MS SH18 H838 13 Joseph P. Howe's Register of Texts & Marriages "Journal Oct. 14, 1798 to April 7, 1816" "Marriages May 1795 to April 1816" "By Rev'd Joseph P. Howe, Pastor of Springfield & Mount Sterling Churches, Kentucky J.B.T. 1914" [Note: I have placed all marriages from both journals grouped together at the end./ww] (1) [1798] Oct. 14th Preached at the Little Mountain Saturday 21st at Springfield Sab., 28th at Little Mountain Nov. 4th at Springfield Saturday, 10th at Mr. Burbridge's Sab., 11th at Little Mountain Sab., 18th at Springfield Sat., 24th at George Beatie's Sab., 25th at Little Mountain Sab., Do. 2nd at Springfield Sab., Dec. 9th at Little Mountain Sab., Dec. 16th at Springfield Sab., Dec. 23d at Big Spring Sab., Dec. 30th at Little Mountain Sab., Jan. 6th 1799 at Springfield Sab., Jan. 13th at Little Mountain Sab., Jan. 20th at Springfield Sab., Jan. 27th at Little Mountain Sab., Feb. 3d at Springfield Sab., Feb. 10th at Little Mountain ....(bottom of page torn).... =============== (2) [1799] Feb. 24th at Little Mountain Feb. 28th at Rolin Williams' Mar.3rd at Springfield Mar. 10th at Little Mountain Mar. 17th at Springfield Mar. 24th at Little Mountain Monday, Do. 25th at Mr. Allison's Sab., Mar. 31st at Pleasant Point Sab., Apr. 7th at Springfield Sab., Apr. 21st at Springfield Sab., Apr. 28th at Little Mountain Sab., May 5th at Springfield May 12th at Little Mountain May 19th at Springfield May 25th at Salem Friday, May 31st at Little Mountain Action sermon Sab., June 2 at Little Mountain Mon., June 3rd at Little Mountain Saturday, June 8th at Fleming Action sermon Sab., June 9th at Do. The same Evening at the......(text is toofaded & dark to read./ww)... =============== (3) [1799] Fri., June 14th at Little Mountain Sab., June 16th at Springfield Sab., June 23rd at Little Mountain Sab., June 30th at Springfield Wed., July 3d at Mr. Hart's Sab., July 7th at Little Mountain Sab., July 14th at Springfield Sab., July 21st at Little Mountain Monday, July 22d at Pleasant Point July 23d at Silas Rigg's July 28th at Springfield Friday, Aug. 2d at Pleasant Point Saturday, Do. 4th at Do. Sab., Aug. 11th at Little Mountain Wednesday, Aug. 14th at Hugh Robinson's Friday, Do. 16th at a schoolhouse on Slate Aug. 18th at Springfield Aug. 25th at Little Mountain Sab., Sept. 1st at Springfield Sept. 8th at Big Spring Sept. 15th at Little Mountain Sept. 20th at Springfield =============== (4) [1799] Sab., Sept. 22nd at Springfield Mon., 23rd at Do. Sab., 29th at Little Mountain Sab., Oct. 6th at Springfield Saturday, 12th at Concord Monday, 14th at Do. Sab., 20th at Little Mountain Sab., 27th at Springfield Sab., Nov. 3rd at Little Mountain Tuesday, 5th The day of concert in prayer at Mr. Jno. Lockridge's. Sab., 10th at Cane Ridge Sab., 17th at Springfield Sab., 24th at Little Mountain Sab., Dec. 1st at Springfield Sab., 8th at Little Mountain Sab., 15th at Pleasant Point Sab., 22d at Springfield Sab., 29th at Little Mountain Saturday, Jan. 4th, 1800 at Mr. Jno Allison's Sab., 5th at Pleasant Point Sab.,19th at Little Mountain Jan. 25th at Jas. Gray's Sab., 26th at Pleasant Point Wed., 29th at Widow Beatie's =============== (5) [1800] Tuesday, Feb. 4th at Little Mountain, day of concert Feb. 9th at Little Mountain Saturday, 15th at Silas Rigg's Sab. 16th at Pleasant Point Sab., Feb. 23d at the mouth of Casidy Sab., Mar. 2nd at Springfield Sab., 9th at Little Mountain Sab., 16th at Pleasant Point Sab., 23rd at Springfield Sab., 30th at Little Mountain Sab., April 6th at Pleasant Point Sab., Do. 13th at Springfield Saturday, 19th at Capt. Hammon's Sab., Do. 20th at the Little Mountain Saturday, 26th Morning at Pleasant Point Sab., Do. 27th at Pleasant Point Saturday, May 3d examined at Springfield Sab., May 4th at Springfield Sat. examined at Little Mountain Sab., May 11th at Little Mountain Thursday, 15th at Pleasant Point Friday, 16th at Cane Ridge Mon., 19th at Do. Sab., 25th at Pleasant Point Friday, 30th at Little Mountain Monday, June 2d at Do. .... (A note over bottom of page says "water damaged."/ww) =============== (6) [1800] June 8th at Springfield 15th at Pleasant Point 22d at Springfield Friday at Mr. McNab's Sab. 29th at Little Mountain Saturday, July 5th at Obediah Dulie's Sab., 6th at Pleasant Point 13th at Springfield 20th at Little Mountain Thursday, 24th at Father Howe's 25th at Mr. Cantrell's 27th at Pleasant Point Sab., Aug. 3d at Springfield 6th at Springfield 8th at Pleasant Point 10th at Do. Sab., 17th at an old congregation of Mr. Templin's 24th at Little Mountain 31st at Springfield - Mr. Turley in Evening Sab., Sept. 7 at Little Mountain 14th at Pleasant Point 21st at Springfield 28th at Little Mountain Oct. 5th at Pleasant Point 10th at Springfield 11th at Do. Sab., 12th at Do. Monday, Do. 13th at Do. ....(bottom of page frayed).... =============== (7) [1800] Sab., Oct. 19th at Little Mountain Sab., Oct. 26th at Pleasant Point Sab., Nov. 2d at Springfield Tues., Do. 4th at Little Mountain. Day of concert Saturday, Do. 8th at my own house Sab., Do. 9th at Little Mountain Sab., Do. 16th at Pleasant Point Friday, Do. 21st at Widow Cantrell's. - a funeral Sab., Do. 23d at Springfield Friday, Do. 28th at Mr. Archibald Kincaid's Sab., Do. 30th at Little Mountain Dec. 7th at Pleasant Point Monday, 8th at Do. from Prov. 27:1 - a funeral Sab., Do. 14th at Springfield Sab., Do. 21st at Little Mountain Sab., Do. 28th at Pleasant Point Sab., Jan'y 4th, 1801 at Springfield Sab., Jan'y 11th at Little Mountain Saturday, Do. 17th at William Ralston's Sab., Do. 18th at Pleasant Point Sab., Do. 25th at Springfield Sab., Feb. 1st at Little Mountain Sab., Feb. 8th at Pleasant Point =============== (8) [1801] Sab., 15th at Springfield Sab., 22nd at Little Mountain Sab., Mar. 1st at Pleasant Point Monday night, 2nd at Obediah Dooley's Wednesday, 4th at John Henderson's Thursday, 5th at Little Mountain - a funeral Sab., 8th at Springfield Sab., 15th at Little Mountain Wednesday, 18th at John Henderson's Sab., 22nd at Pleasant Point Sabbath Evening at Wm Crockett's Wednesday, 25th at Widow Beatie's Do. Night at candle light at Jn Beatie's Sab., 29th Do. at Springfield Sab., April 5th at the Big Spring Do. Evening at Mr. Archibald Kincaid's Saturday Evening, 11th, at candle light at Maj. McElhenny's Sab., 12th at Little Mountain Monday, 13th at Maj. Scott's Wednesday night at candle light in Paris Thursday at Mr. McPherson's Sab. at Pleasant Point Saturday, 25th at Fleming Monday, 27th at Do. Sab., 3d May at Springfield Sab., 10th at Little Mountain ....(bottom of page frayed).... =============== (9) [1801] Friday, 15th at Little Mountain. Sacramental occasion Sab. Evening at Do. Thursday at Capt. Burcham's Friday Night at Forgis Graham's Saturday at Jno Allison's Sab., 24th at Pleasant Point Wednesday, 27th at Springfield Monday, June 1st at Concord Saturday, 6th at Mr. McClellan's Sab., 7th at Springfield Friday, 12th at Little Mountain Saturday, 13th at Pleasant Point Monday, 15th at Salem Sab., June 21st at Little Mountain Sab., June 28th The memorable sacramental occasion at Pleasant Point. Wednesday, July 1st at Mr. Rob't Patton's Saturday, 4th at Mr. McClellan's Sab., 5th at Springfield from Acts 13:41 - "Behold! ye despisers.." Wednesday, 8th at Mr. Patton's from 1 Peter 4:18 11th at Little Mountain Saturday, 18th at Sgt. Woodruff's 19th at Pleasant Point Sab., 25th at Springfield Monday, 27th at Mr. Wm Chambell's Friday, 31st at Colo. Swaringham's Saturday, Aug. 2nd at Little Mountain =============== (10) [1801] Tuesday, 4th at Little Mountain. Day of concert at Cane ridge Friday, 7th Sacramental occasion. from Gen. 19:17. Saturday, 15th at Jno Allison's Sab., 16th at Pleasant Point Tuesday, 18th at Mr. Jno Miller's Monday, 24th at Paris on a sacramental occasion Friday, 28th at Springfield on a sacramental occasion Sat., 29th at Do. Sab. Evening, 30th at Do. Friday, Sept. 4th at the Mud Lick Saturday, 5th at Colo. Swarangam's Sab., 6th at Little Mountain Wednesday, 9th at Big Spring 11th at Little Mountain 13th at Pleasant Point Wednesday, 16th at Colo. McMillan's Sab. evening, 20th at Sugar ridge 27th at Springfield Tuesday, 29th at Mud Lick Wednesday, 30th at Colo. Swaringham's Saturday, Oct. 3d at Mr. Rob't Walker's 4th at Little Mountain Wednesday at Mr. Burbridge's and in the Evening at Mistress Richards's. ....