KY-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest 29 July 2000 Volume 00 : Issue 232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #1 Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 16:49:15 -0700 From: Larry&Laura wright Subject:NEWS: The Albany Banner- Clinton Co Jan. 7 1892 THE ALBANY BANNER CLINTON COUNTY, ALBANY KY JANUARY 7, 1892 TYPED AS PUBLISHED & SUBMITTED BY LAURA FROST WRIGHT COUNTY DIRECTORY County Judge- P.H. HOPKINS County Attorney-J.H. PARRIGAN County Clerk- C.B. PARRIGAN Sheriff- W.C. CARR Jailer- J.M. LOOPER School Commissioner-G. W. BOOHER County Surveyor-MOSES TUGGLE Assessor- J.W.WRIGHT Coroner- G.W. WRIGHT ALBANY The town of Albany, the county seat of Clinton County, is favorably situated upon an elevation, about fifteen miles south of the Cumberland river and forty miles from Burnside, the nearest railroad station. There are two boldsprings near the town, one on the west and the other on the South. CHURCHES There are three Churches, Baptist, Methodist, and Christian. SCHOOLS The Albany High School is an incorporated institution of learning and own a large comminodious building on the west side of town. Prof. A.L. RHOTON is principal and during the next session will be assisted by Prof. R.A. LOLLAR and other competant teachers. This institution is doing good work and has increased the interest in the case of education in this section. MERCHANTS There are five general stores in town. W.F. HARRISON is the oldest merchant, having commenced business in the year 1845 He is a man of great energy and industry. His nephew, JAMES HARRISON, a bright young man is his assistant. T.V. STEPHENSON did a large and successful business at Cumberland City for many years and in 1884 located and moved his business to Albany. He is assisted by WM. LENARD, who is new at the business, but is attentive and prompt. J.L. WYNN came to Albany sixteen years ago, as a clerk for Yates & Hancock, some years after he conducted a store for himself and T.V. STEPHENSON, and in the year 1884, he commenced and has since engaged in business alone. RANSOM LENARD, a man of exemptlary habits, assits him. W.L. McDONALD in connection with W.T. DICKEN commenced business in the year 1888. Afterwards DICKEN sold his interest to McDONALD, who has and is doing a very large business. He is always at his post, and is assisted by DANIEL DABNEY, a young man who knows and attends to his business. W.T. DICKEN sometime after he sold to McDONALD commenced business alone. He is attentive to business and is a man of excellant judgement. WM. ARMSTRONG, his son-in-law assits him. Mr. ARMSTRONG when a boy was a successful trader and has fine business qualities. F.M. BALLENGER and J.W. CATTRON commenced business last year, and are always prompt, plesant, and agreeable. Mr. BALLENGER is postmaster at Albany. Dr. ELZA BECKETT, the oldest phycian in the county, has a drugstore, and while he does not work for custom, is ready to attend any call on him. W.L. STORY has a well equipped drugstore and has done a large business for many years. Dr. STORY is a man of steady habits, and is plesant and agreeable with his customers. R.L. HIGGINBOTTOM comes up smiling, and says he intends to have a part of the business in supplying drugs, medicines, etc. Mr. HIGGINBOTTOM is a clever gentleman and is doing a good business. LAWYERS We intended to say something about the lawyers and doctors but have not much space to say much. SAIN C. HARDIN is the oldest Attorney, except the writer, and is a very prompt annd business man. J.H. PARRIGAN is county Attorney and prosecutes with vigor and a will. M.L. JARVIS, a young attorney is a good student and first rate habits. These are qualities that will insure success. CLAUDE CARR, a very bright young man, has been teaching school and is not practicing law at this time. J.A. TOMPKINS resides in the Illwill precinct. He has a quick and active mind, and success awaits him if he will make the proper effort. PENSION ATTORNEYS HARDIN and YATES or I.A. STORY will attend promptly to any business entrusted to them in the pension or claim business. PHYCICIANS Dr. W.F. CARTWRIGHT located at Albany in the year 1881. Since which time he has had a very extensive practice. Dr. W.C. KEEN located at Albany in the year 1881 and his practive has been very large. Dr. J.A. SLOAN is a young man, who has a bright future before him. SADDLERY There is only one saddlery and shoe shop in town owned by J.M. PITTMAN, an active enterprising man , who keeps everything in motion where he goes. BLACKSMITH"S CROSS & MARCUM do a large business and satisfy their customers. DANIEL BROS. have recently located to Albany and are doing a good business. CARPENTER SHOP There is but one shop in town owned by , ELLISON LESLIE. There are several good carpenters in the county who are always ready for a job. BRICKLAYER J.K. CASTILO who has much experience, has located in Albany and has made the brick and recently built a neat brick cottage for W.L. McDONALD. HANCOCK and HARRISON have new machinery and are engaged in boring wells for water. HOTELS E.L. ARMSTRONG has been proprietor of the Albany Hotel, but has retired from the buisness, and A. G. LONG who purchased the property has taken charge of the Hotel. Mr. LONG makes a good landlord, and Mrs. LONG who is