Montgomery County KyArchives Deed.....Griffin/Allen/Fletcher/Treadway - Treadway, John December 18, 1824 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marvin Allen January 25, 2015, 2:29 pm Written: December 18, 1824 Montgomery KY Deed 11 388 18 Dec 1824 Terry Griffin, Richard Griffin, Ann Allen, and James Fletcher and Rhoda Fletcher his wife late Rhody Griffin, and John Treadway and his wife Elizabeth Treadway late Elizabeth Griffin all of Montgomery Co, KY, sold land to Griffin Treadway of Union Co, Indiana. All witnessed that Richard Griffin Sr., deceased, departed this life intestate in possession of 113 ac of land on the waters of Somerset Creek in Montgomery Co, KY, 3 slaves, and some personal property. His heirs, all of age, have divided among themselves the decedents estate, and Griffin Treadway has purchased the shares of Anthony Griffin of Montgomery Co, KY, and James Smith and Polly Smith his wife late Polly Griffin of Monroe Co, Indiana--thus Griffin Treadway owns one fourth of the decedents estate. There were 8 heirs--Terry Griffin, Anthony Griffin, Richard Griffin, John Treadway and Elizabeth his wife late Elizabeth Griffin, James Fletcher and Rhody. File at: This file has been created by a form at