Lyon-Caldwell County KyArchives Biographies.....Wilson, Finis A. February 18 1837 - unknown ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin January 7, 2005, 7:44 am Author: Kentucky Genealogy and Biography Volume 1, Kentucky: A History of the State by Battle - Perrin - Kniffin, 3rd edition 1886 FINIS A. WILSON, one of the leading attorneys of Lyon County, and favorably reputed in the profession throughout western Kentucky, was born February 18, 1837, in Caldwell County. His paternal grandfather, Thomas Wilson, came to America from Scotland, with his family, in 1818, and first located on Prince Edward Island, where he remained three years. He then came to the States, locating in Caldwell County, Ky., where he died soon after, in 1821. His son, James Wilson, was born in Scotland, and came with his parents to Caldwell County, where he was reared to farming - his principal business in life. His wife was Amanda Wyatt, of French descent. They were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and the parents of nine children, of whom Finis A. is the third. He was raised on a farm, attended district schools until seventeen, when he went to Cumberland College, Princeton, from which institution he graduated in 1856. He then studied law in the office of Judge Linsey, at Princeton, and in 1858, was admitted to practice, and formed a partnership with R. W. Wake. He held the office of State's attorney three times, resigning the office to take his seat in the State legislature, to which body he had been elected in August, 1871. With scarcely a week's notice, he contested a seat in the State senate, but was defeated by a small majority, having received in his own county an almost unanimous vote. Mr. Wilson was united in marriage with Florence O'Hara, May 8, 1866; she was a sister of Will O'Hara, whose sketch is published. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church; a lady of fine mental endowments and culture, whose death by accident, February 28, 1883, was mourned by the entire community. In February, 1885, Mr. Wilson and Bettie James were married. Mrs. Wilson is a sister of James L. James, whose sketch is also published. Mr. Wilson has been fairly successful in business, having acquired a large farm, consisting of 400 acres, which is finely improved, near Eddyville. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. File at: This file has been created by a form at