Montgomery County KyArchives Biographies.....Mitchell, William January 16, 1819 - unknown ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin February 27, 2005, 8:29 am Author: The Biographical Encyclopedia of Kentucky, J. M. Armstrong & Company, 1878 William Mitchell, Banker, was born January 16, 1819 near Mt. Sterling, Montgomery County, Kentucky. His ancestry were Virginians, and his grandfathers on both sides were early settlers of this State. His father was a farmer and came to Montgomery County, then a part of Fayette, in 1808. His education was obtained in the country schools, which he attended until at the age of seventeen; he became a clerk in a dry-goods store in Mt. Sterling, and at the age of twenty-one engaged in business as a partner in merchandising, continuing that business for thirteen years. In 1846, he became cashier of the Branch Farmers' Bank of Kentucky at Mt. Sterling, which position he held until the bank closed, with the year 1874, when it merged into the Farmers' National Bank, of which he is still cashier. Religiously, he is associated with the Christian or Disciples' Church. He is an earnest, upright Christian gentleman; always genial and accommodating, having a kind word for his friends at all times. In business relations with his fellow-men, he uses the same Christian charity and kindness that he exhibits in private life. By close and strict attention to business, he has earned the reputation of having no superior in the State as a bank cashier. He has always resided at Mt. Sterling. Mr. Mitchell was married October 4, 1842 to Miss M. A. Embry of Fayette County. They have had three children, two of whom are living. File at: This file has been created by a form at