Montgomery County KyArchives Deed.....Fletcher, John & James - Fletcher, William February 20, 1825 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marvin Allen February 15, 2015, 11:10 am Lulbegrud Creek Written: February 20, 1825 Recorded: February 28, 1825 Pages 434-435 This indenture made and entered into this twentieth day of February in the year 1825 between John Fletcher and James Fletcher of first part and William Fletcher of the second part all of the County of Montgomery and State of Kentucky Witnesseth that whereas their deceased ancestor William Fletcher by his last Will and Testament bequeathed two tracts of land patended to him and contain ing two hundred acres. The other two hundred and nineteen acres lying and being on the waters of Lulbegrud Creek in the County and State aforesaid unto four sons viz John, James, Robert and William having bought out said Robert and the others. John, James and William having come to a division of all of said land bequeathed as aforesaid except a small part now claimed by May William Kilberson under the claim of Thomas Stapleton by virture of a purchase from said John Fletcher, which claim of Stapleton covers part of their said ancestors land, it is clearly understood that the said James and William retain their right to the interference with said Wilkerson and by no construction is this deed nor any I other made in persuance of said division to divest them of it, therefore in consideration of the foregoing premises and for the further consideration of one dollar by the said William in hand paid unto said John & James which they acknowledge they have granted sold and relinquished and do by these presents convey and forever relinquish unto the said William Fletcher his heirs and assigns forever the two tracts of land following (land) beginning at their elms corner to John Molly on Fletchers old line and running thence north seventy three deg E fifty four poles and 8/10th to a red oak corner to said John Fletcher thence S forty-eight degrees E one hundred and eight poles to a forked Buckeye on Fletcher's old line. Thence with his line S forty two degrees, W forty four 5/10th poles to a white oak corner to Wm. Fletcher, deceased. Survey of 200 acres thece N 46 and one half degree, W sixty nine poles to a white oak corner to James Kitchen, thence S 32 degrees, W 68 poles to a sugar tree on the South side of a branch on the said Kitchen line - thence up the branch with it's measurers N 38 degrees W 73 poles to an elm corner to John Molly's, thence N 32 degrees E 53 poles to the beginning. The above tract is part in the Patented of said Wm. Fletcher, deceased, which contains 200 acres part in the claim or patent of Edward Williams and sold by Debby Davill to said John Fletcher and is supposed to contain 60 acres. The other tract or parcel hereby conveyed and d relinquished is in the said Wm. Fletcher, deceased, patent of 200 and nineteen acres and is supposed to contain 54 acres, more or less, and is bounded as follows: (viz) Beginning at a popla sugar tree, N.W. corner to said Edward Williams survey running thence south eleven and one half degrees E seventy poles to a poplar, another corner to the survey of said Williams, thence N 49 degrees, W 59 and 6/10 poles to a forked white oak corner to John Harper thence with his line, S 42 degrees, W. one hundred and 45 poles to a stake between a sugar tree and a red oak marked as Pointers on John Harper's line, thence N 10 degrees, W 100 and 11 poles to a stake corner between John & Wm. Fletcher sicte in the public road and in Andersons old line. Thence N 79 degrees E 149 poles to the beginning. To have and to hold the two above bounded tracts of parcel of lai unto the said Wm. Fletcher & his heirs or assigns together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the aforesaid John Fletcher & James Fletcher do hereby warrai all their rights, title and interest in the above two tracts unto the said Wm. Fletcher, his heirs - and assigns forever free & aquit from the claims of them, their heirs and all persons claiming from through or under them. But from nor against no other persons — claims or claims whatever it being clearly understood that this is a Quit Claim Deed of relinquishment and the said William Fletcher hereby declairs himself content with the same. In testimony whereof the aforesaid John Fletcher and William have hereunto set their hands and affixed their respective seals the day and year first above mentioned. James Fletcher (Seal) John Fletcher (Seal) Kentucky Montgomery County Court Clerks Office February 28th 1825. Micajah V. Harrison, Deputy Clerk for Micajah Harrison Clerk of the Court for the County aforesaid do certify that the foregoing Deed of Bargian and Sale from John and James Fletcher to William Fletcher was this day produced to me in the office aforesaid and acknowledged by the said John and James Fletcher to be their act and deed have and seal for the purpose therein mentioned and thereupon the same is duly entered of record in said office. Att. M.V. Harrison, D.C. Additional Comments: Pages 434-435 File at: This file has been created by a form at