Indenture: Wm Nelson Sr Heirs to Wm Nelson Jr, 1833 Montgomery County KY ----------------------------- Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Shirley Gillespie Moore, Date: 10 Sep 2002 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************* Note: I have tried to be as accurate as possible in the transcription of this document in regard to spellings, names and initials. You may find obvious misspellings which I may or may not have noted by "sic", and within the same document, you may find different spellings for the same name which I made no attempt to discern which was the correct spelling. I recommend, however, that you look at the original document to verify all. If you would like a scan of the original copy, I would be glad to provide it to you. Shirley Indenture: Wm Nelson Sr Heirs to Wm Nelson Jr : Montgomery County KY Date: 22 October 1833 Deed Book 16 Page 378, 379 This Indenture made this 22nd day of October in the year of Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and thirty three between Daniel Harrow and Margaret his wife, Henry Foster and Jincy his wife, James I Nelson and Polly his wife of the County of Putnam, and state of Indiana, and Richard Farrow and Polly his wife of the County of Montgomery and Commonwealth of Kentucky, the said Margaret Harrah, Jincey Foster, James I Nelson, Polly Farrow being four of the children and devices of the late William Nelson of the County of Montgomery Commonwealth of Kentucky deceased party of the first part and William Nelson of the said County of Montgomery and Commonwealth of Kentucky of the other party, Witnesseth that the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of Five Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety-five dollars and ten cents, lawfull money of the United States of America to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed to the said William Nelson, their undivided shares of four fifths of two hundred and seven acres, three roods, and twenty Eight poles of land devised to them by their deceased father William Nelson reserving to Polly Nelson her life estate in one third part of said land as bequeathed to her situate in the County of Montgomery, and on grassylick Creek, and bounded as followeth towit: Beginning at a White oak and place of a hickory, and buckeye on the west bank of grassy lick creek, and extending thence South sixty nine degrees East twenty Eight poles, thence south twenty three and a half degrees East twenty four poles, thence south, twenty two degrees West, thirty three and a half poles thence South thirty seven degrees East, twenty six poles to the fork of Grassylick creek thence South fifty three degrees West fifteen and one fourth poles to Wrens line, thence with Wrens line south fifty six degrees East one hundred and thirteen and three fourth poles to an ash and two hornbeans (okay, I will look this one up, but I swear this is what it looks like!), corner with Henry Kent-thence North thirty four degrees east One hundred and sixty poles to a hickory, thence North fifty six degrees West, one hundred poles to a Buckeye and hickory, thence North thirty four degrees East, eighty poles to a buckeye, thence North fifty-six degrees west twenty two poles to a sugartree, thence west Ninty-seven poles to a fallen Sycamore in the east bank of grassylick creek, thence south Thirty-four degrees west, thirty nine poles, to a stake, thence south, then degrees west, fifteen and three tenth poles to a honey locust, and hackberry, thence south thirty six degrees, west fifty three and one fourth poles to a boxelder, thence North Seventy five degrees West four poles to a hickory and elm, thence South Eleven degrees East, twenty eight and eight tenth poles to the beginning-together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging To have and to hold the land hereby conveyed with its appurtenances to the said William Nelson, and his heirs to the only proper use and behoof of him the said William Nelson and his heirs and assigns forever. And the aforesaid party of the first part the said tract of land (undivided) sold and conveyed to the said William Nelson, and his heirs and assigns, against the claims of all persons claiming under the party of the first part, doth and will warrant, and forever defend-And the party of the first part further agree provided the said land or any part thereof, should be lost, to refund each their proportional part at the rate of Fifteen dollars, per acre, without interest-In testimony whereof the aforesaid Daniel harrow and Margaret his wife, Henry Foster and Jincy his wife James I Nelson and Polly his wife, Richard Farrow and Polly his wife, hath hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals, this day and year first above written Signed, sealed and delivered Daniel Harrah (seal) In the presence of} Margaret Harrah (seal) Henry Foster (seal) Jincy Foster (seal) James I Nelson (seal) Polly Nelson (seal) Richard S. Farrow (seal) Mary Farrow (seal) State of Indiana Putnam county}Sct I Amory Kinney Judge of the Circuit Court for the County aforesaid, Do certify that Daniel Harrow, and Margaret Harrah his wife, Henry Foster, and Jincy Foster his wife, James I Nelson and Polly his wife, this day personally appeared before in said county, and the said Daniel harrow Henry Foster and James I Nelson, acknowledged the foregoing deed to be their act and deed, and the said Margaret Harrow, Jincy Foster and Polly Nelson being examined by me privily and apart from their husbands, declared that they did with their own free will acknowledge the foregoing deed, and consent that it may be recorded.--- Given under my hand this 22nd day of October 1833 A. Kinney State of Indiana Putnam County} Sct I Arthur McGaughey Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County aforesaid do Certify that Amory Kinney Esq & whose name appears to the within and foregoing certificate is now and was at the time of his attestation, a sitting Judge of the Circuit…..