Montgomery County KyArchives Deed.....Wilkerson, Nimrod A. - Garrett, Jesse February 7, 1845 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Rowena Combs April 20, 2011, 7:39 pm Lulbegrud Written: February 7, 1845 Deed from Jesse Garrett to Nimrod A. Wilkerson, Montgomery County, KY February 7, 1845, 32 acres on Lulbegrud Creek. Transcribed by Rowena Combs April 20, 2011 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This indenture made and entered into this 7th day of February 1845 by and between Jesse Garrett of the first part and Nimrod A. Wilkerson of the other part both of the county of Montgomery state of Kentucky (illegible) that the said party of the first part for the consideration hereafter specified and the further consideration of one dollar to him in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged hath this day granted bargained & sold & by these presents doth grant bargain & sell unto the said Nimrod A. Wilkerson the party of the second part a certain tract or parcel of land containing thirty acres more or less lying and being in the sd. County of Montgomery on the waters of Lulbegrud being the same land now occupied by the sd Garrett also the following personal property to wit three bay mares 2 of them 8 years old 1 five years old one red milch cow 1 mans & 1 ladies saddle & all his shoe makers tools to have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land also the above named personal property unto him the sd. Wilkerson his heirs & assigns forever subject to the following conditions to wit whereas the sd Jesse Garrett is indebted to the sd. Wilkerson in the sum of $76.00 evidence by note of hand with Charles Phillips as security bearing date of the 1st day of February 1843 and due the 25th day of December 1844, also another note for the sum of $4.56. Its bearing date the 6th day of February 1845 and due the 25th day of December 1845 now in order to secure the payment of the aforesaid sums of money unto the said Wilkerson I have mortgaged the land & personal property above specified now if sd. Garrett shall will or truly pay to the sd. Wilkerson the several sums of money above stated together with all such costs as he may be put to in order for collection of the same as well as the cost of this mortgage then the above obligation to be void due to remain in full force & virtue in law. In testimony the sd party of the first part have hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year within written. Jesse Garrett State of Kentucky Montgomery County I James Howard clerk of the county court for the county aforesaid do certify that this Deed of Mortgage from Jesse Garrett to Nimrod A. Wilkerson was this day produced to me in my office and acknowledged by the sd Jesse Garrett to be his act and deed whereupon sd Deed of Mortgage with the certificate hath been duly admitted to record in my office. Given under my hand this 7 day of February 1845. James Howard Clk File at: This file has been created by a form at