COURTS: Book B, 1803-1804, Extracts - Livingston Co Submitted by: (Happy Greer) Livingston County,Kentucky, Court Orders Book B,1803: [Note: unnumbered pages] June 6,1803-- MAY WILSON Came into Court and made Oath as the law Directs and entered into Bond in the penalty of five Hundred Dollars* as Administratrix of JOSHUA WILSON Decd. with ALEXANDER MOORE her Surety. And JNO. MENEES, HUGH McMULLIN, WM. RODGER and JNO. HAMILTON Aps.[*NOTE: interlined above "Dollars" --"with..." and several words after are smudged with ink) ALEXANDER LEMAR by Consent [his own] and with the Approbation of the Court was bound [to JNO. REED] and Indenture O. R. STEPHEN DAVIS 400 Acres agreeable to Locatn. ISAAC CRUSE 400 Acres pd. An Appraise bill of JOSIAH GREERs estate was Retd. by the Administrator and O. Re. JOSHUA? ALEXANDER 200 Acres adn. pd. THOS. STANFORD 400 Acres CHARLES McGEE? 300 Acres THOS. BECK 400 pd. October 3, 1803-- An Account of the Sale of JOSIAH GREER Decd. estate returned and O.R. #735 GEO. BRUTON 400 acr. #736 WM. BUSH 400 acr. #737 NANCY MATLOCK 400 On Motion DAVID SHAW ordered that he be permitted to Keep Ferry across the Ohio River at the mouth of Cumberland River from the South Side of Cumberland #738 POLLY ROBERTSON 400 Acr. JOHN GRAY permitted to Keep ferry across the Ohio at the mouth of Camp Creek having entered Into Bond with JOS. MILLER his Se- curity #739 JAS.? CLARK 200 A. adn. #740 EPR. HILL Ser. 200 acr. pd. #741 JACOB HARMON 400 a pd. Issued? [or I.paid?] #742 ROBT. CALDWELL 400 #743 SIMPSON RITCHEY 400 #744 SARAH LOFTON 400 pd. #745 ISS [smeared ink] LOFTIN 400 pd. November 7, 1803-- Pursuant to Law the Court proceeds to Lay the County Levy (Towit) The __? Livingston County To JOHN WHEELER--Dr for One Woolf Sculp ------- 8 JAMES HUGHEY 5 Do. 2 JAMES ADAMS 4 Do. 1 12 ESSIX CAPSHAW 2 Do. 16 JNO. MCOY 1 Do. 8 HENRY WOODWARD 6 Do. 2 8 JOHN GASKINS 1 Do. 8 WILLIAM BALDWIN Jr. 8 AARON GREER 8 LIONER LACY 8--- 9 4 JESS KUYKENDOLL 16 THOS. GRIFFITH 4 THOS. FERGISON 8 SAML. BURTON 8 WM ENGRAM 8 JAME HAWTHORN 12 GEORGE ROBINSON 3 16 HANSON CATLETT 8 4 Judges of Election 1 16 Sheriff 1 4 ENOCH PRINCE for Ex oficio Svs? 12 - - To Do. for Book and paper 3 - - To the Clerk of the Election --- 12--33 .14 Livingston County Court Order Book B, 1804: 1804-- 914 WILLIAM GREER 200 Acr paid 915 ISAAC GREER 200 Acr pd. 916 GIDN. JAMES 200 917 JNO. OWENS 200 -- paid 918 RHATIO DURBY 100 Acr. 919 PETER LARUE? 200 Acr. Adn. 920 LUCY PHILLIPS 400 921 JOHN MARTIN 400 Acr. 922 CHARLES GATES 400 923 JOAB HARDIN 200 Adn. 924 DANL. RASBERRY 400 Acr. EDMD. BEARDINs land altered from 2nd To 3 Rate on Act. of being wrong listed 925 ORIN? JONES 200 Acr. Adn. 926 SALLY THOMPSON 400 927 ELIZABETH THOMPSON 400 928 THOS. HENDERSON 400 929 JEDIAH PIACK (Peack?)400 STEPHEN RODGERS Removes 200 acr. No. 748? DIMCEY JERRELL permitted to alter his Certificate granted the 6th of December 1803 agree.... Oct. 3, 1804-- At a County Court Continued and held for Livingston County on Wednesday the 3rd October 1804 Present. THOS. GIST, WILLIAM MITCHUSSON, JESSE FORD, JOHN MERCER, WILLIAM E. PHILLIPS 957 DAVID CALDWELL 400 Isd. pd. 958 JNO. DONALSON 400 959 JOHN WEBB 200 960 JNO. CHAPMAN 400 Isd. Paid 961 LUCEY GREER 100 Present JOHN MITCHUSSON, Dd. JAMES esqrs. Absent JESSE FORD Ordered That W. C. RODGER, GEORGE HARDIN, RICHARD PEALE, JOSEPH REED and JOHN MENEES? (McNEE?) or any three of them be appointed to Settle with STEPHEN KUYKENDOLL relative by his Administration of the estate of JOSHUA WILSON Decd. 962 MARY PURKINS? 400 Acr. Isd. paid 963 FREDERICK GROVES? 200 As. Adn. Isd. pd. WM. SHAW Removes 200 acs Id. paid No 562? 964 WM. C. CRILLEY 400 Ac1804-- AARON CORN Exempted from paying Tax on tavern Levied for the year 1803 being wrong listed 969 RO. STEVENS 400 Isd. paid 970 JNO. TRAVIS 400 Isd. paid 971 JAS. WILSON 100 Isd. paid 972 PHILLIP GATES 400 Id. paid 973 HENRY HODGES 400 974 JOSEPH SMITH 250 Isd. pd. 975 MARY SMITH 400 Isd. paid 976 REZIN BAILEY 400 977 Dd. HAMILTON 400 978 EBETH. HAMILTON 400 979 CHAS. KELLY 400 980 JAS. McCASLIN 400 pd. Isd. 981 EZTH. McCASLIN 400 pd. Isd. THOS. TRAVIS Removes 200 part 400 Isd. paid No. 476 JEREMIAH HOLCOMB Removes 200 Isd. pd. No. 369982 ARTHUR TRAVIS 400 JOSEPH HAMILTON Rems. 129 Is. paid. No. 757 983 JOHN? GREER 250 Acs. 984 MARYAN? WHEELER 400 Isd. pd. 985 GIDEON JAMES 100 986 JOHN JOHNSTON 200 Happy Greer ************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. 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