COURT: Montgomery Co. Circuit Court Case Index by Defendant - (Hf-Hz Surnames) to 1892 ************************************************ Submitted by Eric C. Nagle Date: 7 May 2005 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ DEFENDANT PLAINTIFF FILED CLOSED BK PG BOX BUNDLE Hickerson, S.C. Tipton, B.S. &c 1886 1887 53 158 196 522 Hickey, John Farmers National Bank of Mt. Sterling 1879 1880 48 380 72 375 Higgins, John Adams, Samuel J. 1864 1864 39 205 1 1 Highland, J.W. Graves, T.C. 1877 1880 48 414 72 376 Highland, Jno. W. Clarke, Thomas 1868 1868 41 67 10 55 Highland, Jno. W. White, Albin, Surviving Partner 1884 1884 51 437 198 524 Highland, Jno. W. &c Pearce, Tolle & Holton 1870 1870 42 33 52 260 Highland, John W. Miner, John D. & Company 1870 1871 42 235 41 223 Highly, Jno. &c Hadden, Rufus 1887 1887 53 437 164 490 Hill & Gist Shannon, M. 1860 1866 40 68 57 286 Hill, James H. Gilliland, Jennie B. &c 1881 1882 50 261 98 424 Hill, James H. Gilliland, W.H., Gdn Hill, Jas. H, David & Emma 1881 1882 50 261 98 424 Hill, James H. &c Hill, E.C. &c 1881 1882 50 261 98 424 Hill, James H. &c Hill, J.T. & Kate C. &c 1881 1882 50 261 98 424 Hill, James H. &c McGee, Alice F. & W.D. &c 1881 1882 50 261 98 424 Hill, Thomas R. Banfield, Theophilus Administrator 1875 1881 49 252 82 408 Hill, Thomas R. Trimble, J.H. &c 1875 1881 49 252 192 518 Hinde & Porter &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1867 1868 40 286 18 103 Hinde & Porter &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1867 1868 40 386 18 103 Hines, James et al Chiles, Loudon T. et al 1868 1869 41 337 10 60 Hiser, C.C. Bamberger, Bloom & Company 1883 1883 50 411 110 436 Hisle, Ann M. &c Mutual Savings & Loan Association 1886 1887 53 270 175 501 Hisle, C.C. Appleton, Lancaster & Duff 1882 1882 50 225 92 418 Hisle, C.C. Arbuckle, W.T. 1885 1885 52 208 132 458 Hisle, C.C. &c Everman, Gip 1882 1882 50 135 95 421 Hisle, C.C. &c French, Lydia 1886 1886 53 26 154 480 Hoffman & Company N. Middletown, Mt. Ida & Mt. Sterling T.P.Rd Co.1870 1871 42 286 48 245 Hoffman, A. Ramsey, L.M. & Company 1879 1879 48 266 57 285 Hoffman, A. Tucker, G.B. 1882 1882 50 46 106 432 Hoffman, A. Glover & Dursett 1886 1887 53 158 158 484 Hoffman, A. &c Hoffman, A., Assignee &c 1879 1880 82 A Hoffman, A. &c Turley, William T. 1889 1890 211 848 Hoffman, Albert Kenkenbacker, H. 1881 1881 49 464 99 425 Hoffman, James A. Howe Machine Company 1875 1877 47 152 29 169 Hoffman, James A. Hoffman, Emma 1876 1877 46 410 29 170 Hoffman, Jno. W. &c Farmers National Bank 1883 1883 52 475 152 478 Hoffman, John W. Mt. Sterling Coal Road Company 1877 1877 47 133 44 234 Hoffman, Thomas & others Tipton, W.B. 1871 1871 42 370 64 327 Hoffman, W. Dishong, A.B. 1858 1866 40 68 14 80 Hoffman, William Linsey, A., Assignee 1859 1865 39 371 36 204 Hoffman, William & others Bank of Louisville 1868 1868 40 454 4 22 Hoffman, William & Son Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Company 1875 1876 45 422 26 155 Hoffman, William &c Hoffman, William, Trustee &c 1876 1878 47 189 29 171 Hoffman, William, Assignee &c Hoffman, William, Assignee &c 1867 1867 40 317 28 165 Holderby, James P. Pearce, Tolle & Holton 1865 1865 39 275 52 260 Holderby, James P. Anderson & Andrews 1869 1869 41 318 1 6 Holland, Jno. Talbott, Boyle 1885 1886 52 271 195 521 