COURT: Montgomery Co. Circuit Court Case Index by Defendant - (T-U Surnames) to 1892 ************************************************ Submitted by Eric C. Nagle Date: 7 May 2005 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ DEFENDANT PLAINTIFF FILED CLOSED BK PG BOX BUNDLE Tabler, J.H. Williams, R. 1880 1881 50 93 107 433 Tackett, W.P. Horton, I.N. & Brother 1889 1889 208 652 Talbott &c Wise & Clark 1873 1876 46 13 69 359 Talbott, Boyle Holleran, Jno. Jr. 1884 1884 162 488 Talbott, Boyle & others Linch, Jno. 1868 1868 41 69 36 204 Talbott, Darwin Johnson, Brack 1881 1881 49 443 87 413 Talbott, Darwin Magowan, W.C. 1881 1881 49 443 88 414 Talbott, Dorwin McCormack, E.N. 1874 1880 47 511 73 380 Talbott, William H. Warnock, Jno. 1860 1866 39 448 66 344 Tanner, B.D. &c Goff, John H. 1874 1874 44 310 24 141 Tanner, Eliza J. Tanner, Joseph A., Guardian &c 1888 1889 54 504 197 523 Tanner, James &c O'Rear, Wesley 1858 1865 39 254 50 250 Tanner, William A. et al Trimble, James H. 1873 1875 45 281 64 328 Tapp, James P. Tapp, Mary E. 1889 706 Tapp, Mary E. &c Dale, Rebecca &c 1881 1882 50 7 103 429 Tapp, Mary E. &c Harmon, Mrs. M.A. 1881 1885 50 7 117 443 Tapp, Mary E. &c Phelps, John &c 1881 1882 50 7 103 429 Tapp, Mary E. &c Marshall, Robert 1889 1890 211 791 Tapp, William Satterfield, J.H. 1863 57 287 Tapp, William Magowan, James Asa 1875 1876 46 236 40 219 Tapp, William Phelps, John 1883 1883 51 127 120 446 Tapp, William Sondheimer & Maupin 1883 1885 52 82 187 513 Tapp, William &c Kentucky, Commonwealth of 1181 1882 50 317 112 438 Tapp, William, &c Magowan, J.A. 1881 1881 49 90 416 Tarr, Thomas & Company Mt. Sterling National Bank 1884 1884 51 351 171 497 Taul & Lindsey &c Farmers & Drovers Bank 1886 1885 52 211 154 480 Taul, A.S. & Thomas Thompson, Nancy 1880 1880 49 125 91 417 Taul, A.T. & Taul, Thomas Oden, J.L., Trustee &c 1863 1863 39 87 50 250 Taul, D.M. Finkle & Lyon Manufacturing Company 1873 1876 46 87 62 318 Taul, D.M. Turley & Company 1874 1875 44 478 66 341 Taul, J.W. Hanks, Dunham & Company 1876 1876 46 95 26 155 Taul, J.W. Robinson, J.M. & Company 1884 1884 51 380 182 508 Taul, J.W. & Company Shropshire, Berkley & Cassell 1875 1875 45 353 61 310 Taul, J.W. & Company Appleton, Lancaster & Company 1876 1876 46 89 2 10 Taul, J.W. &c Lockard, Ireland & Company 1874 1878 47 530 38 209 Taul, J.W. &c Dean, Stephen 1876 1878 47 530 14 79 Taul, J.W. &c Robinson, J.M. & Company 1884 1884 51 380 183 509 Taul, Jno. W. DeGroffenreid, M.H. 1887 1887 53 351 155 481 Taul, Jno. W. &c Mt. Sterling, City of 1892 214 1061 Taul, John W. Dumcavan, Samuel G. 1878 1878 47 294 15 85 Taul, Lavindy Taul, Samuel 1889 703 Taul, Sally Taul, Milton 1878 1879 48 189 66 343 Taul, T.J. Bell, Elizabeth R., Ex. 1885 1885 51 620 135 461 Taul, T.J. O'Rear, A.S. & Company 1886 1887 53 312 178 504 Taul, T.J. &c Farmers National Bank 1888 1888 54 167 155 481 Taul, T.J. &c Traders Deposit Bank 1889 1891 214 1008 Taul, Wiley J. Taul, Miranda K. 1863 1864 39 147 62 318 Taul, Wiley J. Staples, Joshua 1864 1864 39 153 57 287 Taul, Wiley J. Taul, Miranda K. 1865 1865 39 377 62 318 Taylor, J.W. Burroughs, J.W. &c 1881 1881 49 399 82 408 Taylor, J.W. Whitney, George A. &c 1881 1881 49 399 82 408 Taylor, James &c Clay, M.M. for use of Exchange Bank 1873 1874 44 22 9 51 Taylor, James &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1874 1875 44 416 15 90 Taylor, James R. &c Turner, Thomas 1873 1875 45 20 66 341 Taylor, Preston Mitchell & White, Administrators 1879 1879 48 265 42 225 Taylor, Preston Caldwell, W.S. 1882 1882 50 50 93 419 Taylor, Preston Farmers National Bank 1884 1886 52 353 153 479 Taylor, W.M. &c Reid, William H. 1870 1871 42 228 54 271 Taylor, W.M. &c Trumbo, D.S. 1871 1872 43 122 66 340 Tenney & Lloyd Bedford, P.C. Assignee &c 1868 1871 42 408 5 28 Tenney, Cornelius Eastin & Wilson 1872 1876 46 220 15 89 Tenney, O. &c McIntire, Jasper &c 1878 1878 47 226 42 225 Tenney, O.S. Baker & Ratcliff 1862 1868 41 81 3 17 Tenney, O.S. Barnes, F.C. 1862 1863 39 170 3 18 Tenney, O.S. Brand, M.H. 1862 1863 39 170 3 18 Tenney, O.S. Cohen, Wolf 1869 1874 44 321 11 64 Tenney, O.S. Coryell, Joseph 1870 1870 42 58 11 65 Tenney, O.S. Howard, P.A. 1872 1878 47 380 28 168 Tenney, O.S. Wilson, L.D. 1872 1875 45 140 69 359 Tenney, O.S. Allen, C. & W.H. 1873 1874 44 104 2 9 Tenney, O.S. Samuels & Jordon 1873 1873 43 389 57 290 Tenney, O.S. Trimble, James H. 1873 1873 43 388 64 328 Tenney, O.S. Snowden, D.J. 1874 1874 44 221 61 309 Tenney, O.S. Turley & Company 1874 1874 44 60 66 341 Tenney, O.S. Tyler, M.S., Assignee 1874 1874 44 85 66 343 Tenney, O.S. Young, James P. 1874 1873 43 417 70 367 Tenney, O.S. Ferguson, William, Administrator of 1875 1876 46 311 19 111 Tenney, O.S. Magowan, John T., Assignee 1875 1875 45 171 40 219 Tenney, O.S. Barners, Alfred 1875 45 351 4 24 Tenney, O.S. & others Daniel, Henry & wife 1866 1867 40 167 13 74 Tenney, O.S. & others Hazelrigg, John W. 1866 1867 40 304 25 149 Tenney, O.S. &c Ferguson, George, Administrator of 1865 1868 40 438 19 110 Tenney, O.S. &c Magowan, John T. 1865 1865 39 378 38 212 Tenney, O.S. &c Winchell, George D. Upon & Co 1867 1867 40 359 68 356 Tenney, O.S. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1868 1868 41 98 18 103 Tenney, O.S. &c Bean, Robert T. 1873 1873 43 389 6 31 Tenney, O.S. &c Kemper Brothers 1873 1873 43 368 34 193 Tenney, O.S. &c Pomeroy, Mendenhall & Company 1873 1873 43 389 89 415 Tenney, O.S. &c Young, J.P. 1873 1873 43 417 70 367 Tenney, O.S. &c Congleton, Melvina 1874 1874 44 320 12 68 Tenney, O.S. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 24 18 106 Tenney, O.S. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 193 18 107 Tenney, O.S. &c Gibbons, Michael 1874 1874 44 204 23 138 Tenney, O.S. &c Glover, M.M. 1874 1874 44 234 24 141 Tenney, O.S. &c Kuper, W.A. 1874 1875 45 107 35 198 Tenney, O.S. &c Little, William, Assignee &c 1874 1876 45 447 37 205 Tenney, O.S. &c Anderson, J. Wayne 1875 1875 45 173 2 9 Tenney, O.S. &c First National Bank 1875 1876 45 407 18 108 Tenney, O.S. &c McIntire, Jasper & others 1876 1878 47 226 41 224 Tenney, O.S. &c Wilson, LD. 1883 1883 51 38 126 452 Tenney, O.W. &c Byers, Alex L. &c 1869 1869 41 176 8 44 Tenney, Power & Lloyd Patterson, Nicholas & Company 1868 1869 41 203 52 258 Tenny, O.S. Magowan, John T. 1882 1882 50 48 100 426 Tenny, O.S. &c Tipton, W.B., Administrator of 1874 1887 52 313 84 410 Terry, James Maupin, Wilson R. 1865 1870 42 78 39 213 Terry, Mary &c Owings, George E. 1868 1868 40 428 51 254 Tesler, John Smith, R.M. & D.L. 1882 1882 50 44 106 432 Thimas, Moses & wife Everett, M.A. 1858 1863 39 32 16 94 Thomas Kincaid, Sam. B. 1863 1866 40 9 34 195 Thomas &c Allen, Sanford &c 1862 1865 39 358 1 4 Thomas, A.B. & others Webster, Thomas 1852 1869 41 301 67 348 Thomas, A.B. &c Batterlan, E. 1857 1864 39 184 3 16 Thomas, A.Q. Hardman, D.P., Administrator 1887 1889 54 402 164 490 Thomas, A.Q. Oldham, W.P. & Company 1887 1888 54 115 178 504 Thomas, A.Q. Reasor, W.G. 1887 1887 53 484 185 511 Thomas, A.Q. McDonald, T.A., Administrator of 1889 661 Thomas, A.T. &c Farmers National Bank 1887 1888 54 223 155 481 Thomas, Algin Thomas, Alley Jane 1873 1875 44 399 65 336 Thomas, Aquilla Stamper, J.A. & W.M. 1887 1889 209 695 Thomas, Aquilla &c Phipps, Henderson &c 1887 1888 54 223 181 507 Thomas, Catharine Probert, Thomas H. 1861 1868 41 301 53 263 Thomas, Catherine &c Butts, James 1875 1879 48 59 8 43 Thomas, Charles &c Mitchell, R.A. 1880 1881 49 297 88 414 Thomas, E.C. Thomas, R.A. &c 1864 1869 41 258 64 331 Thomas, Eliza Thomas, Turner 1884 1884 51 267 194 520 Thomas, F.M. &c Hayden, Thomas R. 1869 1869 41 346 25 151 Thomas, Frank Thomas, Henrietta 1864 1865 39 273 64 332 Thomas, Henry Campbell, Harry 1868 1868 40 386 10 55 Thomas, J.W. Howe, C.W. 1890 1890 210 769 Thomas, James Campbell, H. 1870 1871 8 48 Thomas, James &c Jones, Evan 1866 1870 42 84 31 181 Thomas, James &c Buckler, W.T. 1877 1878 47 285 8 43 Thomas, James &c Thomas, J.J. 1877 1878 47 293 65 338 Thomas, James M. Weiden & Wilson 1870 1870 42 232 67 350 Thomas, James M. Sousley, D.D. 1875 1876 45 395 61 310 Thomas, James S. Thomas, W.A. 1866 1866 87 64 332 Thomas, James S. Samuels & Jordon 1870 1871 42 235 57 289 Thomas, James S. &c Pendleton, E. 1868 1871 42 298 52 260 Thomas, James S. &c White, Eva Ann 1874 1874 44 224 69 360 Thomas, John Graves, T.C., Assignee &c 1874 1874 44 202 21 125 Thomas, John J. Jones, Riley 1880 1882 50 32 99 425 Thomas, M.A. &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1869 1869 41 198 15 88 Thomas, Marcus A. Coopers, John 1869 1869 41 223 11 65 Thomas, Marcus et al Owings, George E. 1869 1870 41 398 51 254 Thomas, Margaret, Heirs of Smith, Jane, Administrator of 1857 1864 39 114 59 298 Thomas, Mary E. &c Farmers National Bank of Mt. Sterling 1877 1878 47 458 18 108 Thomas, Moses &c Kincaid, Sam. B. 1863 1863 39 40 34 195 Thomas, N.B. Barnes, Thomas J. 1885 1886 52 491 136 462 Thomas, N.B. & wife Wells & Lee 1865 1867 40 167 67 349 Thomas, N.B. & wife Turley, Jno. 1866 1869 41 332 66 339 Thomas, N.B. &c Martin, John 1857 1862 38 464 38 211 Thomas, N.B. &c Greenwade, Henry R.C. 1863 1868 