CHURCH: BETHEL CHURCH - Laurel Co Submitted by: Rita Maggard Mary Brown Lissie Brown Ambrase Clark Susie Clark Mayze E. Baker Belle Heart Laura Heart Mary Clark Liydia J Campbell Mahala Clark Roan Morgan Martha Harvelle Noah Clark Josh Clark Clay Brown Isaac Brown Annie Goff John Williams Hala Clark (7) April the 3rd Saturday 1898 We the united Baptist church of Christ of Mt. Bethel at Hightop have met and after prayer the unity of the Spirit Sought for and found in peace then preceded to business, the clerk being absent it was motioned and Seconded that brother Sid Hale be and was appointed clerk protem for the day it was then motioned and seconded that Sidney G Hale and sister Alice Hale be and was appointed Deacon and Deaconess for the Church, it was ordered that the selecting of our (presbatery?) be at-- (9unreadable)-to next meeting. It was then motioned and seconded to adjourn the business of the day this done to order by the Church James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. S. . G Hale C. Prot. (8) May the 3rd Saturday 1898 No Church meeting on account of a choir of members not being present. James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (9) June the 3rd Saturday 1898 no Church meeting on account a choir of members not being present James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (10) July the 3rd Saturday 1898 No Church meeting on account of not being achourum of members present. James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (11) August the 3rd Saturday 1898 No Church meeting on account of not being a chour of members present. James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (12) Sept. the third Saturday 1898 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought and found in peace. Then members of sister Churches invited to seat with us then proceeded to business, it was then ordered that Bro. W. F. Bray was selected to meet with Church at next meeting for the purpose of ministerial aid in ordaining Deacon and Deaconess. It was then ordered that brother Justis Brewer be and was appointed to see Elder W. F. Bray. No further business was attended to. It was ordered to adjourn the business of the day done to order by the Church James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (13) Oct. the third Saturday 1898 No Church meeting James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (14) November the third Saturday 1898 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer by brother John Brewer and preaching by brother Mahan Clark and Rev. James Brewer, the doors of the Church were open for the reception of members. Received four to wit , Brother John Brewer, Sister Elizabeth Brewer by experience and Brother Mahan Clark and wife Sister Abbey Clark by letter. This done to order by the Church. Rev, James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (15) December the third Saturday 1898 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace, thus proceeded to business, there still being no Deacon or Deaconess, brother Mike Riley being present he was solicited by the Church as Ministered aid for ordaining Deacon and Deaconess then no further business coming before the Church it was Motioned and seconded that we adjourn the business of the day. Then brother Justice Brewer and sister Gracie Brewer was ordained as Deacon and Deaconess for the Church. Done to order by the Church Rev. James Brewer Mod Chris Morgan C. C. (16) December the 21- 1898 It Wednesday, we theUnited Baptist Church of Christ of Mt. Bethel - Laurel Co Submitted by Rita Stanifer Maggard ( This file was transcribed by Carol Wyatt and submitted to the USGenWeb Archives by Rita Stanifer Maggard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Church Record for the United Baptist Church of Christ of Mount Bethel (Laurel County, Kentucky) 1897 - 1922 Transcribed by Carol Wyatt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Constitution October the 3 Sat. 1897 (1) This is to certify that on the 16 day of October 1897 it being the 3 Saturday there being a sufficient number of church member of unitedBaptist to organize a church at Hytop. Therefore under the directions of Baptist faith and order on the 16 day of October 1897. And set the day forsaid organization and agreed to meet on the third Saturday of November 1897 at Hytop and organize. (2) November the third Saturday 1897 it being the 20th day of the month we met and imboked our selves to gather for said organization. We then adopted church convent then the rule decorum and articles of faith were read received and adopted by the following members to wit: Rev. James Brewer, Justice Brewer, Sid Hale, Ruben Morgan, Alexander Morgan, Chris Morgan, Mervery Brewer, Alice Hale, Roan Morgan, Gracie Morgan, Mary Harville, Elizabeth Andras, and Rachel Storms all of whom agreed to call themselves by the name Mt. Bethel Church of United Baptist and proceed to the election of our offices where upon Brother James Brewer was elected moderator and Brother Chris Morgan church clerk who was chosen as our officers in that capacity we then was recognized by the committee as a United Baptist church given under our hand day and date. James Brewer mod Chris Morgan CC. (3) December the 3rd Saturday 1897 we the united Baptist church of Christ of Mt. Bethel at Hyhtop have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit called for and found in peace then preceded to business then no business coming before the church it was ordered that they adjourn till meeting in course Done to order by the church James Brewer mod Chris Morgan C C (4) January the 3 rd Saturday 1898 no meeting on account of absence of moderator James Brewer mod Cris Morgan C C (5) February the 3rd Saturday 1898 no church meeting on account of absence of moderator James Brewer mod Cris Morgan C C (6) March the 3 Saturday 1898 no church meeting on account of not being a charrum of members present James Brewer mod Cuis Morgan C C continued.......... Mt. Bethel May the 1898 Names of Members Enrolled Rev James Brewer Justine Brewer S G Hale Alice Hale Mary Harville Elizabeth Andrew Rachel Storms Ruben Morgan Chris Morgan Alexander Morgan Roan Morgan John Brewer Gracie Morgan - late Brewer Elisabeth Brewer Mahan Clark Abbie Clark Frank Harvill Oreliana Johnson James M. Wells Martha J Wells Frank Anders Alford Clark Elin Clark Sarah Andres Henry Thompson Manarvey Brewer A Brumet Mary Clark J. W. McCown Tom Proffit Amanda Kirby William Clark Emily Clark Andrew Storms Isham Perry W H Brumett Giorge Brumett William Clark James Morgan Milvinia Brumett Rachel Brumett John C. Clark Johnana McCowan William Loveless Delia Loveless Lissie Loveless Permelia Jane Clark Ida Brown John Brown Kelly Clark David Lawelestist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have had sears of meetings held at this place by brother Mike Riley, brother James Brewer, brother James M. Wells and brother David McKey. The doors of the Church were opened for the reception of members and received two to wit, brother Frank Harvel and sister Orlend Johnson by realization. Done to order by the Church Rev. James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (17) January the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought and found in peace then the church was solicited to wait till Sunday for the election of a Moderator no further business coming before the Church it was motioned to adjourn the business of the day. Done to order by the Church Rev. James Brewer Mod. Cris Morgan C. C. (18) January the 4th Sunday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after electing brother James Brewer as Mod. For the next year, and after preaching by Brother James Wells and Brother James Brewer the doors of the Church were opened for the reception of members and received two to wit, Brother James M. Wells and wife sister Martha J. Wells by letter. Done to order by the Church. Rev. James Brewer Mod Cris Morgan C. C. (19) February the third Saturday 1899 No Church meeting Rev. James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (20) March the 3rd Saturday 1899 No Church meeting on account of absence of Moderator James Brewer Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (21) April the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace then proceeded to business . No new business coming before the Church except it was ordered the coming meeting be at the regular meeting in June. No further business was attended to, it was ordered to adjourn the business of the day till meeting in course. Done to order by the Church James Brewer Mod Chri Chris Morgan C. C. On Sunday following meeting were held the doors of the Church were opened for the reception of members received and to wit- Brother Frank Anders by experience Bro. Janes Brewer Mod. Cris Morgan C, C (22) May the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace. No business coming before the Church at present. After preaching the doors of the Church were opened for the reception of members received 3 to wit, Sarah Anders by (unreadable) and brother Alford Clark and his wife sister Elen Clark by letter. Done to order by the Church. . Rev. James Brewer Mod Cris Morgan C. C. Reuben Morgan c. c. Pro. Sunday following after preaching by Bro. Mahan Clark and brother James Brewer, the doors of the Church were opened for the reception of members and received one to wit. Bro. Henry Thompson, by letter. Collection of 90 cents for the papers of preparing necessary preparation for the communion. Done to order by the Church Rev. James Brewer Mod Cris Morgan C. C. (23) June the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace then the minutes of last meeting were read and adopted then proceeded to business where upon it was moved that the Church should ordain brother Ruben Morgan to the Ministry of Christ the Church pertaining to Sinking, East Salem and Slate Hill Churches for ministerial for said ordination, it was then moved that Bro. James Wells and Bro. Cris Morgan go as a committee to Sinking Church and Bro Ruben Morgan as a committee to East Salem Church, it was moved that the Church write a letter to Slate Hill Church as a committee to Church for ministerial aid in said Ordination, this being a surplus to that amount of .35 cents left after purchasing said preparations for the (communion?) the money been placed in the hand of the Deacon. No further business coming before the Church it was motioned to adjourn the business of the day. Done to order by the Church. Rev. James Brewer Mod. Cris Morgan C. C. (24) July the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace the Church Clerk not being present it was then motioned that Brother Justus Brewer should serve a assistant Church Clerk it was then motioned that the (commutiun?) should be replaced as committees from sister Churches administrated aid was granted form Sinking Church and East Salem Churches the Church received administered aid East Salem Church also Sinking Church Bro. Morgan refused to be ordained under the 14 article of faith, so the brethren from Sinking Church did not participate in Ordination because they believed in the 14 article of faith, we the old United Baptist be in 13 articles of faith, no further business coming before the church it then motioned and second to adjourn the business of the day, this done to order by the Church James Brewer Mod. Justice Brewer assistant C. C. (25) Aug. the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Hytop have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace, then proceeded to business. This Church Clerk being absent the Church elected brother Ruben Morgan clerk Brother Mahan Clark and brother David McKey preached. James Brewer Mod. Ruben Morgan C. C. (26) Sept the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ of Hytop have met and after prayer by brother Hubbard the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace . No business coming before the Church brother Henry Bruner preached from first Corinthian the 13 -13 Done to order by the Church James Brewer Mod. Ruben Morgan C. C. (27) Oct. no Church meeting (28) Nov the 3rd Saturday 1899 We the United Baptist Church of Christ of Hytop have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace not business coming before the Church it was motioned to adjourn till meting in course. Done to order by the Church Bro. James Brewer Mod Reuben Morgan C. C. (29) Dec. the third Saturday 1899 We the united Baptist Church of Christ at Hytop have met and the Church not called to gather on account of not a quarum of members being present. James Brewer Mod. Ruben Morgan C. C. **************** (30) Jan the third Saturday 1900 No Church meeting (31) Feb. the 3rd Saturday 1900 No meeting (32) March the 3rd Saturday 1900 No meeting (33) April the 3rd Saturday 1900 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Hytop have met the Church not called together it not being recognized as it should be for business the Church door being open for the receiving of members and received one by letter to wit, Arnold Brummett James Brewer Mod. Ruben Morgan C. C. (34) May No Church meeting 1900 (35) June No Church meeting 1900 (36) July No Church meeting 1900 (37) August 3rd Saturday Sunday 1900 The United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met found in peace members were called for received one to wit, Sister Mary Clark the right hand of fellowship were extended welcoming her into the Church R. Morgan Mod. (38) September 3rd Saturday 1900 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met found I peace members called for received on to wit, Brother J. W. McCown by letter it was then motioned and second that the clerk should prepare a letter to send to the Old United Baptist Association at Laurel River . The delegates were appointed Bro. J. W. McCown Bro. Justice Brewer, Bro. Brumett, Bro. Sid Hale, Bro. R. Morgan, Bro. James Wells. It was then motioned and seconded that we have a called meeting at 4 O'clock this afternoon to receive the letter to the association, it was motioned and seconded that we adjourn the business of the day, this done by order of the Church R. Morgan Mod. Justice Brewer Clerk protem (39) October 3rd Saturday 1900 The United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met found in peace the Church members agreed to meet next meeting and elect an assistant Church Clerk also Brother James Wells and Wife were granted letters of dismission from our Church. No further business coming before the church this done by order of the Church R. Morgan Mod. Justice Brewer Clerk Protem (40) We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met the 3rd Saturday in November 1900. And after worship proceeded to business (1) fellowship call for and the Church found in peace (2) We (unreadable) J. W. McCowan protem Clerk for the day (3) we elect J. W. McCown assistant clerk (41) We the United Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met the 3 Saturday in December 1900 and after worship preceded to business (1) fellowship called for and the Church found in peace (2) we grant the Clerk a night to prepare the minutes of the ordination of brother R Morgan We the Church at Mount Bethel met on Sunday after the 3 Saturday in July for ministry (1) ordered we (recere?) the Presbytery now present (2) that we deliver him unto hands of the Presbytery for ordinations names of Presbytery W S Reames James Wells Jemes Brewer (42) We the United Baptist Church at Mount Bethel met the 3 Saturday in January 1901 and after worship proceeded to business (1) fellowship called for and the Church found in peace (2) we opened doors for members received two to wit Tom Proffit by relationship and sister Amandy Kirby by letter (3) that we grant Bro. Henry Thompson a letter of dismission (43) We the united Baptist Church at Mount Bethel met the 3 Saturday in February 1901 and after worship preceded to business (1) fellowship called for and the Church found in peace (2) ordered we dismiss the business of the day. (44) We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met the 3 Saturday in March 1901 and after worship proceeded to business (1) fellowship caller for and the Church found in peace. (45) April No Church meeting 1901 (46) We the United Baptist Church at Mount Bethel met on the 3 Saturday in May 1901 and after worship proceeded to business (1) fellowship called for and the Church found in peace (2) the door of the church was open for members and recorded none (47) We the United Baptist Church at Mount Bethel met the 3 Saturday in June 1901 and after worship proceeded to business (1) fellowship called for and the Church found in peace (2) it is ordered we elect a moderator by present vote to serve us for the next year which resulted in the election of W H Brurner moderator and R Morgan assistant moderator. (48) July the third Saturday 1901 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the Spirit sought and for and found in peace. It was then ordered that there be a letter prepared to the segregation on our next regular meeting day. There being no further business it was ordered to adjourn the business of the day Done to order by the Church Bro Bruner mod. Bro R Morgan Ast. Mod. Bro Chris Morgan C. C. Bro Jas McCown ast C. C (49) August the 3rd Saturday 1901 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the unity of the Spirit sought for and found in peace then proceeded to business First fellowship called for. Second membership called for receiving none. There being no unfinished business on hand. Third, it was then moved that the Church resign the act of receiving Bro Tom Prophet into the Church until said Brother present a letter of recommendation. Fourth, It was moved that the regular meeting be changed from the third Saturday in each month, to the second Saturday in each month. Fifth, It was moved the home Church of Bro W S Brunner be and was petitioned for the (time?) of said Bro Brunner for the service rendered to our Church Mt. Bethel. Sixth, It was then moved to prepare a letter to the association when upon Rev. R. Morgan. Bro Justice Brewer, Jas