Indenture: William Nelson to Isaac Turpin 28 Aug 1822 Montgomery Co KY Deed Bk 10 p431-432 Surnames in this document are: Nelson Turpin Hazelrigg Darnall Payne Farrow Contributed by: Shirley Gillespie Moore My registered email is ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ Please note: That while I try to be extremely careful in the transcription of documents, there are times that I am certain I make errors. Please compare the transcription to the original and make your own determination. I will gladly attach to email for you any document I have transcribed.srm this Indenture, made the twenty eight day of August eighteen hundred and twenty two between William Nelson of the County of Montgomery and State of Kentucky of the one part, and Isaac Turpin of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the Said William Nelson, for and in Consideration, that Henry Darnall hath made a quit claim deed to me for six acres of Land mor or less, the receipt whereof I acknowledge hath granted bargained and sold, and by the presents do grant bargain sell and convey, unto the said Isaac Turpin, four acres of land more or less, lying on the North end of the tract of land which I bought of William Farrow, held under the claim of John Payne, and bounded as follows(to wit) beginning at a Cherry tree corner at the forks of the road at the intersection of Turpins and Nelsons lines thence with Turpins and Nelsons lines North thirty four degrees west Seventy four poles to Turpins and Nelsons corner, a hickory, buckeye, and Sugartee, on the line of Darnalls Survey of eight hundred, and forty four acres, thence with said line South forty five degrees East, thirty two poles to a white walnut tree, a corner in said line, thence ?shaping? a corner to the beginning by passing a honey locust tree, on the South Side of the road in side of Nelsons fence a line tree marked T.N.-?Course? continues till it strikes the fence thence to the beginning with Nelson giving fifteen feet from the center of the road four acres of land more or less all of which and the premises thereunto belonging do convey to Isaac Turpin, and his heirs forever all my right, and title, of the Same, and do by these presents warrant, and defend it from me and my heirs, and every other person Claiming under me and from no other persons whatsoever and in Testimony, thereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal the day of August, eighteen hundred, and twenty two William Nelson (seal) Signed sealed, and delivered in the presence of} Montgomery County Court clerks office August 28th 1822 I James G Hazelrigg Deputy Clerk for Micajah harrison Clerk of the court for the County aforesaid do certify that this deed of bargain and Sale from William Nelson, to Isaac Turpin, was this day produced to me in the office aforesaid, and acknowledged by said Nelson to be his act, and deed hand and Seal for the purposes therein contained, and thereupon the same is duly entered of Record in said office Teste J G Hazelrigg DC Please see the continuation of this transaction under Indenture between Henry Darnall and William Nelson 28 August 1822 elsewhere on this site