Provine Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery, Marshall County, Kentucky TVA Cemetery Relocation Project 1940-1942 Submitted by: Bill Utterback ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Grave # Name of Deceased Age Date of Death Information Given By 1. Myrtle V. Hall 41 1923 Z. R. Hall, husband 2. Henry Franklin Hall 19 1935 E. M. Hall, father 3. Troy M. Hall 1 1918 E. M. Hall, father 4. Ruth Gipson 26 1936 O. P. Gipson, father 5. Peter D. Driver 75 1924 6. Martha J. Driver 75 1917 7. Charles Gipson infant 1928 O. P. Gipson, g/parent 8, Clifton Gipson infant 1925 O. P. Gipson, g/parent 9. Rudy D. Gipson 1 1919 O. P. Gipson, father 10. Ada Eudora Darnell 39 1925 Finis Darnell, husband 11. Henry Hayden Darnell 2 1920 Finis Darnell, father 12. Mary Edith Darnell 2 1918 Finis Darnell, father 13. Abraham Lincoln Woods 23 1919 Ms C.C. Cornwall, mother 14. Amanda E. Hamilton 70 1931 15. Bertha Woods 23 1919 Jim Woods, husband 16. Helen Louise Woods 3 1925 J. M. Woods, parent 17. Woods infant infant 1924 J. M. Woods, parent 18. Woods infant infant 1924 J. M. Woods, parent 19. Roscoe Howard 27 1932 Jamima Freeman, wife 20. Mrs. Willie Culp 24 1929 R. H. Culp, husband 21. Cleere Wesley Vasseur 7 1931 Charles Vasseur, father 22. Bessie Vasseur 30 1920 Chas. Vasseur, husband Vasseur infant infant 1920 Charles Vasseur, father 23. Robert Raymond Guinn 26 1935 Walter Guinn, father 24. Charles William Guinn 15 1934 Walter Guinn, father 25. Elizabeth Jones 76 1919 Walter Guinn, son 26. Myrtle Cornwell 21 1918 George Cornwell, father 27. Laura Cornwell 55 1930 George Cornwell, husband 28. Ruie Eicholtz 34 1934 Rhuie Eichotz, wife 29, Thelma Culp 16 1929 Rhuie Eichotz, mother 30. Ernestine Eicholtz 1 1924 Rhuie Eichotz, mother 31. Frank Schimmel 39 1925 32. Lula Howard Marshall 64 1935 R. H. Marshall, husband 33. Peyton B. Howard 76 1918 Peyton Howard, son 34. Lucy Laudine Downing 3 1919 Jack Downing, father 35. Geneva May Bell Downing 5 1920 Jack Downing, father 36. Ruth Evelyn Dezern infant 1918 John Dezern, father 37. Duncan infant infant 1915 W.S. & Verda Duncan pts 38. Juanita Billings 6 1926 Vera Hays Billings, mother 39. Temple A. Hayes 72 1935 Vera H. Billings, daughter 40. J, E, Hayes 72 1929 Vera H. Billings, daughter 41. Herman H. Hayes 8 1912 Vera H, Billings, sister 42. Holland Hayes infant 1929 George Hays, father 43. Lela Hayes 18 1918 George Hays, husband 44. Marjorie Winston Hayes infant 1921 Bailey Hays, father 45. Emmet H. Lee 10 1920 Mrs. James Lee, mother 46. Eliza Filbeck 66 1932 Fred Filbeck, son 47. John H. Filbeck 77 1930 Fred Filbeck, son 48. James Filbeck infant 1929 Lex Filbeck, father 49, Milton Culp 3 1924 Charles F. Culp, father 50. J.D. & O. E. Culp infants 1912 Chas. F. Culp, father 51. Marvin Jones 5 1918 c/o S. C. Jones 52. Nannie C. Wilson 69 1934 M. L. Wilson, son 53. Litt Wilson 72 1925 M. L. Wilson son 54. Harrison Vickers 30 1918 Lee Vickers, brother 55. Vickers infant infant 1920 Lee Vickers, father 56. Vivian G. Galloway 17 1923 d/o Dave Galloway 57. Thomas E. Galloway infant 1932 Mrs. Euches Galloway, parent 58. Gertie Dexter 38 1923 Lee Dexter, husband 59. Dorothy Reed 1 1932 Cecil Reed, father 60. Sarah C, Jones 72 1936 Mrs. Cecil Reed, daughter. 