Montgomery County KyArchives Deed.....McKee, John - Treadway, Griffin December 28, 1824 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marvin Allen January 25, 2015, 2:16 pm Written: December 28, 1824 Montgomery KY Deed 11 394 28 Dec 1824 Griffin Treadway of Union Co, Indiana sold 60 ac of land located in Montgomery Co, KY on Somerset Creek to John McKee of Montgomery Co, KY for the sum of $8.75 per acre to be paid by John McKee to John Treeadway in gold and silver. The land is bounded by the lands of Isaac Farrow, the eastern bank of Somerset Creek, Davis, Terry Griffin, Thomas Gaines & wife, Jilson Payne (Crump's old line), John Treadway, Richard Griffin Sr.'s (decd) burying grounds, and the Old Mill Dam. Signed by Griffin Treadway and his wife, Elizabeth Treadway's mark. Note: the clerk indicated that it is clearly understood that the family burying grounds of Richard Griffin Sr. where he is buried is excluded from this transaction--this note signed by John McKee and Griffin Treadway. Elizabeth Treadway relinquished her right of dower in the land. File at: This file has been created by a form at