MARRIAGES: 1866, Lawrence County Kentucky -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Debbie Hare DATE: 28 Sept 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adkins John m March 12, 1866 to Louisa Mitchel wit Sarah Adkins by James Short Adkins, John m. April 26, 1866 to Parlina Johnson wit. William Fugitt, by.A. Haws Adkins, John W. m. Sept. 13, 1866 to Neila Ann Young wit Leo Carter by James Short Adkins, Joseph m. May 2, 1866 to Clarrisa Vandes wit James Copley by R.Salmons Aldredge, Ali. m. Feb 9, 1866 to Amanda McCoy wit Amos Wallace by John Jones Archer, George P. m. Jan 11, 1866 to America Hatton, wit David Stewart, by A. Stewart Ball, Greenville m Aug 2, 1866 to Fanny Thompson , wit. S. H. Miller, by Thomas McKinster Berry, Authur m. March 14, 1866 to Mary Chaffins wit William Chafin by John Hale Berry, William m. April 13, 1866 to Frances Cordial wit Margaret Griffith by Walter Osborn Blackburn, William m. Sept. 8, 1866 to Rebecca Miller wit Phoebe Hall by A. Stewart Boggs, Jesse m March 14, 1866 to Catherine Burthale , wit. Elijah Boggs, by Enoch Green Boggs, William m. Jan 28, 1866 to Emily Ship wit J. J. Gambill by Walter Osborn Bradley, Slyvester m. Jan 18, 1866 to Lizzie A. Wallace by James Short Bradley, Sylvester of Lawrence Co. Ky. age 29. Farmer, b. Lawrence Co. Ky.both parents b Va. m Jan 18, 1866 to Lizzie A. Waldeck, of Lawrence Co. Ky. age 21 b. Lawrence Co. Ky. Father b. Va. married at Stephen Bradley's , Westley Bradley surety Burgess, Cornelious H. of Lawrence Co. Ky age 32, Farmer b. Lawrence Co Ky. Both parents b Floyd Co. Ky m Jan 11, 1866 to Julia McClure, of Lawrence Co. Ky. b. Lawrence Co. Ky. both parents b. Va. married at Harrison McClure's G. F. Johnson surety. Chambers, Wm. B. m. Dec 26, 1866 to Sarah F. Davis wit George L. Johnson by Jeremaih Farmer Clay, Henry m. Sept 25, 1866 to Mary Jane Chaffin wit Robert Ruggles by A. Stewart Clevinger, Levi, m. Sept 27, 1866 to Elizabeth Cornutte, wit Wm. Cornutte , by A. Haws Copley, E.H. m. April 9, 1866 to Angeline Ward, wit J. Copley by George Johnson Cornutte, Reuben m. Dec. 20, 1866 to Rachel Harris wit James Rice by James Short Damron, Samuel m. June 16, 1866 to Sarah Smith wit John Smith by R. Salmons Diamond, Christian m 10, 13, 1866 to Sarah Job wit Henry Diamond by James Short Dobbins, H. D. m. Jan 5, 1866 to Della Gilkerson, by James Price Ellit, Harvy m. Aug 2, 1866 to Dolly Spraulding wit J.W. Muncy by John Jones Estep, Emmanuel m. Dec. 20, 1866 to Elizabeth Mead wit Charles Spencer by Wm. M.Atkins Frasher, Coushing m. Feb 6, 1866 to Elizabeth Adkins wit James Frasher Girffith, Richard C. m. July, 1, 1866 to Delila Griffith wit Andrew Woods by Henry Baker Green, David m.March 26, 1866 to Amanda Boggs wit Jesse Gambill by Walter Osborn Grim, Stephen m Jan. 3,1866 to Susan Bryant, wit Walter Queen, By Frank Bryant Hardin, Michael m. July 16, 1866 to Francis Jordon, wit John Jordon by H. Blankenship Hay, George W. m May 21, 1866 to Setley Skaggs, wit R. F. Vinson by J. M. Clayton Hobbs, John m. Nov 6, 1866 to Lydia Broughton, wit R. J. Underwood by John Jones Holbrook, Ransom m. July 12, 1866 to Elizabeth Juges wit William Bentley by James Short Holbrook, R. W. m. July 18, 1866 to Martha Ann Moore by Walter Osborn Holt, Bernard P. m. Oct 18, 1866 to Mary J. Wbb wit Marvin Stone by A. C. Hutchison Horn, Fredick m. Aug 17, 1866 to Polly Jarrel, wit. Harrison Jarrel, by George Johnson Jarrell, George m. March 10, 1866 to Catherine Inn, wit William Copley by George Johnson Justice, John W. m. July 23, 1866 to Anna Sturgill wit Lindsey Luster by H. Blankenship Kenner, Lafayette m. Aug 28, 1866 to Elizabeth Durney wit Hansford H. Cornutte by Walter Sheurs Lambert, Perleamos m. Aug 1, 1866 to Anna Savage wit John Savage by A. Stewart Limings, James m. March 22, 1866 to Margaret Ferguson wit James Limings by Walter Osborn