McCowen, Chris Morgan and S. G. Hale was appointed delegates to the association. Then Bro R. Morgan volunteered to carry the letter to the Home Church of Bro W. l Brunner. This done to order by the Church. Rev. W. H. Brunner mod Chris Morgan C. C. (50) September 2nd Saturday 1901 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace (1) then the door of the Church were opened for the reception of members received none. (2) then fellowship called for then the letter to the association were received and adopted no further business of the day. It was ordered to adjourn the business of the day. Done to order by the Church Rev. W. K. Bruner mod Chris Morgan C. C. (51) October Second Saturday 1901 No Church meeting (52) November the second Saturday 1901 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after service the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace. Then the doors of the Church were open for the reception of members received none. This done to order by the Church Rev. W. K. Bruner Chris Morgan C. C. (53) December the Second Saturday 1901 (54) January the Second Saturday 1902 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel The spirit sought for and found in peace The moderator being absent the assistant moderator opened the door of the Church for the reception received none. No new business This done to order by the Church Rev. R. Morgan ast. Mod Chris Morgan C. C. (55) February the second Saturday 1902 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace. The fellowship called for and then the door of the Church was opened for the reception of members received none. Then no further business of the day. It was ordered to adjourn Bro R. Morgan mod Chris Morgan C. C. (56) We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met the 2 Saturday in March 1902 and after worship proceeded to business (1) fellowship called for and the Church found in peace (2) the rite was motioned for members and received none. (3) We changed our meeting back to the third (4) motion and order that we receive the minutes of the day (57) April the 3rd Sat 1902 No Church meeting (58) May the 3rd Sat 1902 No Church meeting (59) June the 3rd Sat. 1902 We the united Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met and after worship the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace. 1st Then members of sister Churches were invited to seats with us 2nd The doors of the Church were open for the reception of members received none. (There being no reference or unfinished business) 3rd It was motion in ordered that the moderator for the Church. 4th It was motioned an order that the Church grant sister Amanda Kirby a letter of dismissal 5th It was then moved to read the minutes of the day. 6th Read and received Rev. W. H. Brunner mod Chris Morgan C. C. (60) July the third Saturday 1902 We the United Baptist Church of Christ now in session at Mt. Bethel after worship the unity of spirit sought for and found in peace 1st Sister Churches invited to seat with us their visiting brother invited to seat with us. The membership called for received none. Moved to adjourn business Done to order to the Church. Rev. R. Morgan mod Sid Hale C. C. P. (61) August third Saturday 1902 We the United Baptist Church of Christ now in session at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship and found in peace then proceeded to business Fellowship called for then membership called for received none. Then moved to prepare a letter to the association then Bro's A. Brummet, Sid Hale, Justice Brewer, Frank Harville appointed delegates to the association. This done to order by the Church. Rev. R. Morgan mod Sid Hale C. C. P. (62) Sept minute lost (63) Oct. 3rd Saturday 1902 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel now missionary met and after worship the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace then fellowship called for then the doors of the Church were open for members received none. Then moved that the Church exclude those members that have left our ranks to wit sister Elizabeth Anders, Sarah Anders and Bro. Frank Anders. Then moved to erase the name of sister Mary Clark off the book then moved to adjourn business. This done to order by the Church. Rev. R. Morgan mod Bro. S. G. Hale C. C. P. The Sunday following the third Saturday in October 1902 The door of the Church were open for reception of members received three to wit Bro Wm Clark, sister Emily Clark and Bro Andrew Storms. Call meeting at Bro Perry's membership called for received one to wit Isham Perry. (64) November no Church meeting (65) Dec. the 3 Saturday 1902 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met and after worship the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace the doors of the church was opened for the reception of members and none received the proceeded to business when upon it was ordered that we receive Brother Isham Perry in to our fellowship the adjourned till meeting in (case?) R. Morgan mod S. G. Hale C. C. Pro. START HERE START HERE START HERE (66) January the 3rd Saturday 1903 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after prayer the unity of the spirit for found in peace fellowship called for then the doors of the Church for reception of members received none. No further business it moved to adjourn business. Done to order by the Church Rev. R. Morgan MD Chris Morgan C. C. (67) Feb the third Saturday 1903 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met and after worship the unity of the spirit sought for the Church found in peace the Church door were opened for the reception of members and received none Ruben Morgan mod Sid Hale C. C. pro. (68) March no church meeting (69) April the third Saturday 1903 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace. Then members of sister Churches united to seats with us. The doors of the Church was opened for reception of members received two to wit Bro's W. H. Brummett and George Brummett then it was ordered that the Church give Bro Sid Hale license to preach the gospel. No further business moved and ordered to adjourn business. Rev. R. Morgan Chris Morgan C. C. (70) May minute lost (71) June minute lost (72) We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met the 3 Saturday in July 1903 The Church called to order found in peace member called for received none on Sunday following the membership called for received on to wit Brother William Clark Junior R. Morgan mod Sid Hale C. C. pro. (73) We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have meet and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace then proceeded to business 1st members of sister Church invited to seats with us 2nd door of Church for members received none 3rd A committee appointed to see Mr. A. Storm and have him recognized?) to the Church for drinking and swearing. 4th put off till next meeting for to fix a letter to association. 5th moved to adjourn. Done to order by the Church. Rev. R. Morgan mod Cris Morgan C. C. (74) This August the 3 Saturday 1903 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace 1st members of sister Churches invited to seats with us. 2nd membership called for received none 3rd Bro. Andrew Storms name erased from book. Done to order by Church Rev. R. Morgan mod Sid Hale C. C. P. T. (75) October the third Saturday 1903 No Church record recorded. (76) Saturday Nov. 1903 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called to gather and the Church found I peace the doors of the Church were open for the reception of members and received two to wit Sister Jane Morgan and Sister Rachel Brummet. Done by order of the Church R. Morgan mod Sid Hale C. C. Po (77) Saturday Dec. 1903 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met found in peace No business coming before the Church. Members called for received none This by order of the Church R. Morgan Mod. (78) January the third Saturday 1904 No Church meeting On Sunday following meeting preaching by mod... R. Morgan and Rev. Mathews, doors of Church open for members received one to wit Milvina Brumett after worship the ordinance of baptism attended to by mod. (converts Jane Morgan, Melvinie Brumett, Rachel Brumett) Done to order by Church. Eld. R. Morgan mod. Chues Morgan C, C. (79) Mount Bethel3 Saturday I February 1904 We the United Baptist Church of Christ have met and the unity of the spirit sought for and the Church found in peace members called for received none R. Morgan mod. Sid Hale clerk pro. (80) This 3 Saturday in March 1904 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met found in peace members called for received none R. Morgan ModHale Clerk pro. (81) 3 Saturday in April 1904 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met found I peace. No business coming before the Church members called for received none. This done by order of Church R. Morgan mod. (82) May the third Saturday 1904 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after worship the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace. Then membership