HOWE'S FUNERAL BOOK: Rev. Joseph P. Howe, Montgomery Co., KY -------------------------------------------- Contributed for use in USGENWEB Archives by: Wanda Wells Date: Saturday, May 05, 2001 1:38 PM -------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ***************************************************************************** Montgomery Co The following is the final part of the Howe journals. It appeared on the Montgomery County list in December, 1999. The submitter is Wanda Wells. I am the former archivist of Montgomery County. From: Bill LaBach [] Howe's Funeral Book, Montgomery Co., KY At Mr. Adams, funeral discourse May 2, 1807 At Mr. Adams, funeral of his wife May 5, 1819 At house of Matthew Adams Sen., preached his funeral June 6, 1821 Funeral of Mrs. Adams at John Beaties November 18, 1826 Preached at Mr. Allens, a funeral occasion, February 28, 1813 Mrs. David Allen, preached her funeral at Mr. Landers Graveyard July 13, 1817 At John Allison's a funeral discourse April 28, 1804 At Mr. Allison's On account of old Misses Allison, his mother, September 25, 1813 Funeral of Granny Allison, 100 years old +34 months at John Allison's or stand near Joseph Graham on July 15, 1820 At the house of John Anderson, his funeral December 6, 1826 House of Matthew Arnold Senior, deceased, his funeral June 6, 1821 At Widow Bairds, a funeral discourse August 9, 1806 At Widow Baldwin, deceased, June 29, 1813 Mrs. Banks Funeral of her husband February 12, 1825 Mrs Barnes funeral October 23, 1825 Barr's funeral at Springfield September 1, 1816 At Daniel Beaties, funeral of old Mr. Beatie February 25, 1815 At Thomas Beaties, his funeral December 19, 1817 At Widow Bell's, funeral discourse August 8, 1807 Mrs. Berry, funeral March 31, 1816 At Mr. John Black's in consequence of death of his daughter, Catherine, September 1, 1815 At Widow Betsey Black, funeral of her daughter May 14, 1825 Mrs. Blue's funeral at school house near Harriott April 24, 1825 House of Mr. Bridges his funeral May 11, 1820 At Mr. Burbridges a funeral September 17, 1814 At Jno Fishers, his mother in law, Mrs. Brown's funeral June 14, 1818 At Mr. Campbell'sfuneral occasionJuly 16, 1809 on account of Mr. Cann's death At Widow Cantrill'sa funeral November 21, 1800 Funeral of Captain Catlett at John Lockridge's May 8, 1825 At Sugar Ridge, funeral discourse for a Mr. Clark August 26, 1821 Funeral of Mr. Connelly September 16, 1815 Old Mr. Cooper, funeral discourse at a recently erected stand near Joseph Graham August 21, 1819 John Crooks, death of his daughter, Polly January 3, 1818 Visited James Davis at jail and gallows just before execution August 22 & 23, 1817 At Mr. Dean's preached funeral of son in law, daughter, and 2 children September 25, 1819 Mr. Dean his funeral June 22, 1822 Funeral of General Derrixon at North Middletown August 14, 1817 At Nathan Devine's preached funeral of his wife October 26, 1819 James Donalson, funeral March 5, 1825 Preached funeral of Mrs. Donaldson October 22, 1825 Col Donnelson deceased December 17, 1814 At Widow Dooley's, the funeral of her 2 sons January 23, 1819 Funeral of Robert Dooley, little son of Obadiah Dooley, July 20, 1822 At her request preached funeral of cousin Jane Dunlap at Stoner mouth October 8, 1820 At Widow Evans, funeral of her son Harvey September 7, 1826 Col Ewing, funeral of his 2 daughters November 8, 1823 At Robert Ewings funeral of him and wife November 29, 1823 At Walker Kelso's preached the funeral or rather the funeral discourse of his sister in law, Elanor Fickling July 24, 1819 At Widow Frame, Mr Frame's funeral May 14 1814 Samuel Frame, funeral of his mother October 22, 1823 Mrs. Gasper's funeral at Sugar Ridge on November 15, 1818 At James Gay's, Mrs. Gay's funeral July 2, 1815 At Mr James Graham's funeral of his child April 28, 1815 James Graham, funeral, death and burial the day before August 7, 1825 Funeral address at Mr. Grey's whose wife deceased this morning May 21 1815 At Widow Halls on Red River, funeral discourse September 4, 1813 Mr. Archibald Hamilton funeral of brother and wife July 7, 1822 Mrs. Hardin, deceased, funeral preached at Maj McMahan's November 4, 1822 Preached funeral of Alexander Hazen at his former residence May 15, 1826 At the Little Mountain a funeral address on death of Jane Henderson July 6, 1804 At John Henderson's death of youngest daughter November 3, 1818 Jane Hill, Edgar preached joint service with Rebekah P. Howe and Betsey Meteer July 21, 1825 Andrew Holms, funeral of his wife August 26, 1825 My mother died