Monroe County KyArchives Bible Records.....Richard England ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gary Pitcock October 17, 2006, 2:11 pm Bible published in 1871 On inside cover is written: Richard ENGLAND'S book April the 10th 1880 Sam E. Stale (?) When this you see remember me though many miles a part be. Under Family Records is written: First page Daisy Lee ENGLAND - CLARK died January 28, 1905 at B..le Prairie Kansas buried at Oakley Ks. Grace ENGLAND and Earle Irvin STONE were married at Almia Nebr Aug. 30, 1905 Harve and Nora married Feb 14, 1906 Second page Nancy Ellen LEE was born in Livingston County Illinois October the 15th in the year of our Lord 1850 (it had 1851 but someone in the same handwriting marked it out and put 1850) John Henry ENGLAND was born in Seward County Neb. July the 19th 1875 Harvey S....iford ENGLAND was born in Holt County Missouri March the 11th 1880 Third Page Richard ENGLAND was born in Monroe County KY May the 16 in the year of our Lord 1848 (1853 had been crossed out) Daisy Lee ENGLAND was born in Holt County Missouri in the year of 1884 Jan. 11th Gracie ENGLAND in Apr. 11th Holt County Missouri in the year of 1886 Harry ENGLAND in Logan County August 3 in the year of 1892 Fourth Page Rebecca Jane CREEK was born in Monroe County KY November the 5th in the year of our Lord 1829 Orton ENGLAND May 8th 1900 Daisy Merlee CLARK at Oakley Kans born January 12 1905 Glady Marie ENGLAND Pawnee Nebr born Feb. 18, 08 .... ENGLAND Cottage Grove, .. Born July 8, 1906 Earl I. STONE born Pawnee Nebr Feb 18 - 1887 Fifth Page Nancy Ellen LEE and Richard ENGLAND were married in Monroe County KY, Feb. 13, 1872 Nancy E born ..t Illinois 185. (1854 marked out and replaced with 185.) Richard E born at Gamaliel, KY Wesley Russel STONE born in Denver, Colo May 23, 1914 Additional Comments: I own this Bible and although I am not a direct descendant, I am a distant relative to Richard ENGLAND. This is the only information that I have on this family. File at: This file has been created by a form at