called for received none. Done to order by the Church. Eld. R. Morgan mod. Cris Morgan C. C. (83) June the third Saturday 1904 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and found in peace then membership called for received none. Done to order by Church. Rev. R. Morgan mod Bro. Justice Brewer C. C. P (84) July 3 Saturday 1904 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after preaching by Bro. Templleton & Morgan the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace the members of sister Churches invited to seats with us then membership called for received one to wit sister Johannah McCowan then motion to (unreadable) Done to order. R. Morgan mod. Cris Morgan C. C. (85) August the 3rd Saturday 1904 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace. Then membership called for received none. The motion and order that we prepare a letter to the association. The following delegates were appointed to wit Rev. R. Morgan J. W. McCowan, A. Brumett, Bluferd Brumett, W. H. Brumett and Chris Morgan to (unreadable) the same. Then motion and order that we grant the petition of oldway Church. Done to order by Church. Rev. R. Morgan mod Sid Hale C. C. Ptn. Sunday following. Doors of Church for member received one by realization to wit John Clark (Senior?) Chris Morgan C. C. (86) 3 Saturday in September 1904 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met the unity of the spirit sought for found in peace members called for received one to wit Brother Kelley Clark by Baptism. The letter to the association Berny read and received motioned and second that we grant and arm of the Church to Brother Mahan Clarks neighborhood motioned and second that Brother Mahan Clark should be ordained at our next meeting motioned and second that we petition to Rough Creek and last Salem to take part in the (Andubatrare?) of Brother Mahan Clark. This done by order of the Church R. Morgan mod. Justice Brewer assistant C.C. (87) Oct. the third Saturday 1904 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after preaching by Br. Garling, moderator being absent motion and second that Bro Garland serve as moderator protem. The unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace and doors of Church open for members received one to wit Sister Lizie J. Campbell (by relative or letter?) motioned that we receive Bro. Mahan Clark's work as taking in members in the Church by an arm extended from Mt. Bethel Church to the neighborhood which he holds his meetings. Rev. J. H. Garland mod. Pt. Sid Hale C.C. pt. Chris Morgan C. C. Sunday following - 1904 It being motioned and second that Bro. R. Morgan & J. H. Garland be the prisbatry to ordain Bro. Mahan Clark (act of prisboty follows) Laurel Co. KY. the Church at Mt. Bethel of United Baptist order at the Oct. meeting 1904. Prisbatry composed of Bro. R. Morgan (from Mount Bethel Church and Bro. J. H. Garland (from Lebanon Church) being received by the Church Bro Mahan Clark being delivered in to the hands of the presbatry the Presbatry organized with Bro R. Morgan as chairman and Bro. H. H. Garland as clerk. Bro. Morgan examined on faith and made the ordination prayer and Bro. J. H. Garland to give the charge. And after examination and bro. Clark found sound in the faith and after prayer and laying on of hand of the prisbatry he is here by set a part as a regular ordained minister of gospel of Christ of the United Baptist faith and ordered to deal out and labor in all the fundamentals of the gospel. Nanes of Prisbalry {R. Morgan {Jas. H. Garland (88) 3 Saturday in Nov. 1904 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met found in peace members called for received none. Motioned and second that those that joined at Brother Mahan Clarks meeting their names should go on record this done by order of the Church R. Morgan mod. Justice Brewer assistant C. C. Baptized Oct. 22 Saturday 1904 1. William Loveless 2. Lissie Loveless 3. Delia Loveless 4. Permelia Jane Clark 5. Ida Brown 6. John Brown 7. Kelley Clark 8. David Loveless Baptised Oct. 23 Sunday 1904 9. Mary Brown 10. Lissie Brown Baptized Saturday Nov. 5 1904 11. Ambrose Clark 12. Susie Clark Baptized Sunday Nov. 27 1904 13. Bro.'s -Noah Clark 14. Josh Clark 15. Clay Brown (ex. March 1905) 16. Isaac Brown Baptized Dec. 10 1904 17. Sister Annie Goff (89) 3rd Saturday Dec. 1904 No Church meeting not a choir of members present Rev. R. Morgan MD C. Morgan C. C. (90) 3 Saturday in January 1905 We the united Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met found in peace no new business coming before the Church members called for received none this done by order of the Church R. Morgan Mod Justice Brewer assistant C.C. (91) February the third Saturday 1905 no record. (92) March the third Saturday 1905 no Church meeting (93) April the third Saturday 1905 We a United Baptist of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace. Door open for reception of members received none R. Morgan mod Sid Hale C. C. P. (94) May the 3rd Saturday 1905 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the unity of the Spirit called for and found in peace (2) Church privileges extended for reception of members received one to wit Sis. Mary Clark by letter (3) Motioned and second to receive sister Clark by (littation?) of letter. (4) Motion an ordered to appoint Bro. Sid Hale and wife sister Alace Hale and Bro. Chris Morgan and wife sister Roan Morgan as Deacon and Deaconess (6) Motion and ordered to petition Rough Creek and Freedom Churches for ministerial aid (unreadable) (unreadable) Deacons and Deaconess to be ordained July 1905 Done by order of Church R. Morgan mod Cris Morgan C. C. Sunday following door open for reception of members received one to wit Sister Hala Clark for baptism. (95) June the third Saturday 1905 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called to order and found in peace. Church privileges extended for the receiving of members received none. Motioned and ordered that we grant one fourth of Bro. Morgan time to preach for then R. Morgan mod. Sid Hale C. C. Pod. (96) July the third Saturday 1905 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship found in peace. Then visiting brethren invited to seats with us. Then membership called for received none. Then motion and order to receive the (presbatry?) for the purpose of ordaining Deacons the motioned and ordered that the Church ordain Bro's Sid Hale and Cris Morgan to the presbatry for ordinations Then motion and ordered to grand old way Church one fourth of Bro R. Morgans time to preach for them. Done by order of Church Rev. R. Morgan mod Cris Morgan C. C. Report of presbatring 1st Bro R. Morgan on motion is appointed moderator of Prisbatry 2nd On motion and order Bro R.F. Johnson is appointed clerk of same. 3rd On motion Bro. S.W. Ousley is appointed examiner of faith. 4th Motioned and order Bro. Mahan Clark is to make ordination prayer. 5th motions and order the Church deliver Bro. Sid Hale and Cris Morgan in the hands of the presbatry for ordination for Deacons of Mt. Bethel Church. 6th Bro. Ousley examined on faith. 7th Bro. Mahan Clark (unreadable) the ordination prayer. 8th On motion and order the Presbatry delivered threw back into the hands of Church. This done and (unreadable) by presbatry Bro R. Morgan mod Cris Morgan C. C. (97) Aug. the 3 Saturday 1905 We the united Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after preaching the unity of spirit sought for found in peace the Church doors opened for the reception of members received none. It was then ordered that the Church prepare a letter to the Association and appoint delegates to wit J. W. McCown, A. Brumett, J. C. Clark, Cris Morgan, S. G. Hale, Rev. J. M. Clark, Rev. R. Morgan. Then adjourned R. Morgan mod S. G. Hale C. C. pro. (98) Sept. the 3rd Saturday 1905 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the unity of the spirit called for and found in peace. Then the open door intended for the reception of members received none then motion and ordered that we receive the letter to the association Rev. R. Morgan mod Sid Hale C.C. pot. (99) Oct the third Saturday 1905 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the unity of the spirit called for and found in peace. Then doors of Church open for the reception of membership received none. Done by order at Church R. Morgan mod Cris Morgan C. C. (100) Nov. the 3rd Saturday 1905 WE the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met then called to order and found in peace. Done by order of Church. R. Morgan mod C. Morgan C. C. pp (101) Dec 3rd Saturday 1905 We the United Baptist Church of Christ have met and after worship called to geather and found in peace. Membership call for and found peace. Done by order of Church R. Morgan mod Cris Morgan C,C. (102) Jan 3 Saturday 1906 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and called together and found in peace (2) membership called for and received none. Motioned and order that Bro. Mahan Clark be appointed assistant moderator. Done by order of