(bottom of page damaged).... =============== (11) [1801] Friday, 9th at Concord Saturday, 10th at Do. 18th at Little Mountain Friday, 23rd at Pleasant Point 24th at Salem Sab., 1st of Nov. at Pleasant Point 8th at Springfield 15th at Little Mountain Wednesday, 18th at Mr. Alkire's 19th at Big Spring 21st at Pleasant Point Sab., 22nd at Do. Wednesday, 25th at Colo. Swarringham's Thursday, 26th at Colo. McMillan's Friday, 27th at Mr. Swinie's on Red River 29th at Springfield Saturday, 5th Dec. at Col. Swaringham's Sab., 6th at Mr. Forbises Saturday, 12th at Mr. Patton's 13th at Pleasant Point 20th at Springfield Christmas at Mr. Gilgie's =============== (12) [1801] Sat., 26th at Clo. Swaringham's from Mat. 23.37 - Sab., 27th at Mr. Forbis's from Zachariah 9.12 1st cls Wednesday, 30th at the widow Kennedy's from Mat. 25.6 Friday, Jan'y 1st, 1802 at Misses Hill's from Rom. 13.11 Saturday Evening, 2nd at Mr. Walker's from Prov. 1.24 Sab., 3rd at Pleasant Point Sab., 10th at Mr. Robison's Friday, 15th at Mr. Mean's Sat., 16th at Mr. Howard's Sab., 17th at Mr. Forbis's Wednesday, 20th at Rob't Harbison's Sat., 23d at Mr. Allison's Sab., 24th at Pleasant Point Wednesday, 27th at Mr. Patton's Sab., 31st at Springfield Tuesday, Feb. 2d at Springfield Friday, 5th at Mr. Mean's Sat., 6th at Mr. Howard's Sab., 7th at Mr. Forbis's Sat., 13th at Colo. Black's =============== (13) [1802] Sab., 14th at Pleasant Point Society at Mr. Burbridge's Saturday night. Sab., 21st at Springfield Friday, 26th at Lewis Thompson's Society at the Mud Lick Do. Night & Do. at Mr. Marshall's Saturday night. Sab., 28th at the Little Mountain & Society Do. Nt. at Capt. _____ Wednesday, March 3 at Mr. Alkier's from Psalms 50.22 Thursday, 4th at the Big Spring Society Do. night at Major McElhenny's Sab., 7th attended at Grassy Lick & spoke a little from Luke 14. Friday, 12th attended the burial of Jno. Robison & gave an exhortation & Society met at Do. Night. Saturday, 13th at Mr. Henry Dooly's Society Do. night at Major Scott's Sab., 14th at Pleasant Point from Psalms 50.22 Friday, 19th at Jer. Poor's - Oar Bank from Dan. 5.5 & 6 Do. Night at the Mud Lick from Psalms 39.4 Sab., 21st at Springfield Friday, 26th at Jno Means's Sat., 27th at Capt. Evans's Sab., 28th at the Little Mountain Sab., April 4th at Pleasant Point Friday, Do. 9th at Jas. Kerr's. Society nt. Do. Saturday, Do. 10th Examined at Springfield from St.Mark - & ye outward means of grace. Do. night preached at Mr. Linville's from Luke 19.5 & held Society - Sab., 11th at Springfield from Rev. 22.17 Wednesday, 14th at Indian Creek during P'b'y =============== (14) [1802] Sab., 18th at the Little Mountain Sat., 24th Examined at Pleasant Point Sab. Evening, 25th at Salem, sacramental occasion from Prov. 50.22. Friday, 30th at Pleasant Point, sacram'tl occ. from Mat. 5.6. Saturday, May 2d The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. Friday, 7th at Mr. Means' Sab., 9th at Springfield Sab., 16th at Cane Ridge from Zachariah 12.10 last clause - Action sermon. Friday, 21st at Mr. McCulloch's Sab., 23d at the Little Mountain Wednesday, 26th attended at Pleasant Point & Wm Tull preached for me from 1 Cor. 11. Sab. Evening at Fleming from Psalms 50.22, sacramental occ. Saturday, June 6th at Mr. Walker's Sab., Do. 7th at Pleasant Point Monday, 8th at Paris Sab., 14th at Springfield Sick during the Interim Sab., July 25 at Springfield Sab., August 1st at the Little Mountain Sab. Evening, 8th at Concord - Sacrament Saturday, 14th at Sugar Hill Sab. Evening, 15th at Do. Friday, 20th at Springfield Sab., 22nd at Do. from Solomon's Song 5.1 - Action Sermon. =============== (15) [1802] Sab., 29th at Pleasant Point Sab., September 5th at the Little Mountain & Mr. Tull... Tuesday, 7th at Capt. Hughes's Fri., 10th at the Mud Lick Sab., 12th at Pleasant Point & Society Do. evening Sab., 19th at Springfield Friday, 24th at the Little Mountain Sab. Evening, 26th at Do. Sab., October 3d at Mr. Jno Lockridge's Saturday, 9th at Cane Ridge Sab. Evening, 10th at Do. Sab., 17th at Lexington on a sacramental occasion Sab., 24th at Pleasant Point Sab., 31st at Springfield from Psm 78 throughout Tuesday, November 2d at Pleasant Point. Day of consort Sab., 7th at the Little Mountain Sab., 14th at Pleasant Point Sat., 20th at the Widow Hughes's Sab., 21st at Springfield Friday, 26th at Mr. Howard's Sat., 27th at Mr. Means' Sab., 28th at the Little Mountain ================= (16) [1802] Friday, December 3d at Mr. Campbell's, Pleasant Point Friday night Do. at Mr. Bell's, Green Creek Sab., 5th fini'd the Tables at Walnut Hill -- Sab., 12th at Pleasant Point Sab., 19th at Springfield Friday, 24th at Capt. Evans's Sat., 25th at Henry Cooper's Sab., 26th at the Little Mountain Saturday, Jan'y 1st, 1803 at Maj. Scott's Sab., 2d Do. at Pleasant Point Friday, 7th at Mr. McGuire's Sat., 8th at Mr. Burbridge's Sab., 9th at Springfield Sat., 15th at Mr. Walker's -- Society Sab., 16th at the Little Mountain Sat., 22d at Jno Allison's Sab., 23d at Pleasant Point Thursday, 27th at Mr. Oyles's Friday, 28th at Jno Mappin's Sat., 29th at Colo. McElhennie's Sab., 30th at Springfield Tuesday, Feb. 1st Day of Consort at Mr. Moffett's Sab., 6th at the Little Mountain Wednesday Night, 9th, at my own house from Isai 40.31 =============== (17) [1803] Sat., 12th at James Black's Sab., 13th at Mr. Campbell's, Pleasant Point Wednesday Ngt, 16th at Mr. Moffett's Sab., 20th at Do. Friday, 25th at Capt. Evans's - Society at nt. Sat., 26th at Mr. Millar's - Society at nt. Sab., 27th at the Little Mountain Wednesday Night, March 2d, at Mr. Moffett's Sab., 6th at Pleasant Point Wednesday Night at my own house from Mat. 15.21-28 inclusively. Sab., 13th at Springfield Wednesday, 16th, Nt at Mr. Moffett's Friday, 18th at Mr. Marshall's Sat., 19th at Mr. Montgomerie's Sab., 20th at the Little Mountain Wednesday Nt at my own house from Job 2.1 Saturday examined at Pleasant Point - "from what ye possess" Sab., 27th at Do. Friday, April 1st at the Little Mountain Sat., 2d at Do. Sab., 3d at Springfield Wednesday Nt at my own house from Exodus 16.20 - at Society =============== (18) [1803] Sat., 9th Night at Capt. Wallis' on Green Creek Sab., 10th at Lexington Sab., 17th at Salem from Heb. 12.24, action sermon Sab., 24th at the Little Mountain Friday, 29th at Pleasant Point Sab., May 1st Sacramental occasion - fini'd the tables -- Friday, 6th at John White's Sab., 8th at Springfield Sat., 14th at Henry Cooper's from Rom. 8.30 Sab., 15th at the Little Mountain Wednesday, 18th at Mr. Patton's Sab., 22d at Concord - action sermon Sat., 28th at Mr. Cummings' from Mat. 24.44 - funeral discourse. Sab., 29th at Pleasant Point Wednesday, June 1st at Springfield attended a sacramental occasion at Walnut Hill. Friday, 10th at the Little Mountain Sab., 12th at Springfield Sat., 18th at Daniel Beaty's Sab., 19th at the Little Mountain Sat., 25th at Pleasant Point Sab., 26th at Do. Friday, July 1st at Mr. Alkire's =============== (19) [1803] Sat., 2d at James Logan's Sab., 3d at Springfield Friday, 8th at Adam Dickey's Sat., 9th at Widow Baldin's Sab., 10th at the Little Mountain Sat., 16th at John Allison's Sab., 17th at Pleasant Point Sab., 24th at Springfield & an exhortation in the Evening. Sab., 31st at the Little Mountain Friday, August 5th at Springfield Sat., 6th at Do., action sermon Friday, 12th at Maj'r Scott's Sat., 13th at Pleasant Point Sat., 20th at Sugar Ridge Monday, 22d at Do. Friday, 26th at Mud Lick Sat., 27th at the Goarge Sab., 28th at the Little Mountain Sab., September 