KY-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest 26 Feb 2000 Volume 00 : Issue 24 ______________________________X-Message: #2 Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 10:18:05 -0700 From: "Phyllis Hill" Subject:BIO: Fulton Co., Hammond, 1834 Fulton County, KY - Bios: Squire Nathan Hammond, b. 1834 Tuesday, January 25, 2000 Submitted by: billco@ARN.NET (Bill Utterback) ************************************************************************* HISTORY OF KENTUCKY ILLUSTRATED - EDITION 1 - Battle, Perrin & Kniffen Fulton County "Squire Nathan HAMMOND was born in Graves County, KY, January 20, 1834; removed with his parents in 1836 to Fulton County, where he remained until 1856, when he emigrated to Izard County, Ark., and after four years residence there entered the army, in which he continued to the close of the war. In 1866, he settled on the place where he now resides, in Fulton Co., Ky. His father, James HAMMOND, was born near Lexington, KY and died in 1882, aged seventy-four years. James married Nancy POLSGROVE, who died in 1861. Their offspring are William H., subject, Elizabeth (BAKER), Sarah A. (GRIMMETT), John S., Martha M. (McGLASSON), Susan E. (TUCKER), and Thomas F. Subject was married March 2, 1854 to Miss Theresa S., daughter of Admaral and Margaret (UNDERWOOD) BLACKMAN of Hickman County(died in 1860, aged twenty-one years), and as a result of this union, James A. (deceased) and Thomas H. were born. October 17, 1866, subject was married to Miss Harriett BLACKMAN, sister to his first wife and to them have been born John w., Ada J. (deceased), Ida B., Charles N., Tira and Otha F. Squire HAMMOND where he resides eleven years as magistrate and member of the county court. He is a farmer, owning 142 acres of fine land, which he is successfully cultivating. He is a Baptist in religion, a member of the Masonic fraternity, also of the K of H and in politics is a Democrat." ______________________________X-Message: #3 Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 10:20:28 -0700 From: "Phyllis Hill" Subject:BIOS: Fulton Co., Paschall Fulton County, KY - Bios: Dr. Gideon Paschall, b. 1820 Tuesday, January 25, 2000Submitted by: billco@ARN.NET (Bill Utterback) ************************************************************************* HISTORY OF KENTUCKY ILLUSTRATED - EDITION 1 - Battle, Perrin & Kniffen - 1885 Fulton County "Dr. Gideon PASCHALL, deceased, was born August 2, 1820, in Caswell County, N.C., and was taken by his parents in an early day to Huntsville, Ala.; thence in 1826, to Weakley Co., Tenn., six miles west of Fulton, Ky. He was the eldest of thirteen children born to Jesse M. and Mary (FREEMAN) PASCHALL, natives of North Carolina. He was reared on a farm, and was on the ground where Paducah now stands when there was not a building erected thereon. He engaged in flatboating down the Mississippi in an early day, and lived with his parents until he was twenty-two years old, when he commenced the study of medicine with Dr.Hawkings; he studied for three years and commenced his practice in Henry Co., Tenn.; he finally located where Fulton now stands and put up a log office, which he later moved from a mile east of town to where it now stands - a relic of the past - in the door yard of the family residence in Fulton. He took a course of lectures at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Penn., in the winter of 1853-54, received a diploma, and was one of the few who was able to graduate with one course of lectures. He was an excellent physician. He was married August 10, 1854, to Adaline BULLOCK, of Fulton County, a native of Granville Co., N.C. and a daughter of Richard and Martha (FREEMAN) BULLOCK of Granville Co., N.C. Mr. BULLOCK is of Welsh origin. To Mr. and Mrs, PASCHALL were born five children, viz: Pollie, Mattie, Addie D.,Annette, Effie R., now deceased. Mrs. PASCHALL is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; she is owner of one of the finest brick blocks in Fulton, a fine residence, and a number of other residences. Dr.PASCHALL and a Mr. CARR were the first to sell lots in the town of Fulton; they had the first plat made. The doctor assisted in cutting the State line road through Fulton; his father helped in the removal of the Cherokee Indians. Dr. PASCHALL was a member of the Masonic fraternity." ______________________________X-Message: #4 Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 10:22:30 -0700 From: "Phyllis Hill" Subject: BIO: Fulton Co., Shaw Fulton County, KY - Bios: M. B. Shaw, b. 1843 Tuesday, January 25, 2000 Submitted by: billco@ARN.NET (Bill Utterback) ************************************************************************* HISTORY OF KENTUCKY ILLUSTRATED - Battle, Perrin & Kniffen - 1885 Fulton County "M.B. SHAW, Fulton County, was born May 1, 1843 in Fulton County and is a son of John and Eliza (MOODY)SHAW, the father a native of Virginia, and the mother a native of Kentucky. His ancestors on father's side were of Scotch descent, mother's side English descent, and among the earliest pioneers of Kentucky, having settled in Shelby County, when that part of the State was one of the outskirts of civilization. The father of our subject explored that part of Kentucky bordering on the Mississippi River, in 1826, and located at Mills Point, now Hickman, some time during 1828. He served under Gen. Harrison in the Indian War of 1811, and gained some distinction as a scout in that campaign. He followed farming and was also a merchant in Hickman during the early days of its history. He was called to fill several official positions before the division of Hickman and Fulton Counties, and represented the county in 1845 in the State Legislature. He died in 1861, aged seventy years. The mother died in 1852, at the age of forty years. They were the parents of nine children, subject being the fourth child. W.[sic] B. SHAW commenced life for himself as a farmer and trader, and by successful management found himself in possession of sufficient means to open a business house, which he did in1882, taking in as a partner J.K. MUSTE. They opened a general grocery store, which is now one of the largest houses of its kind in the city, representing a capital of $10,000, and doing an annual business of $50,000. Mr. SHAW was married in February 1873 to Miss Susie SIMMONS of Fulton County. Mrs. SHAW died in 1875, age nineteen years. He was next married in 1877, to Mrs. Fannie B. ROBINSON, daughter of Thomas BUCK of Hickman; to this union have been born two children: Mit and Len. Mr. SHAW is a member of the IOOF, Masonic and K of H Lodges. Mrs. SHAW is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church." 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