61. Alex B. Jones 77 1937 Ms Cecil Reed, daug. 62. Lucy Jones 21 1923 Dave Jones, husband 63. Dan Jaco 35 1917 Hubert Jaco, son 64. Annie Davison unk 1918 s/o Jim Davidson 65. Neva Irene Hamilton 20 1922 Gentry Hamilton, husband 66. J.L. Dexter 88 1939 Ms. Shirley Walker, daug 67. Mattie Wild 45 1918 T. J. Wild, husband 68, Leona Wild infant 1903 T. J. Wild, father 69. Clyde Dexter 18 1926 Lee Dexter, father 70. Dora Lawrence 25 1912 71. Lloyd Schimmel 25 1903 72. Myrtle Dexter 1 1920 73. James Walker 2 1918 Shird Walker, father 74. Murdah Helen Walker infant 1914 Shird Walker, father 75. Navaline Welch infant 1906 76 Elmire L. Skaggs infant 1905 J. W. Skaggs, father 77. Susan Dezern 69 1905 Nellie Sellers, daug. 78. Charlies Miles 1 1920 Lutie Miles, mother 79. C. C. Miles 71 1927 Hattie Sellers, daughter 80. J. A. Miles 70 1930 Hattie Sellers, daughter 81. Milidean Eades 3 1904 Mollie Eades, mother 82. Lucy Edith (Jones) Jurincie 18 1917 83. Frank Jones 54 1926 Allie Jones, widow 84. O'Daniel infant infant 1911 J. Watt O'Daniel, father 85. Alton C. O'Daniel 3 1916 J. Watt O'Daniel, father 86. O'Daniel infant infant 1906 J. Watt O'Daniel, father 87. Vee E. O'Daniel 32 1906 J.W. O'Daniel - 1st wife 88. Blanche O'Daniel 36 1909 J.W. O'Daniel - 2nd wife 89. Barney McNeely infant 1937 90. Owen infant infant 1923 Mrs James Owen, mother 91. James Owen, Jr. 2 1931 Mrs James Owen, mother 92. E. H, Smith 76 1904 Joe E. Gatlin, grandson 93. Ruby Pugh 7 1914 Alta Beard, sister 94. Ada May Pugh 35 1909 Alta Beard, daughter 95. Purdy M, Allen 38 1919 Bessie Allen, wife 96. Ellen Berryman 47 1917 Wheeler R. Berryman, son 97, W. A. Berryman 67 1930 Wheeler R. Berryman, son 98. W. M, Lawrence 50 1934 Minnie Lawrence, wife 99. Jessie Lawrence 56 1909 Andrew Lawrence, son 100. Ann Lawrence 52 1910 Andrew Lawrence, son 101. Franklin Waumack 1 1924 Junie Waumack, mother 102. Vila Waumack 1 1923 Junie Waumack, mother 103. George Waumack 1 1917 Junie Waumack, mother 104. Virgie Waumack 1 1917 Junie Waumack, mother 105. Bruce Waumack 53 1936 Junie Waumack, wife 106. - 107. Unknown 108. Samples infant infant 1920 Minita Lowery, mother 109. Samples infant 1 1920 Minita Lowery, mother 110. J. C. Samples 65 1932 J. F. Samples, son 111. E. F. Tilley 26 1911 Susie T. McAllister, wife 112. Milborn M. McAllister infant 1917 113. Unknown 114. Odis Crawford 6 1909 L. B. Crawford, father 115. Alvie Vinson 5 1915 116. Lillie Vinson 37 1918 117. Euel Culp 1 1921 Roy Culp, father 118. James W. Wilcox 50 1910 Roy Wilcox, son 119. Seldon Wilcox 3 1905 Roy Wilcox, brother 120. Lula