4th at Springfield Friday Night, 9th, at Lexington Sab., 18th at Pleasant Point Sat., 24th at Mr. Burbridge's Sab., 25th at the Little Mountain =============== (20) [1803] Tuesday, 27th read the minutes of Synod at Concord, respecting Mr. Stone. Wednesday, 28th, preached at Cane Ridge Sab., October 2d, at Springfield from Heb. 8.26 & baptised children in the Evening. Sat., 8th at Walnut Hill, sacramental occasion Monday, 10th at Do. Tuesday, 11th at Pisgah from Mat. 5.16 at the opening of Presb'y Friday, 14th at Do. Sab., 16th at Pleasant Point Friday, 21st at the Little Mountain Sat., 22d at Do. - sacramental occasion Sab., 30th at Springfield Tuesday, November 1st, at the Little Mountain Sab., 6th at Pleasant Point Sat., 13th at Springfield Sab., 20th at the Little Mountain Saturday, 26th at Pleasant Point Sab., 27th at Do. Sat., December 4th, at Springfield Sat., 10th at Presley Anderson's Sab., 11th at the Little Mountain Sat., 17th at Jno Allison's Sab., 18th at Pleasant Point Friday, 23d at John Alkire's =============== (21) [1803] Sat., 24th at Big Spring ...Society at Jno Evans's Sab., 25th Christmas at Springfield from Luke 2.14 Wednesday, 28th at Colo. MaGuire's Sat., 30th at Paris on a sacramental occasion Monday, Jan'y 2d, 1804 at Do. Sab., 8th at the Little Mountain Sab., 15th at Pleasant Point Sab., 22d at Springfield Friday, 27th at Capt. Evans's Sat., 28th at George Graham's Sab., 29th at the Little Mountain Sab., Feb. 5th at Pleasant Point Tuesday, 7th Day of consort at Do. Sab., 12th at Springfield Friday, 17th at Sycamore meeting house Sat., 18th at Mr. Means's Sab., 19th at the Little Mountain Sab., 26th at Pleasant Point Sat., March 3d at Mr. Burbridge's Sab., 4th at Springfield Sat., 10th at Mr. Whitesides's Sab., 18th at Pleasant Point =============== (22) [1804] Friday, 23d at Mr. Beagles Sat., 24th at Big Spring Sab., 25th at Springfield Sat., 31st at Mr. Walker's Sab., April 1st at the Little Mountain Sab., 8th at Pleasant Point Sab., 15th at Springfield Sab., 22d at the Little Mountain Sat., 28th at John Allison's from Philli 1.21 - a funeral discourse. Sab., 29th at Pleasant Point... & Mr. Tull Sab., May 6th at Springfield Friday, 11th at Pleasant Point Sab. Evening, 13th, at Do. - Sacramental occasion Sab., 20th at the Little Mountain Sat., 26th at Paris Sab., June 3d at Springfield - Two discourses Thursday, 7th at Jno Alkire's Sat., 9th at Henry Cooper's Sab., 10th at the Little Mountain Sab., 17th at Pleasant Point Sab., 24th at Concord Sab., July 1st at Springfield Friday, 6th at the Little Mountain delivered a funeral address on the death of Jane Henderson. Sab., 8th at the Little Mountain Saturday, 14th at John Allison's =============== (23) [1804] Sab., 15th at Pleasant Point Friday, 20th, my Mother died, being 61 years, 4 mos. & 4 days old. Sab., 22d at Springfield Sab., 29th at the Little Mountain Saturday, August 4th, at Irvine's Spring Sab. Evening, 5th, at Do. Sab. Evening, 12th, at Pleasant Point Friday, 17th at Springfield - Sacramental occasion Sab., 19th at Do. from Jer. 3.14 - "for I am married unto you." Sab., 26th at the Little Mountain Sat., 1st of Sept., at Major Scott's Sab., 2d at Pleasant Point Friday, 7th at John Alkire's Sab., 9th at Springfield Sat., 15th at Stoner Mouth - sacramental occasion Monday, 17th at Do. Sat., 22d at Concord - sacramental occasion Sab., 23d at Do. - action sermon Sab., 30th at the Little Mountain Sab., October 7th, at Pleasant Point by Mr. Hall from Acts 26.18 & myself Jer. 8.20 Friday, 13th at Jessamine Sat., 14th at Do. - sinners action sermon No preaching at Synod Sat., 21st, sacramental occasion Friday, 26th at the Little Mountain Monday, 29th at Do. Sab., 5th of November, at Springfield =============== (24) [1804] Sab., 11th at the Little Mountain Friday, 16th at Mr. Marshall's Sab., 18th at Pleasant Point Sab., 25th at Springfield Wednesday night, 28th, at Misses Hill's Friday, 30th at Benj'n Jones's - Society at Night Saturday, 1st of December at Mr. Mount's Sab., 2d at the Little Mountain Wednesday night at my own house Sat., 8th at John Black's Sab., 9th at Capt. Rice's Friday, 14th at Sq'r Oyles's & Society at Jno Alkire's Sat., 15th at Mr. Burbridge's & Society at night Sab., 16th at Jno Grove's Friday, 21st at John Boyd's Sab., 23d at the Little Mountain Tuesday, 25th at my own house from Isai 43.10 1st c. - Christmas. Friday, 28th at John Allison's Monday, 31st at Paris - sacramental occasion Tuesday, January 1st, 1805, at Colo. Black's - Fast Day Sab., 6th at Colo. Black's Sab., 13th at Springfield Wednesday, 16th at Mr. Todd's from 1 Sam'l 3.18 last c. funeral discourse. Friday, 18th at John Beatie's Sat., 19th at John Miller's from Acts 10.38 - "He went about doing good." Sab., 20th at the Little Mountain ================ (25) [1805] Sab., 27th at Concord Sat., Feb. 2d at Mr. Couchman's Sab., 3d at Mr. Campbell's Sab., 10th at Springfield Sat., 16th at Mr. Weigle's Sab., 17th at the Little Mountain Wednesday Night, 20th at Forgis Graham's Sat., 23d at Obediah Doolie's Sab., 24th at Do. Friday, March 1st at John Crockett's Sat., 2d at the Big Spring Sab., 3d at Springfield Wednesday Night, 6th at Forgis Graham's Sat., 9th at James Lockridge's Sab., 10th at the Little Mountain Sat., 16th at John Allison's Sab., 17th at Pleasant Point Sab., 24th at Springfield Sab., 31st at the Little Mountain Sab., 7th April at Concord Sab., 14th at Pleasant Point Sab., 21st at Salem Monday, 22d at Do. Sab., 28th at Springfield Sab., 5th May at the Little Mountain =============== (26) [1805] Sat., 11th at John Allison's Sab., 12th at Pleasant Point Sat., 18th at Walnut Hill Sab. evening, 19th at Do. Monday, 20th at Do. Saturday, 25th at Concord Springfield on Sab., 26th Sat., June 1st at Mr. Mean's Sab., 2d at the little Mountain Friday, 7th at Pleasant Point Sab., 9th Sacramental occasion at Pleasant Point Sat., 15th at Mr. Burbridge's Sab., 16th at Springfield Sab., 23d at the Little Mountain Sat., 29th at Mr. Reed's from Isai 38.1 last c. Funeral discourse F. Yocum. Sab., 30th at Pleasant Point from Prov. 28.1 I did not preach in the Evening. Friday, July 5th at Concord from 2 Pet. 1.13 Sat., 6th at the Big Spring Sab., 7th at Springfield from Zachariah 13.6 & Heb. 11.4 - funeral discourse. Wednesday Evening, 10th at Thos. Montgomery's Sen. Sab., 14th at the Little Mountain Sab., 21st at Pleasant Point =============== (27) [1805] Sat., 27th at the Big Spring Sab., 28th at Springfield Sab., August 4th at the Little Mountain Sab., 11th at Pleasant Point Sat., 17th at Fleming Sab., 18th at Do. action sermon Monday, 19th at Do. Tuesday, 20th at the Big Spring Friday, 23d at Springfield Sat., 24th at Do. sacramental occasion Sat., Sept. 1 at the Little Mountain Friday, 6th at Concord Sab. Evening, 8th at Do. - sacramental occasion Wednesday, 11th at Mr. Todd's from Psm 46.10 - a funeral discourse. Saturday, 14th at Sugar ridge Sab., 15th at Do. action sermon Monday, 16th at Do. Friday, 20th at Pleasant Point Sat., 21st at Paris Sab. Evening, 22d at Do. Sat., 28th at the Big Spring Sab., 29th at Springfield Friday, October 4th at the Little Mountain Saturday, 5th at Do. sacramental occasion Mr. Lyle preached Sab. from 1 Cor. 1.18-25-24 verses & Monday from Prov. 11........ Tuesday, 8th I preached at Green Creek....... ....