Montgomery County KyArchives Deed.....Allen, John - White, Martin & Kitty September 23, 1829 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marvin Allen February 15, 2015, 8:30 am Bull Fork, a branch of Slate Creek Written: September 23, 1829 Recorded: September 26, 1829 This indenture made and entered into this 23rd day of September, 1829, between Martin White and Kitty White. his wife, of this County of Montgomery and State of Kentucky, of the one part and John Allen of Bath County and State of aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that whereas the above bound Martin White and Kitty, his wife, for and in consideration of one hundred and fifty-five dollars cash to them, in hand paid, the receipt hereby acknowledge. I have this day bargained, granter and sold and do by their presence bargain, sell and convey to the above named John Allen, a certain tract or parcle of land situated in Mont- gomery County lying on the waters of Slate and bounded as follows: corner beginning at two Ashes, Hickory and Buckeye near a ledge of on the Bull Fork, a branch on the main Slate and running N 28 E 90 poles to a Poplar and Sugar tree and Beech, thence N 62 W 36 poles to an Ash near the top of a hill, then N 30 W 39 poles to a Chestnut, Oak, thence S 71 W 20 poles to a Black Walnut, thence S 26 ooles to a Walnut, thence S 77 W 60 poles to a stake, thence S 54 poles to a stake thence, N 89 E 68 poles to three Hickories and Ash, thence N 44 E 36 poles to the beginning, containing fifty acres by survey. The above named John Allen aqrees to take the same, more or less and for the consideration above mentioned, the above bound Martin White and Kitty doth bind themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators to refund back the purchase money without interest, that is to say, at the rate of three dollars and eleven cents per acre, if the land should be lost or taken away by a latter claim or in proportion that is lost. In testimony whereof, we hereunto set out hands and cause our seals to be affixed this day and date above written. Martin White (Seal) Kitty White (Seal) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of tested Wm. G. Fletcher James Fletcher Garrett Fletcher State of Kentucky Montgomery County Clerk Office September 26, 1829 I, Nathan Dedman, Deputy Clerk and M Harrison, Clerk of the Court for the County aforesaid, do certify that this deed from Martin White and Kitty, his wife, to John Allen was this day produced to me, said affixed and proven by the oath of Wm. G. Fletcher and Garrett Fletcher, witnesses thereto, be the act and deed of the said Martin White for the purposes therein named and she, the said Kitty White, being examined by me seperatly and appart from her husband declared she did freely and willingly seal and deliver the said instrument in writing, and wishes not to retract it and acknowledged the same again shown and explained to her to be her seal and deed, I conceiveth that the same may be recorded, which is done. Att: N. M. Dedman District Court File at: This file has been created by a form at