Church R. Morgan mod Cris Morgan C. C. (103) February 3 Saturday 1906 We the united Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called to order and found in peace. Membership called for received (unreadable) motion and order that Church put Bro. Sid Hale as Church assistant clerk. R. Morgan mod Sid Hale A S C.C. (104) March the 3 Saturday 1906 We the United Baptist of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met after prayer called to order found in peace. The member call for received none. Motion and ord. to exclude John Bow for Drunkenness. R. Morgan mod. (105) April 3 Sat. 1906 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the Church found in peace. R. Morgan mod Sid Hale A S C. C. (106) May the 3 Saturday 1906 We the United Baptist Church of Christ have met and after worship called together and found in peace. The members of sister Churches invited to seats with us. Then doors of Church open for reception of membership received none. Then motioned and order that the Church send her ministerial aid to Rough Creek the second Saturday in June. Done by order of Church R. Morgan mod Cris Morgan C (107) June the 3rd Saturday 1906 WE the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. Done by order of Church R. Morgan mod. Sid Hale ast. C. C. Cris Morgan C. C. (108) July 3rd the third Saturday 1906 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called to order and Church found in peace. Church privileges extended for reception of members received none. R. Morgan mod. Sid Hale C. C. ph by Cris Morgan C. C. (109) August the 3rd Saturday 1906 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the unity of the spirit called for and found in peace. Then member of Sister Churches invited to seat with us. Then membership called for received none. Then motioned and order that the organization and ordered to prepare a letter to the association and the following delegates appointed to wit Bro. J. W. McCown John Williams Kelley Clark Chris Morgan Arnold Brumett Alford Clark John Clark Ruben Morgan mod Chris Morgan C. C. (110) Sept. the third Saturday 1906 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the unity of the spirit called for and found in peace. Then doors of the Church open for the reception of members received none. Then motion and order to read letter to the association and received by the Church. Done by order of Church (present memberships 50) R. Morgan moderator Chris Morgan C. C. Sunday following Doors of Church open for the reception of members received three to wit. Guss Query and wife Bell Quarry and Corvia Cornet by baptism. The second Sunday meeting at Cold Rock School House. Doors of Church open for the reception of members received three to wit James Cornett, George Nelson and wife Samantha Nelson, also the ordinance of baptism was c administered to Guss Quarry and wife Bell Quarry, George Nelson and wife Samantha Nelson, James Cornett and wife Corvia Cornett. R. Morgan mod Chris Morgan C. C. Cold Rock 1906 Names of Members Enrolled Oct. 1906 1. Sidney G. Hale 48. Alice Hale 2. Ruben Morgan 49. Roan Morgan 3. Chris Morgan 50. Roan Morgan 4. Frank Harville 51. Orlenia Johnston 5. Alford Clark 52. Ellen Clark 6. Mahan Clark 53. Abbie Clark 7. Kelley Clark 54. Jane Morgan 8. Josh Clark 55. Milvinia Brumett 9. William Clark 56. Emily Clark 10. John C. Clark 57. Rachel Brumett 11. A Brumett 58. Mary Harville 12. J. W. McCown 59. Rachel Storms 13. W. H. Brumett 60. Gracie Brewer 14. Geo. B. Brumett 61. Johanna McCown 15. Will Clark Jr. 62. Delia Loveless 16. William Loveless 63. Lissie Loveless 17. Clay Brown 64. Parmilia Jane Clark 18. David Loveless 65. Ida Brown 19. Ambrose Clark 66. Mary Brown 20. Noe Clark 67. Lissie Brommet 21. Isaac Brown 68. Susie Clark 22. John Williams 69. Mazie E. Baker 23. Guss Quarry 70. Bell Heart 24. George Nelson 71. Laura Heart 25. Jas. Cornett 72. Mary Clark 26. Bill Brown 73. Lizie J. Wood 27. Lulie Clark 74. Haley Clark 28. Martha Harville 75. Eveline Sears 29. Anie Goff 76. Julie Sears 30. Hula Clark 77. Tricie Rodgers 31. Bell Quarry 78. Ada Clark 32. Smantha Nelson 79. Mary Gooden 33. Carie Cornett 80. Vicia Ann Clark 34. Cordia Brown 81. Sintha Brown 35. Ada Rose 82. France Sears 36. Amy Sears 83. Mandy Sears 37. Billie Rodgers 84. Mandy Rodgers 38. Lissie Ping 85. Anie Goff 39. Sarah Bolton 86. Mary J. Ray 40. Dora Johnson 87. Maud Sears 41. Alford Clark 42. Ellen Clark 43. Carry Clark 44. Dacie Bell Alsip 45. Matt Clark 46. Arta Reedy 47. Dock Alsip (111) Oct. the third Saturday 1906 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. Then membership called for received one to. Bill Brown At a call meeting at Cold Rock on the second Sunday in Oct. 1906 received by baptism three to wit Geo. Nelson and wife Smantha Nelson and Jas. Cornett. R. Morgan mod Cris Morgan C. C. Sid Hale ast. C. C. Sunday following the ordinance of baptism officiated to Bro. Bill Brown. Minute of arm to Bro. Clark neighborhood We the united Baptist of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood having recruited two members the forth Sunday in August 1906 to wit sister Cordia Brown was baptized the fourth Sunday in September and sister Ada Rose was baptized the second Sunday in October 1906 Mahan Clark (112) Nov. the third Saturday 1906 WE a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met after worship the Church called to gether and found in peace membership for received none. R. R. Morgan mod Sid Hale ast. C. C. (113) We the Regular (page torn at corner) Saturday in Dec. 1906 Worship then proceeded to business...... fellowship called for and found in peace. Second we appoint Bro. J. W. McCown as clerk protemdst for the day. then we extend open door for membership received none. R. Morgan mod Chris Morgan C. C. by J. W. McCown c. c. pt. (114) January the 3rd Saturday 1907 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace membership call for received none. Then motion and seconded we receive the minute of last meeting R. Morgan mod Sid Hale A. C. C. Sunday following motion to order we receive the work of Bro. Mahan Clark and order the clerk to enroll names of (Lulice?) Clark, Eveline Sears, Julie Sears and Tricie Rodges on Church Book Chris Morgan (115) Feb. the third Saturday 1907 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church call for received one to wit sister Ada Clark. 2nd motion and order that the Church withdraw fellowship from Bro. Clay Brown. Done by order of Church R. Morgan moderator by Sid Hale A. C. pt. Chris Morgan C. C. (116) The 3rd Saturday 1907 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. Then Church privileges extended for membership received none. R. Morgan mod Chris Morgan C. C. Obituary of Sister Mary Brown Sister Mary Brown was born in the year 1865 And died Feb. 19th 1907. She lived a straight Christian life and was a member of the Baptist Church at Mt. Bethel at the time of her death. (117) May 3rd Saturday 1907 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. Church privileges extended for reception of membership received none. R. Morgan Mod Chris Morgan C. C. (118) We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met on the third Saturday of June 1907 and after prayer proceeded to business. First fellowship call for and the Church found in peace. Second we appoint Bro. J. W. McCown Church Clerk protem for the day. Third membership called for and received none. R. Morgan mod J. W. McCown C. C. pt. (119) July the third Saturday 1907 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship fellowship call for and found I peace. Then Church privilege extended for membership received none. Order we receive the work of Bro. Mahan Clark and order the minutes put to record. R. Morgan mod S. G. Hale ast C C. (120) November the 25 1906 We the United Baptist Church of Christ arm being busy extended to my neighborhood received one. Mary Gooden joined Church the 25th of Nov. 1906 and was baptized the first Sunday in May 1907 Mahan Clark (121) March the 24, 1907 We the United Baptist Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood received two members to wit: Vica Ann Clark and Lathia Brown Joined the Church the 24 of March and was baptized the first Sunday in May Mahan Clark (122) 3rd Saturday in Aug. 1907 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship Church called together and found in peace. Church privileges extended for reception of membership received none. Motion and order the Church letter to the association. Delegates to wit. Rev. R. Morgan Mahan Clark Bro. J. W. McCown Sid Hail G. B. Brumett John Clark W. F. Harville Chris Morgan R. Morgan mod Sid Hale ast. C. C. (123) Sept. the third Saturday 1907 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after preaching by Bro. Kelley Clark fellowship call for Church found in peace. 