40 400 22 129 Thomas, N.B. &c Trimble, D.F. 1863 190 516 Thomas, N.B. et al Reid, J.D., Receiver 1870 1871 42 351 54 271 Thomas, Napoleon B. &c Turner, H.H. 1862 1863 39 80 65 338 Thomas, Quillo Green & Embry 1887 1887 53 438 159 485 Thomas, Robert &c &c Johnson, James 1865 1867 40 216 31 181 Thomas, Robert A. Buckner, Miss Lucy 1864 1864 39 154 7 41 Thomas, Robert A. Durham, John B. 1865 1865 39 366 15 85 Thomas, Robert A. Haneline, A.B. &c 1865 1867 40 167 25 148 Thomas, Robert A. Smith, Joseph 1865 1867 40 177 59 298 Thomas, W. Algin Howard, B.F. 1869 1870 41 390 28 165 Thomas, W. Algin Samuels & Jordon 1873 1873 43 418 57 290 Thomas, W.A. Capps, Robert & wife 1868 1869 41 312 10 55 Thomas, W.A. Shepherd, Jno. E. 1870 1871 42 354 58 295 Thomas, W.A. Smith, R.T., Assignee &c 1871 1873 43 215 59 301 Thomas, W.A. Chiles & Bean 1874 1875 44 453 10 60 Thomas, W.A. Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 30 15 90 Thomas, W.A. Neely & Gass 1874 1874 44 41 46 241 Thomas, W.A. Turley & Company 1874 1874 44 206 66 341 Thomas, W.A. White, Eva Ann 1874 1874 44 224 69 360 Thomas, W.A. Chiles, Bean & Company 1877 1877 47 135 11 61 Thomas, W.A. Wills, James W. 1886 1887 53 177 199 525 Thomas, W.A. &c Thomas, E.K. 1874 1875 45 180 65 337 Thomas, W.A. &c Trimble, J.G. 1874 1874 44 233 64 328 Thomas, W.A. &c Anderson, David L. 1875 1876 46 367 2 10 Thomas, W.A. &c Capps, Robert &c 1875 1876 46 367 10 55 Thomas, W.A. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1875 1875 45 156 18 107 Thomas, W.A. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1875 1875 45 157 18 107 Thomas, W.A. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1875 1875 45 157 18 108 Thomas, W.A. &c Turner, Thomas 1875 1877 46 556 66 342 Thomas, W.A. &c Gatewood, Charles 1878 1878 47 300 22 127 Thomas, W.A. &c Farmers National Bank 1886 1887 52 540 155 481 Thomas, W.H. Smith, Robert T. 1873 1873 43 294 59 302 Thomas, W.O. Trimble, B.W. 1887 1888 54 608 196 522 Thomas, W.S. Baum, Adam 1868 1868 41 87 4 22 Thomas, W.S. Cummins, James 1868 1867 41 103 12 72 Thomas, W.S. Eastin & Baum 1868 1868 40 133 15 88 Thomas, W.S. Hoffman & Company 1868 1868 40 421 28 165 Thomas, W.S. Bridges, William 1869 1869 41 228 6 34 Thomas, W.S. Glover, C.J. 1869 1869 41 345 24 140 Thomas, W.S. Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1870 1870 42 27 15 88 Thomas, W.S. Kenneday, E.J. &c 1870 1871 42 334 34 193 Thomas, W.S. Apperson, Lewis 1871 1871 42 508 2 7 Thomas, W.S. Eastin & Wilson 1871 1871 42 511 15 89 Thomas, W.S. Maupin, John 1871 1871 42 390 39 216 Thomas, W.S. Howe, W.T., Survivor &c 1873 1873 43 449 28 168 Thomas, W.S. Samuels & Jordon 1873 1873 43 418 57 290 Thomas, W.S. Owings & Young 1874 1875 44 388 51 254 Thomas, W.S. Owings & Young 1874 1875 44 388 51 254 Thomas, W.S. Tyler, M.S., Assignee 1874 1874 44 237 66 343 Thomas, W.S. Tyler, M.S., Assignee 1874 1874 44 238 66 343 Thomas, W.S. Adams Express Company 1875 1876 46 189 1 3 Thomas, W.S. Eckerrun, Daniel 1875 1876 45 400 16 91 Thomas, W.S. Hoffman, William & Son 1875 1875 45 141 29 170 Thomas, W.S. Daniel, Harvey 1877 1878 47 278 77 Thomas, W.S. Delera, Rozen 1877 1880 48 382 71 373 Thomas, W.S. & Bro Glover & Flood 1878 1879 48 54 24 144 Thomas, W.S. & Brother Eastin & Baum 1874 1874 44 71 15 90 Thomas, W.S. & Brother Eastin & Baum 1874 1874 44 224 15 90 Thomas, W.S. & J.M. Hoffman, Thomas & Company 1875 1875 45 175 29 169 Thomas, W.S. & J.M. Hoffman, William & Son 1875 1875 45 159 29 170 Thomas, W.S. & J.M. &c Trimble, J.G. 1877 1880 49 37 78 403 Thomas, W.S. & others Berry, Milford 1873 1874 43 19 6 31 Thomas, W.S. & others Jameson, Milton, Executor of 1873 1874 44 20 30 177 Thomas, W.S. &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1868 1868 40 426 15 88 Thomas, W.S. &c Howell, David 1870 1871 42 377 28 165 Thomas, W.S. &c Wren, James W. 1871 1871 42 390 67 350 Thomas, W.S. &c Secrest, James E., Administrator of &c 1872 1872 43 139 58 295 Thomas, W.S. &c Gossett, Mathias 1873 1874 44 213 24 141 Thomas, W.S. &c Grubbs, Joel H. 1873 1873 43 404 25 145 Thomas, W.S. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 189 18 107 Thomas, W.S. &c Kerr, James 1874 1874 44 70 33 192 Thomas, W.S. &c Willson, David & Company 1874 1875 44 445 69 360 Thomas, W.S. &c Wunchey, Mary, Assignee of 1874 1875 44 444 68 351 Thomas, W.S. &c Eastin, Thomas H. 1875 1875 45 170 16 91 Thomas, W.S. &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1875 1875 45 161 16 91 Thomas, W.S. &c Hall, J.M. & Brother 1875 1875 45 168 26 155 Thomas, W.S. &c Farmers National Bank of Mt. Sterling 1876 1876 46 283 18 108 Thomas, W.S. &c Trimble, J.G. 1876 1876 46 103 64 330 Thomas, W.S. &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1880 1882 50 248 95 421 Thomas, W.S. &c Patton, H.G. &c 1880 1880 49 91 90 416 Thomas, W.S. &c Shaw & Newhall &c 1880 1880 49 91 90 416 Thomas, W.S. &c Chiles, L.T. 1881 1882 50 35 94 420 Thomas, W.S. &c Farmers National Bank 1884 1887 53 508 153 479 Thomas, W.S. &c Chiles, Bean & Company 1888 1888 54 446 144 469 Thomas, W.S. et al Eastin & Baum 1873 1873 43 411 15 89 Thomas, William S. Breen & Young 1869 1869 41 226 5 28 Thomas, William S. Eastin & Wilson 1870 1871 42 233 15 89 Thomas, William S. Talbott & McCormack 1873 1874 44 6 62 318 Thompson, A.L. Mt. Sterling, Trustees of 1862 1864 39 192 65 338 Thompson, A.T. New Farmers Bank 1891 1891 213 971 Thompson, Chilton Bristow, Jno. W. 1884 1885 52 35 135 461 Thompson, Cliff &c Richardson, G.C. & Brother 1874 1876 46 171 55 278 Thompson, Cliff &c Turley, Amos D. 1877 1879 48 131 66 343 Thompson, Clifton Thompson, Mary, Administrator of 1866 1866 148 64 332 Thompson, Cythia Thompson, William T. 1881 1881 49 415 91 417 Thompson, D.A. &c Farmers National Bank 1886 1886 52 552 155 481 Thompson, Daniel Stadler Brothers & Company 1868 1868 41 51 57 288 Thompson, Edgar Ribelin, William 1860 1864 39 135 55 276 Thompson, Edgar Ribelin, William 1863 1864 39 135 55 276 Thompson, Edgar Thomas, Druzilla 1865 1868 41 71 64 332 Thompson, Edgar Wools, J. & M. 1865 1866 39 447 69 362 Thompson, Edgar Moore, M.B., Trustee of &c 1872 1873 43 400 43 229 Thompson, Edgar &c Maupin, W.R. 1867 1869 41 367 39 214 Thompson, Edgar &c Goodpaster, J.B. & L.A. 1877 1877 47 69 24 144 Thompson, Eva Giltner, W.S. 1887 1887 53 507 159 485 Thompson, F.M. Wade, William 1860 1864 39 130 66 344 Thompson, F.M. Hurst, G.N. 1865 1868 40 395 29 173 Thompson, F.M. Hall, James 1871 1871 42 409 26 151 Thompson, F.M. Eastin & Wilson 1872 1873 43 258 15 89 Thompson, F.M. &c Maupin & O'Rear 1871 1871 42 507 39 215 Thompson, F.M. &c Gaitskill, Henry, Administrator of 1872 1872 43 32 21 124 Thompson, F.P. &c Exchange Bank of Sharpsburg 1889 1889 54 497 150 476 Thompson, Frank P. Maupin & O'Rear 1875 1876 46 53 40 219 Thompson, George &c Case, George W. 1872 1873 43 322 9 51 Thompson, George C. &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 23 15 90 Thompson, George C. &c Botts, H.C. 1878 1878 47 482 7 40 Thompson, George C. &c Burroughs, George H. 1878 1878 47 310 8 43 Thompson, George C. &c Wren, E.A., Administrator of 1878 1878 47 482 68 351 Thompson, H.P. Hayden, Willis 1877 1884 51 240 160 486 Thompson, H.P. & Company &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1870 1870 42 51 15 89 Thompson, Harry &c Stratton, Vic 1871 1872 43 105 57 289 Thompson, Henry New Farmers Bank 1891 1891 213 984 Thompson, J.J. &c Farmers National Bank 1889 1889 54 466 176 502 Thompson, James Thompson, Clara 1889 1889 209 709 Thompson, James &c Lane, William A. 1859 1863 39 50 35 199 Thompson, James &c Davis, Walter 1883 1886 52 563 145 471 Thompson, James H. Payne, Elizabeth &c 1887 1888 206 601 Thompson, James H. &c Thompson, Jno. A. &c 1887 1888 206 607 Thompson, John O. &c Bosworth, Sallie D. &c 1888 1888 205 587 Thompson, Lettie Wilson, L.D. 1873 1873 43 272 69 359 Thompson, R.L. Hughes, Samuel 1882 1888 54 357 161 487 Thompson, R.L. Hughes, Samuel 1884 1888 54 357 162 488 Thompson, Richard &c Case, James, Henry D. & Charles G. 1868 1879 48 403 77 399 Thompson, Robert &c Stadler Brothers & Company 1868 1868 41 51 57 288 Thompson, T.J. &c Farmers National Bank of Mt. Sterling 1879 1879 48 266 19 109 Thompson, Van Williams, Ben W. 1861 1863 39 79 68 353 Thompson, Van O'Neal, Owen 1863 1864 50 250 Thompson, Van Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1873 1874 44 16 18 105 Thompson, Van Owings, Samuel 1877 1877 47 542 51 256 Thompson, Van Ewing, H.M. 1881 1882 50 174 113 439 Thompson, Van &c Bridges, W.D.M. &c 1866 1866 40 144 6 34 Thompson, Van &c Lockridge, Dudley S. 1869 1869 41 317 37 208 Thompson, Van &c Smith, Joseph 1873 1874 44 17 90 416 Thompson, W.W. Probert, T.H. 1866 1868 40 423 53 263 Thompson, W.W. Bloom, Goldsmith, Tacker & Company &c 1879 1881 49 457 80 406 Thompson, W.W. Rosenburg, Nathan & Company 1889 80 406 Thompson, W.W. &c Henle & Belzfelder &c 1879 1881 40 451 80 406 Thompson, W.W. &c Quast & Schulten 1879 1881 49 457 80 406 Thompson, W.W. &c Rosenburg & Nathan &c 1879 1881 49 457 80 406 Thompson, William Bean, William 1864 1864 39 154 5 30 Thompson, William &c Anderson, M.W. 1869 1870 41 428 1 6 