seal this twelfth day of December in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty three. Signed Sealed published and Elizabeth Lee (seal) declared in presence of us Chas Lofland Jos D. Hamilton Logan County Set At a county Court held for Said county at the courthouse in Russellville on the 5il~ day of April 1824 the foregoing last will and testament of Elizabeth Lee Decd was produced in open court and proved by the oath of Joseph D. Hamilton one of the _______ Witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. In testimony of which and that the same together with this certificate stands _______ recorded in my office. I _________________ Clerk of Said county Court hereunto set my hand the date above. Frances Off (?) ______________________________X-Message: #5 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 16:44:53 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: WILL: Lee, 1804, Woodford Co Will of Henry Lee Woodford County, KY Will Book C Pages 95 - 96 FHC #0252306 Know all whom it may Concern that I the under Signed Henry Lee, now indisposed in my body but perfectly Sound in mind Considering the uncertainty of Human life to by these presents Will and bequeath to my son Hancock my Negro Boy called Reubin to my son Willis my Negro boy called Paddy to son John my Negro boy called Milo to my daughter Sarah I confirm the bill of Sale formerly Given her for my Negro Girl Called Barbara to my daughter Nancy my Negro Girl Called Si_ah to my daughter Beky my Negro Girl Called Emelia and to my wife Francis Lee during her Natural life my Negro man called Ned and two Negro Girls Called Milly and Sall which last three after the decease of my said wife shall be sold and the proceeds thereof divided among all my children, it is However my wish and Intention that if any of the Negroes bequeathed by these presents to any of my Children should die before me, the Value thereof as near as can be ascertained shall be paid to the looser out of the proceeds of the three Negroes when sold after the decease of my said wife and that my daughter Sarah be also a partaker of the benefit of that last Clause in case of the death of Negro Barbara before my decease. Done in Woodford the fourth day of May one thousand and Eight Hundred and two and Signed in the presence of John Charles Carr, & Benedict Francis Zanpraddler (?) Henry Lee (seal) Teste John Charles Carr B. Van Pradeller At Court held for the County of Woodford the 3rd day of December 1804 This the last Will and Testament of Henry Lee deceased was Returned into Court and proved by the oath of Benedict Vanpradeller and ordered to be Record and on motion of Frances Lee who Executed and acknowledged bond as the law directs, letters of administration with the will Ennered is granted _____ Teste Geo Brooke CL End of ky-footsteps-digest V00 #103 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. 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