Montgomery-Bath County KyArchives Court.....Honaker, Peter November 26, 1808 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Mefford November 27, 2009, 8:25 am Source: Montgomery Co., Ky Will Book 1 Page 419-422 Written: November 26, 1808 Recorded: November 1808 An Inventory of personal property belonging to the Estate of Peter Honaker of Montgomery county Dec'd as appraised Nobember 26th 1808 by RObert Stone, William Martin and William Goings Blacksmiths tools $60.00 one bay horse 65. one Gray horse 45. one Bay colt 35. one cow and calf 8. one heifer 6. two steer calves 4. four fatted hogs 16. one yearling heifer 2.50 one cow and half 10. one yearling heifer 2. eleven head of sheep 16.50 one steer 4. one steer 6. one cow 10. one cow and calf 9. one cow 8. one muley steer 3. twenty two head of hogs 23.50 one loom and ? 16. one pot 1. a parcel of lumber 2. one iron shovel .75 two large pots 6. two pot trammels 2. one pot and skillet 2.50 two plows 12. one grindstone 1.50 one barrel and guirn 2.50 one sythe and cradle 2.25 three hoes one mattack and one shovel 5. two chests one table and one cupboard 28. six chairs and one cotton wheel 3.75 two flax wheels and one ? 5. one pair of ? yards 2. three augers and one drawing knife and hand knife 1.75 one curry comb and sickle .75 two looking glasses 1. one bible, two testaments and hymn book and spelling book 1.50 one pair of dog irons 1. one side saddle 15. one mans saddle 6. one pair saddle bags 1. one rifle gun 7. six pewter plates one dish and one bason 3. twelve earthern plates and four bowls 2.68 one set of tea ware 2. two bottles and seven tumblers 1. one set of knives and forks 1. skinner flesh fork and strainer 1. four feather beds and furniture 86. --------- amount of appraisement $557.43 --- note from Ann dog irons hold up the logs in a fireplace the furniture mentioned with the feather beds refers to the sheets, comforters, etc. I am assuming pot trammels hold pots up over the fire and don't we all wish we had that BIBLE!! File at: This file has been created by a form at