2nd extended right to receive membership and received none 3 appointed Bro. Kelley Clark Church Clerk protempt for the day 4 motion and ordered that the Church receive the letter for the association R. Morgan mod Chris Morgan C C. Kelley Clark C. C. pt. (124) Oct. the 3rd Saturday 1907 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. Membership called for, for reception of members and received none. R. Morgan mod Sid Hale ast C. C. (125) Nov. the 3rd Saturday 1907 We the regular United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship proceeded to business. 1st fellowship called for and found in peace 2nd We appoint Bro. J. W. McCown Church Clerk protemipt for the day. 3rd We extended an open door for members received. None. R. Morgan mod. Sid Hale ast C. C. pt. (126) Dec. the third Saturday 1907 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. Then membership called for and received none R. Morgan mod. Chris Morgan C C. (127) Jam. The 3rd Saturday 1808 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship Church called together found in peace membership called for received none R. Morgan mod. Sid Hale ast. C. C. (128) February Minute lost in hand of Bro. Williams (129) Mar the 3rd Saturday 1908 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship Church called together and found in peace. Membership called for received none. 3rd Motion and second that the Church listen Bro. Kelley Clark to preach. R. Morgan mod Sid Hale ast. Church Clerk (130) April the 3rd Saturday 1908 No Church meeting for account not being coar of members present. R. Morgan mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (131) May the third Saturday 1908 We the united Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after worship (1) the Church called together and found in peace. (2) Motion order we exclude Lisey Brown for fornication. (3) Motion and order we grant letters of dismission to Bro. Alford Clark and Sist. Ellen Clark. (4) Motion and order we receive the work of arm extended to the neighborhood of Bro. Mahan Clark (and minute put to record. To wit) We the United Baptist Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood have received 3 members to wit Bro. France Sears, Sister Amy Sears and Sister Mandy Sears joined the Church the second Sunday in February the 9th 1908 and was baptized the second Sunday in May 1908 Mahan Clark R. Morgan mod. By G. B. Brumett C. C. pt. Chris Morgan C. C. (132) June the third Saturday 1908 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. No further business for the day. R. Morgan mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (133) July the third Saturday 1908 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace then motion and order the Church receive the work of Bro. Mahan Clark to Bro. Billie Roges and sist. Mandy Roges R. Morgan mod. (Minute of Arm) June the 28, 1908 We the United Baptist Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood have received one member to wit Bro. Billie Rodges joined the Church the fourth Sunday June and was baptized the second Sunday in July. July the 12, 1908 We the United Baptist of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood have received one member to wit. Sister Mandy Rodges she joined the church the second Sunday on July and was baptized the same day Mahan Clark Chris Morgan C. C. (134) August 3rd Saturday 1908 We the united Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. Then the Church privileges extended for membership received none. Then the motion and order that we extend an arm to the neighborhood of Sister Gamble and Bro. Lawson Campbell and others. Then motion and order we letter to the association and order the Bro clerk to prepare a letter for inspections next meeting and the following delegates are appointed to wit Bro. Jas. McCown, Chris Morgan, John Clark and A Brumett. R. Morgan mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (135) Sept. the 3rd Sat. 1908 We the United Baptist of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship Church called together and found in peace. Then Church privileges extended for membership received none. Then the letter to the association read received. Then motion and order to exclude Bro. Henry Perry and Sister Rachel Storms for joining the Camellites. Then motion and order to grant the petitions to arm of this Church in Bro. McCown neighborhood and appoint the following Bro with present membership (68) R. Morgan and Mahan Clark as committeemen to said arm to wit Bro. Sid Hale, Kelley Clark, John C. Clark and Chris Morgan. Then motion and order to grant letters of dissmission to the following to wit Bro. J. W. McCown, A. Brumett, G. B. Brumett and W. H. Brumett and wife sister Melvinia Brumett R. Morgan mod. Chris Morgan C. C. Minute of Arm Aug. 23, 1908 We the United Baptist Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood have received two members to wit Bro. Henry Gooden and Bro. George Rodges joined the Church the fourth Sunday I August and was baptized the second Sunday I Sept. Mahan Clark (136) Sept. the 8, 1908 We the United Baptist Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood have received two members Sister Lissie Ping and Sist. Anie Goff joined the Church the 8 of September and was baptized the second Sunday I Sept. Mahan Clark Chris Morgan C. C. (137) Oct. the third Sat. 1908 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. Then Church privileges extended for membership received none R. Morgan mod. Chris Morgan Church Clerk (138) Nov. the 3rd Saturday 1908 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace Membership called for and received none. Then motion and order that the Church receive the work of Mahan Clark of receiving Sist. Sarah Bolton in the arm being extended in his neighborhood. Motion and order the Church petition Rough Creek for ministerial aid and appoint Bro. Sid Hale and Kelly Clark to bare petition to same. Motion and order the Church hold an election next meeting to elect a moderator. R. Morgan mod. By Sid Hale ast. C. C. (139) Dec. the 3rd Saturday 1908 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the church called together and found in peace. Then the Church ordained Bro. Kelly Clark as a minister of the gospel. Then the Church elected Bro. Mahan Clark as Moderator for the next year membership called for received none. R. Morgan mod. Sid Hale C. C. pt. (140) Sept. the 27, 1908 We the United Baptist Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood have received one member Sarah Bolton joined the Church the 4th Sunday in September And was baptized the 4th Sunday in Oct. 1908 Mahan Clark (141) Oct. 1908 We the United Baptist of Church of Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood have received one member Mary M. Roy joined the Church the 4th Sunday in Oct. and was baptized the 4th Sunday in Nov. 1908 Mahan Clark (142) Jan the 3rd Saturday 1909 No Church meeting coar of member not present (143) Feb. the 3rd Saturday 1909 No Church meeting coar of member not present (144) March the third Saturday 1909 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together 1st visiting brethren invited to seats fellowship called for and Church found in discord Motion and order that the Church called in the credentials of Bro. Kelly Clark and withdrew fellowship from Bro. Kelly Clark and Bro. Josh Clark for joining the secret order. Motion and order we make and order to withdraw fellowship from anyone hereafter that joins any secret order. Church privileges extended for membership and received none Mahan Clark Mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (145) April the 3rd Sat. 1909 We the united Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after worship the unity of the spirit sought for and found peace. Not further business come before the Church Sunday following Church service membership called for and received one by experience to wit Sister Dora Johnson Mahan Clark mod. C. Morgan C.C. (146) May the 3rd Sat. 1909 No Church meeting not being a chorum of members present Sunday following Baptism of Sist. Dora Johnson (147) June the 3rd Saturday 1909 Minutes lost. (148) July the 3rd Saturday 1909 We the United Baptist of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship Bro of Sister Churches invited to seats for (unreadable) the unity of the spirit called for and Church found in peace. Membership called for received none. Mahan Clark Chris Morgan C. C. (149) Aug. minute lost (150) Sept the 4th Saturday 1909 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met in call session the Church called to order by the moderator. Church found in order. It was ordered that the Church letter to the association . The letter was prepared and adopted. Then adjourned Mahan Clark mod. W. F. Harville C C. prot. (151) Oct. no minutes (152) Nov. no minutes (153) Dec. no minute (154) Jan not minute (155) Feb. no minute (156) March the second Saturday 1910 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after worship Church called together and found in peace. Motion the Church take sister Kate Clark's name from our book. Then doors of Church open for membership and received 3 to wit Sister Dora Wyatt and Bro. Alford Clark and his wife sister Ellen Clark all by letter. Done by order of Church