July 20, 1804 being 61 years 4 months and 4 days old My father John Howe deceased 77 years 3 months 21 days December 17, 1817 Death of brother William [Howe] and his son John Sumpter November 5, 1822 Rebekah P. Howe died between sundown and night May 26, 1825 I preached funeral at Springfield, words by Abraham at his wife's funeral May 26, 1825 Mrs. Huffman's funeral at Mr. Sterling December 1, 1816 Maj Irvin's funeral at Little Mountain December 2, 1810 Old Mr. Jenkins, a funeral at Springfield September 24, 1826 Kilbraith killed by lightening early June 1815 At Jame Kilpatrickfuneral of his son August 28, 1821 At old Mr. KindaidsElder of Sugar Ridge death of his wife May 27, 1820 At Col James Lane's, funeral of his wife July 22, 1825 At Widow Menifee's in consquentce of death of Mrs. Lansdale December 9, 1815 Funeral of Robert Lockridge at Spencer Meeting House April 20, 1819 James Lockridge, funeral of his wife March 26, 1824 At Mr. Lockridge's funeral of Robert Lockridge October 29, 1826 Funeral discourse requested by Miss McCall, her sister's child drowned 2 years old May 13, 1821 At Mrs. McChords funeral of Mr. McChord October 1, 1816 Attended funeral of Mrs McGuire September 8, 1826 At The AcademyArchibald McIlvain's funeral January 12, 1817 At John McNabs, funeral discourse, November 28, 1807 Mrs. McIntire, funeral discourse, at the Widow Cooper's August 24, 1820 Funeral of Captain Menifee, Owingsville September 15, 1815 Betsey Meteer , funeral service by Edgar July 21, 1825 At old Mrs. Millers, widow of John Miller July 27, 1816 At Springfield, Captain Mitchell's funeral April 21, 1816 At old Mr. Montgomery's funeral discourse June 11, 1808 Visited John Moore at jail, he was executed at Mt Sterling August 18, 1818 At Hetty Neels, the funeral of Henry Neel Funeral of Amos Oakley May 5, 1821 At Widow Offield funeral discourse May 16, 1807 At house of Mr. Nathan Patton of Mt Sterling, deceased before corpse was removed April 3, 1820 At Mr. Pettit's a funeral February 23, 1811 At John Ralston's, funeral of his infant son August 13, 1814 At Mr. William Ralston's funeral of their son January 4, 1823 Mr. James Ramie's a funeral discourse occasioned by death of his son June 18, 1814 Mr. William Ramsey, funeral of his child November 22, 1823 Duncan Richart, funeral of his father July 4, 1818 Duncan Richart, funeral of his mother May 1, 1819 Mrs. Richie, funeral of her 2 youngest children September 17, 1825 At Silas Riggs, a funeral February 15, 1799 John Robinson buried March 12, 1802 Attended wake of Joseph Robinson September 8, 1826 James Rogers, funeral discourse March 26, 1814 At Mr. Rucker's funeral discourse December 27, 1806 Mr. Russel, funeral discourse, December 13, 1806 Mr. Russel, funeral of wife July 21, 1822 Mr. Sanders, a funeral occasion, April 14, 1816 Death of Shanklin's daughter February 6, 1814 Widow Sharp on Red Riverfuneral of OldSharp December 1, 1815 At house of Col Sharp, deceased, I preached the funeral on Job XI 2527 August 24, 1821 Funeral of Mrs Shepherd at Springfield June 29, 1817 Mr. Andrew Simpson , funeral of son, about 10, fall from horse that ran away, June 5, 1819 Mr. Tidings, preached funeral of Simpson October 8, 1826 Sq Sorrencie, his funeral June 8, 1817 Funeral of Sam Stephenson October 5, 1822 At Sugar Ridge, a funeral of youth of 14 who hanged himself June 23, 1811 At Misses Tanner, funeral discourse April 8, 1809 Funeral of old Mrs Tanner at her old dwelling June 20, 1819 At Mr. Todd's funeral discourse January 6, 1805 At Widow Trimble, funeral discourse March 12, 1815 Mrs Trimble, her funeral May 7, 1820 Thomas Trimble, funeral of his little daughter September 15, 1822 Mr. Tull died in Cincinnati, served at Sugar Ridge May 19, 1813 Funeral discourse of ye Rev Isaac Tull June 21, 1813at Mr. Tull's deceased August 1, 1813 Mr. Wade funeral in consequence of ye death of his child June 22, 1817 Robert Walker, funeral at Goshen, April 2, 1820 At old Robert Walker's funeral of his wife September 8, 1820 At Widow Wheeler on Licking, funeral discourse, 2 men suddenly drowned June 10, 1809 At Mr. Sampson Wilson's funeral discourse August 29, 1807 Mrs. Wools funeral discourse May 20, 1810 At the Widow Wool's funeral discourse September 16, 1814 Mr. Wycoff's funeral, preached by JPH at burying ground near Mr. Landers July 16, 1819 At Mr. William Wylies, funeral of his father June 18, 1825 F. Yocum, funeral discourse June 29, 1805 Preached funeral of old Mr. Yocum, June 19, 1825 Samuel Young, at wake of his wife, JPH preached December 7, 1819