KY-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest 12 Jan 2001 Volume 01 : Issue 3 X-Message: #1 From: clcrawford [] Subject: NEWS: Mt Vernon Newspapers Dec 7, 1900, Rockcastle Co Friday Dec 7, 1900 Rockcastle County Court W.B. Sayers and others-Contestants vs Miriam Hays and others propounders of the will of John Sayers, Contesters John Sayers a bachelor resident of Rockcastle county made a will on the 26th day of Oct last and died Nov 4th. The will offered probate which the contestants object. BRODHEAD Misses Rosa Gentry and Annie Owens of near Mt Vernon visitied Miss Belle Hendrickson of this place Sunday Mr Wm King of Gumsulphur was her Saturday on business Miss Susie Hilton has returned from Lancaster accompanied by her sister Miss Bert Mr G. Rogers and wife of Crab Orchard visited relatives here Sunday Miss Lillie Robins was on the sick list last week Rev Hendrickson filled his appointment at the Baptist Church Sunday Mr Ben Pike returned Sunday from a visit to relatives at Mt Vernon and Livingston Mr Patten Moore and brother Walter of Crab Orchard visited their sister Mrs W.R. Wallin of this place Sunday Mr George Thompson a prominent farmer of near Oak Hill was in our town Monday on business Preston Clark and wife from Minnesota who left this county in 1862 are visiting H.G. Howard and old friends of this place Miss Lela Pike has returned from a visit to her aunt Mrs J.A. Mullins of Livingston Mr J. W. Proctor a prosperous farmer of near Beelick was here Saturday Misses Alice William, Grace and May Roberts of Freedom attended the box super here Thursday night Mr W.R. Wallin made a flying trip to Crab Orchard Thursday Miss Kate Herrin a pretty and attractive young lady from the Glades attended church her Sunday Drs Gravely and Benton went to Mt Vernon Monday on business Larkin Hicks was in Pulaski and the southern part of this county last week on business Rowley Pike is visiting the families of A.J. and R.P. Pike Mrs Mary Collier spent Saturday and Sunday in the country with her brother G.E. Painter Maurice Brown is the night owl here now Miss Stella Houston of Lancaster is visiting Miss Susie Hilton this week J.G. Frith is going to build a nice residence on College street The widow of W.C. Cabble deceased, has compromised with the R.R. Co for $5000 for the death of her husband who was killed by the falling in of a bridne (?) at Calvary last summer Eugene Smith of Lebanon was here Saturday William Potts has bought the dwelling belonging to Tilman Gilpin near the M.E. church for $200 Sam Tatum of Lancaster was the guest of W.G. Tharp Saturday Miss Annie Gilpin is here visiting relatives' Mr & Mrs L.T. Houk of James Town Ind were visiting relatives here the first of the week -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #2 Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 20:40:37 -0600 From: clcrawford [] Subject: NEWS: Mt. Vernon Newspapers Nov 30, 1900, Rockcastle Co GOOCHLAND Mr Grover McGuire has moved from Clarks Station and is with us again A.J. McGuire left this city last Tuesday enroute for the beautiful little town of Paint Lick where he was joined in the bonds of matrimony with Miss Addie Shearrr the beautiful and attractive daughter of Hon. John Shearr. We extend to them our best wishes and hope they may be blessed with much happiness and their troubles may be little ones Wade Ballard the handsome son of Mrs T.J. Ballard says that his wedding day is not far off. Some girls have awful tastes but perhaps they are like my wife, think it their last chance Mr George Gatliff has been wearing mourning for the past two weeks. His intended eloped with another man NEWS ITEMS Krueger was given a magnificent reception in Paris Att'y W. C. Owens has appeared before the court of Appeals in behalf of Jim Howard and asked the court to compel clerk Ford of the Franklin Circuit court to furnish copy of record without any compensation as his client was unable to pay for same LIVINGSTON Judge W.P. Rains and Mr and Mrs J.R. Stucky went to Mt Vernon Sunday to attend church Improvements have been made on the Eight Gables also on MR D. Bryant's house by J.T. Blankenship and crew Miss Lena Pike daughter of Rev A.J. Pike is here visiting her aunt Mrs J.A. Mullins Mrs Dr Lucas and son returned from a visit to Wildie this week I.C. Jones of near London is here spending the week with his brother merchant Frank Jones John Summerhaze was called to Louisville by telegram announcing the sickness of his mother Mr E. Fishback's sister who was visiting her returned to her home in Falmouth Monday Sam Mason and wife returned from a visit to Madison Bowman & Cockrel have received a great many logs by river this tide W.T. Tubbs has moved back from Mullins Station and is occupying the Joseph Coffey dwelling MR Fitzhugh was her the latter part of last week looking about his timber interest Jake Tussey was down from Jackson county Friday last in a sweat to see about a railroad tie tide Mr E. Smith of Broadhead was among us Saturday Marshall Owens of Maretburg was down trading with our merchants last Friday and Saturday Rev Smith of this place is out at Scaffold Cane conducting a revival meeting. he is assisted by Rev Cannon, Rev Mr Smith has accepted a charge to preach at Scaffold Cane and will move there shortly Mrs E. A. Aerrin is quite sick this week Geo Griffin is in from Laurel county spending Sunday with his family E.A. Herrin has returned from Quail Thursday night of last week Mr Gorge Mounce and Miss Georgia Smith eloped from this place to Jeffersonville and were married Friday morning and returned home Monday. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Jas Smith of this town and is a pretty and attractive young lady. The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Allen Mounce of near town and is a worthy young man Jake Sambrook went somewhere the first of the week T. Griffin was here Monday J.A. Meed was out of town on business the first of the week Dave Jackson and Bob Cole drummers were here this week Miss Mary Hayes of the Big Stone Gap VA is a guest of Mrs Sue Mullins this week John Young Brown returned Monday from a hunting trip in the vicinity of Lilly and Farris Champ Cummins was visiting his parents Monday. He is now employed on the R.R. at Williamsburg Attorney J.W. Brown of Mt Vernon was with us this week Ben Pike of Brodhead is here visiting relatives while laying off on account of an accident he met with in trying to get off a moving train at the above place BRODHEAD Rev Livingston filed his appointment at the Christian church Sunday Mrs Nan Tharp of Danville is visiting her mother Mrs W.G. Tharp of this place Mr John Robins who has been in Cincinnati for some time come home Wed night Messrs J.T. cherry and J.W. Tate went to Stanford Friday last Born to the wife of P.W. Tharp on the 17th a fine boy Mrs J.A. Robins has been quite sick for the past week There is not a better man in the county better pleased over the election than W.H. Sowder Miss Belle hendrickson accompanied by her brother Joe and Lester Hilton is visiting friends near Preachersville Mrs I.M. Roberts who has bee at London for some time at the bedside of her sister has returned and says she is very much improved Granville Owens has been teaching school for Bro Hendrickson while he was holding a protracted meeting at Freedom Mr Joel Pike of Pulaski is visiting the family of A.J. Pike this week Ben Pike who has been confined some time caused by accident is able to be out again and has gone to Mt Vernon to visit relatives Miss Susie Hilton is visiting in Lancaster Mr C.H. Frith is preparing to erect a handsome dwelling on Front street which will add greatly to the beauty of our town Tilman Gilpin of Glencoe and one of our old Rockcastle men is visiting friends and homefolks here this week John Weaver and Bob Roberts have returned from Louisville J.W. Tate has charge of the post office at this place W.A. Tyree is building the residence for C.H. Frith Miss Lula Pike is visiting friends and relatives in Marion county Dr Clark who has been on the sick list is able to be out again Mrs William Henderson of Garrard county is visiting her daughter Mrs Ed Newlad and sister Mrs Josh Dunn Dave Hurt who is recognized by all the high officials of the L&N as one of the best section foremen on the entire line is numbered among the sick this week Tyree and Williams the noted carpenters of Brodhead are doing some repairing on theresidence of J.G. Frith Rev A.J. Pike has returned from Marion county near Gravel Switch where he has been holding a protracted meeting Prof R.L. Brown spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks at Level Green Jasper Faris says if he can raise 100 bushels more turnips next year the whole country will go democratic Mr Ayers of Glenco a great tobacco man who has bought C.S. Cummins farm went to Mt Vernon Monday with Mr Cummins to have the deed made J.Thomas Cherry and Daniel Owens two of our leading merchants were in Mt Vernon on business Monday H.L. Tate of Mt Vernon was here Saturday on business J.J. Wood was here Saturday writing tax receipts for the boys The tent belonging to Bassil Duke the hoop pole man not the railroad magnate looked something like the ruins of Galveston after the little storm a few days ago Cleave Cable who has been sick for some time is improving slowly Miss Clyde Cass went back to Mt Vernon Sunday where she is attending school LOCAL DEAD: Lee Kinnard died of typhoid fever Sunday night Walter Turpin was fined $1 and cost for being drunk on election day W.M. Norton, J.M. Norton and A.H. Hamlin have gone to North Carolina for a months visit Mrs Jones has lost two mich cows and one horse in the last three weeks Messrs J.W. Tate, Larkin Hicks and Tom Francisco of Brodhead were here yesterday on business Elisha Renner who has had seven cases of typhoid fever in his family and one death reports all improving The case against Mrs Lou Leifford charging her with giving whisky away on election day was dismissed Supervisors, Judge Williams appointed last Monday Harry Blazer, W.G. Mullins, J.J. Baker, R.P. Norton and J.G. Frith as supervisors of tax for 1901 Contest: The will of John Sawyers was offered in county court Monday for probation. A contest was made and the trial is set for next Monday Dr W.L. Myers will locate in Mt Vernon and begin the practice of dentistry on the 20 th of December. all kinds of dental work crown and bridge work a specialty Released: The case of the commonwealth against Joe Norton for giving whisky to another on election day was tried in county court Monday. The commonwealth failed to make a case and the defendant was discharged That point of the county roads which our half lived corporation was supposed to keep in repair