a very plesant lady will make a good hostess. MILLS A.G. LONG owns a water grist mill south of town. JERRY GWINN miller. J.A. VINCENT owns a water grist mill west of Albany. JAMES GWINN miller There is a steam saw, grist, and carding mill on the west side of Albany under the management of DAVID ORTON, owned by D.G. ORTON & Co. There may be some other business"s overlooked. If so we will make mention, if our attention is called to it. Albany is a plesant town to live in. The merchants and business men are prompt and reliable, and we hope they will all conclude, as some have, that it is to their interest to invite the patronage of the people through the columes of the Banner. Submitted By Laura frost Wright July 29, 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #2 Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 18:02:52 -0700 From: Larry&Laura wright Subject:NEWS/HISTORY: The History of the Bertram Family, Clinton Co Taken from The Albany Banner January 7, 1892 Issue Typed as published and submitted By Laura Frost Wright THE HISTORY OF THE BERTRAM FAMILY (Some parts are missing) WM. BERTRAM , the father of the BERTRAMS, who first settled in Wayne and Clinton counties, was born in Lee county, Va, He served seven years in the Revolutionary war, spending the best part of his life for the liberty and independence of his country. About the close of the war he moved to N.C. , and later to White county , Tenn. where he died in his 97th year. WILLIAM BERTRAM, son of the above was born in N.C. June 17, 1783, at a very early age he came to Wayne county, Ky and settled in the South Fork, in the eastern part of the county. Later he moved to Carpenter"s Fork, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a minister of the gospel and spent much time in organizing the Baptist Churches in this part of the state. He led a -missing-life, and possessed high moral courage , ever striving to elevate those by whom he was surrounded. He raised a family of twelve children, nine boys and three girls, of the nine boys three were ministers of the gospel, to wit: EPHRAM, JACOB, and JOHNATHON. A short time before he died he invited his children, grand-children, and great grand children to gather at his home. The number that responded to the invitation was seventy eight, after a short lecture from the old man , they separated never to meet again on earth, He died October 23, 1865 EPHRAM BERTRAM, was born in Wayne county, Ky. He was one of the greatest ministers of his day. He professed religion at an early age and united with the church at Plesant Hill, Ky Like Saul of --missing, after his own deliverance, feeling that it was his duty to go and preach the gospel to a cruel and ruined world. He at once set about to prepare himself for his office. ------Missing---- Barren County. Here he united with Mt. Plesant church and thus became identified with Original Barren River association. Among the people of this association, he spent the remainder of his life. He was held in high standing by the people with whom he labored and preached. He died at his home in Barren county in the year of 1887. JACOB and JOHNATHON, still live near the place of their births, and devote much of their time to the interests of religion, though each of them has passed his three-score years. REUBEN BERTRAM was born in Wayne county, Ky. At an early age he professed hope in Christ. For sometime he devoted himself to the study of the Bible. He was then ordained to the ministry and gave good evidence of his ability to fill that high office, after about three years of labor, death claimed him for its victim. He died January, 1891 ALVIN BERTRAM was born in Wayne County, Ky. Being of poor parentage. He was uneducated. In 1861 he married ROSA B. YOUNG and moved to Clinton County, Ky where he has since resided. In 1866, he professed religion and joined the church at Beech Bottom. In 1872 he was ordained to the ministry and for sixteen years had the pastoral care of his church. From time to time he has had the pastoral care of different churches. As to his character and standing, it is not for me to say but let the people among whom he has lived for the past twenty-seven years be the judge. Dr. JOEL BERTRAM, son of CALVIN BERTRAM was born in Clinton County, Ky. In the year of 1875 he conceived the idea of practicing medicine, though he had never been in medical school. He at once purchased a stock of medicines, and begun to practice having some success. Later he attended the lectures at Atlanta, Ga. where he obtained a diploma. He now has a fine practice, and is one of the foremost doctors of the mountain counties of Tennessee. JOE BERTRAM, was born in Wayne County, Ky. He proved himself to be a good student and made good progress in his studies.. He taught school and saved money enough to carry him to college. He attended the college at lexington, where he secured a fine education. About the year of 1876, he was elected to the State Senate. After his term in the Senate he made the two races for Congress, but was defeated in convention. In 1890 he was chosen county judge of his native county, which possion he now holds. E.B Submitted by Laura Frost Wright July 29,2000 End of ky-footsteps-digest V00 #232 ********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.