I have in my possession a copy of "A History of Kentucky, Embracing Gleanings, Reminiscences, Antiquities, Natural Curiosities, Statistics and Biographical Sketches of Pioneers, Soldiers, Jurists, Lawyers, Statesmen, Divines, Mechanics, Farmers, Merchants and other leading men, of all occupations and pursuits." By William B Allen, author of the Kentucky Officers' Guide. Louisville, Ky Bradley & Gilbert, Publishers. 1872 >From time to time I will post here some of the info found in this book. Please don't write me asking for lookups. The book is not indexed. Enjoy! nt ------- pg 153 The first Constitution of Kentucky was formed, as has before been states, in the year 1792. At that time there were only nine counties in the State. The Convention was held at Danville, Mercer County, where all previous conventions of importance had been held. Among the members of that Convention, even at so early a date, were some of the most talented men in the United States. The following are the names of those who composed the Convention and the counties they represented, some forty-five in all: County of Fayette -- Hubbard Taylor, Thomas Lewis, George S Smith, Robert Fryer, and James Crawford. County of Jefferson -- Richard Taylor, John Campbell, Alexander S Bullitt, Benjamin Sebastian, and Robert Breckinridge. County of Bourbon -- John Edwards, James Garrard, James Smith, John McKenny, and Benjamin Harrison. County of Nelson -- William Keen, Matthew Walton, Cuthbert Harrison, Joseph Hobbs. County of Madison -- Charles Kavendor, Higgerson Grubbs, Thomas Clay, Thomas Kenedy, Joseph Kenedy. County of Mercer -- Samuel Taylor, Jacob Froman, George Nicholas, David Rice, and Samuel McDowell. County of Lincoln -- Benjamin Logan, John Bailey, Isaac Shelby, Benedict Sayre, and William Montgomery. County of Woodford -- John Watkins, Richard Young, William Steele, Caleb Wallace, and Robert Johnston. County of Mason -- George Lewis, Miles W Conway, Thomas Waring, Robert Rankin, John Wilson. Samuel McDowell, of Mercer County, was President of the Convention, and Thomas Todd, Clerk. ************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.