Lincoln County KyArchives Cemeteries.....Hopkins Family Cemetery - Partial Survey More to Come ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Shelby Hopkins September 1, 2010, 3:49 pm Abstracted By: Shelby Roy Hopkins Old Fall Lick Road Crab Orchard, Lincoln County, Kentucky Last Name First Name Middle Name Birth Death Comment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brock Mary Saylor 12-17-1829 5-30-1919 Hopkins Leonard 6-10-1889 3-25-1917 Leonard was killed by the Crab Orchard Town Marshall after an altercation in Crab Orchard, Kentucky. Hopkins Reaba Feb/Mar 1918 7-1-1920 Reaba died from pneumonia. Saylor Etta 5-25-1921 5-25-1921 Infant daughter of Jesse & Pearlie Saylor Hopkins Ollie 5-17-1922 June 1922 Ollie only lived about 3 weeks and died of some sort of heart ailment. Hopkins Rachel 8-31-1923 12-7-1923 Daughter of Jim & Rosa Davis Hopkins Shelton Ruby 1926 1926 Ruby was stillborn. Daughter of Joe & Elizabeth Brock Hopkins Hopkins Howard 8-17-1924 7-25-1927 Howard died after injuring his head after a fall from the porch. Son of Ewell & Ellen Hopkins Hopkins John 5-1-1893 8-17-1927 John died from Typhoid fever. Husband of Alpha Hopkins Saylor Luther 2-27-1928 2-28-1928 Son of Jesse & Pearlie Saylor Brock Ollie 8-25-1910 5-17-1928 Ollie was killed by 'All' Singleton at Mixed Spring, Lincoln County, Kentucky Maupin William 1872 7-17-1929 Hopkins John 5-16-1918 11-3-1929 Son of Jim & Rosa Davis Hopkins Saylor Cloyd 8-23-1930 8-23-1930 Infant son of Jesse & Pearlie Saylor. Had twin brother Clyde. Saylor Clyde 8-23-1930 11-13-1930 Son of Jesse & Pearlie Saylor. Had twin brother Cloyd. Hopkins Ollie Lee 3-25-1930 January 1931 Daughter of James L. & Becky Hopkins Hopkins Joseph 'Joe' 5-27-1856 4-15-1933 Husband of Elizabeth Brock Hopkins. Owned original cemetery property. Hopkins Elizabeth Brock 1-22-1859 1-10-1934 Wife of Joe Hopkins. Mother of 12 children. Baker Matt Gene 12-27-1932 2-18-1936 Son of Jonas & Mary Hopkins Baker. Brock Zachariah 'Zack' R. 1850 1936 Son of John Harlan & Mary Saylor Brock. England Elizabeth Shelton 2-24-1919 4-27-1938 Elizabeth died during childbirth. Daughter of John & Vinia Hopkins Shelton. England Kenneth Wayne 4-24-1938 May 1938 Kenneth lived about one month. Shelton Jess 12-6-1916 6-8-1939 Jess was killed in a car wreck just outside of Crab Orchard, Kentucky. Hopkins Jr. John 11-10-1940 11-10-1940 John was stillborn. Son of Johnny & Thelma Manning Hopkins. Hopkins Roy 1-24-1905 9-19-1941 Roy was killed by Jimmy Brock. Roy was the oldest son of Ewell & Ellen Saylor Hopkins. Brock Joe James 11-11-1941 (Prob) July 1942 James died unexpectedly at the age of 8 months. Son of John Henry & Shirley Shelton Brock. Hopkins George C. 2-26-1859 12-9-1942 Husband of Vinia Brock Hopkins and father of Ewell Hopkins. Brock Alpha Hopkins 9-24-1903 7-22-1945 Oldest daughter of Ewell & Ellen Saylor Hopkins. Wife of John Hopkins & Oscar Brock. Todd Gary Lee 4-18-1947 4-18-1947 Stillborn son of Ada & 'Merlie' Shelton Todd. Baker Larry 7-13-1947 7-13-1947 Stillborn son of Lawrence & Della Bowman Baker. Baker