KY-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest 21 Feb 2000 Volume 00 : Issue 77 ______________________________X-Message: #1 Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 03:49:43 -0800 From: Larry & Laura Wright Subject: NEWS: Eminent Early Kentuckians, Isaac Shelby, Wayne/Nelson County AS taken from The Wayne County Outlook January 18, 1934 Edition Typed as published and submitted By Laura Frost Wright EMINENT EARLY KENTUCKIANS Furnished Through the courtesy of ARNDT M. STICKLES, PH.D HISTORY DEPARTMENT, WESTERN KENTUCKY TEACHERS COLLEGE, BOWLING GREENE, KY ISSAC SHELBY, By MRS. W.E. SHIRLEY graduate student ISSAC SHELBY, son of EVAN SHELBY, was born December 11, 1750, In Hagerstown, Maryland. SHELBY as a young man was an officer in the army in many of its operations on the frontier. It was largely due to his movements that the Shawnee were defeated, in 1774. He planned and helped to win the significant victory of King"s Mountain in the American revolution. At different times he was a member of both the Virginia and North Carolina legislature. SHELBY came to the unsettled region of Kentucky in 1775 and settled Knob Lick, Nelson County, the next year. In 1779 the Land Commission at bryant"s Station granted him 400 acres of land on claim of settlement, and 1,000 acres on claim of pre-emption near Danville. In 1783 he married SUSSANAH HART, settled on the pre-emption near Danville , and lived there until his death , 1826. ISSAC SHELBY had much to do with the future of kentucky. He built the first stone house and lived on the first pre-emption granted in what now is Kentucky, and was a member of the trustees of Transylvania College at their first meeting. He was the first president of the board of trustees of Center College, a member of Kentucky"s first river Drainage Company, a member of the first convention that formed kentucky"s first constitution. He was the first president of our first state agricultural society. SHELBY was inaugurated Kentucky"s first govenor June 4, 1792 and his popularity was such that he was again elected in 1812. He personally led Kentucky troops to victory October 5, 1813, at the bloody battle of the Thames. Nationallu, he favored internal improvements and the protection of American industries. In 1822 he opposed the proposed releif measure to aid debtors and gave this toast: " The releif measures are demoralizing , impolitic and unconstitutional, may they be crushed". He opposed wild-cat banking and charcterized the insecure bank of the commonwealth as a child of folly, SHELBY"S last public service was given in acquiring the jackson Purchase, 1818. As soldier, statesman, and patriot he served his state in most trying times nobly and well. Submitted by. Laura Frost Wright ______________________________X-Message: #2 Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 07:15:40 -0800 From: Larry & Laura Wright Subject:NEWS: Adair County News, Nov. 3, 1897 Columbia KY THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS COLUMBIA, KENTUCKY NOVEMBER 3, 1897 Typed as published and submitted By Laura Frost Wright TRIBUTE OF RESPECT We, the undersigned committee, appointed to draft resolutions relative to the death of our dear friend , JOHN HOLLADAY, we, with deepest sadness, report the following. WHEREAS: It has pleased our Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, to remove from this life our beloved brother and co-worker, JOHN HOLLADAY , we deem it a duty to bear testimony of his many excellent traits of Christian character. He was an earnest and devoted follower of the meek and lowly Jesus, and from his youthful days had been a firm pillow in Zion Church. Therefore, Be it. Resolved, That while we mourn our loss as irreparable, heaven has gained a rare jewel, and that we humby bow to the will of Him who doeth all things well. 2d. That while his body rests in the silent tomb, his influence for good lives on. 3d. That this Sunday -school will ever love and cherish his memory and follow the example he has set before us. 4th That the community has lost one of its best citizens, the church a devoted member and the family a loving and affectionate husband and father. 