Monroe County KyArchives Bible Records.....Rufus William Batsel, Jr. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lee Ann Steinmetz October 17, 2006, 2:09 pm Page One Isham D. Kidwell born Jan. 30th, 1829 Sar. A. (Sarah Ann Williams) Kidwell born June 25th, 1833 M. P. (Milton Pitt) Hammer born March 13th, 1851 Permelia S. (Kidwell) Hammer born Jan. 16th, 1863 ... Hammer born July .1th, 1885 Annie B. Hammer born Feb 6th, 1887 Leander I. Hammer born Feb. 10th, 1889 Millie F. Hammer born Feb. 26th, 1891 Ara. K. Hammer born Feb. 4th, 1892 Page Two Blank Page Three Feddie P. Hammer born April 3rd, 1895 Joseph K. Hammer born Jan. 8th, 1899 William M. Hammer born July 19th , 1901 Elsie Susan Hammer born Oct. 7th, 1904 Lucille M. Hammer born Aug. 27, 1907 Page Four M.P. Hammer and P.S. (Kidwell) Hammer married May 31, 1884 Annie B. Hammer & John F. Rhoton married Jan. 21, 1906 Mollie F. Hammer & F. P. Walden married Jan. 21, 1906 Ira Kate Hammer & Grover Cleverland Murphy married 19.. Feddie Pitt Hammer & Lucy Emiline Gearlds married 1917 Joseph Kidwell Hammer & Mary Ethel Davis married 1917 William Monroe Hammer & Alice Bramam married 1920 Additional Comments: These records are written on pages that are old and brittle with a few holes through the middle. Printed at the top of the pages are "Scripture Memoranda" and have old glue stains on the left side so I assume they came from an Bible. Both Isham and Sarah, the grandparents were born in Monroe Co., KY as well as the parents, Milton and Permelia. Most of the older children were born in Missouri and the younger ones at Meshack, Monroe County, KY. I believe all the children's marriages took place in Monroe County, KY. Gary Pitcock, South Windsor, CT File at: This file has been created by a form at