Mainard, Jasper m. Jan 18, 1866 to Sarah Adkins wit D. Branham by William A. Christian Mainard, Jesse of Lawrence Co. Ky age 23, Farmer, b. Lawrence Co Ky. father b. Clark Co. Mother b Russell Co. Va. m Jan 18, 1866 to Sarah Atkins of lawrence Co. Ky. Age 14.b Wayne Co. Va. Both parents b. Cabell Co. Va. married at Owen Adkins. Owen Adkins surety. Mainard, John m. April 5, 1866 to Rebecca Baisden wit S. Mainard by William A. Christian Mainard, Lewis of Lawrence Co. Ky. age 21, Farmer. b. Lawrence Co. Ky. Father b. Clark Co. Ky. Mother b. Russell Co. Va. m. Feb. 8, 1866 to Emily Peters, of Lawrence Co. Ky. age 17. b. Lawrence Co. Ky. Father b. Scott Co. Va. Mother b. Ind. Married at Jacob Peters. , Jacob A. Peters and Chas Mainard Surety. Mainard, Sampson m. April 25, 1866 to Avaline Fitchpatrick, wit Martin Boarders, by George Johnson Manard, John J. m. April 3, 1866 to Vashti Demeron wit John Crum by R. Salmons Marcum, Sinclair m Aug. 8, 1866 to Susan E. Gray wit William Elswick by James Short Marshall, John W. m June 3, 1866 to Nancy Jane Hamilton, wit Irah Ison, by Daniel Lewis McKinster, Samuel L. m. Feb 17, 1866 to Permelia V. Vandelee wit William H. Moore by Thomas McKinster Mead, Gilbert m. June 11.1866 to Clarinda Preston wit Stephen Preston by James Price Melvin, Lewis m. July 23, 1866 to Emma Turner wit Bracken Salyer by Walter Osborn Messer, John m. Sept. 6, 1866 to Clora Harris, wit Sally Jones by John Jones Messer, Morgan m. Aug 26, 1866 to Fanny Spaulding, wit L. B. Davis by John Jones Mills, Jesse m. March 25, 1866 to Martha Crum, wit. James Horn by R. Salmons Moore, Alexander m. April 12, 1866 to Elizabeth H. Lett wit J. F. Holton by Joseph Wright Morris, Pardon A. m. March 29, 1866 to ClarindaGriffith wit Richard Morris by Walter Osborn Muncy, Milton m. March 9, 1866 to Alla Fluty, wit George Hinkle by George Johnson Nanly, Benjamim m November 18, 1866 to E. J. Odell, wit. Joseph Holton, by Clifton Dean Pack, J. A. m. Aug. 18,1866 to Evaline Pack, wit Jackson Pack by George Johnson Patterson, James T. m. Aug 30, 1866 to Olly Scarbury, wit. William Friley by William H. Atkins Perston, J. F. m. Sept. 10, 1866 to Amanda Spriggs wit Solomon Williamson, by George Johnson Pettry, A. J. of Lawrence Co. Ky. age 34 2nd marriage Farmer b. Fayette Co. Va. Parents b. Va. m July 5, 1866 to Julia Ann Berry, of Lawrence Co. Ky age 24. b.Lawrence Co. Ky. Father b. Va. Mother b. Ky. married at A. J. Pettry 's at Long Branch, Leander Elkins surety Poe, William m. Sept 7, 1866 to Mary Hensen wit Samuel L. Moore by Thomas McKinster Riggsby, John H. m. March 23, 1866 to Nancy J . Johnson wit Wm Lyon by Walter Osborn Robinson, Nathaniel of Wayne Co. Va. age 50, 2nd marriage Farmer , b N.C. both parents b. N. C. m Jan 29, 1866 to Sarah Johnson of Wayne Co. age 55 2nd marriage. b. Lawrence Co. Ky. Father b. Va. Mother b. Ky. Nicholas Copley surety Skaggs, Lewis m. April 13, 1866 to Mary Lyon, wit Warrenton Evans by Walter Osborn Spriggs, H. C. m. May 3, 1866 to Lucy A. Childers, by G.C. Burgess Stafford, Compton m. April 1866 to Eliza Brown Stapleton, Stephen m. Aug 23, 1866 to Matilda Sluss, wit Henderson Boggs by Enoch Green Straham, William H. m April 9, 1866 to Elizabeth Skaggs, wit: Gabriel Church , by Enoch Green Travis, John m. March 22, 1866 to Nancy Mullins wit Jane Johnson by Thomas McKinster Vinson, James m. Oct. 29, 1866 to Rebecca Wilkerson , wit Angeline Sluss by John Jones Ward, Nathaniel, m. Nov 17, 1866 to Rometheo Harris, by James Williamson Wellman, Lewis F. Jr. m. March 5, 1866 to Olly Hibbitts wit A. F. Roberts by A. Haws Williams, Lewis O. m. Jan 25, 1866 to Luttie Williams wit N. Williams by H. H. Williams Williamson, Elias, m. Nov 1, 1866 to Milly Dillion wit James Williamson by John Jones ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ***********************************************************************