MS SH18 H838d 1 - 2 SHANE COLLECTION HOWE, JOSEPH P. PREACHING TOURS OTHER PAPERS 1. Description of preaching tour in Kentucky October 11, 1813 to November 15, 1813 and September 20, 1814 to November 19, 1814 2. List of members in communion, baptisms, deaths, and removals - 1827. (Note: I copied only the communicants on this list./ww) I left home on Monday, the 11th of October 1813 & rode 23 miles to old Mr. Graham's. Tuesday, the 12th passed thro Lexington to old Mr. Black's - 16 miles - & lodged, being about Evening. Wednesday, 13th, passed on thro Versailles to a Mr. Gay's, Beaver Creek, intersecting the Delaney road, 28 miles. There p'd half a dollar for my lodging. Thence.. Thursday, 14th, rode to Bard's Town, 30 miles & attended Synod. Preached on Friday night. Availed myself of every opportunity of receiving information from such members as could afford it of the most suitable missionary ground in the bounds assigned me in my commission, but found myself considerably disappointed by reason of the total absence of ye Union & Tennessee Presbyterians of both the Presbyteries in W. Tennessee. I had not opportunity of preaching more than once during my stay at Synod, as the appointments had been designated previous to my arrival ["at Synod" lined out]. On.. Tuesday, 19th, rode twenty-five miles to Elizabeth Town in Hardin County & preached at the lighting of the candle to a considerable number of the citizens. As far as I could learn, scarcely a professor among them, yet an apparent serious attention was given. Wednesday, 20th, rode six miles to a Misses Morrison's & preached to 40 or 50 people, where there appeared to be solemn attention given by most of them & some affected. Rode in the Evening after Sermon four miles to a Mr. Haycraft's, a Baptist professor, on my way to Litchfield. =============== (2) Thursday, 21st, rode twenty miles to Litchfield in Grayson County. Preached to 30 or 40 persons, among whom were perhaps half a dozen Presbyterian professors, who gave a serious attention & most of them were considerably affected. There was in general an apparent solemn attention & some whom I expected were professors in other churches were affected. But I left the place shortly after Sermon & rode thirteen miles to a Mr. Bryant's, a Baptist professor, & preached after night to about twenty or some more persons. Being after dark when I arrived, I was informed several had left the place expecting there would be a disappointment. The people gave (what I might call) an approbating attention to what was said, but I could not learn that there was a Presbyterian present except a man who rode with me from Litchfield, nor any in the neighbourhood except a man & his wife who had left the place before I arrived, & they were only by education attached to the Presbyterian tenets. Friday, 22d, rode twenty-seven miles to Hartford in Ohio County & preached to 25 or 30 persons, a few of whom appeared gladly to receive the Word. A general decent attention was given. There was a person after Sermon solicited private conversation with me, desiring counsel what he should do. He told me he trusted the Lord had had mercy upon him in some time before, that he most cordially approved the Doctrines of Grace held by the Presbyterian Church, but that he had no opportunity of enjoying the public =============== (3) & instituted means of grace in that way. He wanted to know whether I thought it would be advisable for him to commit himself with any other church. I told him I thought not, recommending him to be attentive to the private means of grace, particularly to make the Word of God the Man of his counsel, availing himself of the aid derivable from the good Book. He desired my counsel in a selection of Books. I mentioned a few. He told me he had adopted a plan of private devotion in his family & modeled after the example of the Psalmist David on the Lord's Day. I recommended him to persist in his course, humbly looking to & waiting with God till he would provide better times for him - then stated to him the Missionary Institutions, stating the benevolent provision made thereby for his & similar situations, & the donations I had to receive from any disposed to contribute to the Fund of that benevolent Institution, reporting the sum together with the persons contributing. He observed he had not money with him but that he would be very willing to give twenty-five or thirty dollars if he had an opportunity of putting it into my hand, but had no desire his name should appear annexed to it. I have been thus particular, being much pleased, as he appeared to feel himself bound to do something for the Savior who had done so much for him. =============== (4) Thus far I had proceeded in fulfilling appointments previously made by a member on his way to Synod, but they were so distant from each other, as my journal will show, that it was with considerable exertion I could reach the places on time, & could do nothing more than barely peach & pass on. The appointments terminating at Hartford & having no opportunity of forwarding any other appointments, I rode on Saturday Morning, 23d of October, toward Greenville in Mulinburg County. Got into the bounds of Mount Zion Church, a vacancy of the Presbyterian order, distant from Hartford fifteen miles. Had notice circulated for sermon on the Lord's Day. This church, I understand, is united with that at Greenville - about 9 or 10 miles distant from