Smith 59 1931 Roy Wilcox, son 121. Mrs, M, N. McFarland 71 1932 122. L. B. McFarland 73 1928 123. Effie Cox 22 1912 Clifton Cox, husband 124. E, W, Winders 55 1935 Addie B. Winders, wife 125. J. H. Edwards 74 1935 W.N. Edwards, son 126. Amanda Edwards 72 1920 M. J. Edwards, son 127. Mrs. M. L, Edwards 38 1903 W. N. Edwards, husband 128. Ora Howard 45 1919 Stape Howard, husband-1st wife 129. Smith infant unk unk Lon Smith, father 130. Sudie May Walker 20 1907 Richard Walker, husband 131. Hallet Taylor Howard 1 1925 Stape Howard, father 132. Nina Howard 37 1929 Stape Howard, husband 133. Mary E. Kennedy 20 1929 H. W. Kennedy, husband 134. Elmer Iler 25 1921 Mrs Joe Iler Frizzell - 1st hus. d 135. Chester Otis Ridgeway 18 1922 Tom Ridgeway, father 136. Clarence Ridgeway 4 1903 Tom Ridgeway, father 137. Rashe Ridgeway 30 1910 Tom Ridgeway, bro. 138. Lydia E. Houston 77 1927 Mrs Al Chestnut, daughter 139. Ben Houston 82 1924 Mrs Al Chestnut, daug. 140. M. L. Chestnut 57 1904 Mrs Al Chestnut, wife 141. Lucy A. Owen O'Daniel 89 1933 Mat O'Daniel, son 142. James O'Daniel 74 1911 Mat O'Daniel, son 143. Jess Faughn, Jr. infant 1924 Jess Faughn, father 144. M. Lucy Hamilton 2 1904 Mrs E, Hamilton Sims, mother 145. Charles B. Hamilton 47 1919 Mrs E, H. Sims, wife 146. Nannie O. Vickers 56 1906 Thomas Vickers, son 147. Peter Vickers 58 1905 Thomas Vickers, son 148. Claude Vickers 18 1904 Thomas Vickers, brother 149. Neal infant infant 1910 s/o Ed & Beula Neal 150. Mildred Neal infant 1910 151. Alma M. Coursey 25 1920 W.M. 'Newt' Coursey, hbd 152. Tilley infant infant 1907 153. Lucy Tilley 34 1907 Mrs Gano Grace, daughter 154. Charles U. Tilley 36 1909 155. Walter Williams 36 1909 156. Jim Williams 88 1909 157. William Williams 86 1910 Charley Williams, son 158. Grace infant infant 1930 Gano Grace, father 159. Grace infant infant 1914 Gano Grace, father 160. Grace infant infant 1912 Gano Grace, father 161. Coomer infant infant 1924 Lizzie Coomer Cornwall, mth 162. un-named infant 1906 163. Susie Coomer 37 1906 Albert Page, son 164. Sallie Snow 60 1925 165. Mary R. Coomer infant 1914 Nora Coomer, mother 166. W. W. Coomer 3 1908 Nora Coomer, mother 167. B. S. Coomer 60 1930 Nora Coomer, wife 168. P. L. Beggs 74 1935 Vitty Beggs, wife 169. Nannie Bloomingburg 24 1935 Earlie Bloomingburg, hus 170. Provine infant infant 1911 R. M. Provine, father 171. Callie Provine Moore 73 1936 Rollie B. Provine, son 172. Provine infant infant 1904 Rollie B. Provine, bro. 173. D. A. Provine 73 1925 Rollie B. Provine, son 174. Polly Provine 28 1928 Nina Provine Harris, dau 175. Milton Provine 4 1923 s/o R.H. & Polly Provine 176. Rue H. Provine 36 1936 Mildred Provine, wife 177. Mary J. Vickers 63 1914 Walters Vickers, son 178. W. M. Vickers 74 1923 Walters Vickers, son 179. Daisy D. Vickers 17 1914 Pearl Vickers, step-mother 180. Marvin W. Vickers infant 1903 Pearl Vickers, mother 181. Hazel Vickers infant 