FEEZOR CEMETERY, Marshall Co., KY Note from the contributor: This one has lots of brick marking graves. My great great grandparents Peter & Elizabeth Crowell are buried here, but have no tombstone. The obit. for Peter says that he was buried in this cemetery, so he must be one of the bricks. POWELL, Cleatus V., 1906-1929 POWELL, Cora M., 1886-1910 POWELL, Roy L., 1920-1921 POWELL, Allie, 1896-1927 POWELL, Nathan L., 1882-1962 KEELING, Billy H., May 15, 1915-Jan. 8, 1998, PVT US ARMY WWII KEELING, Loice, April 7, 1918- (They are on the same stone.) Small stone or brick, says K-C THOMPSON, Elsie F., Jan. 17, 1916- June 2, 1988 CAVITT, Hardin T., Nov. 16, 1907-June 20, 1980 SHAW, Russell D., May 7, 1963-March 20, 1989, son of Marvin & Louise SHEMWELL, Martha A., wife of Issac, Oct. 3, 1828-Feb. 27, 1900 SHEMWELL, Issac, July 27, 1818-Feb. 4, 1894 FEEZOR, Mary, wife of George, May 20, 1805- April 1, 1875 FEEZOR, George, died Oct 2, 1869 IVY, Agnes, wife of Henry, Sept. 25, 1859- Age 56 years IVY, (Stone is broken off) Oct. 27, 1855- aged 86 years FEEZOR, George, July 13, 1842-Jan. 4, 1922 FEEZOR, Nancy Caroline, Feb. 28, 1819- stone is unreadable FEEZOR, Betty, 1870-1963 FEEZOR, Willie, 1868-1942 (Betty & Willie are on the same stone.) WOOD, Alma, June 9, 1870- July 31, 1907 BOWLIN, Mary C., wife of J.P., Sept. 10, 1864-Aug. 29, 1904 HATHCOCK, Infant of W.E. & Ellen, Aug. 12, 1907-Aug. 13, 1907 CARPER, Thomas, Oct. 18, 1830-Oct. 21, 1890 FREEMAN, Dora, Oct. 24, 1864- May 26, 1927 FREEMAN, W.C., May 29, 1820- Jan. 23, 1893 PHILLIPS, Mary E., Daughter, Aug. 1, 1930-Nov. 16, 1920 CURTIS, Susan L., Mother, March 22, 1907- July 23, 1983 (Mary E & Susan are on the same stone.) CROWELL, W.R., 1880-1931, initials around top of stone-F.L.T., AA of IS & TW CROWELL, Jewell H., Nov. 15, 1922- Sept. 2, 1925 CROWELL, Bertha Lee, Aug. 29, 1892-Nov. 28, 1981 CROWELL, Dillard C., Feb. 27, 1888-Apr. 2, 1944 CROWELL, Alton E. (Peck), June 22, 1908-May 3, 1961 CROWELL, M.E., 1864-1894, Mother CROWELL, S.A., 1851-1929, Father FRIZZELL, William Reid, son of JJ & MD (D?), April 22, 1896-Oct. 1, 1899 CROWELL, William, Died Nov. 3, 1899, aged 78 years CROWELL, Eveline, wife of Wm., Oct. 3, 1826-April 12, 1892, aged 65 years, 6 mo., 9 days CROWELL, Thomas Lee, son of Wm. & Eveline, Sept. 23, 1864- Aug. 23, 1890, aged 25 yrs CROWELL, Imogene, Jan. 1, 1906- Jan. 22, 1908 CROWELL, Luciel, Dec. 1, 1912-May 12, 1933 CROWELL, Jessie, 1877-1953 CROWELL, Billie, 1862-1944, (Jessie and Billie are on the same stone.) CROWELL, Martha Elizabeth, wife of John H., June 13, 1833-Jan. 23, 1893 CORNWELL, Arthur, Feb. 19, 1835-April 12, 1911 MCCAINE, Sarah, wife of Wm., 12-4-1828 to 12-22-1901 PORTIS, Martha Bell, 1927-1927 CROWELL, Lalah Imogene, daughter of JF & FI, Jan. 13, 1912-Apr. 18, 1913 HATHCOCK, Garland Floyd, son of WE & EE, Oct. 21, 1911-Nov. 20, 1912 CROWELL, Dupe, son of James & Dora, April 21, 1910-April 21, 1914 FEEZOR, Susan Elizabeth, daughter of WH & PL, July 11, 1864-June 20, 1886 LAMB, Josephine, wife of JP, 1864-1900 FEEZOR, S.A., wife of WC, July 20, 1850-no date FEEZOR, W.C., April 10, 1846- Dec. 12, 1907 OGDON, Thomas H., son of Herbert & A.B., Aug. 4, 1920- Aug. 5, 1920 BROCKMAN, Charlie B., 1902-1971 COPELAND, Louise Smith, July 13, 1924- SMITH, Alta M., July 12, 1899-Feb. 24, 1990 SMITH, John D., July 26, 1898-Dec. 8, 1942 