Holland, Jno. Sr. McCloskey & Sweeny 1885 1886 52 303 173 499 Holland, Mike &c Traders Deposit Bank 1890 1891 214 1011 Holland, Nelson &c Crosthwait, Aaron 1887 1887 53 346 144 470 Holland, Simon Judy, Thomas G. 1883 1883 51 12 119 445 Hollen & Hardwick Temple & Barker 1856 1869 41 367 63 321 Holleran, F.C. &c Hazelrigg, Deliah 1889 1889 208 654 Holleran, John Campbell, Barney 1874 1876 46 24 9 54 Holleran, John Hazelrigg, Nancy &c 1874 1876 46 13 26 154 Holleran, John &c Howe & Grubbs 1874 1874 44 47 29 169 Holleran, John &c Barry, James P. 1875 1878 47 451 5 25 Holleran, Simeon &c Henry, Daniel 1870 1872 42 544 27 158 Holley, Uriah Anderson, R.S.P. 1863 1864 39 216 1 4 Holley, Uriah &c Wyatt, Jno. S. 1868 1869 41 235 70 364 Holliday, John Fitzpatrick, J.P. 1889 641 Holloran, Simon &c Richart, William S. 1871 1871 42 471 55 277 Holly, Albert Holley, Margaret 1885 1890 210 765 Holly, T.J. & Company Green, J.B., Trustee &c 1871 1873 43 275 22 130 Holly, Thomas Holly, Uriah, Administrator of & others 1870 1876 46 13 28 165 Holly, Uriah &c Tipton, William 1865 1867 40 280 63 324 Holmes, Jno., Heirs of Guy, Jno. D., Heirs of 1866 1868 40 432 20 120 Holmes, Major Graves, C. 1879 1880 49 70 86 412 Holt, W.H., Executor &c Hon, William 1874 1876 45 495 29 169 Holton, H.E. Campbell, Harry 1868 10 55 Holton, H.E. Madison, James P. 1869 1869 41 340 39 214 Holton, Henry E. Drane, Smith & Company 1868 1868 40 447 13 75 Holton, Henry E. Wilcox, Helen 1869 1869 41 228 69 357 Hon, Isaac & others Rose, Powell 1852 1860 38 9 55 279 Hon, J.M. Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company 1874 1875 44 445 24 141 Hon, J.M. &c Cockrell, B.F. 1874 1874 44 38 12 69 Hon, J.M. &c Johnson & Thompson 1874 1874 44 204 32 188 Hon, James M. &c Cockrell, B.F. 1873 1873 43 268 12 68 Hon, Levi &c Farmers National Bank 1887 1887 205 570 Hon, Nancy et al Wright, Gabriel et al 1866 1867 40 167 68 354 Hon, Peter &c Berry, Milford &c 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Hon, Peter Executor of Adair, John R. &c 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Hon, Peter, Devisees of &c Coons, W.J. &c 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Hon, Peter, Exceutor of &c Duncan, Prudence &c 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Hon, Peter, Executor of &c Coons, W.J. &c 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Hon, Peter, Executor of &c Ellis, Louisiana &c 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Hon, Peter, Executor of &c Hostetter, John &c 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Hon, Peter, Executors &c Reed, Simpson &c 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Hon, Peter, Executors of Kemper, Jacob &c 1878 1880 49 38 76 405 Hon, Peter, Executors of Spencer, Martha C. &c 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Hon, Peter, Executors of &c Hon, Peter, Devisees 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Hon, Peter, Executors of &c Stone, Dudley &c 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Hon, Peter, Executors of &c White, Lucetta &c 1878 1880 49 38 79 405 Honness, M.M. Honness, Annie E. 1891 1891 212 931 Hood, Charles Hood, Eliza 1875 1875 45 47 29 170 Hood, E.G. et al Coons, Jno. F. 1862 1865 39 255 11 63 Hood, J.F. Shrout, Isaac 1866 1866 39 458 60 307 Hood, J.F. Wills, James 