1899 Pearl Vickers, mother 182. Thomas J. Vickers 61 1934 Pearl Vickers, wife 183. Effie Miller Provine 27 1920 Alvie Miller, father 184. J. W. Provine 55 1925 185. Alvin Thomas Fieldson 12 1916 Ella Fieldson, mother 186. Lucy Mira Fieldson 10 1918 Ella Fieldson, mother 187A. Edna G. Warfield 7 1897 187B. Thomas W. M. Fieldson 3 1898 188. Martin Luther Fieldson 20 1917 189. John Ralph Vickers 66 1918 Ella Fieldson, daug. 190. Roxie E. Vickers Grogan 17 1906 James Grogan, husband 191. Thomas Fieldson 60 1916 Ella Fieldson, wife 192A Lizzie Viola Fieldson 33 1893 Ella Fieldson, mother 192B Lula May Fieldson 1 1895 193. Youel J. Culp 2 1902 Harvey L. Culp, father 194. Lula Harvey Culp 44 1928 Harvey L. Culp, husband 195. J. W, Ellis 60 1922 Floyd E. Culp, g/s 196. Mattis F, Ellis 39 1903 Floyd E. Culp, g/s 197. Albert Ellis 32 1925 Myron W. Ellis, son 198. Hattie Ellis infant unk Floyd E. Culp, brother 199. Waymon Ellis infant unk Willie Ellis infant unk Mamie Ellis infant unk 200. Leeman Heltsley infant 1901 J. W. Heltsley, father 201. Lucian Heltsley infant 1901 J. W. Heltsley, father 202. Lionel C. Carter 28 1937 Louise Carter, wife 203. Charles Berry Carter infant 1934 Louise Carter, mother 204. Alvin Bivin 12 1899 Finis Bivin, father 205. Delia Ellen Carter 1 1914 Dr. Hermon T. Carter, father 206. Levi Brien 73 1933 Mollie Brien, wife 207. James Lester Brien 5 1905 Mollie Brien, mother 208. Mrs. Siney Dunn 69 1909 Mollie Brien, daug. 209. Robert Humphreys 15 1918 210. Ruby Humphreys 33 1913 Eva Emery, daughter 211. Charlie M, Humphreys 32 1903 212. Newton E. Humphreys 1 1902 213, Anna Marie Yates 1 1912 214. Lula Magdell Yates infant 1909 215. Unknown 216. Berry Yates, Sr. 65 1906 Berry Yates, son 217. Florence McDonald 25 1908 L. C. McDonald, husband 218. Steve McDonald 6 1906 L. C. McDonald, father 219. M. Zook 38 1908 Florence Dunn McCoy,wife 220. George Hershall Dunn 3 1913 Florence D. McCoy, mother 221. John Hallet Dunn 15 1925 Florence D. McCoy, mother 222. James Daniel Scillian infant 1915 Arthur Scillian, father 223. Tullah Scillian 29 1921 Arthur Scillian, husband 224. Floyd Oran Scillian 2 1922 Arthur Scillian, father 225. J. S, Adams 76 1909 Henrietta A. Nimms, wife 226. Willie Ann Culp 48 1933 Frank Culp, husband 227. Georgia Culp 6 1928 Frank Culp, father 228. W. L. Houston 50 1917 Mrs W. B. Kennedy, daughter 229. Mary Hall Houston 31 1910 Mrs W. B. Kennedy, daughter 230. Molly Nall 70 1920 J. L. Nall, son 231. L. C. Nall 67 1910 J. L. Nall, son 232, Jessia Eaves Houston 1 1908 W. C. Houston, father 233. Evah Holden Houston 34 1919 W. C. Houston, husband 234. Mattie L. Vickers 61 1925 Nora Vickers, sister 235. Rebecca Herndon 61 1897 Nora Vickers, daughter 236. J. B. Herndon 74 1908 Nora Vickers, daughter 237. Mary C. Herndon 69 1932 Everett Herndon, g/s 238. Burrell Herndon 64 1926 Everett Herndon, g/s 239. Robert D, Herndon infant 1909 Everett Herndon, bro. 