[Second missionary tour of Rev. Joseph P. Howe./ww] Tuesday, the 20th of Sept(embe)r 1814, I set out to fulfill a month of a missionary tour assigned me by the gen(era)l assembly of our Church last May. Rode 25 miles to a Mr. McChord's on the waters of Muddy Creek, Madison County, south side of Kentucky River, had an appointment made & on Wed., 21st, preached to a small assembly of chiefly of the Presbyterian persuasion. There was a decent & solemn attention given. After Sermon baptized 4 children. Rode this Evening 18 miles to Colo. Barnett's on my way to Paint Lick. Thurs, 22d, rode 8 miles to Paint Lick Church, a vacancy in our connection, in Garrard County. The morning being wet, but few attended. I preached & I trust not unprofitably. I appointed the administration of the sacrament of the Supper to be at this place on the 2d Sat. of October. Lodged this Evening at Mr. Jas. Henderson's, one mile from the Meeting House. Fri., 23d, rode 7 or 8 miles to Lancaster, the seat of justice of this county. For want of general notice, it being the time of Court, but few attended. I preached in the Seminary. There was a decent & respectful attention given. There is no church regularly organized in this place, but a prospect that there will be. There are a few friends to Presbyterianism in & around this place. They have instituted.. =============== (2) (top line is partly covered).... about a thousand Dollars for building a Meeting House. I left an appointment for preaching at this place on Friday, the 14th of October. Rode to Mr. Jno Lapsey's - Sat., 24th, rode 9 or 10 miles to Buffalow Springs, Lincoln County, near Stanford. Preached to a considerable congregation. An interested attention was given by a goodly number - having in prospect the administration of the Supper on the ensuing day. Sab., 25th, I delivered a discourse appropriate to the occasion, to which there appeared in general a decent, solemn & in some instances an affectionate attention given, after which (Mr. Finley being present) he introduced the Ordinance & served the first table, I the second, & afterward giving a short address closed the solemnities of the Evening. Lodged this Evening with Mr. Finley about 5 miles from the Meeting House. Mon., 26th, rode 10 or 11 miles to Mr. Jas. McGill's on my way to Pulaski County & had appointments forwarded. Tues., 27th, rode 11 miles & preached at a Mr. Beatie's in Pulaski County. The notice being short, the audience was but small. There are but few Presbyterians in this place. There was respectful attention given in the general & a few affected. Lodged there this night. Wed., 28th, rode 9 miles to Somersett. Preached to a considerable number of people. The audience was attentive, =============== (3) but nothing remarkable appeared. Here the majority of professors are Baptists. There area a few Presbyterian families in & around the place. After Sermon rode 10 miles escorted by Colo. Newell to his house, who had attended Sermon partly for this purpose, where I had forwarded an appointment for preaching the ensuing day. Thurs., 29th, preached at Colo. Newell's in Wayne County. The audience but small owing in a manner, as I was informed, to the shortness of the warning & previous arrangements of a domestic nature. The people were attentive, but nothing remarkable appeared. There are but very few Presbyterians in this neighbourhood. Tarried this night also at this house. Fri., 30th, rode 10 miles to Galston's Meeting House, which belongs to the Baptist Society, but found when I arrived that either for want of disposition or opportunity the appointment had not circulated. Of course, did not preach, but being informed that a monthly meeting of the Baptists would be at that place on the ensuing day, I went to Mr. Simpson's, a Presbyterian, about two miles from the place, & lodged that night. Returned the next day &, being pressingly, tho politely, invited by the stated preachers of the Church, I preached.. =============== (4) to a considerable audience, & in general, close attention, yet nothing appeared worthy of remark, unless it was the friendly respect there was paid to me. I did not learn there was more than one Presbyterian family present. Returned to Mr. Simpson's this Evening. Sab., October 2d, rode 5 miles to Monticello, the county town of Wayne. Preached to about 60 or 70 people, but owing to the said monthly meeting of the Baptists at Galston about 5 miles from this place, together with knowledge of the appointment not having sufficiently circulated, were the reasons suggested why the audience was not larger. There were but very few of Presbyterian sentiment present. There was general attention, but perhaps in no instance more than ordinary evidence by any of them feeling themselves interested in the subject discussed. Left an appointment this place for the administration of the Sacrament of the Supper on the ensuing Sabbath. Rode 10 miles to a Mr. Jno Duffey's. Mon., 3d, preached at a F. Turner's about a mile from this place, on the leading road from Monticello to Stockton's Valley in Cumberland County. The audience was small but serious attention appeared. Lodged this night also at Duffey's. =============== (5) Tues., 4th, rode ten miles to a Mr. Poage's in Stockton's Valley, Cumberland County. There was here a respectful & in some instances an interested attention given. Appointed preaching again at this place the ensuing Friday. Tarried here until Thursday morning - then rode 9 miles to a Misses Campbell's, whose husband deceased last Spring, & preached to about 70 or 80 persons. They were attentive & some apparently solemn. Mr. Wm Hall arrived during Sermon & preached after I had done. Tarried here this night. Fri., 7th, we rode 9 miles to Mr. Poage's & both preached to about 40 persons. They were generally attentive & some affected. After Sermon I baptized a child for a Widow [Howel?]