Thomson, Leslie &c Mt. Sterling National Bank 1885 1885 51 607 174 500 Thomspon, James H. White, Jno. W. &c 1887 1888 206 601 Thornley, J.P. &c Cincinnati Type Foundry Company 1880 1880 48 71 372 Thornley, James Stadler Brothers & Company 1868 1868 40 444 57 288 Thornley, James Jeffries, William 1876 1877 46 456 30 178 Thornley, James Hutchison, Helen 1877 1877 47 128 30 175 Thornley, James &c Harrah & White 1876 1876 46 97 26 156 Thornley, James P. &c Jeffries, William 1877 1877 46 402 30 178 Three Men Unknown Everman, Samuel 1857 16 94 Tipton, Alfred Clay, John W., Trustee &c 1868 1868 40 443 10 55 Tipton, Alfred Holly, Nancy 1869 1869 41 343 28 165 Tipton, Alfred, Heirs and Creditors of Tipton, Alfred, Administrator of 1871 1874 44 271 64 327 Tipton, B.F., Executors & Heirs Kentucky Iron, Coal & Manufacturing Co. 1867 1868 40 386 33 192 Tipton, Benjamin J. Gatewood, William 1873 1874 44 165 21 124 Tipton, C. (colored), Administrator &c Tipton, W.B. 1865 1867 40 164 63 325 Tipton, Dudley Duckworth, John 1882 1883 51 93 127 453 Tipton, J. Ed Hazelrigg, J.D. &c 1882 1885 50 51 117 443 Tipton, J. Ed. Wells & Hazelrigg 1882 1882 50 51 106 432 Tipton, J. Ed. Wells, J.C. &c 1882 1882 50 51 106 432 Tipton, J.D. &c Treadway, Stephen &c 1879 1880 48 382 73 383 Tipton, J.E. Bronner, L. & G. 1873 1873 43 447 7 38 Tipton, J.E. &c Burroughs, J.W., Assignee &c 1871 1871 42 391 7 42 Tipton, J.E. &c Wallace Brothers 1873 1874 44 100 67 346 Tipton, J.E. &c Maupin & O'Rear 1874 1874 40 217 Tipton, J.E. &c Maupin & O'Rear 1874 1873 40 217 Tipton, J.E. &c Maupin & O'Rear 1874 1873 40 217 Tipton, J.J. &c Day, B.F. 1885 1886 52 315 146 472 Tipton, James Holly, Nanny 1881 1882 50 166 160 486 Tipton, James &c Yeates, Harrison 1868 1869 41 244 70 365 Tipton, James A. Hanly, Nancy 1868 1869 41 243 25 150 Tipton, James A. Yeates, Harrison 1868 1869 41 243 70 365 Tipton, James A. (colored) Smith, Sally A. &c 1868 1869 41 43 59 300 Tipton, James E. & wife Smith, James D. & Company 1873 1874 44 100 59 302 Tipton, Jno. P., Heirs of Gilkey, Charles &c 1863 1868 40 449 23 134 Tipton, Kav. Caldwell, W.S. 1884 1884 51 206 141 467 Tipton, Kav. Willmot, C.E. 1885 1885 51 621 199 525 Tipton, Kavanaugh &c Berkley, B.F., Administratrix of 1882 1882 50 49 93 419 Tipton, Kavanaugh &c Famous Manufacturing Company 1890 1891 212 907 Tipton, Lizzie Savage, W.H. 1882 1884 204 533 Tipton, Major D. &c Hazelrigg & Peter 1860 1861 39 276 25 147 Tipton, N.P. Oldham, Benjamin F. 1890 1862 38 531 49 247 Tipton, N.P. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 195 18 107 Tipton, S.E. &c Barnes, White & Company 1865 4 19 Tipton, Talbott Maupin, Jno. 1868 1870 42 122 39 214 Tipton, W.B. Kentucky, Commonwealth of 1871 1871 42 424 11 66 Tipton, W.B. &c King, Patrick 1869 34 195 Tipton, W.B. &c Bourne, Ann E. 1872 1874 44 382 7 38 Tipton, W.B. &c Bourne, Carrie, by &c 1872 1874 44 382 7 38 Tipton, W.B., Administrator et al Wilkerson, Nimrod 1875 1875 45 173 69 360 Tipton, W.B., Heirs of &c Tipton, W.B., Administrator of 1875 1887 53 313 192 518 Tipton, Waller &c Salyer, Rufus G. 1884 1889 209 701 Tipton, William B. Pense, William 1868 1870 42 90 52 260 Tipton, William Jr. Tipton, William Sr. 1864 1865 39 407 63 324 Tobler, J.H. &c Lewisburg, Strodes Run & Wash. Turnpike Rd. Co. 1885 1887 205 577 Tomlinson, Jno. N. Roberts, Jno. B. 1870 1875 44 370 56 281 Tomlinson, Jno. W. Erwin, Joseph B. 1863 1863 39 91 17 98 Tomlinson, Jno. W. Highly, Thomas, Administrator 1864 1864 39 199 27 162 Tomlinson, Jno. W. Graves, George O. 1871 1871 42 502 21 123 Tomlinson, Jno. W. Guy, Martin 1871 1871 42 497 25 145 Tomlinson, Jno. W. McCray, James 1871 1871 42 501 39 215 Tomlinson, Jno. W. &c Fortune, Lewis 1871 1872 43 107 20 117 Tomlinson, Jno. W. &c Riggs, Jno. H. 1871 1871 42 500 55 278 Tomlinson, Jno. W. &c Sumners, Thomas H., Trustee &c 1871 1872 43 56 61 313 Tomlinson, Jno. W. &c Wilson, James R., Administrator of 1871 1872 43 52 69 358 Tomlinson, Jno. W. &c Crooks, Samuel O. 1872 1874 44 12 11 66 Tomlinson, Jno. W. et al Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1871 1871 42 500 18 104 Tomlinson, John &c Hazelrigg, Mrs. N.M. 1866 1867 40 251 25 149 Tomlinson, John W. Yeates, Jesse 1862 1862 38 397 70 365 Tomlinson, John W. Wilkerson, Joseph H. 1869 1869 41 227 69 358 Tomlinson, John W. Ewing, A.J. 1871 1883 50 405 112 438 Tomlinson, John W. Johnson, James 1871 1872 43 215 32 187 Tomlinson, John W. Jones, John M. 1871 1872 43 107 32 186 Tomlinson, John W. &c Wilson, Thomas H. 1868 1868 41 94 69 357 Tomlinson, John W. &c Montague, Bettie 1871 1871 42 