[bottom of page damaged].... ================= (28) [1805] Sab., 13th at Pleasant Point Sab., Nov'r 3d at the Little Mountain Sat., 9th at Mr. Allison's Sab., 10th at Pleasant Point Friday, 15th at Concord Saturday, 16th at Big Spring Sab., 17th at Springfield - 6 commiss'rs/Synod Saturday, 24th at the Little Mountain Sab., December 15th at Cane run Sab., 22d at Pleasant Point Wed., 25th at my own house from 1 Pet. 4.3-4-5 Sat., 28th at the Big Spring Sab., 29th at Springfield Wednesday, Jan'y 1st 1806 at Mr. Todd's Saturday, 4th at Jno Miller's Sab., 5th at the Little Mountain Sat., 11th at Jno Allison's Sab., 12th at Colo. Black's Sat., 18th at the Big Spring Sab., 19th at Springfield Friday, 24th at Benjamin Jones's Saturday, 25th at Jno Beatie's Sab., 26th at the Little Mountain =============== (29) [1806] Saturday, Feb. 1st at Wm Ralston's Sab., 2d at Capt. Rice's Friday, 7th at old Mr. Hopkins in Concord Sat., 8th at the Big Spring Sab., 9th at Springfield Sab., 16th my Birth Day, 40 years of age, at the Little Mountain from Rev. 12..... Sat., 22d at old Mr. Brown's Sab., 23d at the Widow Black's Sat., March 1st at Mr. Switzer's Sab., 2d at Springfield Wednesday, 5th at Forgis Graham's Sat., 8th at Mr. Walker's Sab., 9th at the Little Mountain Sab., 16th at Pleasant Point Friday, 21st at Slate by Cantrell's Sat., 22d at the Big Spring Sab., 23d at Springfield Sat., 29th at Capt. Evans's Sab., April 6th at Pleasant Point Monday, 7th at Isaac Tremble's Tuesday attended P'by at Paris Friday, 11th at Concord Sab., 13th at Springfield =============== (30) [1806] Sab., 20th at the Little Mountain Sat., 26th at Alexander Frazer's Sab., 27th at Pleasant Point Sat., May 3d at the Big Spring Sab., 4th at Springfield Sab., 11th at the Little Mountain Sab., 18th at Pleasant Point from Psm 16.8 1st c. No preaching in evening, a wet day. Friday, 23d at Concord & examined from P. Mound questions. Saturday, 24th at the Big Spring Sab., 25th at Springfield Friday, 30th at Pleasant Point - sacramental occasion Sab., June 1st at Do. - action sermon Sab., 8th at the Little Mountain Sat., 14th examined at Pleasant Point from written questions. Sab., 15th, Evening at Salem - sacramental occasion Sat., 21st at the Big Spring Sab., 22d at Springfield Sat., 28th at Neal Murphey's, Fleming County Sab., 29th at Fleming County meeting house Sab., 29th in the Evening at Rob't Evans's =============== (31) [1806] Sab., July 6th at the Little Mountain Sab., 13th at Pleasant Point Sat., 19th at the Big Spring Sab., 20th at Springfield Sab., 27th at the Little Mountain Sab., Aug. 3d at Pleasant Point Sat., 9th at the Widow Baird's from Mat. 24.44 a funeral discourse. Sab., 10th at the Little Mountain from Rev. 3.17 Friday, 15th at Springfield from Mat. 22.42 "What think ye of X" [Christ] Sab., 17th at Do. Friday, 22d at Concord Sat., 23d at Irvin's Spring Sab. Evening, 24th, at Do. Monday, 25th at Do. Saturday, 29th at the Big Spring Sab., 30th at Concord Sab., Sept. 7th at Pleasant Point Monday, 15th at Cane Ridge - sacramental occasion Sab., 21st at Springfield Friday, 25th at the Little Mountain =============== (32) [1806] Saturday, 27th at Sugar Hill Sab. Evening, 28th, at DO. sacramental occasion Monday, 29th at Do. Friday, October 3d at Concord sacramental occasion Sab., 5th at Pleasant Point. Delivered two discourses Tuesday night, 7th, at Mr. Burbridge's Wednesday, 8th at Jno Offield's Thursday, 9th at Union meeting house on Slate from Mat. 24.44 - funeral discourse. Friday, 10th at the Big Spring Sab., 12th at Springfield. Delivered two discourses Wednesday, 15th at Austin Choat's Friday, 17th at the Little Mountain Sat., 18th at Do. Sab., 19th at Do. - action sermon Monday, 20th at Do. from Psm 107.15 Sab., 26th at Lexington from Do. the time of the meeting of Synod. Sab., November 2d at Pleasant Point Sat., 8th at the Big Spring Sab., 9th at Springfield Sab., 16th at the Little Mountain Sab., 23d at Pleasant Point Sab., 30th at Sprinfield Sat., December 6th at Mr. Mount's Sab., 2d at the Little Mountain ================ (33) [1806] Sat., 13th at Mr. Trusset's from Psm 90.12 - funeral discourse. Sab., 14th at Pleasant Point Sat., 20th at the Big Spring Sab., 21st at Springfield Thursday, 25th at Mr. Jno Todd's Saturday, 27th at Mr. Rucker's from Psm 90.12 - funeral discourse. Sab., 28th at the Little Mountain Tuesday, 30th at Concord Thursday, Jan'y 1st 1807 at Mr. Corell's Sat., 3d at Jno Allison's Sab., 4th at Pleasant Point Tuesday, 6th at my own house from Psm 85.6. Fast Day Sat., 10th at the Big Spring Sab., 11th at Springfield Sat., 17th at Rob't Adams's Sab., 18th at the Little Mountain, Maj'r Downie's Sab., 25th at Pleasant Point Sat., 31st at the Big Spring Sab., 1st Feb'y at Springfield Sab., 8th at Major Downey's Sat., 14th at John Allison's Sab., 15th at Pleasant Point Sat., 21st at the Big Spring Sab., 22d at Springfield Sab., March 1st at the Little Mountain =============== (34) [1807] Sat., 7th at Isaac Tremble's Sab., 8th at Pleasant Point Sab., 15th at Springfield Sab., 22d at the Little Mountain Sab., 29th at Cane Ridge from Rom. 3.24.25 verses on justification. Sat., April 4th at the Big Spring Sab., 5th at Springfield Sab., 12th at the Little Mountain Friday, 17th at old Mr. Brown's Sat., 18th at Colo. Scott's Sab., 19th at Pleasant Point from Ps 8.4 Mr.Forsman Int Sat., 25th at the Big Spring Sab., 26th at Springfield. Mr.Williamson in the evening Sat., May 2d at Mr. Adams's from Ps 119.71st funeral dis Sab., 3d at the Little Mountain Sab., 10th at Pleasant Point. Evening, Mr. Tull Sat., 16th at the Widow Offield's from Ps 119.71 - funeral discourse. Sab., 17th at Springfield Sab., 24th at the Little Mountain. 2 discourses Sab., 31st at Pleasant Point Sat., June 6th at the Big Spring Sab., 7th at Springfield Sat., 13th at Pleasant Point. ordained elders. sacramental occasion. Monday, 15th at Do. =============== (35) [1807] Sat., 20th at Concord Sab. Evening, 21st, at Do. sacramental occasion Sab., 28th at the Little Mountain Sat., July 4th at the Big Spring Sab., 5th at Springfield Sab., 12th at the Little Mountain Sab., 19th at Pleasant Point Sab., 26th at Springfield Sab., Aug'st 2d at the Little Mountain Saturday, 8th at the Widow Bell's from Job 16.22 - a funeral discourse. Sab., 9th at Pleasant Point Sat., 15th at Paris Sab., 16th at Do. sacramental occasion Friday, 21st at Springfield Monday, 24th at Do. Sat., 29th at Mr. Sampson Wilson's from Job 16.22 - funeral discourse. Sab., 30th at the Little Mountain Sept. 5th at Sugar Ridge Sab., 6th at Pleasant Point Sab., 13th at Springfield Sat., 19th at Sugar Ridge - sacramental occasion Sab., 20th at Do. - action sermon Sab., 27th at Pleasant Point ================ (36) [1807] Sat., Oct. 3d at the Big Spring Sab., 4th at Springfield Sab., 11th at Capt. Evans's Friday, 16th at the Little Mountain Sat., 17th at Do. Sab., 18th at Do. - action sermon Sab., 26th attended a sacrament at Lexington, the time of Synod. Sab., Nov. 1st at Pleasant Point Sab., Nov. 8th at Springfield. Had Society Sab., 15th at the Little Mountain Sat., 21st at Jno Allison's Sab., 22d at Pleasant Point Sat., 28th at Jno McNab's from Mat. 6.10 s.c. Sab., 29th at Springfield - a funeral discourse Sab., 6th December at Major Downie's Sab., 13th at Pleasant Point Sab., 20th at Springfield Fri., 25th at Jas. Lockridge's from Mat. 1.21 -- Christmas. Sat., 26th at Jno Miller's Sab., 27th at Maj'r Downey's Jan'y 1st 1808 at Capt. Graham's Sab., 3d at Pleasant Point Sab., 10th at Springfield Sab., 17th did not attend at the Little Mountain... ....