but which it has failed to do has been taken in charge by the county Judge divided into two sections and overseers appointed for each section. W.R. McClure has charge of the road running from near James I. White's place to the top of the hill and W.A. Cox has the one running in the other direction The golden wedding of Mr and MRs Eli Coffey was celebrated the 15th at their home with an all day feast. Many friends and relatives gathered in to show their great love and respect for this good old couple. They start in a short time to visit their children in Arkansas and Texas Explosion: A can of frozen dynamites which was sitting on the back part of the boiler to thaw at Sparks quarry exploded Tuesday afternoon tearing down the engine house, blowing off several pipes tubes and whistle from the boiler. V.P. Freeman the boss who had one leg broken and shoulder dislocated was the only person hurt. His injury is not thought to be fatal Harve Owens and America Haley prominent colored people were married last evening at the residence of Saunders Fish...America Haley is the daughter of Edna Haley who belong to Capt John Haley before the war. Aunt Edna was the black mama of the MRs D.N. Williams Mrs Williams with her family were present at the wedding last night and presented America with a handsome present Short: Mr L.L. Jarrett post master at Brodhead was checked up last Friday by the post office inspector and found to be $292 short. The matter was soon arranged by Mr Jarrett and his bondsmen and every thing passed off nicely. Mr. Jarrett says the big shortage was as much a surprise to him as it was to his many friends Mr. J.W. Tate has charge of the office now and will continue until a new post master is appointed In Fridays issue of the Interior Journal appeared the formal announcement of W.I. Herrin as a candidate for jailor of Lincoln county. Mr Herrin who is an old Rockcastle man has a host of warm friends in this county and it is the sincere hope of his many friends here that hiss asking will not be in vain IN COUNTY COURT William Mason was held to answer before the grand jury in the sumo of $20 bond for willfully and maliciously cutting and wounding Noah Mason on the night before election. L. Mullins was fined $200 and cost for gaming. Mart Owens was fined $3 for contempt of court for failing to comply with the courts order to work the county road Pupils receiving the best grades at the college for the month of November are the following Cull Dept Fanny Sparks 66 Claude Cox 95 McKenzie Brown 95 Anna Thompson 95 Intermediate Dept Alza Thompson 95 Ralph Forester 95 Risse Williams 95 Fannie Mcclure 95 Primary Dept Lelia May Lovell 96 Mattie Baker 95 Robert Harry Miller 95 Floyd Miller 95 Jake Williams 95 Abel Pennington 95 Mr martin in speaking of this county as being well adapted for the production of tobacco said there is nothing the farmers of Rockcastle county could raise that would bring them in as much clear money as tobacco. Says he further "During the twenty four years which I have been buying tobacco I have never yet been able to buy it for less than 7 cts per pound on average. Mr Schaffer another tobacco man who has raised one crop in Rockcaslte county and who has been engaged in the raising of tobacco all his life says "The land in this county will average 800 pounds of tobacco to the acre" and with fertilizing it will do better than that. Now take the statement of these tow men one as a buyer an the other as raiser calculate for yourself and see if it is not to the farmers interest to devote a portion of his time and ground to the raising of tobacco The will of the late judge James G. Carter was probated in the county court last Monday. The document was written in his own hand and was readily identified. He paid a beautiful complement to the Masonic Fraternity of which he was a valued member and died in Berea having gone there in the interest of that body. In his will is found the following language..."When I die my wish is to be buried by the Free Masons with their beautiful ceremonies that I have so often as Master participated in for so many of my departed brothers that have gone before me to the Grand Lodge above. He desired his wife Mrs Mary Carter to be the administrate and she was named as such in the will A splendid entertainment was given at the college Wed night. Dr Ewers was chairman and proved a good introducer. Risse Williams played a beautiful medley on the piano followed by a recitation by Fannie McClure entitled Nellies Prayer. Margaret McCarty and Gladden Ewers played that famous duet "Russian Dance" and Mae Sowder recited "Wakin the youn'uns up". Fannie Sparks played "At a cake walk" then come Clyde Cass with "Heavens Gate". Alzie Thompson played "Handy Andy" then came Burdet Houk with a "Mustard Plaster". Victor Tate was sick and the cornet duet which he and Eugene Mullins were on for had to be omitted. McKenzie Brown in a true dialect style spoke "Sunday Fishing" followed by a piano waltz by Margaret McClary. The audience was neither sleepy or satisfied so up went an atheistic call for Miss Cox who responded with two selections on the piano. Ed Short made a polite and efficient usher for the occasions. End of ky-footsteps-digest V01 #03 ********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. **********************************************************************