506 42 228 Traders Deposit Bank Gaitskill, J.E., Assignee &c 1886 159 485 Traders Deposit Bank Jones, R.C. 1886 1889 54 555 167 493 Traders Deposit Bank Clay, Jno. C. 1891 1892 214 1064 Traders Deposit Bank Hume, Matthew D. 1891 1892 215 1105 Treadway, Eddie Lee Treadway, James S. &c 1882 1885 51 527 193 519 Treadway, Martha Ann &c Turner, Thomas 1883 1889 209 708 Treadway, S. Fletcher, William 1869 1869 41 231 19 111 Treadway, S.P. &c New Farmers Bank 1891 1891 213 963 Treadway, Stephen Wells & Lloyd 1861 1861 38 267 67 348 Treadway, Stephen Bean, James 1871 1871 42 379 5 30 Treadway, Stephen Dills, Rosanna et al 1871 1872 43 120 14 80 Treadway, Stephen Gay, James D. &c 1872 1873 43 295 21 124 Treadway, Stephen Grigsby, James B. 1873 1874 44 166 23 138 Treadway, Stephen Turner, Thomas 1873 1874 44 57 66 341 Treadway, Stephen &c Garrett, J.R. 1867 1868 41 39 21 121 Treadway, Stephen &c Jimmick, Lewis &c 1868 1870 42 162 30 178 Treadway, Stephen &c Graves, George O. 1876 1878 47 270 22 127 Treadway, Stephen D. Hannah, Jno. A. 1868 25 150 Treadway, Stephen D. Hannah & Guerrant 1869 1870 40 190 25 150 Tribble, M.L. Eastin, Thomas H. et al 1873 1873 43 447 15 90 Trimble & Evans Ragan, William 1868 1868 41 17 53 268 Trimble &c Reese & Brother 1876 1877 47 20 55 274 Trimble J.H. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 191 18 107 Trimble, D.F. Craig, L.D. 1863 1865 39 387 9 50 Trimble, D.S. &c Everett, M.A. 1861 1862 39 399 16 94 Trimble, David F. Greenwade, H.R.C. 1865 1865 39 387 22 129 Trimble, Green Williams, Fred 1869 1870 42 84 69 357 Trimble, Harvey & others Wilson, W.C. 1867 1867 40 210 68 356 Trimble, Isaac &c Thomas, Elizabeth 1850 1861 38 266 64 331 Trimble, J.G. Prewitt, Caswell 1888 1889 209 683 Trimble, J.G. Prewitt, Jno. T., Trustee &c 1888 1892 216 1141 Trimble, J.H. Turley, James &c 1875 191 517 Trimble, J.H. &c Trimble, J.G. 1887 1889 209 707 Trimble, J.W. Greenwade, H.R.C. 1886 1886 52 528 158 484 Trimble, James H. Ward, Thomas 1863 1863 39 99 66 344 Trimble, James H. Craig, Thomas F. & others 1868 1869 41 160 10 55 Trimble, James H. Bedford, P.C. 1869 1876 46 174 5 28 Trimble, James H. Fox, Thomas H. 1873 1876 46 260 20 117 Trimble, James H. Gatewood, Robert C. &c 1873 1874 44 196 21 124 Trimble, James H. Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 190 18 106 Trimble, James H. Hazelrigg, George, Executor of 1874 1874 44 277 26 153 Trimble, James H. Ragan, William 1874 1874 44 23 54 269 Trimble, James H. Fitzpatrick, W.T. &c 1875 1880 48 402 77 396 Trimble, James H. Greenwade, H.R.C. &c 1875 1880 48 402 77 399 Trimble, James H. Montgomery, County of &c 1875 1880 48 402 77 399 Trimble, James H. Montgomery, County of &c 1875 1880 48 402 77 399 Trimble, James H. O'Rear, J.A. &c 1875 1880 48 402 77 399 Trimble, James H. Salyer, W.J. &c 1875 1880 48 402 77 399 Trimble, James H. Shultz, John &c 1875 1880 48 402 77 399 Trimble, James H. Thomas, W.A. &c 1875 1880 48 402 77 399 Trimble, James H. Thomas, W.S. &c 1875 1880 48 402 77 399 Trimble, James H. Thompson, Jno. A., Collector & Receiver &c 1875 1880 48 402 77 399 Trimble, James H. Turley, James 1875 1880 48 402 77 399 Trimble, James H. Turner, Thomas &c 1875 1880 48 402 77 399 Trimble, James H. Wheeler, H.L., Administrator of &c 1888 1888 54 39 200 526 Trimble, James H. & others Trimble, James H., Trustee of 1868 1868 41 115 63 326 Trimble, James H. &c Anderson, James R. Executors 1868 1869 40 454 1 5 Trimble, James H. &c Barnes, Albin 1868 1869 41 185 4 22 Trimble, James H. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1876 46 24 18 106 Trimble, James H. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 191 18 107 Trimble, James H. &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 191 18 107 Trimble, James H. &c Howard, James 1874 1874 44 189 29 169 Trimble, James H. &c Thompson, Jno. A., Collector & Receiver &c (No. 1875 1875 45 158 65 337 Trimble, James H. &c Thompson, Jno. A., Collector & Receiver &c (No. 1875 1875 45 159 65 337 Trimble, James H. &c Thompson, Jno. A., Collector & Receiver &c (No. 1875 1875 45 159 65 337 Trimble, Joseph A. Apperson, R. Executrix 1879 1881 49 443 81 407 Trimble, Mary A. Trimble, William R. 1878 1878 47 496 64 330 Trimble, Narcissa &c Trimble, James H. 1867 1870 41 390 63 325 Trimble, Narcissa &c Trimble, D.F., Administrator of 1868 191 517 Trimble, Ned &c Sydner, James H. 1871 1872 43 103 62 317 Trimble, Robert &c Mitchell, A.T. 1863 1864 39 137 41 222 Trimble, Samuel &c Shrout, Isaac D. 1872 1873 43 286 61 309 Trimble, W. Frank &c Little, William, Administrator of