KY-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest 25 Feb 2000 Volume 00 : Issue 81 ______________________________X-Message: #1 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 06:57:49 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: SUIT: Lee, 1825, Madison Co. Suit in Chancery Court Charlotte Lee/Richard Lee heirs Madison County, KY Circuit Court File Box 106 Bundle 212 To the honourable the Judge of the [torn] Circuit court in Chancery humbly [torn] your oratrix Charlotte Lee, [torn] unto your honour, That on the day [torn] she intermarried with William Lee [torn] of Richard Lee deceased and had with [torn] as his lawful and affectionate wife [torn] the day of May 1824 when said W[torn] departed this life intestate and without [torn] and at the ____ of the Madison [torn] your oratrix and James Lee bt[torn[ letters of administration on his estate [torn] proceeded to sell what personalty was [torn] which sold for about two hun[torn] and sixteen dollars in silver on a [torn] twelve _____ - and said James Lee [torn] ____ of on the contract of the [torn] ____ for said estate - she wants [torn] state that she has paid about[torn] of the debts and the whole or [torn] ____ by William at his decease [?] ___[?]. She would further state that ab[torn] the day of ____ Noah Lee [torn] of one Stephen Walker [torn] ____ land and had his bond for a title [torn] ____ and sold the same to Richard L[torn] for the sum of four hundred dollars o[torn] that sum - and said Walker took [torn] the old bond and gave said Richard a [torn] acre, which last bond is filed in the available [?] court in this case of said Richard Heirs against said Walkers heirs for a [torn] to said land - After Richard Lee b[torn] purchased the land he verbally ag[torn] with the aforesaid William Lee if he William would pay half the purchase money for said land he sho[torn] have half of it - and William L[torn] [torn]ordingly paid Noah Lee, two hundred [torn]ollars on the [blank] day of [blank] for said land [torn] and William settled on one end of [torn] land & said Richard on the other end[torn] [torn] legal & binding division ever [n?] took [torn] during their Joint lifetime [?] on ____ [torn] and said William ever procure a [torn] to his half or any written evidence[torn] a right - That said Richard also died intestate[torn] said William and Elizabeth Lee [torn] widow of said Richard administered and [torn] his estate - That said admins sold [torn] of [torn] of said Richard's personalty as [torn] pay his debts - and the residue [torn] left in the said Elizabeths hands which she is yet accountable for - [torn] [torn] further state that Richard [torn] the following heirs to wit, the said William Lee, Dolly Titus, wife of Ebinizer [torn]tus Grisham Lee, Ann McGuire, wife of [torn]omas McGuire, Sally West wife of [torn]ttleton West - Noah Lee, David Lee, [torn]omas Lee, Richard Lee James Lee, Irvin [torn], Nancy Todd wife of Joel Todd, Peggy [torn]oyd wife of Hugh Cloyd, Dilly Wright wife of Kiah Wright, Polly Stinson wife [torn] James Stinson, Cinda Lee - Thos Belsha & Betsey his wife who are [torn] living yet except said William who [torn] intestate & without ____ as before [torn]ated - That said Heirs and their husbands [torn] Elizabeth Lee the widow after [torn] she [torn] debts to this bill, after [torn] death of said Richard & during the [torn] of said William never disputed the [torn] or [torn]ight of said William to the one half of said land but permitted [torn] to go on and improve the same, and of said heirs actually did ____ said [torn] came to improve said land & he[torn] them for so doing - The improv[torn] he made ____ in the clearing & [torn] of about thirty any of ____ [torn] ____ -- and in building several [torn] houses thereon - That since the death your oratrix is [torn] that she is intitled to one half of all personal estate dues & demands of said William her late husband - Since the death of said William the heirs deny his right to the [torn] of said land and allidge the [torn] [torn] while he and his father [torn] conveying the same - and [torn] [torn] ____ your oratrix out of the [torn] of the same - and deny her right [torn] therein - They also deny her right [torn] the one half of Williams share in [torn] father's estate - and she believes are not willing for her ever to have half the proceeds of the sale of her husba[torn] estate - They also refuse to pay for part of the improvements made by [torn] husband on said land - and refuse [torn] refund any part of the purchase [torn] all which is contrary to equity & [torn] In tender consideration of the [torn] and for as much as your oratrix [torn] only be relieved in equity - she prays [torn] commonwealths writ of ____ against the defts - and that they may [torn] and oaths to the allegations of[torn] [torn] on a final hearing your oratrix may [torn] such relief in the whole case as [torn]uity belongs and as justice requires [torn] as in duty bound she will pray [torn] ________ PQs [?] Box 106 Bundle 212 Catherine Lee ) ) ) Bill ) Richd Lees Hs Filed Apr 28th 1825 Att D. Irvine 1825 June by consent ____ ____ ____ costs. Bill JC 60 Or disnd [?] 25 Judge 18 Co & Pa 36 [?] 