each other. Sab., Oct. 24th, preached at Mount Zion. It was a very wet day, which prevented a good many from attending. However, there were more attended than I expected, considering the state of the weather & the time for giving notice. There appeared to be an anxiety for enjoying the Means of Grace by this people. There was a serious attention given & in a few instances affection. Rode after Sermon three miles to a Mr. Glenn's on my way to Greenville & had an appointment forwarded there for preaching on Tuesday, finding it impracticable to have it sooner. I also had an opportunity & forwarded an appointment to Madisonville in Hopkins County. =============== (5) Tuesday, 26th, rode to Greenville, Mulinburg County, & preached to a few people part of a Presbyterian church known by the name of Carmel, but owing to the want of general notice, the wetness of the day, & a regimental muster including part of the congregation, there were but few present in the church. There are several respectable Presbyterian professors, but having an appointment before me, I could [not] stay longer at this place. Rode after Sermon six miles to a Mr. Hugh Martin's. Wednesday, 27th, rode 15 miles to Madisonville, preached in a private house to a large roomful of people, perhaps most of the professing part of the audience were Baptists & Methodists. Nevertheless, there are a few Presbyterians. Mr. Wm Dickey, one of our preachers, who had overtaken me on his way from Synod, preached also. There appeared to be a decent & in some instances an interested attention given. Forwarded appointments for each of the two following days at a Major Downey's, ten miles distant from this place, who had been for 12 or 15 years a member of one of the churches under my own care, my own charges. Thursday, 28th, rode to Downey's. It was a very wet day, but few attended. I had Mr. Dickey to preach, as he could not be present the day following. Friday, 29th, I preached at the same place. The audience was not large but considerably more so than the preceding day. Maj'r Downey & his wife had their youngest child baptized. ============= (6) Sat., 30th, rode three miles to Alexander Rhea's & preached to 40 or 50 people. Had general attention. 2 or 3 Presbyterian professors were affected. Sab., 31st, rode 7 or 8 miles to Madisonville, where I had left an appointment. Preached to a considerable number of people. I delivered a very lengthy discourse, yet unremitted attention was given, such as had not been witnessed in that place, as I was informed, particularly by the non-professing part of the audience. The great majority of professors in this County are Baptists. Also a considerable number are Methodists. Presbyterians are but thinly scattered. Rode after Sermon 7 or 8 miles to Mr. Harrison Davis's on the way to Hopkinsville, Christian County. Monday, Novem[ber] 1st, rode twenty-eight miles to Hopkinsville expecting to preach the day following, but found my appointment had not reached the place for that purpose, found the Court of Claims was sitting at that time, & it was thought it would not be expedient to make an appointment for that day. Being also informed that Mr. Blackburn had forwarded an appointment for administering the Sacrament of the Supper at that place the ensuing Sabbath, I concluded to attend with him on the occasion, but in the interim determined to visit a destitute neighbourhood or two in which there were a few Presbyterian families, therefore - Tuesday I rode 10 miles to a Mr. Garvin's, living near to the public [road] from Hopkinsville to Russelville in Logan County. Appointed to preach the day following. =============== (7) Wednesday, 3d, preached to a small but apparently concerned collection of people. Some of the young people were in tears. The same Evening at the lighting of the candle attended a Social meeting about a mile from this place. Gave an exhortation & united in prayer & praise with a few praying members of Society. Thursday, 4th, rode about 8 or 9 miles to a Mr. Haygood's, had an appointment made & Friday, 5th, preached to a few. There appeared due attention paid. I had not ventured to say anything to them at this place, nor had I at my former places, publicity on the propriety of contributing to the support of the Missionary Fund, yet from a very few, who had long since been impressed with the propriety of supporting the Gospel Ministry, gave me three dollars. After Sermon I rode almost twelve miles to Hopkinsville to attend the Sacramental Occasion. Saturday, 6th, rode ten miles to Hopkinsville. Mr. Blackburn had preached there the preceding day. I preached on Saturday to a considerable audience. Mr. Blackburn then ordained four Elders & constituted a church to be known by the name of Hopewell & afterward preached at the lighting of the candle. Sab., 7th, Mr. Blackburn preached. I introduced the Ordinance & served two tables, Mr. Blackburn one. I preached at the lighting of the candle. Monday, 8th, Mr. Blackburn preached. Afterward I administered the Ordinance of Baptism, baptizing two children, then gave a concluding address, inculcating - =============== (8) a careful attention to the discharge of relative duties. I received at this place five dollars seventy-five cents for the Missionary Fund. The Presbyterian interest appeared in a detached, unorganized state in this part of the country. However, there appears the prospect of another church being formed in this