R.C. Moore 1873 1874 44 17 37 205 Trimble, W.F. &c Jones, Emily 1877 1877 47 35 33 189 Trimble, W.H. Triplett, Jno. F. 1869 1869 41 327 63 326 Trimble, William G. Gay, J.D. &c 1891 1892 216 1114 Trimble, William G. Howell, D.G. &c 1891 1892 216 1114 Trimble, William G. Scott, M.A. &c 1891 1892 216 1114 Trimble, Win. G. Lindsay, William &c 1891 1892 216 1114 Triplett, John F. Wren, Mrs. E.A, Trustee of 1869 1872 43 131 67 350 Triplett, John F. Montgomery & Bath Co. Asst Turnpike Rd Co. 1871 1873 43 385 42 228 True, C.J. &c Craycraft, J.T. 1865 1865 39 372 9 52 Tucker, J.R.P. &c Owings, Samuel 1882 1884 51 483 177 503 Tucker, J.R.P. &c Guerrant, E.O. 1884 1886 52 602 157 483 Tucker, J.R.P. &c Peters & Tyler 1884 1884 51 423 179 505 Tucker, J.R.P. &c Reid, E.J., Executrix 1885 1887 53 257 183 509 Tucker, Julia Tucker, Samuel 1886 1886 52 451 196 522 Turley & Brother &c Brigel Brothers 1875 1875 45 398 6 34 Turley, Amos D. &c Kelly, Jno. J. 1875 1875 45 246 34 194 Turley, Amos D. &c Ragan, William 1876 1876 46 335 54 270 Turley, Henry Turley, Lydia 1889 704 Turley, J. & J. Kindred, Silvia 1846 1866 40 50 34 195 Turley, James Alexander, Thomas &c 1866 1866 40 66 1 5 Turley, James Payne, W.W. &c 1869 1869 41 192 52 259 Turley, James Couchman, Jane &c 1873 71 369 Turley, James Couchman, Peter, Administrator of &c 1873 71 369 Turley, James Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 192 18 106 Turley, James Ashby, Marcia C. 1875 1875 44 476 3 15 Turley, James Ashby, Marcia C. 1875 1876 45 552 3 15 Turley, James Hazelrigg, Willis 1875 1867 45 199 25 150 Turley, James Kentucky, Commonwealth of, use &c Maupin, Jno. 1875 1876 45 519 12 69 Turley, James Maupin, Jno. use &c Kentucky, Commonwealth of 1875 1876 45 519 12 69 Turley, James Appleton, Lancaster & Duff 1881 1881 49 445 92 418 Turley, James & sons Brigel Brothers 1875 1875 45 399 6 35 Turley, James & Sons Carlton, Ayers & Company 1879 1879 48 260 71 372 Turley, James &c Ringo, Solomon 1863 1865 39 269 55 276 Turley, James &c Hall, Charles B. & James H., Administrators &c 1864 1864 39 157 25 148 Turley, James &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 195 18 106 Turley, James &c Appleton, Lancaster & Company 1875 1875 45 423 2 10 Turley, James &c Coons, Eliajh 1875 1876 45 418 12 69 Turley, James &c Farmers National Bank of Mt. Sterling 1875 1876 45 422 18 108 Turley, James &c Farmers National Bank of Mt. Sterling 1875 1877 46 498 18 108 Turley, James &c Jaffray, E.S. & Company 1875 1876 45 397 30 177 Turley, James &c Wamsley, Elvira B. &c 1875 1875 45 175 67 346 Turley, James &c Couchman, Peter, Administrator of 1877 1878 47 300 12 71 Turley, James &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1880 1883 50 369 80 Turley, James &c Farmers National Bank of Mt. Sterling 1883 1883 51 523 127 453 Turley, James &c Couchman's Administrator &c 1879 71 369 Turley, Jno. Phelps, John 1859 1861 38 264 52 260 Turley, Samuel &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1879 1879 48 277 16 93 Turley, W.T. Bristow, Jno. W. 1883 138 464 Turley, William T. Moore, Roland 1883 1883 50 417 119 445 Turley, William T. &c Traders Deposit Bank 1888 1890 211 840 Turley, Z.T. Owings, Joshua 1871 1871 42 491 51 254 Turley, Z.T. & Brother Mills & Gibb 1875 1876 45 408 41 224 Turley, Z.T. & Brother &c Stix, Louis & Company 1875 1875 45 372 60 303 Turley, Z.T. & Brother &c Collins, Downing & Company 12 69 Turley, Z.T. & Company Wallace & Ringel 1875 1876 45 420 67 346 Turner, Ben R. Farmers National Bank 1886 1887 53 439 155 481 Turner, Carrie E. &c Turner, Catharine &c 1880 1883 50 424 123 449 Turner, Carrie E. &c Turner, Charles &c 1880 1883 50 424 123 449 Turner, Catharine &c Elizabethtown, Lexington & Big Sandy RR Co. 1880 1880 49 30 85 411 Turner, H. Clay Trimble, J.G., Administrator of &c 1882 1891 213 1007 Turner, H. Clay Turner, J.S., Administrator of 1882 1891 213 1007 Turner, H.H. Lane, William T. 1869 1870 42 197 35 199 Turner, Henry C. &c Holt, William H. 1866 1867 40 215 28 164 Turner, I.M. & L.E. &c Munger, Fitch 1865 1865 39 279 44 235 Turner, Mary E. &c Farmers National Bank 1886 1886 52 533 155 481 Turner, R.E. Mathews, F.R. &c 1876 1876 45 574 40 219 Turner, Rachel E. Miner & Dixon 1875 1876 45 392 41 224 Turner, Richard Turner, Ann 1880 1880 49 48 91 417 Turner, Squire Great Western Mining & Manufacturing Co. 1892 1892 215 1098 Turner, Squire &c Day, B.F. 1888 1888 53 602 148 474 Turner, T. Magowan, J.T. 1862 1864 39 157 38 212 Turner, T. Owings, Joshua 1867 1868 40 404 51 254 Turner, Thomas Ellis, H.C. 1860 1866 40 68 17 97 