KY-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest 25 Feb 2000 Volume 00 : Issue 83 ______________________________X-Message: #1 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 07:37:23 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: DEED: Lee, 1831, Madison Co. Indenture Grisham Lee Madison County, KY Deed Book W 1835 - 1837 Pages 103-104 FHC Film #0183294 This Indenture made this 30th day of May in the year 1831 between John James and Lairsa (?) his wife of the County of Madison and State of Ky of the one part and Grisham Lee of the County & state aforesaid of the second part. Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars in hand paid has granted, bargained, and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto the said Grisham Lee of the second part a certain parcel of land lying and being in the County of Madison on the waters of the Walnut Meadow fork of Paint Lick containing by survey ____ nine acres bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at ____ Licking the South E corner of William Pallin's (?) 200 acres survey on a branch at A, thence N one degree W 64 poles to the center (?) of Walnut Meadow fork Paint Lick creek at B, thence down the creek with its several meanders 27 ___ N 60 poles __60 N 16 poles ___ 35 (?) poles S9E 30(?) poles ____ ____ on the South bank of the creek marked a pointer at C, thence ___ 20 = ___ 18 poles up a small branch its meanders to a stake in the branch on Patton's old line and a Licking on the W and __ white oaks on the Est marked pointers at D, thence with the old line N88E 92 poles to the Beginning. Together with all and ______ the premises thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. To Hanve and to hold the land hereby conveyed with the appurtenances ____ the said Grisham Lee and his heirs and asigns forever and the said John James and his wife Lerisa (?) do warrant and defend the ____ and title of said land with its appurtenances forever against the right titles ____ or claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever. In Testimony whereof they have Hereunto set their hands and seals this 30 day of May 1831. Test John James (seal) Jon. James Lerisa X (her mark) James (seal) Richard I. Croole (?) Kentucky Madison County I, David Irvine, Clerk of the Court for the County aforesaid do hereby certify that this Deed of Conveyance was produced to me in my office on the 5th day of September 1831 and proved to be the act and deed of John James by the oaths of Jonathan James and at another time ____ on the 31st day of August 1835 it was forever by Rich ____ I Crooke (?) to be the act and deed of said John James and James _____ witnesses the ___ and ___ the same ____ ____ ____ ____ acknowledged by Lerisa James wife of the said John James to be her act and deed and having first explained the contents of said Deed to her the said Lerisa and having privily examined her separately and apart from her said husband as the law directs, she freely and voluntarily relinquishes all her right and title to the land hereby conveyed and ____ that the ____ together with this certificate might be recorded and the same has been duly recorded in my office. Att David Irvine _____ ______________________________X-Message: #2 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 07:38:23 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: DEED: Lee, 1836, Madison Co. Indenture Grisham Lee Madison County, KY Deed Book W 1835 - 1837 Pages 303-304 FHC Film #0183294 This Indenture made this 1st day of Sept in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six between Grisham Lee and Mary Ann, his wife of the County of Madison and State of Kentucky of the one part and William Phelps of the county and state aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Grisham Lee and Mary Ann his wife for and in consideration of the sum of seven hundred and nine dollars eighty one ____ to them in hand paid the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge hath granted, bargained, and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto the said William Phelps a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the said County of Madison and on the waters of the Walnut Meadow fork of Paint Lick Creek adjoining the land of Jese (?) Stephenson on the east and north and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at a reaelm tree on the bank of a branch corner to Jese Stephenson's and running thence S2E 146 poles to an oak and ask trees on a balk hill thence N 89E 82 poles to a wash stump a hickory stump pointer corner to said Stevenson thence with Stevenson's line N3W (?) 54 poles to three oaks and an ash trees at a bar of rocks on a hillside thence N34W 26 poles to a stake a black and white oak trees pointers thence N22W 69 poles to a stake a forked unli___ bush marked a pointer corner to said Stephenson thence with another of said Stephenson's lines _____ 68 poles to the Beginning containing sixty seven acres two quarters and seventy poles. To have and to hold the said tract of land with its appurtenances to the said William Phelps his heirs ____ assigns forever and the said Grisham Lee and Mary Ann his wife for themselves their heirs, excors and admrs do warrant and forever defend the said tract of land with its appurtenances to the said Wm Phelps his heeirs and asigns against the claim of all and every person or persons whatso ever. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day and year first above written. Grisham X (his mark) Lee (seal) Mary Ann X (her mark) Lee (seal) State of Kentucky Madison County I, David Irvine, Clerk of the court for the county aforesaid do certify that this deed from Grisham Lee and mary Ann his wife to Wm Phelps was on the 2nd day of Sept 1836 produced to me in my office by the said grantors and acknowledged by the said Grisham Lee to be his act and deed and the said Mary Ann, being examined by me privily and apart from her husband ____ that she did freely and willingly seal and deliver said ____ and ____ her not to retract it ____ ____ ____ said ____ again shown and explained to her to be her act and deed and consented that the same ____ recorded and the same has been duly recorded in my office. Att David Irvine ____ ______________________________X-Message: #3 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 07:40:48 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: DEED: Lee, 1836, Madison Co. Indenture Grisham Lee Madison County, KY Deed Book W 1835 - 1837 Pages 304-305 FHC Film #0183294 This Indenture made this 1st day of Sept in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, between Grisham Lee and Mary Ann his wife of the County of Madison and State of Kentucky of the one part and James Foley of the county and state aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Grisham Lee and Mary Ann his wife for and in consideration of the sum of eight hundred and nineteen dollars thirty seven cents to them in hand paid the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said James Foley an certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the said County of Madison on the South side of the walnut meadow fork of Paint Lick creek and bounded as followeth to wit Beginning at a red elm tree on a branch corner to Jesse (?) Stephenson thence with a line of said Stepehenson N ___ W 65 poles to the center of the said walnut meadow fork an ask and elm tees on the South bank thereof marking pointers thence down said walnut meadow fork with its meanders and in the middle thereof S 16 ___ 60 poles S 60 W 18 poles S 12 W 21 poles thence ___ 5 ___ 20 poles to an elm tree on the south bank of said fork thence up a drain S 20 W 19 poles to a stake a hickory tree marked a pointer thence S 35 ___ 40 poles to a stake thence N 88 E 128 poles to a stake a white oak and hackberry pointers thence N 3 W 31 poles to the Beginning containing Fifty four acres two quarters and twenty poles. To have and to hold the said tract of land with its appurtenances to the said James Foley his heirs and assignees forever and the said Grisham Lee and Mary Ann his wife for themselves their heirs excors and admors do warrant and forever defend the said tract of land with its appurtenances to the said James Foley his heirs and assignees against the claim of all and every person or persons whatsoever. In Testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day and year first above written Grisham (his mark) Lee (seal) Mary Ann (her mark) Lee (seal) State of Kentucky Madison County Scl (?) I David Irvine clerk of the court for the county aforesaid do certify that this deed from Grisham Lee and Mary Ann his wife to Ja__ Foley on the 1st day of Sept 1836 _____ produced to me in my office by the said granter and acknowledged by the said Grisham Lee to be _____ and deed and the said Mary Ann being examined by me privately and apart from her husband ______ that she did freely and willingly to retract it acknowledged said writing again shown and explained to her to be her _________ and deed Att Dvid Irvine CUCC ______________________________X-Message: #4 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 07:41:48 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: VIRGINIA GRANT: Lee, 1786, Fayette Co. Virginia Grants Hancock Lee Fayette County, KY Book 9 Pages 83 - 84 FHC #0272814 Patrick Henry Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that by virtue and in Consideration of a Land office Treasury warrant number 391 and part of a Land office Treasury Warrant N 392 Issued the 15th day of October 1779 there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto Hancock Lee a Certain Tract or parcel of Land Containing one thousand five hundred acres by survey bearing date the 29th day of July 1783 lying and being in the County of Fayette on the south fork of Elkhorn and bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning at ____ Hoopwood and two Buckeyes in the line of Slaughter and Jones running with the ____ ____ twenty degrees East four hundred Eighty three and three fourth poles to a Sugar tree and white oak and Buckeye near the bank of the Creek thence north seventy degrees west two hundred and twenty six poles Crossing the said Creek thence two hundred and seventy poles to a Black walnut and two Sugar