County. It appears that several have been led off from the Presbyterian Church by that part of the old Cumberland P'b'y who had been declared by Synod as having no authority derived from the Presbyterian Church to preach the gospel, which appears to have been done in several instances by their giving a very uncandid & fallacious representation. The conduct of Synod & its commission toward them - after they had been dissolved - they recreated themselves or constituted a P'b'y, progressed in licensing & ordaining preachers, until they have amounted to 12 or 13 ordained preachers with several licentiates & candidates. They have divided themselves - by [Lacan?] P'b'y, Cumberland P'b'y & Elk River P'b'y -into three Presbyteries & constituted themselves into Synod. Rode from Hopkinsville this Evening 14 or 15 miles on my way toward Nashville. Had appointments forwarded by Mr. Blackburn toward Nashville. Lodged at Jno Gilman's. Tuesday, 9th, went two miles to a Capt. Jno Davis's. It being a very wet Evening, there were but few convened. I preached & baptized a child. =============== (9) Wednesday, 10th, rode 14 or 15 miles to a Mr. Mitchel's on the Sulphur Fork of Red River. Here had just entered the Tennessee State. But it being a very wet day, found but two or three persons collected, exclusive of the family. I did not preach. Thursday, 11th, rode fifteen miles to Springfield in Robison County. Found their Court sitting. Had no other opportunity but to preach in a new open house. I did so. The day was considerably cold. There were but few ventured to attend. I do not know that there was a single Presbyterian present. The professors in this county are chiefly Baptists & Methodists. After Sermon rode 7 or 8 miles to a Mr.McMurry's. Friday, 12th, rode 9 or 10 miles to Squire Walton's but found my appointment for preaching at this place had not circulated (this is about 2 miles from where Mr. Stone lives). I did not preach but rode on 13 miles to Nashville. Lodged at Mr. Grundy's, a member of Congress. Finding Mr. Blackburn would preach in the place the ensuing Sab., I rode on Saturday, 13th, to Judge Stuart's within two miles of Franklin, Williamson County. This town is about 18 miles from Nashville. It was late in the Evening when I arrived, but the Judge was efficient in circulating notice for Sermon the ensuing day. Sab., 14th, preached in the Court House in Franklin. Rode after Sermon three miles to a Mr. Hamilton's. Monday, 15th, returned to Mr. Blackburn, within a mile of Franklin - =============== (10) & then rode 18 miles to Mr. James Lockridge's on my way toward Columbia in Maury County. Tuesday, 16th, rode 5 miles to David Long's. Preached there at the lighting of the candle to a few of his near neighbours. Wednesday, 17th, rode ten miles to Columbia. From there 7 miles across Big Bay to the Rev'd Jas. Stephenson's in Frierson's Settlement. Had given partial notice for preaching on the next day, but Thursday Morning was so inclement that it was thought proper to countermand the appointment. I did not leave this place until Friday Morning, the 19th. I rode 18 miles to a small Society on Big Creek, a water of Elk River in Giles County to which place, together with Pulaski, the seat of justice of s'd county, I had endeavored to forward to each of those places from Columbia but found when I arrived the appointments had failed in reaching each of them. However, had an appointment circulated on Friday Evening & preached on Saturday at Big Spring to a much larger collection of people than I expected. They appeared serious & attentive, but nothing remarkable --. I rode the same Evening 7 or 8 miles into the neighbourhood of some Presbyterians on Robison's Creek. Sab., 21st, rode between ten & eleven miles to - - =============== (11) However, finding my appointment had not reached the place had notice speedily circulated thro the town. The inhabitants of the place were shortly convened. I preached to them pretty lengthily. They appeared to give an apparently more serious attention than is normal for the inhabitants of little towns on the frontiers. Returned ten miles the same Evening & fulfilled an appointment I had left for preaching in the morning. The Evening being wet, there were but few attended, but some of them appeared to hear the Word gladly. The preaching here was in the night. In this part of the country, like most others, there is a considerable diversity, some adhering to the Presbyterians, some to the Baptists, some to the Methodists, & some to the irregular & unauthorized part of the old Cumberland P'b'y. However, there are a few Presbyterian Societies in this part regularly organized & others have it in prospect. Staid Monday at Wm Price's. Tuesday, 23d, rode twenty miles to old Mr. Baldrige's on Slater Creek, a branch of Fountain Creek. Had no opportunity of having people collected for preaching, it being a wet day & night. Wednesday, 24th, rode ten miles to a Mr. Allen Leeper's, living on the S.W. Fork of Rock Creek. It rained exceptionally hard upon me the greatest part of the way. The creek was swimming & no opportunity of passage. I was continuously invited to tarry. I did so. =============== (12) I found myself in the bounds of a regularly organized congregation where Mr. Morrison, a member of W. Tennessee P'b'y, had been preaching as an hireling or supply for eighteen months or more, but was informed there was no prospect of his regular settlement