Jim Matt 1852 1948 Hopkins Rosa Davis 1885 1948 Wife of Jim Hopkins Brock James 'Jimmy' 1890 7-22-1949 Killed by Henry Hopkins for killing Henry's brother Roy. Hopkins Vinia Brock 4-9-1866 8-29-1950 Wife of George Hopkins and mother of Ewell Hopkins. Mobley Ella Louise 7-5-1949 1-4-1951 Daughter of Brack Mobley Hopkins James Landon 3-26-1888 8-14-1952 Son of Steve & Margaret Hopkins Hopkins Phyllis Jean 2-9-1953 2-9-1953 Daughter of Raymond & Fannie Brock Hopkins Baker Ronnie Wayne 3-6-1953 3-15-1953 Son of Lawrence & Della Bowman Baker Payne Mary B. 1881 11-29-1956 Mary had a son named George Grant Hopkins 1-20-1958 1-23-1958 Un-named daughter of Jessie & Pauline Baker Hopkins Hopkins Malachi 1876 1960 Son of Joe & Elizabeth Brock Hopkins Baker Jonas 2-18-1892 2-13-1960 Husband of Mary Hopkins Baker Brock Linda 'Lindy' Turner 1872 5-5-1960 Wife of James 'Jimmy' Brock Hopkins Ella 'Ellen' Saylor 8-2-1886 5-29-1960 Wife of Ewell Hopkins. Mother of 18 children. Hopkins James 'Jim' 1883 6-25-1964 Husband of Rosa Davis Hopkins. Son of Joe & Elizabeth Brock Hopkins. Baker Arthur 1-5-1914 1965 Twin brother to Otto Baker. Son of Jim Matt Baker. Hopkins Ewell 4-18-1883 3-17-1965 Husband of Ellen Saylor Hopkins. Only child of George & Vinia Brock Hopkins. Mobley James Brack 4-30-1920 12-1-1968 Son of Ella Brock Nichols Nichols Ella 'El' Brock 1899 8-29-1970 Baker 5-26-1970 5-263-1970 Bass Sue Baker 9-17-1916 8-13-1978 Daughter of Jonas & Mary Hopkins Baker Hopkins Henry 2-29-1916 12-11-1978 Son of Ewell & Ellen Saylor Hopkins Lear Tom 10-14-1906 1-14-1981 Husband of Snobie Hopkins Lear. Baker Mary Hopkins 4-17-1898 5-26-1983 Wife of Jonas Baker. Daughter of Joe & Elizabeth Brock Hopkins. Baker Otto 1-5-1914 5-9-1984 Twin brother of Arthur Baker. Son of Jim Matt Baker. Hopkins Charles Herman 3-2-1922 5-14-1988 Son of Steve & Rachel Naylor Hopkins Saylor Fred 11-30-1933 11-13-1989 Son of Jack & Blanche Hopkins Saylor. Allen Matilda E. 1907 1922 Daughter of Malachi Hopkins. Hopkins Jessie 3-8-1926 12-9-1993 Husband of Pauline Baker Hopkins. Son of Ewell & Ellen Saylor Hopkins Hopkins Gertrude Paul 7-29-1910 2-19-1995 Wife of Johnny Hopkins. Saylor Jack 9-25-1904 10-9-1995 Husband of Blanche Hopkins Saylor. Lear Howard 5-17-1937 9-3-1998 Son of Tom & Snobie Hopkins Lear. Lear Snobie Hopkins 12-19-1912 12-7-1998 Wife of Tom Lear. Daughter of Ewell & Ellen Saylor Hopkins. Lear Albert 8-28-1932 8-2-2000 Son of Tom & Snobie Hopkins Lear. Saylor Jackie 'Mack' 11-5-1943 1-11-2004 Son of Jack & Blanche Hopkins Saylor Saylor Walter 10-16-1938 3-13-2004 Son of Jack & Blanche Hopkins Saylor. Crank Donald Keith 3-31-1936 6-8-2006 Son of Simon & Sue Baker Crank Bass. Saylor J. D. 11-30-1935 3-7-2007 Son of Jack & Blanche Hopkins Saylor Additional Comments: Leonard Hopkins was buried up on the hill above the current cemetery site when he died in 1917. After his grandmother died and was buried at the current cemetery site in 1919, Leonard's body was brought down from the hill and re-buried beside his grandmother's body. File at: This file has been created by a form at