Rev. Mahan Clark mod. R. Morgan C. C. pt. (157) April no minute (158) May no minute (159) June no minutes (160) July the 3rd Sat. 1910 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and the Church called together and found in peace. Motion and order the Church pass the reference on unfinished business until next meeting day. Membership called for received none Rev. R. Morgan mod Sid Hale C. C. pt. Chris Morgan C. C. (161) August 1910 No Church meeting (162) Sept. the 4th Saturday 1910 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met in call session the Church called to order by moderator and found in peace. The Church Clerk protem pt for the day. Motion and order we letter to the association. The letter read and adopted Eld. Mahan Mahan Clark mod R. Morgan C. C. pot. Chris Morgan C. C. (163) Oct. the 3rd Saturday 1910 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. It was ordered that R. Morgan serve as clerk prot. It was then ordered that the Church withdrew that order to exclude members without notice. It was ordered that the Church take the names of Bro's Bill Loveless and Ida Brown off the Church Book. Done by order of Church. Rev. Mahan Clark mod. R. Morgan C. C. pot. (164) Nov. 3 Sat. 1910 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. It was ordered that Bro. R. Morgan serve as Clerk Prot. It was ordered that the Church elect a moderator witch resulted in the election of Rev. Mahan Clark as Mod. Church privileges extended for members received none. Rev. Mahan Clark mod. Sid Hale ast. C. C. (165) Dec. 3 Sat. 1910 We a United Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the church called together and found in peace. Motion and ordered that Church grant one fourth of Bro. Morgan's time to Preach - at Bethel membership called for received none. Rev. Mahan Clark mod. Sid Hale ast. C. C. (166) Jan 3 Sat. 1911 No minutes (167)Feb. 3 Sat. 1911 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship Church called together and found in peace. It was order that Bro. R. Morgan serve as Clerk Prot. - membership called for received none. Mahan Clark mod. R. Morgan C. C. pt. (168) March 3 Sat. 1911 No minutes (169) April 3rd Saturday 1911 No minute (170) May the 3rd Saturday 1911 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called to order and found in peace. Then proceeded to business. It was order that Bro. R. Morgan be appointed clerk Protem pt. Membership called for received none Rev. Mahan Clark mod. Rev. R. Morgan C. C. pt. (171) June 3rd Sat. 1911 We the United Baptist of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after preaching the Church called to order and found in peace. It was order to appoint Bro. R. Morgan clerk pnt. Membership called for received none. Rev. Mahan Clark mod. Rev. R. Morgan C. C. pt. (172) July 3rd Saturday 1911 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel met and after preaching the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace. It was ordered that Rev. R. Morgan serve as clerk prot. for the day. Then Church brought a charge against Isaac Brown for attempted of murder and the Church withdraw its fellowship from him. Then the Church brought a charge against Mary Jane (Rowy Bowy?) for adultery and it was ordered that the Church withdrew fellowship from her. It was ordered that the Church bring a charge against Henry Gooden for disorderly conduct. It was ordered that the Church withdrew fellowship from him. It was ordered that the Church have the names of Sist. Carry Clark and Dacie Bell Alsip be placed on the Church Book. This done by order of Church. Eld. Mahan Clark mod. Eld. R. Morgan C. C. prot. (173) Aug. the 3rd Sat. 1911 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. Then motion order the Church letter to the association and delegates appointed to wit Eld.'s R. Morgan and Mahan Clark and Bro.'s Sid Hale, Alford Clark and Frank Harville. Membership called for received one to wit Mat Clark by baptism Mahan Clark mod. (Total memb. 66) Sid Hale ast. Clerk (174) Sept. the 3rd Sat. 1911 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together. Letter to the association read and received by Church. Fellowship called for Church found in peace. Motion and order that Church appoint a building committee to build a new Church House and appointed the following brethren as committeeman to wit George Nelson, Frank Harville and Guss Query. Membership called for and received one to wit Sist. Arta Reedy by experience. Done by order of Church Mahan Clark mod. Chris Morgan clerk The second Sunday in August 1911 we the United Baptist Church af Christ arm being extended to my neighborhood received one member to wit Bro. Dock Alsip. At the pond School House and he was baptized the 4th Sunday in August 1911 Mahan Clark mod. (missing minutes in Church records) (175) Aug 3 Sat. 1912 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and found in peace and reception of members called for and received none. Mahan Clark mod. Chris Morgan Clerk Mat Clark c. pt. For day (176) 3 Sat. September 1912 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. Motion and ordered the Church grant Bro. Sid Hail a letter of dismission motion and ordered the Church restore Bro. Josh Clark back to membership reception of members called for and received none. Mahan Clark MD Sid Hale Assistant Clerk (177) Oct. minute lost (178) Nov. the 3rd Sat. 1912 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the Church called together and found in peace. Membership called for and received one to wit John Clark Rev. Mahan Clark mod. Chris Morgan C. C. (179) Dec. 3 Sat. 1912 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after prayer the Church called together and found in peace. Membership called for and received none. Rev. Mahan Clark mod. Bro. Mat Clark C. C. (180) January 3 Sat 1913 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel met in council visiting Bro's invited to seats. Church called together and found in peace. Motion ordered the Church elect a moderator for the next year whereupon we elected Bro. R. M. Morgan Moderator. Motion and ordered that the Church release Bro. Chris Morgan as Clerk whereby we elected Bro. Mat Clark as Church Clerk. Reception of members called for and received none. (181) Feb. 3 Saturday 1913 Church at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship Church called together and found in peace. And reception of membership called for and received none. R. M. Morgan MD Matt Clark Clerk (182) 3 Saturday in March 1913 We the United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met and after worship the Church called to gather and found in peace. reception of members called for and received none. Bro. R. M. Morgan DM Matt Clark C. C. (183) April 3rd Saturday 1913 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called at gather and found in peace. It was motion and ordered that Church grant letters to Bro Frances Sears and wife and Bro. Josh Clark and wife and Bro. William Clark and wife and Sister Sarah Bolton and sister Mary Gooden. R. M. Morgan MD Matt Clark C. C. (184) May 3rd Saturday 1913 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after preaching the Church called to gather and found in peace. Motion and ordered the Church grant letters of dismision to Bro. Ambros Clark and wife (2) the reception of members called for and received none. Bro. R. M. Morgan MD Matt Clark C. C. (185) June 3rd Saturday 1913 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after preaching the Church called to gather and the unit of the spirit sought for and found in peace. The reception of membership called for and received none. R. M. Morgan mod. Matt Clark C. C. (186) July 3 Sat. 1913 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after worship the Church called to gather and found in peace, it was motion and ordered that the Church withdraw fellowship from sister Mary Clark for gaining her self to another Church, it was ordered that sister Vicie Ann Clark be granted a letter of dismission. R M Morgan mod. Matt Clark C. C. (187) Aug 16 3 Sat 1913 WE a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after preaching the unity of the spirit sought for and found in peace. Reception of membership called for and received none. R M Morgan Mod. Matt Clark C. C. (188) September 3rd Saturday 1913 WE a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after preaching the Church called together by the moderator and found in peace it was ordered by the Church that we release Bro. R. M. Morgan from standing as moderator and wait until next meeting to elect a moderator. R. M. Morgan mod. Matt Clark C. C. (189) October 3 Saturday 1913 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after worship the Church called together and found in peace. It was ordered the Church appoint Bro. Mahan Clark moderator for the day. Motion and ordered we grant Bro. John Clark a letter of dismission. Bro. Mahan Clark Mod. Matt Clark C. C . (190) November 3 Saturday 1913 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after