KY-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest 12 April 2000 Volume 00 : Issue 165 ______________________________X-Message: #1 Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 15:05:15 EDT From: Subject: LETTER: Jacob Lough to Nicholas Houser, 1819, Barren Co Pension File of Jacob Lough-R-6397 To: Mr. Nicholas Houser and or Jacob Loch living in Baren County in Kentuki State near glassgo. Envelope: Rushville O. 27 April Main County Pribble County April 6th, 1819, Fairfield County State Ohio, Richland Town Dr sisters and friends we gladly Imbrace this favorable opportunity of informing you, we are all in good health at present thanks be to God for his tender mercies to war---(illeg) us. hoping these few lines may find you and all friends in the same state of health. We received your friendly letter which gave us considerable satisfaction having never got a correct account of you since we left Virginia. Before and now you have written nothing consarning Brother Stephen which makes us feel very strangely affected (illeg) that account we was told some very disagreeable thing that happened to him concarning his intermarriage in Carrolinas But we can not credit it. Please to Write to us as soon convenient to inform us ritely about it and about each of your families, your number of children if any married, where they live in this or any other state and county that we may have a opportunity to write to them we live in Fairfield County, Samuel ten miles north New Lancaster on the Granville Road, Thomas lives ten miles North east near the Bush mill, Benjamin two miles this side of Mt. Barnan, Jammima near Samuels and mother with Samuel. Mary Ann is no more she departed this life last June of a short illness which baffled the Physicians, Brother Samuel has ten children seven girls and three boys none married. Sister Mary Ann had eight children, some live in Virgnina and some living here, sister Jemima has eight children, one married, Thomas has six children 4 boys and 2 girls, brother Benjamin has seven children five daughters and two sons. (page 2) We desire you to give us some account of Nicholas Howser and his family, Mother is growing very frail and remembers her love to you all. Expecting this the last time on Earth to hear from you so we must conclude with desiring yo to write on all occassions which will be received with Thankfullness, concern by us to all inquiring friends. No more at present but remain your most affectionate brothers and sisters until death. Thomas Warner End of ky-footsteps-digest V00 #165 ********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.