Monroe County KyArchives News.....News Tidbits April 22, 1943 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin April 4, 2006, 2:13 pm Monroe County News April 22, 1943 42 local men enter service in April; Army accepts 33 white men; 6 choose Navy: The six joining the Navy are: Cecil Earl BOWMAN, William Ancil THOMPSON, Glendale Wayne BEAN, Solomon Eli DAVIS, Randall Lee ENGLAND & Clyde James JACKSON. Edlie Odell CROWE accepted for premeteorological training. The 33 entering the Army are: Wallace D MOORE, Harley T PITCOCK, Ronald S KINGERY, Albert D CLARKSON, Delmas M TOOLEY, James W SAVAGE, Raymond H KEYS, Mills O FISHER, Ira L HALL, James F ARTERBURN, Robert V WHEELER, Kenneth D GOAD, Alden H HAMMER, Louis A RICH, Hascal COPASS, Alvin L CURTIS, Henry E FORD, Fred BROWN, Floyd HALE, John T BUTLER, Samuel T BRAY, Harl JACKSON, Arther R WALDEN, Don W MILLER, James E HAMMER, Joe PARSLEY, Ernest H HUME, Alfred P BARLOW, Earl C EMBERTON, Henry G FORD, Warnie TURNER, Carlos HUNT, Julius Smith CROWE. Two black draftees were Dentis HOWARD and Harry Louis CHISM. Garden Club Unit II met at home of Mrs Oakley GARMON. Cited were Mrs David WALDEN, Bewley BOONE, Ruth McCREARY. Candidate for Secretary of State is Mayor Fred L WEIR of Owensboro; a native of T'ville. Sunrise service at Oak Hill Cemetery with all churches taking part. Rev S L PRUITT & Rev Holman COWHERD presiding. Pupils present recital - music students of Mrs F V HARWOOD. Names cited: Doyle WILLIAMS, Hettie Lou HAGAN, Louise WRIGHT, Bonnie Jean COPASS, Coleen GILL, Ruth JACKSON, Robert CRAWFORD, Kenneth BARTLEY, Starley WIDNER, Martha ROSS, Jackie HOPPER, Billie Jean McMEANS, Eleanor McCREARY, Ruth McCREARY, Sarah MARRS, Lorain YOKLEY, Rudolf FRIML, Billie Jean McMEANS, Colleen GILL, Hettie Lou HAGAN, Oley SPEAKS, Pearl G CURRAN, Edn Ruth SIMS, Oscar ROSBACH, Jackie HOPPER, Carl HAHN, Elenor McCREARY, Sarah MARRS, Will L THOMPSON, Sarah MARRS. Mr & Mrs James OLIVER of Mt Hermon entertained with a buffet supper 7 Apr in honor of Mr. Oliver's birthdy. Present were: Mr & Mrs: John RICHEY, Wallace PEDEN, Mr W N BURGESS and daughter Pauline, Mr & Mrs C W BAXTER, Mr & Mrs J N OLIVER and boys WIlbur and Charles David and Eugene SMITH. Out of town guests were Mr & Mrs Dan MASTERS and children, Mr & Mrs Cordell MASTERS, Ms O N CHERRY of Celina TN. Divorce granted in Circuit Court of A L FAIN from Lattie FAIN. Graduates of T'ville school: Runelle BARTLEY, Marioin BOOTHE, Lenver BOWMAN, Margie CARDER, Levonne CARTER, Delms CROWE, Evelyn DICKEN, Mack DICKERSON, Wilm EUBANK, Calvin HAMMER, Vida HAMMER, Elizabeth HARLAN, Leston HOOD, Neva Nellie MARTIN, Vivian PITCOCK, Dora POLAND, Paul POLAND, Mary RAY, Juanita RUSH, Georgie Katherine SMITH, Rex SMITH, Mildred WALLER, Edmund WEBB, Morene WILLIAMS, Louise WHITE. Gamaliel graduates: Ottie ARTERBURN, Wilma ARTERBURN, Willi Dean BALLARD, Ray BILLINSLEY, Eva Ann BROOKS, Geneva Jane BROOKS, Nancy BROWNFIELD, Geneva BURESS, Lillian BUTLER, Avo BLANKENSHIP, Jean COMER, Harry DOWNING, Hugh Mills DUNCN, Ruby GASS, Drexel HOLLOWAY, Thelma MILLER, Lorene PROFFITT, Willadean PROFFITT, Beatrice SIMPSON, Dorothy SMLLING, Orbra SMALLING, Marie TURNER, Virgini WEST, Vallie WILKERSON, Catherine WILSON. Fountain Run: J Hugh BEAM, D G CREEK, Ruby Gordon CREEK, Ruby Gordon CREEK, Delma Ree EMBERTON, William Stanley LYON, & Edgar Louis PROFFITT. The remainder of the paper dealt with the war effort - saving tin for Uncle Sam. A series of cartoons on how tin helps. 3 salvaged cans will make a hand grenade. One tin can will make a pair of binoculars. A family of four saving its cans for 2 weeks will save enough tin to supply metal for a portable flame thrower. A month's saving will make the bushings for 3 machine guns. A diagram was shown on how to smash the cans. There was also a note that old kitchen grease is war material, save every spoonful. File at: This file has been created by a form at