worship the Church called together by the moderator and found in peace, then the Church proceeded to business. Ordered we appoint Bro. Mahan Clark as moderator for the day ordered we elect a moderator ordered we appoint Bro. Georg. Nelson as moderator ordered we change our Saturday meetings from 11 am to 2 pm in the evening Bro. Mahan Clark Mo.For the day Matt Clark Church Clerk (191) December 1913 3rd Saturday No Church meeting in December on account of the moderator not being present. (192) January 1914 No Church meeting on account of the moderator not being present. (193) February 1914 No Church meeting on account of moderator not being present. (194) March 1914 no Church meeting an account of mos. not being present. (195) April 3 Sat. 1914 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met in and after worship Church was called together by the moderator and found in peace G. W. Nelson mod. Matt Clark C. C. (196) May 1914 third Saturday no Church meeting on account of moderator not being present. (197) 3rd Saturday June 1914 No Church meeting on account of moderator not being present. (198) 3 Sat July 1914 No Church meeting (199) 3 Sat Aug. 1914 no Church meeting (200) Sept. 3 Saturday 1914 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after worship the Church called together by the moderator and found in peace. Ordered we grant ministerial aid to Pine Hill Church for communion service. Done to order of Church. G. W. Nelson Mo (,se?) Matt Clark Clerk (201) Oct. 3 Sat. No meeting 1914 (202) Nov. 3 Sat. No meeting 1914 (203) Dec. 3 Sat. 1914 No meeting (204) Jan 3 Sat. 1914 No meeting (205) March 3 Sat. 1915 WE a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after worship the Church called together by the moderator and found in peace and we proceeded to business. Motion and ordered we appoint Bro. Mahan Clark Moderator for the day. Motion and ordered we grant sister Joehanna McCowin a letter of dismission order we meet the 3rd Sat. in April to elect us a moderator. Done to order by the Church Bro. Mahan Clark mod. Matt Clark C. C. (206) April 3rd Sat. 1915 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after preaching the Church called together and found in peace ordered we appoint Bro. Mahan Clark as Mod for the day ordered we meet next 3 Sat. in May to elect us a mod. For the next year Bro Mahan Clark Mod for the day Matt Clark C. C. (207) May 3rd Saturday 1915 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after services the Church called together by the moderator and found in peace and proceeded to business. Ordered we appoint Bro. R. M. Morgan as moderator for the day ordered we elect a moderator for the next year which resulted in the election of Bro. George Baker. Ordered that Bro Frank Harville should give back that money to the parties that put in for the purpose of building a Church House R. M. Morgan mod. Matt Clark Church Clerk (208) June 3 Saturday 1915 We a United Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after worship the Church called together by the moderator and found in peace. Bro. George Baker Mod. Matt Clark C. C. (209) July 3rd Sat. No Church meeting on the account of moderator no being present. (210) Aug. 3 Saturday 1915 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after services the Church was called together by the moderator and found in peace. Bro. George Baker mod. Matt Clark Church Clerk (211) Sept. 3 Sat. 1915 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met and after worship the Church called together by the mod. And found in peace, ordered we appoint Bro. Ousley as Moderator for the day and Bro.'s of sister Churches are invited to seats with us in council the reception of membership called for received none. Bro. S. W. Ousley assistant mod. Matt Clark C. C. (212) October 3 Sat. 1915 No Church meeting on the account of moderator not being present. George Baker mod. Matt Clark C. C. (213) November 3 Sat. 1915 No Church meeting on account of coir of members not being present. George Baker mod Matt Clark C. C. (214) December 3 Sat. 1915 No Church meeting on the account of members not present. (315) January 3 Sat. 1916 No Church meeting on the account of the moderator failing to call the together George Baker mod. (216) Feb. 3 Sat. 1916 No Church meeting on the account of moderator not being present. (217) March 3 Sat. 1916 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after worship the Church called together by the moderator and found in peace. Motions and ordered that we grant Bro. R. M. Morgan one fourth of his time to preach at (Pine?) Hill Church. Done to order by Church. Bro. George Baker mod. Matt Clark Church Clerk (218) April 3 Sat 1916 No Church meeting on the account of the moderator not being present. (219) May 3 Sat. 1916 Mt. Bethel Church. No Church meeting on the account of the moderator not being present. (220) June 3 Sat. 1916 Mt. Bethel Church. No Church meeting on account of members not being present. (221) July 3rd Sat. 1916 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Bethel have met in and after worship the Church called together by the moderator and found in peace and the Church proceeded to business. Ordered we elect us a moderator for the next year which resulted in the election of Bro. George Baker. Done to order by Church Bro. George Baker mod. Matt Clark C. C. (222) August 3 Sat. 1916 No Church meeting on the account of moderator not being present. (223) September 3 Sat. 1916 No Church meeting on the account of the moderator no being present. (224) Oct. 3 Sat. No Church meeting on the account of members not being present. (225) November No Church meeting (members) (226) December No Church meeting (mod.) (227) January 1917 NO Church meeting (members) (228) February No Church meeting (mod.) (229) March No Church meeting (members) (230) April No Church meeting (members) (231) May 1917 No Church meeting on the account of members not being present. (232) July 1917 No Church meeting. (233) 3 Sunday in August 1917 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have et in and after worship the Church called together by the moderator and found in peace. Motions and ordered that we elect us a moderator which resulted in the election of Brother George Baker. Done to order by Church Bro. George Baker Moderator Matt Clark Church Clerk October 1917 No Church meeting November 1917 No Church meeting January 1918 No Church meeting February 1918 No Church meeting March 1918 No Church meeting April 1918 No Church meeting May 1918 No Church meeting June 1918 No Church meeting July 1918 No Church meeting August 1918 No Church meeting 1918 September, October, November, December No Church meeting. 1919 January, February, March, April no Church meeting. 1919 May, June, July, August. No Church meeting 1919 September, October, November. No Church meeting 1919 December No Church meeting. 1920 No Church meeting on up till September 3rd Sat. Jan. Feb. March, April, May, June, July, Aug. (234) September 3 Saturday 1920 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met in and after services the Church called together by the moderator and found in peace. Ordered we grant letters of dismission to Bro. William Rogers and Bro. William Clark and wife done to order by Church. Bro. Mahan Clark mod. Matt Clark C. C. (235) Sept. 3 Saturday 1921 We a United Baptist C. or Christ at Mount Bethel have met and after services the Church called together by the moderator and found in peace then the Church proceeded to business ordered we appoint Bro. Mahan Clark as mod for the day. Ordered we grant sister Carie Clark a letter of dismission. Done to order by Church Bro. Mahan Clark Mod. Matt Clark C. C. note. Bro. Bery Anders and Bro. Gran Anders joined the Church in September 1921 and was baptized by Bro. Ruben Morgan. (236) September 3rd Saturday 1922 We a United Baptist Church of Christ at Mount Bethel have met and after worship the unit of the Spirit sought for and found in peace membership called for and received one to wit Sister Mildy Morgan, as was baptized by Bro. R. M Morgan the following Sunday. Bro. R. M. Morgan mod. Matt Clark C. C. Names of members 1. William Rogers 32. Julie Sears 2. George Rogers 33. Tricie Rogers 3. Matt Clark 34. Ada Clark 4. Dock Alsip 35. Lithia Brown 5. John Clark 36. Alice Hale 6. Bery Anders 37. Roan Morgan 7. Gran Anders 38. Roan Morgan 8. Ruben Morgan 39. Orleania Johnson 9. Chris Morgan 40. Ellen Clark 10. Frank Harvell 41. Jane Morgan 11. Alford Clark 42. Rachel Brumett 12. Will Clark Jr. 43. Mary Harvell 13. John Williams 44. Johanner McCown 14. George Nelson 45. Delia Loveless 15. James Cornett 46. Bell Hart 16. Lizie J. Woods 47. Hilia Clark 17. Mahaley Clark 48. Mandy Rodgers 18. Marthy Harvell 49. Anie Goff 19. Anie Goff 50. Mollie Clark 20. Bell Query 51. Mildie Morgan 21. Samantha Nelson 22. Coril Cornett 23. (Dordie?) Cornett 24. Ada Rose 25. Mandy Sears 26. Lissie Ping 27. Aril Gaff 28. Dera Johnson 29. Carry Clark 30. Dorie Bell Alsip 31. 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