BROCKMAN, Willie D., 1872-1944 BROCKMAN, Louw, 1870-1937 CROWELL, Dora, Dec. 13, 1880-Feb. 2, 1958 CROWELL, James, July 7, 1877- Feb. 8, 1964 CROWELL, Nell, March 3, 1905-March 11, 1905 HATHCOCK, Thurmond Ray, 1920-1921 CROWELL, Flora Coleman, March 24, 1891-Dec. 18, 1975 CROWELL, Johnson F., Aug. 26, 1888-Jan. 6, 1944 BOWLIN, John P., Nov. 13, 1860-July 26 1937 SMITH, Susie I., 1887-1979 SMITH John H., 1883-1927 (Susie & John H. are on the same stone.) BLOOMINGBURG, Lucy Mae, May 31, 1901-Sept. 8, 1926 FEEZOR, Mary, July 25, 1853-March 12, 1921 BOLTON, Lucy, Mother, July 10, 1883-March 20, 1918 BOLTON, Carol Clayton, Jan. 27,1905-Jan. 12,1983 MCCLURE, Robert F., Nov. 4, 1870-July 1,1940 MCCLURE, Rebecca J., Dec. 1,1874-Jan. 9,1943 OVERBY, Stella, July 16,1899-July 11,1984 OVERBY, John, April 12,1898-Sept. 22,1968 INFANT daughter, 1919 PORTIS, Irene, Feb. 23,1901-Dec. 11,1975 PORTIS, Luther, April 25,1900-May 7, 1966 GARNER, T.B., Jan. 29,1856-Aug. 8,1915 CHANDLER, Joel K., CO H 39 US V INS HARRISON, Beulah, June 28,1897-Sept. 16,1975 CROWELL, Henry, Aug. 20,1853-March 5,1928 HARRISON, Eulis Howard Eubank, son of Eulis & Beulah, July 8,1918-Aug. 24,1919 FRIZZELL, James Issac, Father, May 10,1966-June 27,1942 FRIZZELL, Martha Lurinda, Mother, Apr. 6, 1868-Sept. 10,1932 FRIZZELL, Henry Clay, Aug. 4,1902-Jan. 9, 1975 FRIZZELL, Lillian H., Aug. 1, 1902-Sept. 5,1983 (Henry & Martha are together.) FREEMAN, Lee, July 9, 1865-Sept. 26,1955 FREEMAN, J.R., 1860-1950 FEEZOR, H.W., Oct. 20, 1840-March 29, 1903 CROWELL, Nancy, 1852-1944 CROWELL, Mose T., 1847-1926 OGDON, Luvina, Apr. 28,1860-Sept. 12,1921 OGDON, Thomas, Apr. 26,1854-March 10, 1906 FEEZOR, William E., Sept. 27,1942-April 13,1985 FEEZOR, Ralph C., July 16,1898-Dec. 26,1974 FEEZOR, Cecile R., Feb. 12,1910-May 18,1973 FEEZOR, Edna Gertrude, Daughter, Sept. 26,1895-Dec. 26,1946 FEEZOR, George Phillip, Father, June 27,1870-Feb. 25,1944 FEEZOR, Lucy Reeves, Mother, Dec. 15, 1874-Aug. 5,1959 OVERBY, Elsie Feezor, July 14,1906-March 27,1930 FEEZOR, Alfa Edith, Jan. 22,1917-July 22,1935 CROWELL, Temple E., July 7,1884-Aug. 12,1885 CROWELL, Rosetta Reed, Feb. 22,1855-Jan. 21,1893 CROWELL, Nathan B., Feb. 6, 1856-Mar. 2,11922 WOOD, James R., Mar.18, 1837-April 5,1906 NANCE, Mary J., wife of JW, Aug. 13,1837-July 28,1874 NANCE, Lee Dora, daughter of MJ & JW, Dec. 31,1868-Dec. 6,1878 (Same stone) FREEMAN, Nancy A, Mother, July 22,1854-Dec. 13,1916 FREEMAN, Archie L., Father, May 29,1857-Jan. 5,1914 FREEMAN, Harley J., April 29,1897-Oct. 20,1938 LANE, Josephine, wife of JP, 1864-1900 BARKER, Eliza Freeman, Dec. 14, 1880- Sept. 18, 1932 PHILLIPS, George W., April 3,1877-April 21,1971 PHILLIPS, Claudia E., Aug. 28,1883-Sept. 8,1926 FEEZOR, Susan, Sept. 4,1841-no date FEEZOR, John W., Father, June 25,1844-June 25, 1887 REID, Temperance, Sept. 24,1806-Apr. 9,1889 REID, Thomas, Apr. 9,1801-Apr. 22,1878 REID, JK, May 8,1874-Dec. 29,1910 REID, Moroe Crowell, wife of JK, Apr. 16,1857-June 3,1925 FEEZOR, Franklin, Oct. 9,1869-Dec. 19,1946 FREEMAN, Drucie E., Jan. 1,1899-Apr. 12,1919 There are several graves here that have rocks or bricks for head stones. The graves are clearly marked, but there is no way of knowing who is buried there. ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Beth Devine < mbeth@vci.net> ====================================================================