KY-FOOTSTEPS-D Digest 4 Mar 2001 Volume 01 : Issue 33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #1 From: Kelly Blizzard [] Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 6:35 PM Subject: COURT: Harlan Co, KY Court Orders May Term 1839 Harlan Co, KY Court Orders May Term 1839 May Term 1839 On motion of Stephen Rice, Jacob Woolum, Joshua Bingham, Preston Davis, and William York are appointed to view thebest way for a road from Stephen Rice's down to Simms Fork to intersect the road at the left hand fork of Straight Creek Harlan Co, KY Court Orders January Term 1834 Ordered that Joshua Bingham be appointed surveyor of the road from John Hendrickson's barn in the cane bottom field to the Clay County line and he, with the hands heretofore allowed, to keep said road in repair. Harlan Co, KY Court Orders Sept Term 1833 2 September 1833 This day is executors of Thomas Hendrickson, deseased, and in the appraisement bill of said estate which is ordered to be recorded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #4 From: Kelly Blizzard [] Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 6:26 PM Subject: OBIT: Marion M. Woolum, 1965, Kenton & Whitley Co DAILY TRIBUNE (CORBIN, KY) ISSUE 2 APRIL 1965 Marion M. Woolum, 78, 111 Ford St, Corbin, died at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Covington at 4 a.m.Wednesday. The funeral service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Vankirk Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Haskell Bolding and the honorable Eugene Siler. Burial will be in the Smith Cemetery at Faber by the Vankirk Funeral Home. Pallbearers will be Bascom Reasor, W. W. Sumptor, Curt Lawson, Charles Leforce, Alex Harp, W. M. Harp, Albert Leforce, W. H. Robinson, W.W. Duke, and Charles Davis. Honorary pallbearers will be the Lawson Bible Class of the First Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Maude Davis Woolum, Corbin; two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Bays, Covington and Mrs. Emma Warren, Barbourville;three sons, Airman 2/c Marion M. Woolum Jr of Dover, Del; Warren Harding Woolum, Corbin, Larry Woolum; tow brothers, Jim Woolum of Artemus and Dave Woolum, Brush Creek, KY; 20 grandchildren, five great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #5 From: Kelly Blizzard [] Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 6:26 PM Subject: CENSUS: 1820 Union Co KY Census, Wollen,Wallen Surnames 1820 Union Co KY Thomas Wollen 01131?0200104012000001 Dempsey Wallen 42001010010030000102 James (?) Wallen 200110310100200000011 John Wallen 000001000000100?3111011 Film very hard to read, please double check these listings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #6 From: Kelly Blizzard [] Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 6:34 PM Subject: COURT: Milton York, Knox Co Court of Claims CLAIMS ALLOWED BY KNOX COUNTY COURT OF CLAIMS OCTOBER TERM 1874 Milton York, County Judge $175.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #7 From: Kelly Blizzard [] Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 6:26 PM Subject: OBIT: Eva Woolum, Kenton Co MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE, Barbourville, KY Issue 15 June 1928 page 4 Mrs. Eva Woollum, wife of Marion M. Woollum, died at their home on Allison Avenue Thursday, June 7, after a long illness of heart disease. Besides her husband, she is survived by three children, Bertha age 16, Emma age 13, and Harding age 7. Two brothers and three sisters also survive as follows: R. M. York, Harlan; W.D. York, Morley, Tenn; Mrs. Bettie Lefler, Knoxville, Tenn; Mrs. Belle Chinn, Williamsburg; Mrs. Florence Scalf, Grays. The funeral and burial service took place Saturday, June 9. Please credit the this information to Carol Crook -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #8 From: Kelly Blizzard [] Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 6:34 PM Subject: COURT: Harlan Co, KY Court Orders June Term 1833 Harlan Co, KY Court Orders June Term 1833 Mount Persifull and Skelton Renfro produced the last will and testament of Thomas Hendrickson, deseased, and proven the same by John Gilbert, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto.... whereupon Mount Percifull & Skelton Renfro, the executors named in said will, executed $2000 bond to the Commonwealth with Samuel Mark and Thomas Sewall their securities. Ordered by the court that Wm. Tinsley, John Baughman, and Richard Perce be appointed to appraise the personal estate of Thomas Hendrickson, deceased, and make report to the next county court. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #9 From: Kelly Blizzard [] Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 6:26 PM Subject: DEATH CERT: Evey Woollum Whitley and Knox Co DEATH CERTIFICATE Evey Woollum Female White Married Housewife age 42 Birth place-Whitley County,KY Father- A. York b. Knox Co, KY Mother-Pollie York b. Tenn Informant- W. M. Woollum, Barbourville, KY Died-Barbourville, KY 7 June 1928 Cause- Pulmonary tuberculosis, duration 3 years Buried- Williamsburg 9 June 1928 by A. W. Hopper, Barbourville,KY Please credit the this information to Carol Crook -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #10 Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 21:09:40 -0800 From: Kelly Blizzard Subject: MARR: Permission to Marry note, Woollum & York Marriage, Knox Co On file in the Bell Co , KY Court Records This is a handwritten note in which I have a photo copy. Mr. Eligha Hurst Clk of Bell County Sir I want you to issue licins for my Sally York to marry Henry Woollum and you will ablige me this the 5th of August 1879 (signed) Dennis C. York -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #11 Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 21:55:02 -0800 From: Kelly Blizzard Subject: PENSION: Pension papers for Mary Woolum York widow of Dennis C York, Jefferson Co Pension papers for Mary Woolum York widow of Dennis C York. The header of this form reads.... C.O.R. 8-1081 10,590 Act June 27th, 1890 Pensioner Dropped _________________ United State Pension Agency Louisville, KY August 14th, 1906 Certificate No - 347,276 Class - Widow Pensioner - Mary York Soldier - Dennis York Service- Pvt. "A" 49th Ky. V.I. THIS COMMISIONER OF PENSIONS SIR: I have the honor to report that the above named pensioner who was last paid at $ 8.00, to May 4th, 1905 has been dropped because of death, July 2d, 1905. Very Respectfully, A F Wood -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Message: #12 Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 21:03:15 -0800 From: Kelly Blizzard Subject: MARRIAGE: Henry Woollum & Sallie York, Bell Co Marriage Bond The Commonwealth of Kentucky Be it known, that we Henry Woollum (Hand written) as principals and Wm M. Hollingsworth (Hand written) as surety, are jointly and severally bound to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars. The Condition of this Bond is as follows: That Whereas, Marriage is intended to be solemnized between the above bound Henry Woollum (Hand written) and Sallie York (Hand written), now if there is no lawful cause to obstruct said marriage, the bond shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Dated at Pineville Bell County, this 6th day of August 1879. (signed) Henry C Woollum Attest: E Hurst, Clerk Wm M Hollingsworth Bell County Court End of ky-footsteps-digest V01 #33 ********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. 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