Montgomery County KyArchives Court.....Allen, John March 18, 1826 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marvin Allen January 25, 2015, 7:47 am Source: Montgomery County Clerk Written: March 18, 1826 Recorded: March 18, 1826 [Transferer or Trustee]? David Trimble Sr to dec’d John Allen Heirs Examined X This Indenture made and entered into this eighteenth day of March in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six between David Trimble senior of the county of Montgomery and State of Kentucky, of the one part and the heirs and legal representation of John Allen dec’d of the State aforesaid of the other part, … that the aforesaid David Trimble for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds to him in hand? paid? by the aforesaid John Allen in his life time now deceased the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged … granted … conveyed and do by these presents grant … convey and confirmed unto the aforesaid heirs legal representatives of the aforesaid John Allen dec’d, a certain tract or parcel of land by survey containing five hundred and ten acres, lying in Montgomery … on the waters of Slate Creek it being a part of James French’s … survey, and bounded as follows (To wit) Beginning at two maples on the bank of Slate Creek corner to Isaac Lykins thence meandering with his line S 30 W. 80 poles to a white oak corner to said Lykins and John Craig Thence with Craig line S 23 …ing his corner in all 30? poles to a Stake in James French’s line Thence with his line East 988 poles to two white oaks on the bank of Slate Creek thence down the Creek with the several meanders thereof and binding on the same to the beginning, to have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land with all and singularly the appurtenances, improvements and conveniences thereunto belonging, and aforesaid David Trimble Sr … for himself his heirs, executors, administrators … forever warrant and defend? the aforesaid tract or parcel of land unto the aforesaid heirs and legal representatives of John Allen, Dec’d against the claim of him the aforesaid David Trimble Sr his heirs, executors, administrators … and from all and every person or persons claiming by through or under him or his heirs and if the aforesaid tract or parcel of land should be lost or taken by any other prior or better claim the aforesaid David Trimble Sr is to refund back the purchase money with lawful interest thereas from the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine. In testimony whereof the party of the first part have hereunto set his hand and affixes his seal this day and the date above written. Atteste David Trimble Geo. S. Hampton DC State of Kentucky Montgomery County Clerks Office March 18th 1826 I George S. Hampton deputy Clerk for Micajah Harrison Clerk of the Court for the bounty aforesaid, Do hereby certify that this deed of conveyance from David Trimble Sr to the heirs and legal representatives of John Allen, dec’d was this day … to me in the office aforesaid and acknowledged by the said David Trimble Sr to be his act and … hence and seal for the purposes therein named, whereupon the same is duly entered of record in said office as the law directs. Attest: George S. Hampton, DC File at: This file has been created by a form at