(bottom of page damaged).... =============== (37) [1808] Sab., 24th at Pleasant Point Sab., 31st at Springfield Sab., Feb. 7th at Capt. Evans's Sab., 14th at Pleasant Point Sat., 20th at Mr. McNab's Sab., 21st at Springfield on Judges 7 chapt. on Paraphrase. Sab., 28th at Major Downie's Pleasant Point, Sab., March 6 Sab., 13th at Springfield Sab., 20th at the Little Mountain Sab., 27th at Pleasant Point Sab., April 3d at the Big Spring Sab., 10th at Springfield Sab., 17th at the Little Mountain Sab., 24th at Pleasant Point Sab., May 1st at Springfield Sab., 8th at the Little Mountain Sat., 14th at Stoner Mouth Sab., 15th, evening at Do. sacramental occasion Sab., 22d at Pleasant Point Sab., 29th at Springfield Fri., June 3d at Pleasant Point) sacramental Monday, 6th at Do. ) occasion .... [bottom of page damaged].... =============== (38) [1808] Sab., 12th at the Little Mountain Sat., 18th at Concord - sacramental occasion Sab., 19th at Do. on Deut. 32.35 -" Their foot shall slide in due time." Sab., 26th at Springfield - 2 discourses Sab., July 3d at the Little Mountain Sab., 10th at Pleasant Point Sab., 17th at Springfield Sab., 24th at the Little Mountain Sat., 30th at Sugar Ridge on Job 16.22 funeral disc Sab., 31st at Pleasant Point Sat., August 7th at Springfield Fri., 12th at Springfield - sacramental occasion Sat., 13th at Do. on Zach. 3.9 middle c. & Mr. Lyle on Luke 13.24. Sab., 14th at Do. Lyle on Rev. 22.17 & myself in ye Evening on John 21.22 l.c. Mon., 15th at Do. Sab., 21st at the Little Mountain Sat., 27th at Jno Allison's Sab., 28th at Pleasant Point Sab., Sept. 4th at the Little Mountain Sab., 11th at Pleasant Point - 2 discourses Sab., 18th at Springfield Sat., 24th at Sugar Ridge - sacramental occasion Sab., 25th at Do. - action sermon Do. Evening at Do. =============== (39) [1808] Friday, 31st at the Little Mountain Sat., October 1st at Do. Mr. Tull on Song of Solomon 8.13 myself on Zach. 11... Sab., 2nd Tull Monday, 3d at Do. sacramental occasion Sab., 9th at Pleasant Point Sab., 16th at Lexington attending Synod Sab., 23d at Fleming Wed., 26th at Capt. Murphy's Fri., 28th at Rob't Evans's Sab., 30th at Springfield Sab., November 6th at the Little Mountain Sab., 13th at Pleasant Point Sab., 20th at Springfield Sab., 27th at the Little Mountain Sat., December 3d Examined at Misses Black's Sab., December 4th at Pleasant Point Sat., 10th examined at Springfield Sab., 11th at Springfield Sat., 17th examined at the Little Mountain Sab., 18th at the Little Mountain, Mr. Boville preached Sab., 25th at Pleasant Point Sat., 31st at Mr. Burbridge's Sab., Jan'y 1st 1809 at Springfield Sab., 8th unable to preach at the Little Mountain being sick Sat., 14th at Mr. Allison's Sab., 15th at Pleasant Point Sab., 22d did not attend at Springfield, being a very rainy day. Sab., 29th at the Little Mountain Sab., Feb. 5th at Pleasant Point =============== (40) [1809] Sab., 12th at Springfield Sab., 19th at the Little Mountain Sab., 26th at Do. instead of Pleasant Point Sab., March 5th at Springfield Sat.., 11th at John Beatie's Sab., 12th at the Little Mountain Sab., 19th at Pleasant Point Sab., 26th at Springfield Sat., April 2d at the Little Mountain Sat., 8th at Misses Tanner's from Sam'l 3.18 - a funeral discourse. Sab., 9th at Pleasant Point Monday, 10th at Mr. Couchman's from Mat. 6.10 - funeral discourse. Sab., 16th at Springfield 2 discourses Sab., 23d at the Little Mountain Sat., 29th at the Widow Bell's from Heb. 6.9.27 - a funeral discourse. Sab., 30th at Pleasant Point Sab., May 7th at Springfield Sab., May 14th at the Little Mountain Sab., 21st at Pleasant Point Tuesday, 23d, at my own house from Job 10.2 Fast Day Sat., 27th at Stoner Mouth Sab. Morning, 28th at Do. Friday, June 2d at Pleasant Point Sat., 3d at Do. Mon., 4th at Do. =============== (41) [1809] Sat., 10th at the Widow Wheeler's on Licking from Mat. 24.44 - funeral discourse. Sab., 11th at Springfield Sab., 18th at Concord Sab., 25th at the Little Mountain Sat., July 2d at Springfield Sab., 9th at the Little Mountain Sab., 16th at Mr. Campbell's from Eccl. 12.5 & Isai 57.1 - funeral discourse. Sab., 23d at Springfield Sat., 29th at Jas. Lockridge's Sab., 30th at the Little Mountain Sab., August 6th at Pleasant Point Fri., 11th at Springfield sacramental occasion Sab., 13th at Do. fini'd Tables & spoke..... Sab., 20th at the Little Mountain ...[pg damaged] Sab., 27th at Pleasant Point - 2 discourses Siezed the same Evening with a bilious fever. Sab., 17th held Society at my own house Sab., 23d at Springfield Sab., October 1st at the Little Mountain Fri., 6th at the Little Mountain Sat., 7th at Do. Sab., 8th at Do. Mon., 9th at Do. ================== (42) [1809] Sab., 15th at Lexington attending Synod Sab., 22d at Pleasant Point Sab., 29th at Springfield Sat., Nov. 4th at Mr. Allison's Sab., 5th at Pleasant Point Sab., 12th at Springfield Sab., 19th at the Little Mountain Sab., 26th at Pleasant Point Sab., December 3d at Springfield Sat., 9th at Mr. Jenkins's Sab., 10th at the Little Mountain Sab., 17th at Pleasant Point Sab., 24th at Springfield Sat., 30th at Sampson Wilson's from Heb. 12.23 - funeral discourse. Sat., 31st at the Little Mountain Sab., Jan'y 7th 1810 at Pleasant Point Sab., 14th at Springfield Sab., 21st at the Little Mountain Sat., 27th examined at the Widow Black's from 98-99-100-101 Sab., 28th at Pleasant Point Sab., 4th Feb'y at Springfield Sab., 11th at the Little Mountain Fri., 16th at Mr. Marshall's from Gen. 47.8.9 My Birth Day 44 years old Sab., 18th at Pleasant Point Sab., 25th at Springfield =============== (43) [1810] Sab., March 4th at the Little Mountain Sab., 11th at Pleasant Point Sab., 18th at Springfield Sab., Do. at Night at Misses Wolls's Sab., 25th at the Little Mountain Sab., April 1st missed preaching at Pleasant Point on account of rain. Sab., 8th missed at Springfield on account of rain Mon. Evening preached at Mr. Congleton's. Sab., 15th at the Little Mountain Sab., 22d at Pleasant Point - 2 discourses Sab., 29th at Springfield - 2 discourses Sab., May 6th at the Little Mountain Sat., 12th at Mr. Allison's Sab., 13th at Pleasant Point Sat., 19th at Mr. McNab's Sab., 20th at Springfield Evening of Do. at the Widow Wool's on Job 16.22 - funeral discourse. Sat., 26th at Mr. Adams's Sab., 27th at the Little Mountain Sat., June 2d at Pleasant Point - sacramental occasion Sab., 3d at Do. Mon., 4th at Do. Sab., 10th at Paris Sat., 16th at Capt. Graham's Sab., 17th at Springfield =============== (44) [1810] Sat., 23d examined at the Little Mountain Sab., 24th at Do. Sat., 30th at Misses Tanner's Sab., July 1st at Pleasant Point Sab., 8th at Springfield Sab., 15th at the Little Mountain Sab., 22d at Pleasant Point Sab., 29th at Springfield Sab., Aug. 5th at the Little Mountain Fri., 10th at Springfield - sacramental occasion Sat., 11th at Do. on Acts 10.38 - Mr.Kemper, Isai 50.10 Sab., 12th at Do. Mr. Kempber - myself Society at Capt. Evans's. Mon., 13th at Do. Sab., 19th at Pleasant Point Sab., 26th at the Little Mountain Sab., Sept. 2d at Pleasant Point Sat., 8th at Sugar Ridge - sacramental occasion Sab., 9th at Do. Sat., 22d at Mr. Mean's Sab., 23d at the Little Mountain Sat., 29th at Mr. Steele's Sab., 30th at Pleasant Point =============== (45) [1810] Sab., Oct. 7th at Springfield Sab., 14th at Synod which met at Lexington Friday, 19th at the Little Mountain Sat., 20th at Do., Mr. Dicky - Society at nt Sab., 21st at Do. myself on Rom. 12.1 & Mr. Dicky on Luke 14.22. Mon., 22d at Do. Sat., 28th at Pleasant Point Sab., Nov. 4th at Springfield Sab., 11th at the Little Mountain Sat., 17th at Mr. Allison's Sab., 18th did not preach - being a very wet day Sab., 25th at Springfield - Major Irvine's funeral Sab., Dec. 2d at the Little Mountain Sat., 8th at Mr. Harriott's Sab., 9th at Pleasant Point Sat., 15th at Colo. Donnelson's Sab., 16th at Springfield Sab., 23d at the Little Mountain Sab., 30th at Pleasant Point Fri. night, Jan'y 4th, 1811 at my Father's schoolhouse in Fleming County. Sab., 6th at Mr. Toddy's Sab., 13th at the Little Mountain =============== (46) [1811] Sab., 20th at Mr. Allen's of Pleasant Point Sab., 27th at John Jones's near Springfield Sab., Feb. 3d at the Little Mountain Sab., 10th at Capt. Rice's Sab., 17th at Springfield Sat., 23d at Mr. Pettit's on Heb. 9.27 - a funeral Sab., 24th at the Little Mountain Sab., March 3d at Mr. Allen's Sat., 9th at Mr. Richee's Sab., 10th at Springfield Sab., 17th at the Little Mountain Sab., 24th at Sugar Ridge Sab., 31st at Pleasant Point Sab., April 7th at Springfield Tuesday night at Paris Thursday, 11th at old Mr. Congleton's Sab., 14th at the Little Mountain Sab., 21st at Pleasant Point Sat., 27th at Mr. Burbridge's Sab., 28th at Springfield Sab., May 5th at the Little Mountain Sab., May 12th at Pleasant Point .......19th at Springfield =============== (47) [1811] Sab., 26th at the Little Mountain Friday, 31st at Pleasant Point - at Mr. Allison's Sat., June 1st at Do. - sacramental