Indenture: Botts Heirs to Seth Botts abt 1841 Deed Bk 20 pp 8 cont. Surnames in this document are: Botts, Mitchell, ?Fristol?, Amos, Chaddoer, Orear, Smith, Peters, Contributed by: Shirley Gillespie Moore My registered email is ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ Please note: That while I try to be extremely careful in the transcription of documents, there are times that I am certain I make errors. This was a particularly poor copy to work with. Please compare the transcription to the original and make your own determination. I will gladly attach to email for you any document I have transcribed.srm This Indenture made and entered into by Robert Botts, Thomas Botts Senr, Charles Botts, Joshua Botts, Nancy Botts, Thomas Botts Junr, William Botts, Aaron Botts, Francis Botts, Catherine Botts, Sarah Botts, Joseph Botts, Sarah ?Fristol?, Cathrine Chaddoer and ____Chaddoer her husband, Susan Amos and ______Amos her husband, Minnith Mitchell and _______Mitchell her husband,the ?Trix tor iat? named James ?Evet? being the children and heirs at Law of James Botts decd, Sabina Orear, ?Elltanah? Smith by _______by Belvard J Peters a commissioner appointed by the ? Montgomery Circuit Court to convey for and in their behalf of the one part and Seth Botts of the second part Witnesseth, That whereas by a decree of the ? Montgomery Circuit Court pronounced in the Suit in Chancery wherein Seth Botts is complainant and Robert Botts & c are defendants the which said suit there was and still is pending in said court, the said defendants were ordered to convey the tract of land in the bill mentioned to the complainants and Belvard J Peters was by said decree appointed to make said conveyance on behalf of said Defendants to the Complainant. Now for and in consideration of the premises as set forth in said decree and in compliance therewith & in virtue thereof in the Law in such cases made and provided, the said Robert Botts & c by Belvard J Peters Commissioner for and on their behalf have granted, bargained, and sold and by these presents do alien, convey,& confirm unto him the Said Seth Botts all the right, title, and interest of them the Said Robert Botts & c in and to... Question marks at both ends of a name or word indicate a best guess on my part. A single question mark indicates I had no guess for a word. The blanks...are just that....a blank space.srm