MS SH 18 H838 6 Articles of agreement made and entered into between Joseph Howe of the one part, and the subscribers hereunto of the other, witnesses, as follows. The said Howe on his part is to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic to the best of his skill and art for the space of one year, from the___ day of ___ in the year; i.e. five days for each week except sickness or necessary business prevents him, in either of which cases he is to make up time so lost. The subscribers hereunto agree to pay said Howe eight dollars per scholar which they agree to send to said school by subscribing their names hereunto. The employers also agree on their part to furnish a convenient house for the purpose of a school and further oblige themselves to furnish said school with firewood and their scholars with books and other necessaries for their tuition. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands. Nov. _____ 1807 Subscribers Names / No. Scholars John Young 1 Dr. Riggs August Hugh Kelso 3 [?] James Milney 1 Joseph Simpson 3 Wm Johnston 1 Jeremiah Davis 2 Andrew Bigg 2 John B. Fisher 1 Jno Peebels 3 Madison Bron 1 Jno Erwin 3 Grace Forbis 1 Geo. Black 2 Polly Hens [?] 1 John Crawford 1 Wm McIlvain 1 M. Harrison 4 J. S. McGowen 1 William Tipton 1 John Mason Jr. 1 D. Trimble 1 John Henderson 1 H. Kelso $5.00 Sam'l Downey 2 Jos. Simson 8.00 Samuel Spurgin 1 Wm Orare 3.00 Enoch Smith 2 Enoch Smith 14.00 Will Orear 1 Jno Fisher 1.25 James Ward 2 Jos. Simson 5.00 William Sanders 1 Wm Johnston 0.75 John Ranny,March 28 1 Erwin O. Pebbles 24.62 Wm Ferguson 4 61.62 [total] H. French 1 45.-- Wm Roberts began March 16.62 Jos. Youngue May 1 1 1.50 ___________? June 8 1 Settled 9 May Wm Furrister18.12 Wally McDoogle June 8 1 Rollin Gains August 8 Mr. Hutson 8th Do 2 ***************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *****************************************************************