457 1.847 Att & Tax 5.50 Sh $ fee 6.55 $13.89 = Madison Circuit Court Charlotte Lee by her attorney complains of James Lee in custody & C of A plea of ____ For that said deft on the day of at said ____ with force and arms entered the ____ close in said county containing any and them and the__ with ____ ____ nailed up the doors and windows of her dwelling house on said ____ -- & threw[?] down the houses and ____ on said ____ -- and by like force took and returned [?] the ______ of said ____ and appurtenances - and other _____ ____ and ____ did against the ____ and dignity of the commonwealth & to the plaintiff damagd One thousand dollars ______ _______ PQ [?] The Commonwealth of Kentucky To the Sheriff of Madison County, Greeting: YOU are hereby commanded to take James Lee if he be found within your bailiwick, and him safely keep; so that you have his body before the judge of our Madison Circuit court, at the court-house thereof, on the first day of our next June term, to answer Charlotte Lee of a plea of Trespass d. damage $1000 and that you have there this writ. WITNESS, David Irvine Clerk of our said court, at the court-house, this 28th day of April 1825 and in the 33rd year of the Commonwealth. David Irvine Box 106 Bundle 212 Charlotte Lee ) ) ) _______ ) James Lee Filed Apr 28th 1825 Att D. Irvine 1825 June by consent _____ ___ Defts cost Decon & [?] 64 Or dismd [?] 25 Judge 18 Co & Pa 36 ____ 457 1.88.7 Att __ 3.00 Sh $ fee 627 $5.51 ____ This is an action of Trespass on the case and no bail is required. _________ PQ [?] Lee Caps [?] Lee To Term 1825 Executed 25th of May 1825 Wm M Clark for {/} J Miller [?] ______ The Commonwealth of Kentucky to the Sheriff of Madison County Greeting you are hereby commanded to summon William Lee Dolly Titus wife of Ebenezer Titus Grisham Lee Ann McGuire wife of Thomas McGuire Sally West wife of Littleton West Noah Lee David Lee Thos Lee Richd Lee James Lee Irvine Lee Nancy Todd wife of Joel Todd Peggy Cloyd wife of Hugh Cloyd Dilly Wright wife of Kiah Wright Polly Stinson wife of James Stinson Cinda Lee Elizabeth Lee Thos Belcha and Betsey his wife to appear before the Judge of our Madison Circuit court at the court house in Richmond on the 1st day of our ____ June Term to answer to a Bill in Chancery Exhibited against them ____ our said court by Charlotte Lee and this they shall see ____ quiet and have them there this ____ witness David Irvine Clerk of our said court this 28th day of April 1825 and on the 33rd year of the Commonwealth. David Irvine Charlotte Lee ) ) ) ______ ) Richd Lees heirs or To June 1825 William Lee is dead Ann McGuire Sally West David Lee Richd Lee Dolly Titus is no Inhabt of Madison County ____ Lee [written sideways on paper] Jas Lee [written sideways on paper] Wm MC C______ for J Miller ____ Executed on Grisham & Jas Lee 17th of May 1825 & on Thos and Noah Lee and Dilly Wright 25th of May 1825 & on Elizabeth Lee 27th of May 1825 & on Thos Belsha and wife 3rd of May 1825 & on Polly Stinson Nancy Todd & Peggy Cloyd 3rd of June 1825. Wm. M Clar_____ for JMiller ____ [?] ______________________________X-Message: #2 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 06:59:03 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: LAND GRANT: Lee, 1818, Pulaski Co. Grant South of Green River Drury Lee Pulaski County, KY Book 22 Pages 366 - 367 FHC #0272838 Gabriel Slaughter Esq Lieutenant Governor and acting Governor of the commonwealth of Kentucky To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that be virtue and in consideration of a certificate No 12 granted by the County Court of Pulaski April 1801 agreeably to an act of assembly for settling and improving the vacant Lands in this commonwealth There is granted by the said commonwealth unto Gamey Newby and D___ory Lee Newby assee of Joseph Porter said Porter and Lee assee of Ruebin Hill a certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred twenty nine acres by survey bearing date the fifth day of August one thousand eight hundred and thirteen lying and being in the county of Pulaski and on the waters of Pitmans Creek and bounded as followeth To wit, Beginning on three black oaks corner to David Dullors(?) survey and standing in George Cundiffs Military line thence with said line North thirty four East passing Lees corner ____ forty poles and in all two hundred and twenty poles to a white oak and black oak said Cundiffs corner at the Rock Lick then Paughts line North thirty three East one hundred and fourteen poles to a white oak and dogwood on H______ Newbys line thence with his line South fifty nine West passing his corner and with Minses line passing Lees corner at Two hundred and fifty two poles in all two hundred and eighty two poles to a large white oak Duttons corner thence South twenty three and a half East one hundred and forty six poles to the Beginning With its appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land With its appurtenances to the said Gamey Newby and Drewry Lee and their heirs forever In witness whereof the said Gabriel Slaughter Esq Lieutenant Governor of the commonwealth of Kentucky hath hereunto set his hand and caused the seal of the said commonwealth to be affixed