occasion Sab., 2d at Do. - action sermon Mon., 3d at Do. Sat., 9th at Springfield Sat., 15th at Fleming Church - sacramental occasion Sab., 16th at Do. - action sermon Mon., 17th at Do. Sat., 22d at Mr. Miller's Sab., 23d at the Little Mountain Sat., 29th at Sugar Ridge Sab., 30th at Pleasant Point Wednesday, July 3d at Mr. Kirkley's Sat., 6th at Andrew Cartmel's Sab., 7th at Springfield Sat., 13th at Sugar Ridge Sab., 14th at the Little Mountain Sat., 20th at Jno. Ralston's Sab., 21st at Pleasant Point Sab., 29th at Springfield Sat., August 3d at old Mr. Gibson's Sab., 4th at the Little Mountain =============== (48) [1811] Friday, 9th at Springfield - sacramental occasion - without help on the occasion. Sat., 10th at Do. Sab. Morning, 11th at Do. on Luke 4.17 l.c. & Luke 14.18 1st c. Evening. Mon., 12th at Do. - Patite's funeral Tuesday, 13th at the Little Mountain Sab., 18th at Pleasant Point Sab., 26th at the Little Mountain Sat., 31st at Sugar Ridge - Sacramental occasion Sab. Evening, Sept. 1st at Do. Monday at Do. Sat., 7th at Cane Ridge - Sacramental occasion Mon., 9th at Do. Sat., 14th at old Mr. Hamilton's Sab., 15th at Springfield Sat., 21st at Irvine's Spring Sab., 22d at Do. - action sermon Mon., 23d at Do. Fri., 27th at the Little Mountain - sacramental occasion. Sat., 28th at Do. Sab., 29th at Do. Mr. Tull. No time for Evening Soc. Mon., 30th at Do. Sab., October 6th at Pleasant Point Sab., 13th attending Synod at Lexington =============== (49) [1811] Sab., 20th at Springfield Fri., 25th at Mr. Kilpatrick's on Red River Sat., 26th at Mr. Frame's Sab., 27th at the Little Mountain Sat., November 2d at the Widow Congleton's Sab., 3d at Pleasant Point Sab., 10th at Springfield Thursday, 14th at the Little Mountain Sab., 17th at the Little Mountain Sab., 24th at Pleasant Point Sab., December 1st at Springfield Sab., 8th at the Little Mountain Sat., 14th at Jno. Allison's Sab., 15th at Mr. Allen's Sab., 22d at Springfield Wed., 25th at Rob't Crockett's Sab., 29th at the Little Mountain Sab., Jan'y 5th, 1812 at the Widow Black's Sab., 11th at Springfield Sab., 19th at the Little Mountain Sab., 26th at Pleasant Point Sab., Feb'y 2d at Springfield on Acts 20-32. The above delivered previous to my going to Carolina.... preached the following discourses in No. & So. Carolina =============== (50) [1812] Sat., Feb'y 24th at Steel Creek on Sam'l 12-24 Sab., March 1st at the Waxhaws on Do. Sab. Evening Do. at Uncle Wm Dunlap's on Rom. 8.34 Wed., 4th in Lancaster Court House on Mark 16-15th Sat., 7th at my Mother's-In-Law on Matthew 24-44 Sab., 8th at Bethel, So. Carolina on Mark 16.15 Sab. Evening at Aunt Howe's on Ps. 23-4th - Fri., 13th at Do. Sab., 15th at the Church or New Hope Tues., 17th at my Mother's-In-Law on Acts 20th-32d - a farewell. -------------- Sab., April 5th at the Little Mountain on Acts 20th - 21st Sab., 12th Heard Mr. Marshall at Cane ridge Sab., 19th at Springfield Sab. Evening at old Misses Hall's on Ps. 23-4 Sat., 25th at Capt. Cooper's Sab., 26th at the Little Mountain Fri., May 1st at Do. on Jonah verses. Fast Day Sab., 3d Missed preaching at Pleasant Point, being a wet day Sat., 9th at Mr. Lindville's Sab., 10th at Springfield Sat., 16th at Capt. Cooper's Sab., 17th at the Little Mountain =============== (51) [1812] Sat., 23d at Fleming Sab. Evening, 24th at Do. Sab. Night at Mr. Palmer's Mon., 25th at Do. Sab., 31st at Springfield Fri., June 5th at Pleasant Point on Ps. 15.- sacramental occasion. Rannels & Tull preached during the occasion. I introduced the Ordinanace & bid up for volunteers in the Holy War on Monday Evening. Sat., 13th at Capt. Cooper's Sab., 14th at the Little Mountain Sat., 20th at Mr. Allison's Sab., 21st at Pleasant Point. Evening of Do. at Obadiah Dooley's Sat., 27th at Widow Hall's on Red River Sab., 28th at the Forge on Red River Sat., July 4th at old Mr. Richart's Sab., 5th at Springfield Sat., 11th at Capt. Evans's Sab., 12th at the Little Mountain Sat., 18th at Jno Dooly's on Job 10.22 mid'l c. Sab., 19th at Pleasant Point Sab., 26th at Springfield Thursday, 30th at Do. on James 4.1st. a fast day Sab., August 2d at the Little Mountain Sab., 9th at Obadiah Doolie's Fri., 14th at Springfield - sacramental occasion Sat., 15th at Do. Mr. Tull........ =============== (52) [1812] Sab., 16th at Do. Mr. T. on Rom. 5.1-10, I in the Evening on Mat. 17.4 Mon., 17th at Do. Thurs., 20th at Misses Caldwell's on Prov. 14.34 - Day of Humiliation & Prayer Sat., 22d at Irvin's Spring - sacramental occasion Sab., 23d at Do. on Rom. 8.34. It is X't y't died Mon., 24th at Do. Sat., 29th at Capt. Cooper's Sab., 30th at the Little Mountain Sab., Sept. 6th at Pleasant Point Sab., 13th at Springfield Sat., 19th at James Lockridge's Sab., 20th at the Little Mountain Sab., 27th at Pleasant Point Sab., Oct'r 4th at Springfield Fri., 9th at the Little Mountain Sat., 10th Mr. Tull on Rom. 1.16 - sacramental occasion Sab., 11th myself on Rev. 1.5th - action sermon Mon., 12th Mr. Tull on ______ Myself on Mat. 26.21 Sab., 18th at Lexington attending Synod Sat., 23d at Sugar Ridge - sacramental occasion Sab., 24th at Do. Evening on Mat. 17.4 -"It is good to be here." Sab., November 1st at Springfield =============== (53) [1812] Sab., 8th at the Little Mountain Sab., 15th at Pleasant Point Sat., 21st at James Rogers' Sab., 22d at Springfield Sab., 29th at the Little Mountain Thursday Night, December 4d at Dan'l Dunlavy's Sab., 6th at Obadiah Doolie's Sab., 13th attended at Springfield - a very cold day & few out. I did not preach. Sat., 19th, at old Mr. Miller's. Luke 10-42 on being needful Sab., 20th at the Little Mountain Sat., 26th at Mr. Jno Allison's Sab., 27th at Misses Black's Fri., Jan'y 1st, 1813 at Mr. Todd's Fri. night Do. at Rob't Galloway's Sat., 2d at Mr. Richart's Sab., 3d at Springfield Sab., 10th at the Little Mountain Sab., 17th at Misses Rice's Sab., 24th at Judge Graham's Sab., 31st at my own house Sat., Feb'y 6th Examined at Mr. Bonafield's Sab., 7th Preached at Do. Sat., 13th Examined at Jas. Craig's Sab., 14th Preached at Judge Graham's =============== (54 [1813] Sab., 21st at my own house & examined at Do. on the day preceding. Sat., 27th Examined at Mr. Allison's Sab., 28th Preached at Mr. Allen's on Prov. 27th 1st - funeral occasion. Fri., March 5th at Mr. Braken's on Flat creek Sat., 6th Examined at Judge Graham's Sab., 7th Preached at Springfield on Acts 17th.30th Sat., 13th Examined at Mr. Rigg's & preached at the lighting of the candle at Capt. Cooper's. Sab., 14th at my own house on Rom. 8.31 Sab., 21st at Pleasant Point Sat., 27th Examined & preached at Mrs. Caldwell's Sab., 28th at Springfield Fri., April 2d at Mr. Jno Frame's Sat., 3d at Mr Kilpatrick's Sab., 4th at the Forge on Red River Sat., 10th at Jno Beatie's Sab., 11th at the Little Mountain Sab., 18th at Pleasant Point Sab. Evening at Mr. Allen's on Mark 10-13.14 & afterward baptized 5 of his children. Sab., 25th at Springfield Sab., May 2d at the Little Mountain =============== (55) [1813] Sab., 9th at Pleasant Point Sab., 16th at Springfield Sab., 23d at the Little Mountain Sat., 28th at Pleasant Point. Mr. Martin on Amos 4.12 & Mr. Dicky on ..... Sab., 29th at Do. Mr. Dicky & Mr. Martin Mon., 30th at Do. Myself on 2 Cor. 10.4.5 - sacramental occasion. Mr. Tull died at Cincinnati the preceding Wednesday ye 26th of May. Sab., June 6th at Springfield. 