240. Eugene Herndon 4 1930 241. Douglas Herndon 4 1920 242. Etta Young Herndon 41 1929 Everett Herndon, son 243. James C. Cattila infant 1902 J. C. Cattila, father 244. Cecil Roy Bird 4 1928 Charles B. Bird, father 245. James Kenneth Herndon infant 1937 Elsworth Herndon, father 246. Earl J, Herndon 35 1921 Euel Herndon, son 247. Paul O. Herndon infant 1930 Everet Herndon, bro. 248. John L. Donohoo 75 1935 Mrs Paul Owen, daug. 249. Loyd C. Donohoo 1 1895 Mrs Paul Owen, sister 250. Chester Donohoo 3 1903 Mrs Paul Owen, sister 251. Rollie Donohoo 26 1915 Euel Donohoo, son 252. William Lee Donohoo 1 1919 Tom Donohoo, father 253. Cleo Vickers 19 1905 Lee Vickers, husband 254. Vickers infant infant 1905 Lee Vickers, father 255. Gregory infant infant 1920 Wes Gregory, father 256. Bertie Donohoo Gregory 26 1910 Wes Gregory, husband 257. Gregory infant infant 1910 Wes Gregory, father 258. Mamie Lee Donohoo infant 1915 Tom Donohoo, father 259. Joseph Lee Nall 1 1909 Leslie Nall, father 260. Evans infant unk unk c/o Jim Evans 261. Will Gregory 70 1930 S. R. Gregory, son 262. Worth Gregory 17 1902 263. T. W. Gregory 70 1926 264. Mary Gregory 65 1927 265. Joe Gregory 75 1920 266. Nora Gregory unk unk 267. Sam E. Gregory 78 1937 268. Robert Simon Banks 1 1902 Tom Banks, father 269. Essie May Owen 2 1905 J. H. Owen, father 270. Guy Owen 3 1904 J. H. Owen, father 271. Thomas Owen unk 1904 J. H. Owen, father 272. Winnie May Owen 54 1936 J. H. Owen, husband 273. Owen infant infant 1903 274. Sue A. Owen 61 1904 J. H. Owen, son 275. Owen infant infant 1908 276. Edman Owen infant 1908 277. Willie Owen 1 1907 278. Nellie Owen 36 1908 279. Libbie Dupriest 36 1925 280. James Alex Owen 67 1936 281. Gilbert F, Smith 67 1937 282. Levy A. Smith 32 1909 283. William E, Beggs 1 1916 Chester Beggs, father 284. Harry Egner 16 1907 Pete Egner, father 285. Egner infant infant 1909 286. Tony Sturgess unk 1915 Newt Sturgess, father 287. Harlen Ruggles 21 1908 Miles Ruggles, brother 288. H, F. Ruggles 61 1925 Miles Ruggles, son 289. M, A. Ruggles 75 1936 Miles Ruggles, son 290. Benjamin Hooker Noels 67 1933 W. W. Noels, son 291. Unknown 292. Dowdy infant infant 1937 J. L. Dowdy, father 293. James E, Dowdy infant 1930 J. L. Dowdy, father 294. Elta Ruth Dowdy infant 1931 J. L. Dowdy, father 295. Hannah Lena Dowdy infant 1936 J. L. Dowdy, father 296. Charles Sellers 68 1931 Reba Jarbow, daughter 297. Arctus Sellers 35 1933 Lucy Sellers, wife 298. Charles W. Powell 2 1913 W. H. Powell, father 299. John Thomas Powell 19 1927 W. H. Powell, father 300. Cora E. Powell 73 1926 W. H. Powell, son 301. Margaret C. Powell 67 1935 R. G. Powell, husband 302. Emma Alion Scillion 79 1935 Myrtle Thurston, daug. 303 Jennings T. Jones 1 1923 Mrs G, W, Jones, mother 304. Charles G. Satterfield 12 1930 Mrs T, L, Satterfield, mother 305. Fuller infant infant 1926 S. B. Fuller, mother 306. Wilburn Haston Travis 6 1925 Walt L. Travis, father 