1867 1869 41 155 68 356 Hood, Peter Hood, Mary 1878 1878 47 226 29 170 Hood, W.A. Davis, Josiah 1868 1868 41 99 13 75 Hood, W.A. Samuels & Jordan 1869 1869 41 348 57 289 Hood, W.A. &c Lee, W.M.M. 1871 1871 42 389 36 203 Hood, William A. Berkley & Jouett 1868 1868 40 433 5 27 Hood, William A. Lee, W.M.M., Survivor &c 1869 1870 42 190 36 203 Hopkins, James &c Stephens, H.C. 1882 1885 52 77 188 514 Hopkins, T.B. & Company Brown, S.N. & Company 1878 1878 47 377 7 40 Hopkins, T.B. & Company Murphy, Sherwin & Company 1878 1879 48 52 45 237 Hopkins, T.B. & Company &c Conroy, J.L. 1879 1880 49 102 84 410 Hopkins, T.B. &c Eastin & Baum 1881 49 103 112 438 Hopper, Hiram &c Schlegel, A. 1886 1888 53 601 189 515 Hornback, James & others Farmers National Bank 1883 1883 50 411 127 453 Hornback, Milton &c Hornback, Jno., Administrator of 1863 1864 39 153 28 164 Horne, W.T. &c Mark, Jno. H. &c 1881 1883 50 442 168 494 Horton, Julius C. Horton, Margaret 1870 1870 42 164 28 166 Hoskins, Jno. B. &c Gaitskill, C.W., Guardian 1883 1884 51 420 156 482 Hoskins, William &c Botts, John 1883 1884 51 217 110 436 Hoskins, William &c Botts, Jno. 1884 135 461 Hovens, Joseph G. Colliver, E.J. &c 1887 1887 53 486 144 470 Howard Barnes & Company Hoffman & Sons, Assignee &c 1872 1873 43 360 28 168 Howard, Barnes & Company Magowan, Jno. 1869 1870 42 8 39 215 Howard, Barnes & Company Wren, B.C. 1869 1870 42 37 67 350 Howard, Barnes & Company Anderson, Josiah 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Barnes, F.C. 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Barnes, R.M. 1870 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Barnes, R.M. &c 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Boyd, A. 1870 1880 48 382 82 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Chiles & Jones 1870 1871 42 384 10 60 Howard, Barnes & Company Chiles & Jones 1870 1871 42 384 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Clay, M.M. 1870 1879 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Cravens, Jerre 1870 1879 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Doty, William 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1870 1871 42 384 18 104 Howard, Barnes & Company Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1870 1880 48 382 75 382 Howard, Barnes & Company Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1870 1871 42 384 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Ferguson, William, Committee 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Jouett & Apperson 1870 1871 42 384 32 186 Howard, Barnes & Company Jouett & Apperson 1870 1871 42 384 32 186 Howard, Barnes & Company Jouett & Apperson 1870 1871 42 384 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Jouett & Bean 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Kemper, Valentine 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Maupin & O'Rear 1870 39 215 Howard, Barnes & Company Shay, Nicholas 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Tribby & Potts 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Turley & Company 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Wilson, Harvey 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Young, James P. 