Turner, Thomas Blackwell, Armistead & others 1864 1864 39 153 4 21 Turner, Thomas Hall, Thomas B. 1864 1864 39 152 25 148 Turner, Thomas Cromwell, J.H., Assignee, &c 1865 1865 39 275 11 64 Turner, Thomas Cromwell, James H. 1865 1865 39 275 11 64 Turner, Thomas Henry, Z. 1865 1865 39 371 27 157 Turner, Thomas Herndon, Samuel 1865 1865 34 372 27 157 Turner, Thomas Barnes, R.M. 1867 1867 40 218 4 21 Turner, Thomas Barnes, R.M. 1867 1867 40 218 4 21 Turner, Thomas Grubbs, John O., Administrator 1867 1869 41 195 25 145 Turner, Thomas Hardwick, Jno. N.B., Administrator of 1867 1875 41 418 25 150 Turner, Thomas White, Nancy O. & husband 1867 1869 41 196 68 356 Turner, Thomas Barnes & Yates 1868 4 22 Turner, Thomas Eastin & Baum 1868 1868 40 433 15 88 Turner, Thomas Glover, C.J. 1869 1869 41 347 24 140 Turner, Thomas Phillips & Ernst, Assignee &c 1870 1870 42 62 52 262 Turner, Thomas Dollins, J.C. 1871 1873 43 377 14 82 Turner, Thomas McKinney, W.E. 1871 1871 42 518 41 223 Turner, Thomas Harris, Rebecca 1872 1873 43 113 26 152 Turner, Thomas Eastin & Baum 1873 1873 43 437 15 89 Turner, Thomas Everett, M.R. 1873 1880 48 543 72 374 Turner, Thomas Maupin & O'Rear 1873 1873 43 442 40 217 Turner, Thomas Samuels & Jordon 1873 1873 43 417 57 290 Turner, Thomas Chiles & Bean 1874 1875 45 127 10 60 Turner, Thomas Fitzpatrick, W.T. 1874 1874 44 68 19 113 Turner, Thomas Glover, C.J. 1874 1874 44 20 24 141 Turner, Thomas Harrah & White 1874 1874 44 67 26 153 Turner, Thomas Jones, D.B. 1874 1874 44 222 32 188 Turner, Thomas Maupin & O'Rear 1874 1874 44 45 40 218 Turner, Thomas Owings & Young 1874 1874 44 85 51 254 Turner, Thomas Owings & Young 1874 1874 44 245 51 254 Turner, Thomas Ragan, William 1874 1874 44 22 54 269 Turner, Thomas Samuels & Jordon 1874 1874 44 202 58 291 Turner, Thomas Turley & Company 1874 1874 44 206 66 341 Turner, Thomas Wells & Thompson 1874 1874 44 266 68 351 Turner, Thomas Harrah, James W. 1875 1876 45 396 26 155 Turner, Thomas Hoffman, Thomas & Company 1875 1875 45 118 29 170 Turner, Thomas Hoffman, Thomas & Company 1875 1875 45 161 29 170 Turner, Thomas Miner & Dixon 1875 1876 45 393 41 224 Turner, Thomas Wells & Thompson 1875 1875 45 172 68 351 Turner, Thomas Wells, Thompson & Company 1875 1876 45 448 68 351 Turner, Thomas Steagall & Young 1876 1878 58 296 Turner, Thomas Summers, T.H, Assignee &c 1876 1878 47 357 62 315 Turner, Thomas Martin, Jno., Administrator of 1877 1877 46 526 40 219 Turner, Thomas Robertson, Benjamin, Administrator of 1877 1878 90 A Turner, Thomas Glover, Charles G., Survivors, By &c 1879 1879 48 340 24 144 Turner, Thomas Martin, T.P. & Company 1880 1880 48 453 73 380 Turner, Thomas Bourne, Edgar D. 1881 1881 49 282 82 408 Turner, Thomas Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1881 1881 49 297 85 411 Turner, Thomas & others Gilkey, Charles 1874 1874 44 188 23 138 Turner, Thomas & others Northern Bank of Kentucky 1874 1874 44 39 48 246 Turner, Thomas &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1865 1865 39 369 18 103 Turner, Thomas &c Lisle, Rufus 1865 1865 39 289 36 204 Turner, Thomas &c Morrow, N.T. 1867 1867 40 220 42 227 Turner, Thomas &c Deposit Bank of Carlisle 1868 1868 40 420 13 78 Turner, Thomas &c Anderson, James A. Executors 1869 1869 41 228 1 6 Turner, Thomas &c Thompson, Enoch & William 1870 1870 42 61 65 334 Turner, Thomas &c Bean, William, Administrator of 1874 1874 44 237 6 32 Turner, Thomas &c Graves, T.C. 1874 1874 44 215 21 125 Turner, Thomas &c North Middletown Deposit Bank 1874 1874 44 70 48 246 Turner, Thomas &c Northern Bank of Kentucky 1875 1875 45 158 48 246 Turner, Thomas &c Farmers Bank of Kentucky 1876 1876 46 89 18 108 Turner, Thomas &c Cornelison, Jno. J., Receiver 1878 1879 48 132 12 71 Turner, Thomas &c Caldwell, George B. &c 1881 1882 50 309 94 420 Turner, Thomas &c Caldwell, W.S. & G.B. 1881 1882 50 309 94 420 Turner, Thomas &c Caldwell, W.S. &c 1881 1882 50 309 94 420 Turner, Thomas &c Harrah, James W. 1881 1891 212 926 Turner, Thomas &c McNamara, P. 1885 1885 52 215 174 500 Turner, Thomas &c Traders Deposit Bank 1885 1885 52 208 194 520 Turner, Thomas &c Traders Deposit Bank 1885 1885 52 208 194 520 Turner, Thomas &c Trimble, J.G. 1886 1886 52 582 195 521 Turner's J.S. Administrator Ball & Brough 1883 1883 51 78 110 436 Turney & Lloyd Watson Lodge No. 31 1874 1877 47 124 67 346 Tutt, S.M. Climax Mill Company 1891 1891 212 894 Tyler, M.S. &c Exchange Bank of Kentucky 1885 1886 52 297 150 476 Tyra, Jno. &c Willoughby, J.J. & F.M. 1885 1885 52 210 199 525 Tyra, Nancy Tyra, W.G.A. 1888 1888 54 71 197 523 NO U's