2 discourses Sab., 13th at the Little Mountain Sat., 19th at Sugar Ridge - sacramental occasion Sab. Morning, 20th at Do. - action sermon Mon., 21st at Do. on 1 Cor. 9.16 l.c. - the funeral discourse of ye Rev. Isaac Tull. Wed., 23d at Mr. Jos. Rice's & baptized (people?) at request of his wife. Sab., 27th at Springfield Tues., 29th at the Widow Balden's deceased on Job 30.23 funeral discourse. Wed., 30th at Mr. Jno Niblick's near ye mouth of Lulbegrud. Sab., July 4th at the Little Mountain Sab., 11th at Pleasant Point Sab., 18th at Springfield Sab., 25th at the Little Mountain Sab., August 1st at Mr. Tull's, deceased, on 1 Cor. 9.16 - his funeral -- Attended a called Pb'y the 3r & 4th at Paris. Sat., 7th at Winchester - sacramental occasion Sab., 8th Blythe preached. I introduced the Ordinance & Stuart in the Evening. Mon., 9th at Do. on Mat. 4.10. I baptized the Rev'd Martin's daughter ...... Fri., 13th at Springfield sacramental occasion Sat., 14th at Do. Mr. Martin preached Sab., 15th at Do. Do. - I introduced the Ordinance & Martin preached. =============== (56) [1813] Mon., 16th at Do. I preached on Mat. 5.16 Sab., 22d at the Little Mountain. 2 discourses Sab., 29th at Pleasant Point Friday, Sept. 3d at Thos. Gray's on Mark 7.37 "He hath done all things well." Sat., 4th at the Widow Hall's on Red River on Gen. 3.19 l.c. - funeral discourse Sab., 5th at old Mr. Sharp's in Estil County Mon., 6th at Mr. Niblick's on Lulbegrud Thurs., 9th at my own house on Jonah 3.9 - a Fast Day throughout the United States. Sat. Evening, 11th at old Mr. Richart's Sab., 12th at Springfield Sab., 19th at the Little Mountain on Mark 7.37 - funeral discourse. Sat., 25th at Mr. Allison's on Ps 17-15 on account of old Misses Alison, his mother. Sab., 26th at Pleasant Point Fri., October 1st at the Little Mountain - sacramental occasion. Sat., 2d Mr. Martin preached Sab., 3d Do. at Do. on John 1.29. I introduced the Ordinance & served ye Tables. Martin in Evening on Mat. 16.24 Mon., 4th I preached on Acts 20.32 - A valedictory commendation before my Missionary Tour. Sab., 10th at Springfield on Rom. 1-16 - before I started to preach the Gospel in other places. Do. at Night at my own house on 2 Tim. 4-6 l. clause A list of the subjects on which, the times & places at which I preached during my missionary tour assigned me by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church - Left home the 11th of October 1813 & preached Fri. night, 15th, at Bards Town on Jer. 2.19th - Tues., 19th at Elizabeth Town, Hardin County, on Jer. 2-19th Wed., 20th at the Widow Morrison's in Do. on Rom. 8.34 Thurs., 21st at Litchfield in Grayson County on Acts 10.33 Do. Night at Bryant's in Do. on Rom. 8.34 =============== (57) [1813] Fri., 22d at Hartford in Ohio County on Jer. 2.19 - Sab., 24th at Mt. Zion in Mulinburg County on 2 Cor.4.5 Tues., 26th at Carmel Church in Greenville on 1 Sam'l 12.24. Wed., 27th at Madisonville in Hopkins County on Rom8.34 Fri., 29th at Maj'r Downey's Sat., 30th at Mr. Rhea's Sab., 31st at Madisonville on Jno 4.16. God is love. Wed., 3d of Nov. at Mr. Garven's in Christian County Fri., 5th at Mr. Haygood's in Do. Sat., 6th at Hopkinsville in Do.- sacramental occasion Sab., 7th at Do. Blackburn preached the action sermon. I introduced the Ordinance, served 2 Tables & preached at Night. Mon., 8th Baptized 2 children & gave a concluding address on ye decease.... Tues., 9th preached at a Mr. Davis's on Rom. 8.34 - baptized his child. Thurs., 11th at Springfield in Robinson County Sab., 14th at Franklin in Williamson County, Tennessee Tues., 16th at David Long's in Maury County Sat., 20th at Big Creek in Giles County Sab., 21st at Pulaski in Do. Do. Night at Mr. Jones' in Do. county. Wed., 24th at Mr. Leeper's in Bedford Cty, Rock Creek Thurs., 25th at Do. on Sam'l 12.24 - ye people very much affected. Sab., 28th at Jefferson in Rutherford County Wed., December 1st at Henry Neel's in Sumner County Sat., 4th at the Widow Reed's in Warren County Sab., 5th at Judge Skiles in Warren County Do. Night at Abner Evans's. =============== (58) [1813] Mon. Night, 6th at Boling Green Wed., 8th at Rob't Wallace's in Do. City Sab., 12th at the Widow Mac Kleroy's I arrived Home about 8 o'clock in the night, the 15th of 10ber [December]. Sab., 19th at my own house Sab., 25th at Mr. Allen's Sab., 26th at Mrs. Rice's Sat., Jan'y 1st, 1814, at Mr. Wright's in a declining state of health. Evening in Swinny Town preached on Rom. 8.34 Sat. night at Mr. Allison's Sab., 2d at Springfield Sab., 9th at my own house Sab., 16th at Misses Black's Sab., 23d at Springfield Sat., 29th at Mr. Miller's Sab., 30th at my own house Sat., Feb'y 5th at John Scott's Evening Do. at Jos. Wright's Sab., 6th at Mr. Allen's on Job 23-13 The Death of Shanklin's daughter. Sab., 12th at Thos. Hill's on 1 Sam'l 3.18 - on account of his wife's illness. Sab., 13th Did not preach at Springfield, there were so few, owing to ye coldness of the day. Sat., 19th at Mr. Frame's Sab., 20th at Misses Rice's Sab., March 9th at Springfield Sat., 13th at my own house Sab., 14th at Obadiah Doolie's Sat., 26th at Jas. Roger's....funeral occasion =============== (59) [1814] Sab., 27th at Springfield Sat., April 2d at Mr. Jno Frame's Sab., 3d at the Little Mountain Sab., 10th at Pleasant Point & at Mr. Wright's ye same Evening. Tues., 12th at Paris at the opening of P'b'y Sat., 16th Mr. Blythe preached at the Little Mountain & received $17.55 for the Theological School. Sab., 17th Do. at Sprigfield & received 22$ for said school. Sat., 23d I preached at old Mr. Niblick's on Exodus 3.14 l.c. & baptized 8 children. Sab., 24th at The Little Mountain Sab., May 1st at Pleasant Point Sat., 7th at Matthew Bracken's on Flat Creek Sab., 8th at Springfield. 2 sermons Thurs., 12th at the Widow Caldwell's. a fast day Sat., 14th at the Widow Frame's on Prov. 14th, 13th - Mr. Frame's funeral. Sab., 15th at the Little Mountain & in the Evening Sat., 21st at James Lockridge's Sab., 22d at Pleasant Point. 2 discourses Fri. & Sat., 27th & 28th, attended at Winchester on the ordination of Wm W. Martin. Sab., 29th Introduced the Ordinance of the Supper & served the first Table & preached in the Evening on Mark 15.22. Fri., 3d of June at Pleasant Point. sacramental occasion Sat., 4th Mr. Martin on Luke 14.16.24 I exhorted afterward. Sab., 5th I preached on Isai 53.5. Martin served the Tables & preached in the Evening. Mon., 6th I preached on 2 Cor. 5.15th Sat., 11th at Mr. Jno McNab's Sab., 12th at Springfield Sat., 18th at Mr. Jas. Farmer's on Job 16th.22d - a funeral discourse occasioned by the Death of his son. =============== (60) [1814] Sab., 19th at the Little Mountain Fri., 24th at Mr. McPherson's Lebanon Church in Boon(e) County. Sat., 25th at Do. - sacramental occasion Sab., 26th at Do. on Rev. 1.5 last c. action sermon; had intended a discourse in the Evening on Mat. 17th, 4th but had not time. Concluded with an address. Mon., 27th at Do. on Sam'l 12.24th - afterward baptized some children & ordained two elders who had been chosen by the Church. Wed., 29th at Cynthiana Thurs., 30th at Irvin's Spring Fri., July 1st at Concord Sat., 2d at Mr. Enoch Byrnes on Job 16.22 - on account of Mr. Cann's death. Sab., 3d at Springfield Sab., 10th at the Little Mountain Sat., 16th at John Allison's Sab., 17th at Pleasant Point Sab., 24th at Springfield Sab., 31st at the Little Mountain Fri., August 5th at Springfield - sacramental occasion Sat., 6th at Do. Sab., 7th at Do. on Rev. 1.5 l.c. intended but had not time. Preached in ye Evening on 2 Chro. 15. Mon., 8th at Do. Sat., 13th at Jno Ralston's on Sam'l 12.13 - funeral of his infant son. Sab., 14th at Pleasant Point - 2 discourses Fri., 19th at Fleming Church - sacramental occasion Sat., 20th at Do. Mr. Rob't Wilson on Mat. 24-12-13, then I baptized 7 children. I also preached on Friday Evening at Brother Sam'l Howe's on Ps. 42.11 & baptized 2 children for him..... (page damaged) =============== (61) [1814] Sab., 21st at the Meeting house. action sermon Mon., 22d at Do. on John 14.27. Peace I have Sab., 28th at the Little Mountain Sat., Sept. 3d at Sugar ridge - sacramental occasion Sab., 4th at Do. introduced the Ordinance & served 2 tables. Sab., 11th at Lexington, being Synodical occasion served 1 table & preached the same Evening at the lighting of the candle. Fri., 16th at the Widow Wool's, deceased, on Isai 57.1 a funeral discourse. Sat., 17th at Mr. Burbridge's Sab., 18th at Springfield ----------------- The subjects on which, & places at which I