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, Barnes & Company Gillaspie, Volney 1871 1871 42 519 23 136 Howard, Barnes & Company Barnes, Thomas C. 1872 4 23 Howard, Barnes & Company Berkley, B.F. & Company 1872 1876 46 229 6 31 Howard, Barnes & Company Grotenkemper, H. 1872 1873 43 483 24 142 Howard, Barnes & Company Reese, P.L. & Brother 1872 1877 47 152 54 272 Howard, Barnes & Company Anderson, S.G. &c 1873 1877 46 409 2 9 Howard, Barnes & Company Prewitt, Nelson, Executors of &c 1873 1875 44 484 52 261 Howard, Barnes & Company Steele, A.R. 1873 1873 43 395 58 295 Howard, Barnes & Company &c Berry's, William Administrator 1869 1870 42 37 5 28 Howard, Bettie L. &c Harrah, J.W. 1882 1885 52 62 162 488 Howard, Boone, Administrator of &c Yocom, Levi 1869 1871 42 417 70 366 Howard, George, Executors of Howard, Cassandra 1862 1865 39 269 28 164 Howard, George, Heirs of Howard, George, Executors 1863 1864 39 162 28 164 Howard, H.A. Cornelison, Jno. Jay 1881 1881 49 169 111 437 Howard, H.C. Adams, Samuel J. 1865 1865 39 374 1 1 Howard, H.C. Murphy, M. 1866 1871 42 317 44 235 Howard, H.C. White, William 1866 1869 41 174 68 356 Howard, H.C. Looney, Patrick 1867 37 207 Howard, H.C. Lewis, D.P., Administrator of 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, H.C. Taylor, Ed 1876 1876 46 275 62 320 Howard, H.C. &c Hughart, P.S. &c 1869 1869 41 156 29 174 Howard, H.C. &c Hazelrigg, George 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, H.C. &c Hoffman & Sons 1870 1870 42 117 28 166 Howard, H.C. &c Maupin & O'Rear 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, H.C. &c Phillips, William M. 1870 1880 48 382 75 392 Howard, H.C. &c Samuels & Jordan 1870 1879 48 172 57 289 Howard, H.C. &c Ragan, William, Assignee &c 1871 1870 42 44 53 268 Howard, H.C. &c Wright, W.H.H. 1871 1870 42 44 69 358 Howard, H.C. &c Spencer, Josiah (Isaiah) 1878 1879 48 329 58 296 Howard, H.C. &c Grotenkemper, H. & Company 1882 1883 86 A Howard, H.C. et al Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1870 1871 42 384 18 104 Howard, Henry Dooley, Jabez 1864 1865 39 301 14 82 Howard, Henry C. Williams, Jno. (colored) 1867 1867 40 308 68 356 Howard, J. Smith, W. Halley 1888 1888 54 20 190 516 Howard, James Skillman, Thomas H. 1853 1870 41 390 59 297 Howard, James Gatewood, R.H., Executors 1866 1866 39 458 21 121 Howard, James Wilhite, Elizabeth 1866 1868 40 412 68 356 Howard, James Mt. Sterling Coal Road Company 1875 43 232 Howard, James Atchison, J.T. 1883 1883 54 62 132 458 Howard, James &c Golden, W.J., Administrator of 1878 1878 47 209 24 144 Howard, James &c Howell, D.G. &c 1886 1889 54 403 163 489 Howard, James O. Benton, Norvell 28 164 Howard, P.A. Thompson, Edgar 1861 1863 39 97 64 331 Howard, P.A. Thompson, Green & wife 1863 1866 40 12 64 331 Howard, P.A. Everett, George C. 1868 1873 41 416 16 94 Howard, P.A. Bedford, A.C. Administrator of &c 1873 1873 43 429 6 31 Howard, P.A. Brooks, James W. 1873 1873 43 413 7 38 Howard, P.A. Fitzpatrick W.T. & wife 1873 1875 45 11 19 114 Howard, P.A. Trimble, James H. 1873 1873 43 441 64 328 Howard, P.A. Little, William, Assignee &c 1874 1878 47 204 37 205 Howard, P.A. Samuels & Jordon 1874 1874 44 173 58 291 Howard, P.A. Trimble, J.G. 1874 1877 47 98 64 328 Howard, P.A. Little, William, Assignee &c 1875 1878 47 510 37 205 Howard, P.A. Cox, B.F. 1877 1877 46 480 12 71 Howard, P.A. Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1877 1878 47 277 18 108 Howard, P.A. Means, J.J. 1877 1878 47 274 41 221 Howard, P.A. & others Northern Bank of Kentucky 1871 1871 42 485 48 245 Howard, P.A. &c Gibbons, M. 1873 1874 44 6 23 138 Howard, P.A. &c Gibbons, Michael 1873 1873 43 339 23 138 Howard, P.A. &c Trimble, James H. 1873 1873 43 442 64 328 Howard, P.A. &c Bourne, Edgar A. 1874 1878 47 269 7 39 Howard, P.A. &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1874 1885 88 A Howard, P.A. &c Gaitskill, John 1874 1878 47 332 21 126 Howard, P.A. &c Gossett, M. 1874 1874 44 57 24 141 Howard, P.A. &c Samuels & Jordon 1874 1878 47 253 58 291 Howard, P.A. &c Garrison, D.B., Administrator 1875 1876 46 335 22 127 Howard, P.A. &c Greman National Bank of Covington, Ky. 1875 1878 47 299 22 130 Howard, P.A. &c Grear, A.L. 1876 1876 46 265 22 130 Howard, P.A. &c Hall, T.B. 1876 1877 46 473 25 147 Howard, P.A. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1877 1878 47 173 18 108 Howard, P.A. et al Cornelison, Jno. Jay, Receiver 1876 1876 46 95 12 71 Howard, Preston Young, John 1866 1866 40 81 70 365 Howard, Thomas &c &c Howard, Benjamin 1863 1867 40 303 28 164 Howe, Robert &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1874 1875 44 433 15 90 Howe, W.T. & wife Groves, James H. 1870 1870 42 189 24 140 Howe, W.T. &c White & Peters 1885 1885 51 529 199 525 Howe, W.T. &c Scott, Carrie 1887 1887 53 495 190 516 Howe, William T. Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 192 18 106 Howe, William T. Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 195 18 106 Howe, William T. &c Miller, George E. 1874 1877 46 401 41 223 Howell, Charles (of color) &c Lindsey, H.C. 1873 1876 46 105 37 205 Howell, Clayton &c Pebworth, James 1873 1873 43 285 52 261 Howell, David &c Davis, Garrett &c 1871 1876 46 59 Hoyle, G. & Company &c Everett, William F. 1877 1878 47 227 16 96 Hoyt, G. Steagall & Young 1876 1876 46 97 58 296 Hoyt, G. & Son Bush, Jno. P. 1876 1876 46 25 8 43 Hoyt, T. Carrington, Samuel 1876 1876 46 89 10 56 Hubbard, Elizabeth Hubbard, Eli 1869 1871 42 298 29 174 Hubbard, Mary Elizabeth Hubbard, Harry 1869 1870 41 399 29 174 Hudley, F.H. & Miller, Jno. O. Gossett & Hourne 1876 1880 48 441 72 377 Hugart, P.F. Cunningham, Charles A. 1884 1885 51 590 141 467 Hulett, A.J. Williams, Jno. S. 1874 1875 44 457 69 360 Huls, Elisha James Everett, George C. 1869 1869 41 218 16 95 Hulse, William Sharp, Jno. 1868 1868 41 62 57 288 Hunter, James D. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1875 44 403 18 106 Huntington, C.P. &c Brooks, O.R. 1890 727 Huntington, C.P. &c Woodford, H.M. 1890 854 Hurst, D.D. Turner, Thomas 1864 1865 39 285 66 339 Hurst, D.D. Gossett, Mathias 1873 1876 46 214 24 141 Hurst, D.D. Turley & Company 1875 66 340 Hurst, D.D. Stix, Nathan 1876 1876 46 103 60 303 Hurst, D.D. &c Mt. Sterling National Bank 1877 1877 46 477 44 234 Hurst, D.D. &c Mt. Sterling National Bank 1890 1891 213 955 Hurst, Daniel Smith, R.T. 1873 1873 43 399 59 302 Hurst, Daniel Richart, A.L. 1886 1888 54 150 184 510 Hurst, H.C. Prewitt, Cas 1886 1886 204 559 Hurst, H.C. &c Farmers National Bank 1886 1886 52 541 155 481 Hurst, H.C. &c Prewitt, Caswell 1888 1891 213 970 Hurst, Kash & Company Dean, Ellis 1876 1876 46 94 14 79 Hurt, Harvey G. Sydner, James H. 1866 1867 40 222 62 316 Hutson, Nancy Hutson, Samuel 1871 1873 43 214 29 174