CEMETERIES: The Green Family Cemetery, Marshall County, KY Submitted by Joe F. Green This cemetery is located south of Benton, off Toy York Rd. next to the property that is now owned by Beverly English. The following information was Provided By Mrs Lewis of the Marshall Co. Genealogical & Historical Society, Benton, Marshall Co. Ky. The dower portion of the George I. Green estate, as apportioned to Lucy A [ Smith ] Green., includes parts of the NE Qt Sec. 17 T4 R4E, originally a Pharaoh Dunn grant, sold to Daniel D. Thompson , then to George I. Green in 1855, and the NW Qt. Sec. 17, granted to James Chandler, and owned at times by Edward Curd, the Joel & Nancy Yates. The division made in Feb. 1877 Excepted 2 acres for Church, Cemetery, and School House Lots [ Church Grove Methodist Church ] before the church was built, the church was organized in the home of George Green & wife, along with his brother James and his wife, as charter members, in 1863. before that both George & wife and brother James & wife were charter members in the Benton Church, which was organized in 1849, in the old court house The following are buried there Green Baby, Infant son of George I. & Lucy A. Green Green Jessie son of George I. & Lucy A. Green Hiett Arthur 1880-1909 son of John H. & Mary Hiett Green George I. Husband of of Lucy A. [ Smith ] Green B. Sept. 2, 1811- D. Oct 1876, and from the Mayfield Montier [ News-paper ] George I Green lost a arm in a sorghum mill accident, on monday before his death. Their isit any grave marker for his wife, Lucy A. [ Smith ] Green. Green George B. Nov. 28, 1845--Sept 12, 1870 Green Elmira 1864--1952 Sarah Elmira, daughter of James B. & Martha A. { Crow ] Green. Green Martha A. [ Crow ] May 1848-July 6, 1912 Martha`s obituary states that she was born in Randolph Co. NC. May 14, 1843, she married James B. Green on 6-26-1862 Stratton Rosa P. [ Green ] Dec. 6, 1874--Jan. 3, 1896. daughter of James B. & Martha A. [ Crow ] Green Stratton Ada R. Dec. 22, 1895--Jan. 19, 1896. daughter of W. R. & Rosa P. [ Green ] Stratton. Green T. J. [ Jeff ] 1871--1958 son of James B. & Marth A. [ Crow ] Green. Jeff`s full name is. Thomas Jefferson Green. Green Emma [ White ] Dec. 13, 1874-- Nov. 28, 1947 Wife of T. J. [ Jeff] Green. Rudd Genora M. April 23, 1911--age 21yrs, Widow of Oscar. Green Rosa Sept. 8, 1910--July 27, 1912. Green Nora April 26, 1904--March 25, 1928. Green Jessie Floyd !908--1982 son of Jeff [ T. J. ] Green. The last person that was buried there was Jessie Floyd Green 1908-1982. Additional information on the Green Cemetery, Furnished by Charles E. Green, on March 31, 2001. Green Jessie Earl Infant Born May 26, 1935, in Paducah, Ky. Died May 27, 1935, in Paducah, Ky. Son of Jessie Floyd Green & Mary Elizabeth [ Herndon ] Green. No grave marker. This cemetery was abandoned long ago and was in dire need of a good cleaning so on March 28, 1998 some of our cousins got together and cleaned it up, Those taking part in the clean up are, James & Polly Conger, Paul Conger, Mindy Conger, Chrissy Conger, Traci Conger, Sharon Conger, and David Conger, all of Paris, Henry Co. Tenn. Kenneth R. Gamble, Margie [ Gamble ] Myers, Terry Green, all of Benton, Marshall Co. Ky. Mr & Mrs Bill J. Green, of Brighton, Tenn. Mr & Mrs Kerry Green and son, Reggie Green, Emma Lorine [ Green ] Sullivan, Bobbye June Hiett, Norma Jean [ Scott ] Thompson, Weda Thompson, Marion Scott, all of Paducah, McCracken Co. Ky. Mary E [ Green ] Reid & husband Garland, of Mayfield, Graves Co. Ky. my life long friend Dean [ Dotson ] Williams & Beverly English, both Of Benton, Marshall Co. Ky, and of course every-bodys Aunt Dorothy [ Green ] McElya, also of Paris, Henry Co. Tenn. I want to thank each and everyone again, thank you for your help. Joe F. Green 8909 Little Rainy Rd. Onaway, Mich. 49765 From the Compiled Death Records of Kentucky 1876 it list George as being 65yrs old at the time of his death, that would make his birth as Abt. 1811, it also list his parents as, Meshack & Julia E, Green, from North Carolina. Generation No. 1 1. George I3 Green (Meshack2, Jeremiah1) was born Abt. 1811 in North Carolina, and died October 19, 1876 in Marshall County Ky.. He married Lucy W. Smith December 27, 1836 in Calloway Co. Kentucky.. She died in Marshall County Ky.. Notes for George I Green: Both George and wife Lucy are buried in the Green family Cemetery, on Toy York Rd. in Benton, Marshall Co. Ky. Lucy`s parents are James R. & Rebecca Smith, they were married in Marshall Co. Ky. Lucy`s father [ James ] came to America on the ship " THE HOPEWELL " Landing in South Carolina. Children of George Green and Lucy Smith are: 2 i. Mariah L.4 Green, born Abt. 1835. 3 ii. Mary E. Green, born 1837 in Calloway Co. Kentucky.. She married Francis A. Myers January 23, 1853 in Marshall County Ky.. 4 iii. James B. Green, born October 10, 1839 in Marshall County Ky.; died July 15, 1881 in Marshall County Ky.. He married Martha A. Crow June 26, 1862. Notes for James B. Green: James B. & Martha A. Marriage was performed by J. M. Stephens. Both are buried in the Green family cemetery, Benton, Marshall Co. Ky. Martha parents are Ezra & Nacy Crow. 5 iv. Andrew Jackson [ Jack ] Green, born 1844 in Calloway Co. Kentucky.; died May 16, 1863 in Jackson, Mississippi. Notes for Andrew Jackson [ Jack ] Green: Was killed in Jackson Miss. while serving in Co. F, Third Regiment Infantry [ Mounted } Kentucky Volunteers, Confederate States Army. He was Killed, along with W. L. English, when both were struck by the same cannon ball. This was reported in the Benton Tribune-Democrat Newspaper, dated April 18, 1911. 6 v. George B. Green, born November 28, 1845 in Calloway Co. Kentucky.; died September 12, 1870 in Marshall County Ky.. He married Sarah Jane Gilbert February 18, 1863 in Marshall County Ky.. Notes for George B. Green: George B. is buried in the Green family Cemetery, in Benton, Marshall Co. Ky. we have no information on the burial site of his wife Sarah Jane [ Gilbert ] Green, could be in the same cemetery, as there are 15 unmarked graves, or marked only with field-stone. 7 vi. Washington M. Green, born 1848 in Calloway Co. Kentucky.. 8 vii. Burnett M. Green, born June 15, 1855 in Calloway Co. Kentucky.. 9 viii. John A. H. Green, born August 10, 1858 in Calloway Co. Kentucky.. He married Elizabeth Haltom. ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************