. We then rode 10 or 12 miles to a Mr. Duffey's on our way to Monticello, where I had appointed the administration of the Sacrament. Sat., 8th, I preached to a considerable assembly of people on a subject appropriate to the occasion. Mr. Hall introduced the Ordinance & administered at one table & I at a second. There were about 20 or 30 communicants. There was in general a solemn & in some instances affection. I noticed that there were a few Methodists communed. There are but few Presbyterians in this part of the country. The professors are chiefly Baptists, & they chiefly of the Separate & Socinian(?) Party. ============= (6) [top line partly covered] Mr. Hall preached & supported the Divinity of Xt [Christ] & baptized 2 infants & evinced at considerable length his right of doing so. I had intended an address on the relative duties of religion, but the day being considerably elapsed & having a considerable (10 miles) distance to ride this Evening, I found it impracticable, therefore declined. I received at this place $2.87-1/2. Rode 15 miles to Colo. Newell's. Tues., 11th, at Colo. Newell's, preached to about 25 or 30 persons. There was a decent & solemn attention given. I baptized an infant for Mr. Evans & daughter of Colo. Newell's. I then rode 8 or 9 miles to a Mr. Jones's in Pulaski County & preached at the lighting of the candle to about 40 persons. There was a very close & in some instances an apparently interested attention given. Wed., 12th, rode 5 miles to Somersett & preached to a considerable audience. There was a decent & respectful attention given. I afterward baptized 3 children for a Mr. Palmer. I have received a compliment of $2.25. After Sermon I rode 9 miles to Mr. Beatie's & preached to between 40 & 50 persons. There was a general solemnity & a few affected. Lodged here. =============== (7) Thurs., 13th, rode 11 miles to Mr. McGill's & preached to a small audience of about 30 persons. They were attentive but nothing notable appeared. After Sermon rode 10 miles to Mr. Findley's. Fri., 14th, rode 14 or 15 miles to Lancaster in Garrard County & preached to about an 100 persons. There was a decent & very close attention given. After Sermon rode 7 miles to Mr. Jas. Henderson's, two miles from Paint Lick Meeting House. Sat., 15th, preached at Paint Lick to a considerable audience. There was a general, solemn, & in some instances an interested attention given. The assembly was then dismissed & chiefly removed to a Mr. Reid's about half a mile from the Meeting House, & Mr. Findley preached a sermon, after which I baptized 5 children for a son of Mr. Reid's, whose wife lately died. There were several considerably affected during the administration of the Ordinance. Sab., 16th, preached to a numerous, attentive & solemn audience previous to the Communion. The Ordinance was filled afterward by the Rev. Sam'l Findley. The table was served 3 times. There were about 70 communicants. It was a solemn & in many =========== (8) instances an affectionate Communion. Mon., 17th, I preached again at the same place to a considerable & very attentive audience. Afterward there was a contribution made, of which I received $7.62-1/2 for the Missionary Fund. Rode this Evening 15 miles to Richmond in Madison County & preached at the lighting of the candle to a few of the inhabitants of the place & its vicinity. I was informed that knowledge of the appointment had very imperfectly circulated. I could not learn that there was a professor in the Village. Tarried here this night. Tues., 18th, rode 10 miles to old Mr. McChord's & preached to a small but very attentive audience. They were chiefly of the Presbyterian persuasion. After Sermon rode 12 miles to Winchester in Clark County & on Wed., 19th, rode home, & thro the good providence of God found my family in Health. ================ MS SH18 H838d 1-2 JOSEPH P. HOWE PAPERS NAMES OF COMMUNICANTS The names of communicants 2nd Communion 1827 John Leeper & his wife Phidellas 2 Mercy McClung 3 James Means & Polly his wife 5 Edwin A. Means & Sarah his wife 7 James Kerr & Jane H. his wife 9 William C. Posey & Sarah his wife 11 W. G. Taylor 12 Eno. Chandler 13 Thomas White 14 --------added in 1828-------- Emeline Chandler 15 Charlott Taylor 16 Alford Carpenter & Sarah his wife 18 Rob't Gillerland & Nancy his wife 20 Ruth Barton 21 Frances Ell...(?) 22 Mary Dansmon 23 Benj'n Workman 24 Margaret White 25 Alexander Robinson & Elizabeth his wife 27 Jacob Lorance 28 Polly Tilford 29 Isabella Henry 30 Margaret Workman 31 Margaret Blair 32 Sarah Blair 33 Eliot Stephenson 34 Eliza Jane Stephenson 35 Bedford Brown 36 Caroline A.Brown 37 John Lexinaggin (?) 38 --------added in 1829-------- Mary B. Hardy 39 Thomas Prenter & Nancy his wife 41 David Prenter 42 Margaret Prenter 43 Alvin M. Dixon 44 William Stephenson & his wife 46 ***************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. 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