Trees saplins in all four hundred and ninety six poles thence south twenty degrees west four hundred Eighty three and three quarter poles to a sugar Tree Hoopwood and Buckeye Crossing the same Creek at one hundred and Sixty four poles from the Corner and a Branch near the last Corner thence south twenty degrees East four hundred and ninety six poles to the Beginning with Its appurtenances To have and to hold the said Tract or parcel of Land with its appurtenances to the said Hancock Lee and his Heirs for Ever In witness whereof the Said Patrick Henry Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his hand and Caused the lesser seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the ninth day of January in the year of our Lord on thousand seven hundred and Eighty six and of the Commonwealth the Tenth. Patrick Henry ______________________________X-Message: #5 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 07:42:37 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: VIRGINIA GRANT: Lee, 1786, Fayette Co. Virginia Grants Hancock Lee Fayette County, KY Book 10 Page 138 - 139 FHC #0272814 Patrick Henry esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all to whom these presents shall come greeting Know ye that by virtue & in consideration of part of a Land office treasury warrant No 391 & issued the 15th day of October 1779 there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto Handcock Lee a certain tract or parcel of Land containing five hundred acres by survey the 12th day of March 1784 lying & being in the County of Fayette on the Kentucky River & Bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning at two Elms & a hickory corner to Zachariah Taylor's military survey & running with his line south six degrees East two hundred & sixty eight poles corner to the said Taylor at two honey Locust on the side of a hill thence south fifty one degrees west one hundred & ninety four poles to two white oaks corner to the said Taylor thence north forty degrees West one hundred & eighty poles to the Kentucky River thence with the meanders thereof north twenty two degrees East eighty poles south thirty degrees East twenty _____ poles north forty six degrees East fifty four poles north twenty five degrees East thirty six poles north five degrees West one hundred & two poles north thirty six poles to the mouth of McAsses (?) Spring run thence up the run with the meanders thereof south sixty degrees East fourteen poles north seventy three degrees East thirty nine poles north fifteen degrees East twenty two poles to two Beeches thence East twelve poles [to two Beeches thence East twelve poles] north thirty five degrees East twenty poles north eighty five degrees East twenty six poles to an Elm & hoopash thence south twenty six poles to an ash & red oak thence north eighty degrees East forty poles to the Beginning with its appurtenances to have & to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said Handcock Lee & his heirs forever In witness whereof the said Patrick Henry esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his hand and caused the lesser seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & eighty six and of the Commonwealth the eleventh. P. Henry ______________________________X-Message: #6 Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 07:43:18 -0800 From: "Martina Carpenter" Subject: VIRGINIA GRANT: Lee, 1786, Fayette Co. Virginia Grants Hancock Lee Fayette County, KY Book 10 Page 285 FHC #0272814 Patrick Henry esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all to whom these presents shall come greeting Know ye that by virtue and in consideration of a Certificate in right of settlement given by the commissioners for adjusting the Titles to unpatented Lands in the District of Kentucky and in consideration of the ancient composition of two pounds sterling paid by Handcock Lee into the Treasury of this Commonwealth There is Granted by the said Commonwealth unto Handcock Lee a certain tract or parcel of land containing four hundred acres by survey bearing date the 4th day of April 1785 lying and being in the County of Fayette on the waters of Licking and bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning at two box elders and honey Locust corner to Henry Lees settlement running north sixty degrees East four hundred poles to three Spanish oak Saplings crossing a large break near the Corner thence south thirty degrees East one hundred and sixty poles to a Sugar tree & two Buckeyes thence south sixty degrees West four hundred poles to a mulberry & two Blue ash trees corner to said Henry Lees land thence north thirty degrees west with his line to the Beginning with its appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land with its appurtenances to the said Handcock Lee and his heirs for ever In Witness whereof the said Patrick Henry esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his hand and caused the lesser seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty six and by the Commonwealth the Eleventh P. Henry End of ky-footsteps-digest V00 #83 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.