Marion County KY Archives Pleasant Hill Cemetery ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Audrey Lanham-Smothers, LOCATION PLOT # NAME BIRTH DEATH COMMENT Front Center 15 A. Ethel (Da. of S.C. & D.E.) Broken stone, Last name missing @ rest. Center Front 14 Alford, Andrew G. (Child) May 3, 1891 Aug. 30, 1894 Son of E. A. & Sophia J. Center Front 17 Alford, Claudie J. (Baby) Mar. 30, 1897 Aug. 9, 1897 Son of E. A. & Sophia J. Back Center Barrick, Lorenza P. 1866 1923 Center 31 BDL Cannot read Right Front 25 Carpenter, Effie Lanham Nov. 17, 1879 Aug. 7, 1904 Right Front 25 Carpenter, Eva Lena 29-May-04 Sept. 7, 1904 Daughter of Effie Left Middle Corey, William Henry II 22-Jun-34 Jan. 12, 1990 Sgt. U.S. Marine Corps, Korea Center 55 Daugherty, George Dec. 08, 1909 Mar. 2, 1994 Husband of Adderine Daugherty Center Daugherty, Adderine Elliott Mar. 10,1912 8-Jun-91 Wife of Geo. Daugherty Center 51 Dougherty, Dember 1904 1942 Da. (Below Sidney Dougherty) Center 52 Dougherty, Nora 1878 1918 Center 53 Dougherty, Sidney 1907 No date Center 54 Dougherty, W. M. 1871 1942 1942? Right Center 39 Green, C. W. Sept. 26, 1856 Mar. 1, 1916 Gone but not forgotten Right Center 39 Green, Janie Oct. 11, 1866 ? Wife of C. W. Right Center 37 Green, Mattie May Nov. 28, 1893 Feb. 6, 1906 Da. of C. W. & Janie Green Right Front 5 Hair, Nannie S. Dec. 6, 1878 Mar. 16, 1902 Right Front 7 Hair, Pauline Nash July 24, 1842 Mar. 23, 1909 Right Front 6 Hair, Thomas July 15, 1835 Apr. 6, 1907 Co. D 10th KY Inf. (Stone behind Thomas Hair) Center Inman, Eliza J. Oct. 18, 1866 ? Wife of W. M. Center 61 Inman, Willis Marion Jan. 19, 1844 Sept. 17, 1919 Head stone has crossed swords w/star. Mid. Center 39 Isham, James Hardin May 6, 1853 Dec-11-1925 Son of John W. Isham (Not on stone) Mid. Center 39 Isham, Mary Elizabeth Oct. 6, 1855 Dec. 27, 1933 Wife of James Hardin Isham (Isham only) L 69 Jones, Johnnie 1904 1965 Back Left King, Christine T. Apr. 26, 1933 Nov. 16, 2000 Da. Gr. Pr. W. L. & Rosie A. Thurman Back Left King, Christine T. (Info.) Other info. Other info. Unc. Wallace Thurman, Cus. Charles Dalton Back Left King, Christine T. (Info.) Other info. Other info. Sis. Pauline E. Hensley & Shirley A. Willis No Stone 46 Lanham, Electus Domino Dec. 31, 1845 Sept. 2, 1927 E.D. "Leck" (No Stone) No Stone Lanham, Minirvia Apr. 30, 1854 Feb. 23, 1917 Wife of E.D. "Leck" (No Stone) Front Ctr. 29 Lankford, Beauford Nov. 13, 1845 10-May-04 Front Ctr. 30 Lankford, Nannie E. Mar. 28, 1845 Apr. 29, 1917 Wife of Buford Back Ctr. 60 Milburn, Myrtle Inman 1886 1918 Mother (Next to Wm. Inman) Right Center No Name Small Stone Rg. of Rutherford Front Center No Name Small Stone end of E. T. Thurman Right