Indenture of Bargain and Sale: David Hathaway to David Badger, 1807 Montgomery County KY ----------------------------- Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Shirley Gillespie Moore, Date: 9 Sep 2002 ----------------------------- ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************* NOTE: I have tried to be as accurate as possible in the transcription of this document in regard to spellings, names and initials, and punctuations. I recommend, however, that you look at the original document to verify all. If you would like a scan of the original copy, I would be glad to provide it to you. Shirley Indenture of Bargain and Sale: David Hathaway to David Badger : Montgomery County KY Date: 25 July 1807 Deed Book 4 Page 352, 353,354 This Indenture made this twenty fifth day of July in the year of our lord one thousand Eight hundred & seven between David Hathaway of the county of Montgomery and Commonwealth of Kentucky of one part and David Badger of the county and commonwealth aforesaid of the other part- Witnesseth that the said David Hathaway in Consideration of the sum of one hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty three:Cents lawful Money of the United States to him in hand paid the receipt-which is doth hereby acknowledged and proven Acquit and discharge the said David Badger his heirs Executors administrators hath granted bargained and sold ??????? and Confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien and Confirm unto the said David Badger his heirs & assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county of Montgomery aforesaid and in Grassy lick Creek being part of a preemption originally granted to William Farrow-heir at law of Thornton Farrow containing thirteen acres and one Quarter of Land be the same more or less Beginning at a sycamore Box elder on Farrows line in the bank of the West fork of grassy lick and Extending thereon North twenty eight & a half degrees East fifty eight poles to a white thorn West forke of grassy lick Creek, thence West running up said West forke and being thereon the meanders through the creek the Line eighty four: poles to the Beginning Together With all and singular Improvements Water Courses profits and appurtenances Whatsoever to the said premises belonging or in any wise appertaining and the recipient remainders and profits thereof and all the Estate right property claim and demand of him the said David Hathaway of in and to the same To have and to hold the Lands hereby Conveyed with all and singular the premises and Every part and parcel there of with: Every of the Appurtanances unto the said David Badger his heirs assigns forever To the only proper use and behoof of the said David Badger his heirs assigns forever and the said David Hathaway for himself his heirs Executors and administrators doth Covenant promise and agrees with the said David Badger his heirs and assigns by these presents that the premises before mentioned now are and forever hereafter shall remain free of and from all promise former and other gifts grants bargains sale Dower rights & title of Dower Judgment. Excutions titles from ??? charges and Incumbrances to be ?atuner? done as suffered to be done by him the said David Hathaway & the said David Hathaway for himself and his heirs all and singular the premises herby bargained & sold With Every of the appurtenances unto the said David Badger and all and all and Every other person or persons rightfully claiming any right or title thereto under him the said David Hathaway & his heirs and assigns doth and Will Warrant and forever defend provided the said Land should be lost the said David Hathaway is to refund the said sum of one hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty three cents with lawful Interest & costs: In Witness whereof the said David Hathaway hath hereunto set his hand & seal this day & year first above written Signed sealed and delivered In the presence of Benj I Taul David Hathaway (seal) Jona Abbirig ? Wm Nelson Montgomery County Clerks office February the 24" 1808 This Indenture of bargain and sale from David Hathaway to David Badger Was signed and acknowledged by said Hathaway to be his hand and seal act and deed & is duly recorded, atteste M Harrison clk