5th. That we join in deepest sorrow with the bereaved family, and the host of friends who are left to mourn their loss. 6th That these resolutions be entered on the Sunday-school and church records, a copy presented to the family, and a copy furnished each of the county papers. H.P. WILLIS ELLA GARNETT MELVIN CONOVER Committee THEY ARE VERY PLESANT NOTE: COMMERCIAL Smokers attention. He has come at last. The Never down, Log Run and keystone cigar. Its made of cabbage leaves and rotten stock, bad flavor. If you don't believe it, try one and you will like it. Ask your merchant for it. Manufactored by S.L. HOWICH, Somerset, Ky A letter from Barboursville, the home of FINLEY ANDERSON, says he was forced to sign the affidavit, retracting what he said, as a witness, against CALEB POWERS at georgetown. the letter states that in a few minutes after the news of GOEBEL"S death reached Barboursville. ANDERSON wrote out and exhibited to several friends the full plot to murder GOEBEL. ANDERSON was coerced into signing the affidavit for political purposes. TOM BAKER, a Kentucky desperado, and a relative of the famous BAKER family, of Powell county, Kentucky , was killed a few days ago at Antigo, Wis, by JAS. CONNELLTON, whose brother CHARLES was stabbed to death by BAKER. Parties of kentuckians had been waiting for BAKER all week. He was decoyed to CONNELLTON"S house near where he was shot. When ordered to throw up his hands he struck a match and fired. the fire was returned with a double barrelled shot-gun and his body riddled. As he fell he fired again and calling out, " Boys, you"ve got me this time, Oh God , have mercy," he expired. At Versailles, GEO. WOODRUFF, Marshal, shot and killed A.W. STANHOPE and a young man named EDDINGTON. WOODRUFF and STANHOPE were shooting at each other and EDDINGTON was an inocent bystander. The trouble originated over a quarrel between the children of the parties. A desparate fight occurred at Bush, near the laurel and Clay county line, between THOMAS HALE and others on one side , and the SMITH boys on the other. HALE was cut several times by the SMITH"S and died later. JOE BOLDEN was killed by being cut in two by a curcular saw in Whitley county. CHAS ANDERSON, who recently murdered his wife at Falmouth has been taken to Cynthiana jail for safe keeping. EDITOR SEES WONDERS Editor W.V. BARRY of Lexington , Tenn in exploring Mammoth cave, contracted a severe case of piles. His quick cure through using Bucklen"s Arnica Salve convinced him it is another world"s wonder. Cures piles, injuries, Inflammation, and all bodily eruptions. Only 25 cents at Paull's Drug Store Columbia , Ky End of November 3, 1897 Submitted By Laura frost Wright ______________________________X-Message: #4 Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 15:55:34 -0700 From: "Jean Dalrymple" Subject: VITALS: Vital Statistics All Residents Nicholas Co.- Partial records of Nicholas Co., KY vital statistics, all residents Births, submitted by Kay Barnes Date, Name of Child, sex, Father, Mother, white/black. 6/25/1876 James Sapp, M, Soloman Sapp, Sallie A Smitson, w 6/25/1876 Thomas Blake, M, John R. Blake, Priscilla Stanfield, w 11/15/1876 John Henry Elijah Lowe, M, Isaac Lowe, Sally Tolliver, w 11/02/1876 Martha A. Vaughn, F. Jasper N. Vaughn, Sarah J. Barton, w. 11/07/1876, Elizabeth Hayse Richey, F. John H. Richey, Susan Barnett, w. 09/13/1876 Ida Belle Sims, F. Lewis C. Sims, Sallie Stanfield, w 01/24/1876 Albert N. Swarts, M. Zachanah Swarts, Dusana Hunter, w. 08/31/1876 Emma L Ockemen, F. George W. Ockoman, Catherine Tapp, w. ______________________________X-Message: #5 Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 18:14:13 -0700 From: "Jean