Center No Name Small Stone next to C. W. Green Right Front No Name Small Stone left front of Effie Carpenter Right Front No Name In front of Minnie Whitehouse Center Front No Name Cannot read Center Front No Name Rear No Name Left Middle Pinkston, Danny Mar. 26, 1939 Mar. 12, 1999 Married Oct. 3, 1964 Left Middle Pinkston, Irene Mar. 3, 1946 Living Left Mid. 59 Pinkston, Paul Feb. 3, 1909 Oct-1-1993 Left Mid. Pinkston, Stella Hays Dec. 19, 1911 Oct-31-1992 Married Jan. 29, 1933 Front Ctr. 20 Rigdon, Lula B. Apr. 4, 1880 Jan. 25, 1896 Wife of A. J. Front Ctr. 21 Rigdon, Maggie L. Jan. 16, 1896 Jan. 16, 1896 Da. of A. J. & Lula B. (? died after mother) Right Front 8 Riley, Casey Jane Aug. 28, 1872 Mar. 16, 1898 Wife of Wm. Riley Right Front Riley, James Perry 1850 1933 Right Front Riley, Sally McCarty 1861 1931 Wife of James Riley Mid. Center 42 Rutherford, Charles Oct. 26, 1876 Oct. 22, 1913 Mid. Center 42 Rutherford, Ella Oct. 1, 1894 Wife of Charles Rutherford Right Front Shanks, Maggie Aug. 18, 1891 Apr. 2, 1897 Da. of S.A. & A. R. Shanks Right Front 3 Shanks, Samuel C. 1858 1931 We will meet again Right Front Shanks. Amy R. 1864 19? Right Center 50 Smothers, James McKinley Dec. 31, 1943 Jan. 11, 1944 Mid. Center 57 Tate, Bessie Webb Mar. 15, 1904 Aug. 30, 1940 Mother Mid. Center Tate, Frances P. Jan. 23, 1925 Mother Mid. Center Tate, Fred Sr. Aug. 11, 1900 Apr. 18, 1992 Father & Farmer Left Middle 56 Tate, James July 12, 1868 Dec. 1, 1933 Left Middle 56 Tate, Lena 1884 1964 No Stone Tate, Lou No. (Twin) 1933 Left Middle 58 Tate, Ruth R. Dec. 21, 1867 Jan. 16, 1941 Mid. Center 49 Tate, Samuel Estel 1946 1947 Mid. Center 47 Tate, Shelby R. Oct. 27, 1920 Feb. 24, 1986 Father Left Middle 48 Tate, Willie 1887 1945 Front Center 32 Thurman, Charle T. Mar. 31, 1899 Nov. 28, 1899 Son of W. L. & P Front Center 34 Thurman, E. T. Apr. 18, 1840 Sept. 2, 1902 Front Center 34 Thurman, Parkey Mar. 10, 1841 Sept. 1, 1903 Wife of E. T. Back Left Thurman, Tommie Cleo 1904 1953 Fa. of Christine Rear 65 Webb, Boyle 1881 1971 Left Front 36 Webb, Kate Logsdon 1855 1939 Mother of Minnie Webb-Smothers No Marker 66 Webb, Obdar 1917 1974 Son of Boyle (No marker) Rear 65 Webb, Phoebe 1899 1971 Wife of Boyle Left Front 36 Webb, Sam C. 1851 1935 Father of Minnie Webb-Smothers Rear 67 Webb, William 1932 1982 Son of Boyle No marker 68 Webb, Willie 1887 1945 Right Front 12 Whitehouse, James Sept. 20, 1849 Dec. 24, 1935 Front Center 19 Whitehouse, L. S. No info. No. info. Corp. Co. C. 10th Ky. Inf. Right Front 10 Whitehouse, Minnie May 5, 1853 Dec. 20, 1894 Right Front Whitehouse, Nannie H. Webb 1878 1903 Front Center 35 Young, Ethel Key Dec. 16, 1894 Mar. 19, 1918 Wife of Robert M. Young