at Frankfort on the twenty seventh day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen and of the commonwealth the twenty seventh By the Lieutenant Governor Gab Slaughter John P____ Secretary Margin Notes: Newby and Lee 129 acres Pulaski Ex ___ DD To the ____ No 11386 ______________________________X-Message: #3 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 07:00:04 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: LAND SURVEY: Lee, 1799, Pulaski Co. Land Grants and Surveys South of Green River Drury Lee Pulaski County, KY Book 2 Page 442 FHC #0272952 May 24th 1799 Surveyed for Drewry Lee assee of John Sears one hundred acres of land by Virtue of his having a Settlement and Certificate No 156 Situated Lying and Being in the County of Pulaski and on Buck Creek Beginning on two White oaks at A thence runing South 45 Degrees West 127 Poles to two Spanish Oaks at B thence North 45 Degrees West 127 Poles to a White Oak and Sugar tree at O thence North 45 Degrees East 127 Poles to two Poplars at D thence South 45 Degrees East 127 Poles to the Beginning Variation three Degrees East James Sears ) James Hardgrove DS Henry Brown ) CC Exd & Recorded Saml McKee 1800 Margin Notes: Drurey Lee 100 Acres No 1716 Received 14th November 1799 ______________________________X-Message: #4 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 07:00:57 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: LAND SURVEY: Lee, 1800, Pulaski Co. Land Grants and Surveys South of Green River Drury Lee Pulaski County, KY Book 2 Page 442 FHC #0272952 Augt 9th 1800 Surveyed for Drury Lee assignee of John Sears 100 acres of second rate land by virtue of an entry made on a Certificate No 156 removed from a military survey according to law, the land lying in the County of Pulaski and on buck creek. Beginning on the bank of the creek on a beech and cherry tree thence running up the creek with its meanders N 58 E 106 poles thence N 65 E 80 poles thence N 80 East 20 poles to two white oaks on the bank of Buck creek thence N 108 poles to a Spanish oak thence South 82 West 179 poles to a white oaks and beech thence S 108 poles to the Beginning. Saml McKee DC Isaac Beeson ) ) CO Wm Nolland ) Margin Notes: Drury Lee 100 Acres No 2846 Recd 21 Aug 1800 ______________________________X-Message: #5 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 07:26:27 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: DEED: Lee, 1818, Madison Co. Indenture Francis Lee Madison County, KY Deed Book N 1818-1819 Pages 187-188 FHC Film #0183290 This Indenture made this 5th day of October anno domoni one thousand eight hundred and eighteen between Noah Pinkston and Nancy his wife of Madison County and State of Kentucky of the one part and Francis Lee of the same County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Noah Pinkston and Nancy his wife their heirs and executors and Administrators for and in Consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty Dollars good and lawfull money to them in hand paid the receipt whereof they doth hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell release and Confirm unto the said Francis Lee his Heirs or assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land Containing seventy one acres and twenty six poles Situate on the waters of Sales [?] and Silver Creek in Madison County and Bounded as followeth [?] to wit: Beginning at a white walnut and hackberry corner to James Kidwell thence South thirty three East fifty two poles to a lynn in Francis Lea's line thence with his line South thirty seven West Seventy poles including a spring to a planted stone in the Spring Branch thence North twenty seven west thirty three poles to a hickory stump corner to Thomas Kidwell thence North nine west thirty six poles to a popler on Ralph Morg__[?] line thence with his line North forty six East forty nine poles to Beginning with its appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with all and singular the appurtenances to the said Francis Lee his heirs or assigns forever and they the said Noah Pinkston and Nancy Nancy his wife for themselves their Heirs, Executors and Administrators do warrant and forever defend the said tract of land to the said Francis Lea his heirs or assigns from every Person or Persons whatever. In Testimony whereof they have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written. Signed sealed and acknowledged ) Noah Pinkston LS In the presence of us ) Nancy Pinkston LS State of Kentucky Madison County Set County Court Clerks office October 5th 1818 I, William Irvine Clerk of the Court for the County aforesaid do hereby Certify that this deed was this day produced to me in my office and acknowledged by Noah Pinkston and Nancy his wife to be their act and deed and having first explained the contents of the said deed to her the said Nancy and having privately examined her separate and apart from her said husband ___ the ___ she freely and voluntarily relinquished all her right and title the within mentioned tract of land and the same has been duly recorded in my office. Attest Will Irvine End of ky-footsteps-digest V00 #81 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.