Dalrymple" Subject:VITALS: Vital Ststistics, Nicholas County Kentucky County Vital Statistics, Nicholas County KY Submitted by Kay Barnes Date, Name of Child, Sex, Name of Father, Name of Mother, white/black 11/29/1876 Jesse Vickers, M. Thomas Vickers, Emma J. Walton, w. 11/10/1876 William C. Burden, M. John W.Burden, Joan Burden, w. 03/31/1876 Butler McClanahan, M. John McClanahan, Susan M. Perry (Lewis Co.). w. 03/04/1876 Mary E. Bramblett, F. George W. Bramblett, Amelia Coons, w. 08/14/1876 Thomas H. Alexander, M. John Alexander, Elizabeth Tapp, w. 07/03/1876 Samuel Tilden Duncan, M. Richard M. Duncan, Rebecca Reed, w. 09/10/1876 Noah L. Ruddell, M. George W. Ruddell, Jr,. Lydia Shulse, w. 06/10/1876 Mason Stamps, M. Andrew Stamps, Jane Wilson, b. 06/26/1876 Edward L. Stoker, M. John L. Stoker, Lou Ann Dice, w. 12/30/1876 Perly M. Hollar, M. John W. Hollar, Susan Ann Bowles, w 09/21/1876 Ira Francis, M. John G. Francis, Lydia McVey, w. ______________________________X-Message: #6 Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 21:10:05 -0500 From: Kay [] Subject:MARRIAGE: Bath County, Ky. Marriages-Partial Date, location, groom, bride. 07 Feb 1903, house of John Perry, Oscar McQuithy, Lizzie Perry 13 Feb 1903, house of RTD Zimmerman, Charley Crump, Fannie Stewart. ______________________________X-Message: #7 Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 21:10:16 -0500 From: Kay [] Subject: MARRIAGES: Bath County, Kentucky Marriages, Partial Date, Location, Groom, Bride 23 Jan 1879 , at the house of Caleb Baird, Allen Bromagen, Laura Belle Arrosmith 29 Jan 1879, at the house of RTD Zimmerman, John H. Chandler, Francis W. Slone 30 Jan 1879, at the house of John C. Maxey, George Perry, Jane Stewart. 13 Jan 1879, at the house of J. C. Maxey, Joseph A. Harper, Lydia B. Maxey ______________________________X-Message: #8 Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 23:27:25 -0600 From: Nancy Trice Subject: MARR: Marlow - Dudley, 1861, Caldwell Co Caldwell County, Ky. Marriage Bonds, book 5 pg 223 MARRIAGE BOND The Commonwealth of Kentucky Be it known, That we, W D Marlow, as principal, and James C Barnes as surety, are jointly and severally bound to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars. THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND IS AS FOLLOWS: That, Whereas, Marriage is intended to be solomnized between the above bound William D Marlow and Miss Paulina Dudley Now, if there is no lawful cause to obstruct said marriage, this bond shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and affect. Dated at Princeton, Caldwell County, this 31st day of January 1861. W D Marlow J C Barnes Test W E Mitchinssan, DC Mr Dudley the father of Miss Dudley being present gave his consent to issueing these license. W C Mitchusson, DC pg 224 W D Marlow, aged 22 years. Single. Born in Davidson Co, Tenn Father Stephen Marlow Mother Ala Reynolds Born in US Paulina Dudley, aged 20 years, single. Born in Caldwell Co Ky Father Milton Dudley Mother Eliza Harpending Born in US expect to be married at Mr Dudley's in Princeton on Thursday 31st day of January 1861 Att: W E Mitchussan DC -------- Copy of the Original Marriage License... MARRIAGE LICENSE The Commonwealth of Kentucky. to any Minister of the Gospel, or other Person, Legally Authorized to Solemnize Matrimony, You are permitted to solemnize the Rites of Matrimony between William D Marlow and Miss Paulina Dudley the requirements of the Law having been complied with. Witness my signature as Clerk of the Caldwell County Court, this 31st day of January 1861. W E Mitchunssan, DC by James C Miller, Clk. On the back: This is to certify that I solemnized the rites of matrimony between the within named persons at the house of Mr Dudley in the presense of J J Wylie, W E Mitchusson & others this 31st January 1861. W C McGehee M.G. End of ky-footsteps-digest V00 #77 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.