MS SH18 H838 1795-1830 1 (This document is preceded and followed by various biblical references that I did not transcribe./ww.) ....They might naturally converse about their selling of Joseph & the manner in which they would relate the particulars to Jacob, their father, & as some of them had been much more criminal than others, this might easily produce altercations & even quarrels of fatal consequences. ============= Substitution is clearly taught. .... I will only add that the scriptures -- present the sufferings of Christ and his obedience unto the death, as a proper sacrifice & atonement for us & as the purchase of our redemption. Isai 53.10 When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, we shall see his seed to -- Ephi. 5:2 - And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us & given himself for us, an offering & a sacrifice to God, for a sweet smelling favour. 1 Cor. 6:20 - For ye are bought at a price, a ransom, propitiation, & love ___. .... I am aware that there are objections against this doctrine, which carnal minds & reasoners are ready to stumble at. One is that it is not just to accept of & punish the innocent instead of the guilty. We grant a transfer of capital punishment would be unjust - because __ but __. 2nd Objection: that it seems derogatory to the goodness of God to have final satisfaction had that way to the exercise of mercy & that this presents the divine being too like to the most merciless of human creatures who have such an appetite to revenge as cannot be satisfied without blood; whereas it would seem more agreeable to infinite goodness to pardon freely. Answer - The mistake lies in the objection & he only has unworthy notions of God to imagine the death of Christ flowed from an irregular appetite to vengeance, is to measure the divine perfections by our depraved lusts & passions - But to suppose that God's demand of satisfaction arrives from, or at least is consonant to the infinite purity of his heart whereby he cannot look upon sin with approbation & testify it to the world. (2) To suppose that the righteous Governor of the world should inflict punishments, as well as bestow rewards, and that this glorious Governor should maintain the honor or dignity of his own laws whereby he has determined to govern the world - is not to entertain thoughts unworthy of the grace & goodness of God, but his goodness is in his being willing to save, at such (cost?). Here we see mercy & truth meet together, righteousness & peace kiss each other. In no other way does the glory of the divine character shine so conspicuously. Yea, I think we may challenge the sophistry as wisdom of creation to point out any other way in which God can be just & justify the sinner. The much applauded & gloried in scheme of Christ appearing in our world to make his father known & reveal his will - that he had nothing against us, but was ready to forgive the returning sinner without requiring any satisfaction - let us seriously weigh it. I think to every unwarped mind it must testify the most in glorious things of God -- "Mss of Rev. Joseph P. Howe, Pastor of Springfield & Mt. Sterling Presb'n churches, Ky 1795-1830" ***************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *****************************************************************