307. Evalee Frizzell infant 1925 E. O. Frizzell, parent 308. James Bennett Myers infant 1930 Buck Myers, parent 309. Levenous Timmons 21 1930 J. R. Newton, father 310. Culp infant infant 1935 Carter Culp, father 311. Jewel H. Hulen infant 1928 Henry Hulen, father 312. Unknown 313. Robert Emil Owen 24 1929 Mrs C. B. Donohoo, sister 314. Leslie E. Owen 64 1935 Mrs C. B. Donohoo, daug 315. Billy'Shirley Wade infant 1934 Mrs Floyd Wade, mother 316. Sanford Metcalf 59 1929 Katie Metcalf, wife 317. Uless Metcalf 32 1933 Katie Metcalf, mother 318. Herbert F. Metcalf 28 1936 Katie Metcalf, mother 319. Frances Mae Stringer infant 1932 H. S. Stringer, father 320. Burley Stringer 18 1934 H. S. Stringer, father 321. Gladys Louise Peck infant 1932 William Peck, father 322. Betty Lou Peck 1 1935 William Peck, father 323. Polly Faughn 26 1930 Jess L. Faughn, husband 324. Laura Farmer O'Daniel 77 1937 H. B. O'Daniel, husband 325. Elva O'Daniel 36 1932 Johnnie O'Daniel, hus.lst wife 326. Maud Collins 46 1926 John Collins, husband 327. Lucy Travis 22 1928 Williard Travis, husband 328. Mamie L. Nall 35 1925 L. B. Nall, husband 329. Priscilla Travis 3 1924 Mont Travis, father 330. Effie Lee 30 1925 Roy Lee, brother 331. Moore infant infant 1929 W. A. Moore, father 332. J. E. Collins 46 1926 Della Collins, wife 333. Owen infant infant 1925 Carl Owen, father 334. Carl Frances Owen, Jr. 2 1933 Carl Owen, father 335. Frank H, Wright 18 1925 Thomas Wright, father 336. Lewis Downing 2 1925 337. Mrs. May Allen 23 1931 338. Randolph Downing 51 1937 Clintie Williams, daughter 339. Mrs. Lala Downing 51 1937 Clintie Williams, daughter 340. Louise Downing 2 1934 341. Irene Downing 16 1934 342, Lorena Downing Hurst 25 1937 Hermon Hurst, husband 343. George W, McCuiston 70 1930 Myrtie Dexter, dau 344. William C. Satterfield 2 1934 Mary Satterfield, mother 345. Thomas Downing 42 1932 Jamie Downing, wife 346, Leland Downing 20 1935 Verbal Downing, wife 347. Pauline Turner 22 1933 O. C. York, father 348. Harold McCoy 2 1935 Mrs Raymond Darnell, mother 349. Sallie Snow 70 1923 Nova Coomer, daughter 350. Lola Collie infant 1923 351. Irima Collie infant 1924 352. William S. Brindley infant 1923 Fanny Brindley, mother 353. - 361. Unknown 362. Estes infant unk unk Liston Estes, father 363. Mollie E. O'Daniel 64 1939 M.O. O'Daniel, husband 364. R. T, Provine 50 1938 Molina Provine, wife 365. Ernest Herndon 52 1938 Everett Herndon, son 366. Charlie Powell 84 1937 W. H. Powell, son 367. Joe Thomas Williams infant 1939 Elyie Williams, father 368. J. L, Dexter 61 1925 Mrs Shird Walker, daughter 369. Lucy McCuiston 72 1941 Myrtie Dexter, daughter 370. Mrs. L, E, Owen 62 1940 371. Elizabeth Owen 8 1941 Mrs. James Owen, mother 372. Samples infant infant 1908 Susie McAllister, mother 373. Samples infant 1910 374. Mildred Heltsley 22 mos 1921 375. - 378. Unknown ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++