among them. There are two other small congregations in connection with them. There were a few of the neighbours convened. At the lighting of the candle I preached to them. There was a solemn attention given & a few affected. I was informed that the water would be impassable the next day. The people appearing very anxious to hear more preaching, I appointed to preach at the same place the next day, as extensive notice was given as could for the state of the waters. Thursday, 25th, preached to a considerable number of people. It appeared to be a very affecting & refreshing time to many, much the most so that I had witnessed in my missionary tour. A considerable number shed many tears, & a few exclaimed aloud in accents of joy. I understood after the assembly had been adjourned that there were several in conversing among themselves wondering whether there was any probability I would leave my own charges --- Friday, 26th, rode 18 miles to the waters of Spring Creek on the south side of Williamson County, lodged at Wm Legate's. Sat., 27th, rode twenty-seven miles to Jefferson in Rutherford County, crossed Duck River & the W. Fork of Stone's River. Had an appointment made for =============== (13) preaching in Jefferson the ensuing day. Sab., 28th, preached to the inhabitants of the town with some five others. Altho the day was cold, there was a more than usual attendance by the inhabitants of that place & considerable attention given, but nothing further worthy of being particular. Monday, 29th, rode 25 miles to a Mr. Ross's on my way to Shiloh in Sumner County. Tuesday, 30th, crossed the Cumberland River, called at Mr. Hodge's, passed thro Gallatine, & arrived at Henry Neel's, riding this day 18 miles. Had an appointment made for preaching at Neel's the ensuing day. Wednesday, December 1st, preached to 40 or 50 persons. The audience was attentive. When passing thro Nashville I had opportunity of forwarding a few appointments into Kentucky to be fulfilled on my way homeward. The 1st was at a Mrs. Bibs Meeting House about 6 or 7 miles from Russelville, which was on the first day of December, but owing to obstructions by high waters & otherwise, I was unavoidably prevented from being able to reach the place. Of course, was hurried on to reach my next appointments. Thursday, 2d, rode 30 miles to a Mr. Joshua Owings' in Logan County, Kentucky, a part of the country in which there are no Presbyterians. =============== (14) Fri., 3d, rode twelve miles to Sam'l Evans' near Judge Skiles in Warren County. Sat., 4th, rode eight miles to a Widow Reed's near Shaker Town on the waters of Gasper River, but the day being wet, there were very few attended. There are scarcely any Presbyterians in this neighbourhood, no Shakers present, I preached on a subject directly opposed to a part of their scheme. Sab., 5th, preached at Judge Skiles's to a numerous but mixed multitude. There was a decent & close attention given. A few gave evidence of their feeling themselves interested in the subject. From a few having expressed a desire they could have preaching in the Evening, I appointed to preach at Mr. Abner Evans', who lived in sight of Skiles, at the lighting of the candle. I did so. There were not very many present, owing probably to the appointment being made somewhat dubiously, together with its being in the Night & the roads being in a slushy state. Out of the few present there were some affected. I likewise appointed to preach in Boling Green on Monday Evening at the lighting of the candle. It was thought the most proper time, as it was their court day. Mon., 6th, rode between 4 & 5 miles to Boling Green. The streets being in a very muddy state, there were but very few females present, the principal part of the audience Lawyers, Storekeepers, & Mechanics, men as I supposed of corrupt minds. I preached and had unexpectedly a decent & marked attention. Tuesday, 7th, rode fifteen miles to Sq'r Wallace's at Pilatin Knob. Wednesday, 8th, preached at Do., the day being wet & there being no Presbyterians in the neighbourhood. =============== (15) (first line partly covered up)..Wallace's. There were but few present, however I preached. There was an interested attention given. Some affected. After Sermon rode eight miles to a Mr. Gatewood's, living on the Lexington road from Bowling Green. Thursday, 9th, rode thirty-five miles to my Brother's at Green Town in Green County. There tarried until Saturday morning. Rode that day twenty-six miles to Mrs. McElroy's in Hardin County congregation, where I found Mr. Hall had an appointment for the next day. Sab., 12th, preached to a considerable assembly that appeared serious & attentive. Rode after Sermon eight miles to a Mr. Cunningham's. Monday, 13th, rode twenty-two miles to Harrodsburg where I had intended to have preached that night, but the Evening being very cold & with no moon light, it was thought there could be but very few collected. I declined therefore making the attempt. Tuesday, 14th, rode 28 or 30 miles to Lexington. As the ordinary time of preaching in this place, exclusive of the Lord's Day, is on Wednesday night, I made no attempt at preaching. Wednesday - rode home, being 36 miles, & thro the tender mercy of God, found my family in health after an absence of sixty-six days. =============== ***************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *****************************************************************