preached during my Missionary Tour. Wed., Sept. 21st at Mr. McChord's in Madison County Thurs., 22d at Paint lick in Garrard County Fri., 23d at Lancaster in Do. Sat., 24th at Buffalow Springs near Stanford in Lincoln County. Sab., 25th at Do. - sacramental occasion Tues., 27th at Mr. Beaty's in Pulaski County Wed., 28th at Somersett in Do. Thurs., 29th at Colo. Newell's in Wayne County Sat., October 1st at Galston's Meeting House Sab., 2d at Monticello in Do. county Mon., 3d at Mr. Turner's Tues., 4th at Mr. Poage's in Cumberland County Thurs., 6th at the Widow Campbell's Fri., 7th at Mr. Poage's Sat., 8th at Monticello Sab., 9th at Do. - Communion occasion Tues., 11th at Colo. Newell's Do. Evening at Mr. Jones' in Pulaski County. ============== (62) [1814] Wed., 12th at Somersett Do. Evening at Mr. Beaty's Thurs., 13th at Mr. McGill's Fri., 14th at Lancaster Sat., 15th at Paint lick - Communion occasion Sab., 16th at Do. Mon., 17th at Do. Do. Night at Richmond Tues., 18th at McChord's Fri., 21st at the Little Mountain Sat., 22d Mr. Martin on Heb. Sab., 23d I preached on Rom. 8.34 Mon., 24th at Do. [Marriages are recorded at the opposite end of this page, which see in a separate section. /ww] =============== (63) [1814] A supplement to the Book - After my missionary tour of one month Fri., October 21st at the Little Mountain - sacramental occasion. Sat., 22d Mr. Martin at Do. Sab., 23d myself at Do. Mon., 24th at Do. Sab., 30th at Pleasant Point Sab., Nov. 6th at Springfield Sab., 13th at the Little Mountain Sab., 20th at Pleasant Point Do. night at Isaac Trimble's Fri., 25th at Fleming Sab., 27th at Springfield Sab., December 4th at my own house Sat., 10th at Obadiah Doolie's Sab., 11th at Mr. Allen's Fri., 16th at a Mr. Sharp's Sat., 17th at Colo. Donaldson's, deceased Sab., 18th at Springfield Sab., 25th at my own house - my Brother Jno on Am.3.39 Sat., 31st at Fleming & Brother on 2 Kings 2.19 Sab., Jan'y 1st, 1815 Brother on Jno 19.22 Sab., 8th at Mrs. Rue's in Pleasant Point Thurs., 12th Fast Day at Springfield Fri., 13th at Mr. Jas. Roger's Sat., 14th at Mr. Rob't Crockett's Sab., 15th at Springfield =============== (64) [1815] Sab., 22d at my own house Sat., 28th at Jno Allison's Sab., 29th at the Widow Black's Sab., Feb'y 5th at Springfield Fri., 10th at the Widow Frame's Sab., 12th at the Academy in Mt. Sterling Visited Fri. & Sat. in the bounds of Pleasant Point Sab., 19th at old Mr. Campbell's, Pleasant Point Visited Fri., & Sat. in Mr. Lockridge's quarter in Springfield. Sab., 25th at Springfield Sab., March 5th at the Academy Sat., 12th at the Widow Trimble's on Deut. 32.29 - funeral discourse. Sab., 19th at Springfield Fri., 24th at Mrs. Caldwell's on 1 Chro. 16.24 Day of Thanksgiving for Jackson's Victory. Sat., 25th at Daniel Beatie's on Eccl. 7.1st l.c. - funeral of old Mr. Beatie. Sab., 26th at the Academy in Mt. Sterling Fri. & Sat. visited in Obadiah Doolie's quarter Sab., April 2d at Pleasant Point Sab., 9th at Springfield Thurs., 13th at Pleasant Point. Day of Thanksgiving Sab., 16th at the Academy Sab., 23d at Pleasant Point =============== (65) [1815] Sat., 29th at Fleming Church - sacramental occasion Sab., 30th Introduced the Ordinance & served two tables Mon., May 1st at Do. Sab., 9th at Springfield Sab., 14th at the Academy. At Mr. Mean's in the Evening Fri., 19th at Mrs. Black's in Pleasant Point - sacramental occasion. Sat., 20th Mr. Martin at the meeting house - afterward I exhorted. Sab., 21st Mr. Martin at Do. I introduced the Ordinance. Evening Mr. Martin preached. At the lighting of the candle I delivered a funeral address at Mr. Guy's, whose wife had deceased this morning & some time was spent in prayer. Monday, 22d Mr. Martin on Heb. 13.5 l.c. I then concluded with an exhortation. Fri. & Sat., 26th & 27th, visited in the bounds of Springfield. Sab., 28th preached at Springfield. 2 discourses Sat., June 3d at Mr. Gray's on Deut. 32.29 Kilbraith was killed with beginning the Wed. trip. Sab., 4th at the Little Mountain Sab., 11th at Pleasant Point Sab., 18th at Springfield Sab., 25th at the Little Mountain Sab., July 2d at James Gay's on 1 Cor. 7.19.20 & 21 - Mrs. Gay's funeral. Sab., 9th at Springfield Sab., 16th at the Little Mountain Sab., 23d at Pleasant Point Sab., 30th at Springfield Sab., August 6th at the Little Mountain Sab., 14th at Pleasant Point =============== (66) [1815] Fri., August 18th at Springfield Sat., 19th at Do. & visited Capt. Manefee - his... Sab., 20th at Do. Then introduced & administered the supper. Mon. , 21st at Do. Sab., 27th at the Little Mountain Fri., Sept. 1st at Mr. John Black's in consequence of his daughter's death - Catharine. Sat., 2d at Sugar Ridge - sacramental occasion Sab. Evening, 3d after introducing ye Ordinance, on Kings 18.21 Mon., 4th at Do. on Solomon's Song 5.2 attended P'b'y at Winchester Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Fri., 8th preached at the Little Mountain - sacrramental occasion. Sat., 9th Mr. Martin at Do. Same Evening at Mr. Berry's. Sab., 10th Do. at Do. introduced ye ordinance - Evening Mr. Ray. Mon., 11th Mr. Martin - I concluded with an address Fri., 15th at Owingsville on Isai 43.10 - the funeral of Capt. Manifee. Sat., 16th at Mrs. Connelly's on Heb. 9.27 - the funeral of Mr. Connelly. Sab., 17th at Springfield Fri., 22d started to Synod at Nashville in Tennessee Sab., 24th Preached at the associate meeting house in Mercer. Sab. Evening, Oct. 1st, at Judge Skyles's in Warren County =============== (67) [1815] Sat., Oct. 8th at Nashville Synodical Commission I introduced the Ordinance & served the First Table ----------- Sab., 15th preached at Wm Price's, Elkton, Giles County. Sab., 22d at Abner Evans's, Warren County Sat., 28th, at Night arrived home & thro mercy found all well Sab., 29th at the Little Mountain Sab., Nov. 5th at Pleasant Point Mon., 6th attended the consort occasion at Mr. Henderson's. Sab., 12th at Springfield Sab., 19th at the Academy in town Sat., 25th at Winchester - sacramental occasion Sab., 26th at Do. introduced the Ordinance & gave a concluding address. Fri., December 1st at the Widow Sharp's on Red river, preached a funeral discourse on Job 16.22 - the funeral of old Mr. Sharp. Sab., 3d at Mr. Allen's in Pleasant Point Fri., 8th at old Mr. McIlvain's Sat., 9th at the Widow Manifee's on Job 16.22 in consequence of ye Death of Mrs. Lan's daughter. Sab., 10th at Springfield Sab. Evening at Sam'l Burnes on Prov. 23.4 on Mrs. Burnes... Sat., 23d at John Allison's Sab., 24th at Mrs. Black's Fri., 29th at Fleming on Nums. 23-19 Do. at the lighting of the candle at Father Howe's. on Ps. 23.4 Finis - ============= (68) [1815] Sab., 31st Unable to preach at Springfield, having taken the influenza. Influenza likewise on Monday, the 1st of Jan'y 1816, being the day of consort. Sab., 7th of Jan'y 1816 at the Academy Sab., 14th at Mrs. Rice's, Pleasant Point Sab., 21st at Springfield Sab., 28th at the Academy, Mt. Sterling Sab., Feb. 4th at Mr. Allison's Sab., 11th at Springfield Sab., 18th at the Academy in Mt. Sterling Fri., 23d at Maj'r Fulton's - Johnston's Fork Do. Evening at the Rev. Rob't Wilson's, Washington. Sab., 25th at Augusta, Bracken County Wed., 28th at Fleming Church Do. Evening at Brother Sam'l Howe's. Sab., March 3d at Mr. Obadiah Dooley's Mon., 4th at Mr. Henderson's - Day of consort & prayer Sab., 10th at Springfield Sat., 16th at Mr. Jno Miller's Sab., 17th at Mr. Jno Henderson's Sat., 23d at Mr. John Black's Sab., 24th at Mr. Allen's Sat., 30th at Mr. Jas. Craig's Sab., 31st at Springfield Sab., April 7th at Mr. Jno Henderson's [Page Sixty-Eight is followed by several pages of marriage records, which see at the end of the journals. /ww] =============== [last page:] JOSEPH P. HOW'S BOOK THIS BOOK HAS BEEN FILLED AND EXAMINED. [In another handwriting: "Journal"] ***************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. 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